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post anything related to law enforcement and cops. traffic stops, bodycam/dashcam footage, chases, arrests, whatever. doesn't have to be from america
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>meanwhile in britain
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Ngl the one in the front has a nice dumpy I wanna see his dirty cock in her
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this one's much better with sound
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One, two, three
I'm your boogie man, that's what I am
I'm here to do whatever I can
Be it early morning, late afternoon
Or at midnight, it's never too soon
To want to please you, to want to keep you
To want to do it all, all for you
I want to be your, be your rubber ball
I want to be the one, you love most of all, oh yeah
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/b/ tard
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lol, erm, a true samurai death?
>actually gets on the ground
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Full video: https://youtu.be/rH6bsr61vrw
There was an uncensored version of this on liveleak or something years ago, someone should post that.
They straight up executed this guy. People reported that he was walking around with a gun and the one shown in the vid was a pellet gun he used for his pest control business.

The cop who shot him was rehired and gi en a disability pension for his work. Fucking disgusting
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based schizo
>I want you to shoot me.
At least he was polite
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Unarmed Black person gets shot:
>wow fukkn crimnal deserved it!!!!
Armed white Psychopath gets shot:
>this was an illegal EXECUTION!!!
Bro tf you on? he was unarmed when he went out into the hallway. If he wasn’t following instructions or was armed I can understand but they were easily in the wrong here
for me it's not Daniel Shaver but the Wichita swatting victim. that guy did truly nothing to deserve it, he wasn't even drunk. some retard just decided to swat that address and that's it
Land of the free uh
How much worse do you think this retard’s sentence is after this stunt?
land of the armed thugs who refuse to negotiate just a phone call away when someone is having a bad day.
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Lmao. I did some reading and this retard was originally pleading not guilty to a battery charge and the judge was gonna give him 4 years but now he’s on trial for attempted murder which can carry a maximum of 20 years in Nevada plus an extra 20 years because the victim was over 60.

This guy turned a 4 year sentence into a potential 44 years sentence, truly peak nigger behaviour.

Bullshit listen to what the officer said. he crawled to him, when they searched him they didn’t find a firearm on him, the pellet gun they found was in his room.

Why do you like the taste of boot so much anon?
>he crawled to him
And reached for his pocket
>when they searched him they didn’t find a firearm on him
Didn't say he was armed 24/7 and you dont have to be, if they think you might be armed then how are they gonna know?
>Why do you like the taste of boot so much anon?
Pinky says what?
Nobody cares mister <2.1 birth rate
liveleak was bought out and shut down during covid. too much leak.
That must be why you brought it up, because you don't care
You're the one who brought up floyd and blake lmaoooo do you have as many brain cells as you do bitches?
Actually he reached for his shorts which he said he was doing as they were falling down
the police didnt just show up, they were called to deal with a drunk getting aggressive with everybody, aka dude deserved those bullets.
hero cop. anyone who's told to keep their hands up that many times and still reaches down deserves to go night-night. idgaf if hes white he was obviously defective
nobody likes a faggot faggot
i think he knew jail was going to fuck him whether it was 4 or 44 years and just decided fuckit and taught the femoid a lesson in front of all her peers and supposed security people. he might be in prison and deserve it but that judge won't be quite so quick to be a sadist next time a similar case comes along.

both got what they needed
youre a faggot
>if the cops think you're armed then you must be

youre a faggot too
take the boot out your mouth for 5 seconds
youre not supposed to deep throat the Boot
Post more cops getting shot
like this one
She did a little sumbersault
cops like that scare you and that makes me happy.
i hope so. learn to live with a little chaos, retard. it's fun.
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So it WASN'T cancer that killed Paul Harrell...
>Wichita swatting victim
Guy shouldn't have been playing Call of Duty, CoD is for faggot noobs, he deserved it
Goddammit women are fucking useless
its bait, dont give the faggot attention
I thought the funniest part was when the dyke who gets off on incarcerating males got pummeled.

All they had to do was tell him to lay down and place his hands over his head.

I wonder in cases like this is the families of these people ever get even with the cop?
someone should shoot the fucking idiots that add music to these.
100%. Tons died right after getting the vax, and sheep still got inside the slaughterhouses like the stupid morons they are.
coward cops, simple as
His only mistake was not having a high powered weapon to blast the face of that pig, blast his legs and arms, and then torture that mofo.
>It's the victim's fault for playing a popular video game I don't like
You have to be 18 to post here you know
maybe the white guy shouldn´t have reached for his gun
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Butch Cassidy reenactment
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Bro solid snaked 14 pigs
It was a toy
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Like a 10 pound dog

black guy here, and that asshole was a worthless coward and so are you stupid neonazi cunt, and you faggots had your chance to start a race war with the summer of floyd, but failed, and it looks like the usa is not racist after all. Trump 2024
>black guy here
A dog loose around the police, bad idea
Did you see how fucking small it was? Might have well been a hamster
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so, it's an animal, they can be unpredictable, retard
Cop was still a pussy
Americans value their "pride" more than their lives, they refuse to follow simple instructions to get the satisfaction of saying "I defied the police". They forget that if they are dead it doesn't really matter.

fucking junkie whore was out of her mind, you stupid cunt
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Such a bunch of heroic people I can see why those cops invad or uvula Texas or a bunch of cowardly fuck bags
useless bitch
Nigga is literally wearing rollers blades
The problem with police in the states is they are so woefully trained and it's such an old boy's Network that every problem looks like it needs a bullet in it. I testified that the Seattle inquiry into that cop who shot a native Indian man he went from just talking to people on the street and then about 14 seconds later has shot him twice. Cop walked away without any consequences you got let go but was later employed but a city of Auburn until I started informing citizens what are you done and they fired him too.

I made sure that cop knew who it was that sent those letters to the city council and to Native activist group so they knew he was there and got rid of them on the first pretext. Now the guy is atomic waste and nobody wants him around last I heard he was doing security work for construction sites and isn't allowed to carry a firearm
esl retard moment
That's how the police usually operate at G20 summits. The systematically violate the protesters rights then it's a whole bunch of back and forth nobody has held accountable and the protesters get a cash settlement to go away
Killing Niggers and Homeless is what cops should do! Rape should also be legal if they are niggers or are homeless, even if they are children! Anyone who does not accept Jesus should be whipped and raped!! Sieg Trump
This one is a fever dream?
Wasn't she having a baby?
ALL homeless people are like this, all are methods and should be shot dead.
Holy shit. She in on it?
nice booty
Good boy did not want to go to jail over a warrant, he did the right thing to flee the oppressor

Why always these same shit webms, case closed faggot
Honest to Gahd.

This is why Canada has gun laws over nut jobs like this f*** with three working brain cells and a speech impediment being able to get them out of a 7-Eleven just about
Nah. You just live in a shithole.

I know homeless that got blown up in Iraq, scammed by the VA, then tossed on the street. I know a dude that can't walk straight. He can't remember one day to the next. Brain shrapnel.
He gets 10% from the VA.

You get that for pulling your neck once.

That said, yeah a fuck load of homeless are druggies.
And they should all die, everyone of them worthless waste of air.
Guys why? That's got to be the stupidest f****** question I've ever heard and I've listened to most of Donald Trump's stupid s***.
Trump sounds like a guy who Wally talks big has never been solidly punched in the face once in his life. He's all about getting other people to do his dirty work for him where he is lawyers is Russian handlers, with a poor fools that invaded the capital on January 6th. They all pay except for him. He just gets lawyers and handlers to cover s*** up, and I don't feel sorry for one of those poor fools who went to jail for him some of them were sold it'll be for the rest of their lives and they'll die in jail and they deserve it. That's what you get for being stupid
Shut up cunt

Alll USA vets get the following:
>Disability compensation
>Home loans
>Housing assistance
>Veteran Readiness and Employment
>Education benefits
>Other benefits
>VA pension
>Aid and attendance or housebound allowance
>Burial benefits
>Counseling and support
>Employment Services
>Family caregivers
>Veterans health
>Military Flag Burial
and for their relatives....
>Dependents & survivors
>GI Bill educational benefits
>Military Tuition Assistance
>Small businesses and business loans
>VA home loan
In Russia, vets freeze and die during winter, for free.
F****** pitbull of some kind not every big one but still dangerous as f***. I'd air that one out with a side of cold buckshot
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>went to jail for him

No one in the administration told them to trespass the capital building, and yet a few broke in and others followed, their choice, also not much resistance once inside the capital.
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Shut up about things you don't know about faggot. I had 3 friends that merked them
You've got to be kidding KEK
I see the best and brightest are still here from Trump
More hearsay and not personal experience, umm kys stupid faggot

Uvalde 2022, Biden's America. Another, esl RETARD moment
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Again end yourself you pig loveing foggot
This is NOT an argument, you stupid faggot.

Also, your webm, suicidal man rescued by these officers. And the suicidal man successfully attempted it again a few months later AFTER this video. He should have been slapped harder
If this had audio, the guy on the gurney demanded of the officer to slap him, officer agreed
Love this one
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Correct assessment

What a cunt
I love that Wilhelm scream he gives
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this is the first reason why i would not want to live in america lul

America is a geographic land mass, NORTH, CENTRAL and SOUTH, you stupid POOR foreign bastard
oh.. i didn't know..
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Yes I hate delivery fees
if all cops weren't such pussies and could actually handle a conflict without shooting someone we'd all be a lot better off.. how about a little mma training or some nonlethal options lol
americans be like
>we're the land of the free because muh guns
>human rights are violated for protesting
I hate pigs almost as much as I hate shitskins, but if you run you deserve to get shot
Any news article
Lot of pig lovers in this thread
When people say "America" they usually mean it to say "The United States of America" probably because there is not a lot else in this hemisphere that matters a lot.
Based if true, fuck pigs... To protect and serve? hah thats a fucking joke

> Dude gets killed on camera.
> Still censoring the swear words.

I mean, on public TV I can understand, but for something where people are actually dying it just feels silly.
kekd audibly


Former t*ump supporter here. I was with him up until two weeks ago, but after I saw the grassroots groundswell of organic enthusiasm for the Harris campaign, my choice became clear. Lil donnie is too pale, male, and stale for where our country is headed. We aren't going back, and once I realized this I became #CoconutsForKamala!
He was a piece of shit but call it like it is, dude wasn't a coward. He went to fucking war and killed 14 armed men. Up close and personal. The dude was a fucking warrior.
>killed 14


He MURDERED 5 officers (4 vets)....
That part where he turns his gun to the side always cracks me up! It's like he's thinking "do I even need this?"
>cops crowd together
>random cops move in
>dog ignoring the perp and going straight for the cop
kek fucking larpers
He was pulling his pants up because of the dumb instructions
Stopping on railroad tracks is always such a good idea
Ah, the old slap some sense into him trope
absolutely obsessed
and you sound retarded, nigger
I hate wild dogs but holy shit that pig needs to get turned into swiss cheese.
out of shape cop gets out-run by a crack smoking shithead who has never been to a gym in his life.
30% by 2030.. i bet your local PD is shooting for this goal too. 30% of women officers by year 2030
you're smart bro, you should be training them, you sound like you have lots of experience behind the keyboard. so make the fight fair right? great idea neckbeard. go take your meds and finish your nuggies
Real piece of shit.
Seems like the better option would have been to try and smear the cop with his car, but what do I know i suck horse dick
Y’all can call him a nigger all you want but the fact that she derived pleasure from issuing a sentence is abuse of power. She’s a fucking cunt and I’m glad she got attacked. Ladies: don’t be fucking cunts if you want equality. Not professional. Idiot judge. “Taste of something else” with a shit eating smirk on her smug bitch face. What a CUNT!

Ya he’s an institutionalized nigger but there still needs to be respect in a god damn court of law.

>it was still an incited riot.

post link to the charge of incited riot
hey c'mon man why you gotta be like that? You know damn well you like nuggies just as much as I do..
why do they always cross their legs like that when they get shot up?
These cops got convicted and the woman they arrested and put in the car got a huge settlement.
Bad ass more like it
If people deserved to go to jail for being stupid, you would be serving multiple life sentences without the possibility for parole.
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Fuck all pigs
pfft youre not virtuous just jealous.
>Lot of pig lovers in this thread

Why I can't stand reading threads like this. All the limp dick cop sucking faggots make me want to vomit.
lol pigs are just dumb animals begging for value and they will shoot at whatever they're given the chance to. including white little you. especially now.
i miss when you had the ability to do more than wish
>Y’all can call him a nigger all you want but the fact that she derived pleasure from issuing a sentence is abuse of power. She’s a fucking cunt and I’m glad she got attacked. Ladies: don’t be fucking cunts if you want equality. Not professional. Idiot judge. “Taste of something else” with a shit eating smirk on her smug bitch face. What a CUNT!
>Ya he’s an institutionalized nigger but there still needs to be respect in a god damn court of law.

100% correct.

If more judges were afraid of being dragged from the bench and hung from the nearest lamp post, there would be a lot more justice in this country.

"You're welcome" lmfao mega cunt.
>i miss when you had the ability to do more than wish

? What kind of meds are you on, loser? Maybe take a break....
The last Samurai
>for two days this white nigger was reported brandishing firearms, acting like he was on drugs, gunshots heard, children staying at the hotel questioned and answer even they saw the suspect with a gun in the hotel
>that makes multiple different guests, outside bystanders, and hotel workers all complaining the suspect has firearms and discharging them around families
>1+7-5/3x4 = ???
>this suspect might be armed???
>a pregnant woman high on drugs is able to perform the task
>suspect reaches his hands behind his back
>bro he was unarmed bro please bro just trust me bro i mean just trust him please bro please he definitely doesn't have a criminal record bro please he didn't ever even hit his girlfriend and have the cops called over it bro please he didn't get complaints from multiple families bro he didn't even get complaints from the hotel staff bro please just trust him bro all the niggers that shoot cops in a fraction of a second for relaxing bro you can forget all those times bro please just this one time leave your guard down and trust him not to be armed and reaching for a weapon bro PLEASE
Fucking Twisted Metal baby. Hell yeah.
>some faggot thinks he's safe because he's got teammates and he's under tower
Yeah, worth every time.
>but why tho?
nah we're better off without this guy
this shit legitimately gave me a headache through my speakers, wtf
Black fellow in the camo had just robbed a convenience store, and the cop was trying to stop him because he fit the description. The cop actually survived (he was hit in the neck) and happened to run over to his aunts house. Theres a longer video of it
if the guy wasn't drunk and didn't attack a fucking cop then maybe he wouldn't get shot, idk. I have almost 0 sympathy for the kind of people who can't help but escalate with cops. stay sober kids
I hate israel and their conquest on the west as much as other anons but blocking a bridge in the US for a ceasefire in some shitty desert is peak retardation. theres 0 chance a lawful protest involves blocking traffic on a bridge. emergency services and people commuting to work can't just go around
because of nerve gas released by brain right before u die
Where was this from?
that's a female brain so it's survival of the fittest
Kek the dog watching casually at first at 0:13.
No. No, they don't.
Some get a few of those. Not a single US veteran receives all of those.
I challenge you to find one. Just one name that can be verified.
"Me" won't cut it because I already know you're full of shit.

Congratulations, you found a full list of all of the potential benefits a US veteran can receive. "Potential" is the key word here.
The fact that you think they all receive all of them, even by any reasonable standard, tells me you just did a hasty google search, didn't actually fucking read the results, didn't perform any follow-up research to ensure the list you found is not only accurate but current, or that it is representative of the reality of what US veterans actually receive.
You've fallen for the laziest confirmation bias.
You've proven you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and there is no point to any further discussion with you.
Go outside. Meet people; face to face. Talk to them. Just, seriously, leave your house and go talk to a human in person.
this one is pretty egregious, zero indication he's armed
In 1993 The ATF and FBI decided to burn a bunch of Women and Children alive. This was them before setting the fire.
Crime committed while protesting is still crime.
Obstructing traffic is a criminal offense.

In the wise words of Jim Carrey's character, from the movie "Liar Liar",
"Stop breaking the law, asshole!"
the davidian cult siege in waco? that's one way to spin it yeah
So, you made a conscious decision to change your political affiliation and support based entirely on immutable factors that have absolutely no bearing on a person's ability to lead a nation.

Yeah, you're in the right party now.
American cops have to be the dumbest, the most cowardly and the least ethical people on the planet. They're the modern day gestapo.
It's not spin, it's what Janet Reno and the DOJ decided to do. David Kuresh went every friday to the post office in town, they could've executed a stop instead of storming the compound and burning everyone alive.
>burning everyone alive

Post official citation
Lol you're right it never happened, what really happened is the FBI came in and hugged everyone. The footage was just made up by AI and is deep fake.
Actually the real redpill is there was no waco, there isn't even a texas
are you in the US? most cops are normal people, and 95% of the webms in this thread are retards escalating into violent confrontation or literally reaching for a weapon. you ever do IWB holster drills? you can go from neutral posture to firing a round in under a second, even if the firearm is concealed. it's why they shoot the second they get a whiff of you reaching for a weapon. don't be a retard and you live, simple as.
Found the back blue retard, cops are not normal people. Normal people don't consider non cops to be cockroaches, most normal people aren't trained by the IDF to hate their fellow Americans, most normal people don't get their own flag to operate and live under.
>you're right it never happened, what really happened is the FBI came in and hugged

Hmm, thought it was the ATF. Hmmmm, maybe a link to the official citation is needed, and not your schizo rambling
>schizo pedo loser

Which statement was untrue?
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I don't agree with your opinion, also your webm is of a police chase of a DUI suspect driving drunk, no headlights on, collides and kills the passenger (wife). I forgive the officer for shooting the drunk asshole.
>Found the back blue
>Which statement was untrue

esl ape, post citation of those 'statements'
Stand on the sidewalk and hold your signs and petition papers.

The second you accost a member of the public with threats or unlawful detention I don't care how many teeth the cops make you swallow.
just because this time the guy was in the wrong doesn't mean the cop isn't a fucking retard that just murdered someone for climbing out of a car wreck
Shut the fuck up troon. I would say wake up but you're too far gone so why dont you just shut the fuck up and kys.
Oh no I forgot the The woah is fucking me. heres your source your reddit tier faggot.Next time learn to use google you dumb bootlicking fuck.


Do I need to post the thin blue line flag?
The only person that was 'murdered' in that moment was the driver's wife. Eh, go read and learn esl idiot
Shut the FUCK UP. It would take less than twenty seconds to find a based channel on YouTube that explains what happened in great detail. Maybe even less than 10 seconds you fucking troon.
thanks for context
if you think there is some conspiracy of "cops vs the world" you should just go talk to the cops at ANY local precinct and get a clue. Boston and NY are fucked because they're just one massive Kibbutz so maybe focus your energies on that problem instead
>bootlicking fuck
Calm down cockroach, also this is 'hearsay' what 'they' heard. No proof. And why are their faces censored?
That sandiego article is an 'opinion' piece, lmao
1. He was only paralysed.
2. He was running and wrecked, he was not shot "for getting out of a car wreck".

I agree that the cop was in the wrong, but I can't help but revel in the karmic justice of at least one person who drank, and then fled police in a vehicle, getting what they fucking deserve. The fucking CRETIN killed his wife. Obviously the cop didn't know that in the moment, but the cop's poor judgement accidentally produced a good outcome.

Fleeing is one of the most fucking scummy things to do, and it should be charged as a 2nd degree felony, 1st for any reckless actions during the chase.
Well, you claimed the FBI, so
It's not that uncommon. When you're running from the cops your brain processes it the same way as running from a crazed negro with a knife or a fucking bear.
Here is even more


I understand your wife's boyfriend is cop but you should face reality on what side the cops are actually on.
God damn are you fucking retard the opinion is the practice should end not the fact they're trained there.
Communists aren't people and Rodney King deserved it.
Seeing both a judge and n*gger get fucked up on camera makes this video legendary (I censored that word so mods can't ban me now).
Officer have you heard of Jordon V New London? Because your IQ is showing.
This youtube video is of New Jersey, your news link 'statesman' took place in Austin Texas, get it together cockroach
LOL poor little piggy can't follow along, the whole point is how you dumb fucks view the public.

As stated above Jordon V New London,CT you'll learn something about yourself
Cop played to much Simon says on the CS Jail servers.

You pointed out the hypocrisy of most people. reminds me of Jan 6th when the same people I work with who say protesters should be shot dead for rioting/protesting on gov property. But when the air force bitch gets shot in the head for just that they flip their shit saying it was unjustified.
>the whole point

yes, more schizo ramblings from (you)
Ok bro, I know you're feelings are hurt. I'll let it go now, don't beat your wife because you're mad, she doesn't deserve it.
This officer needs more sensitivity training

webm rel should be the norm
>As stated above Jordon V

Maybe you didn't know this, but that name you keep mentioning, he actually LOST the case and affirmative action had no bearing, kek, fuck off now retard.
>touch a kid
>get a light sentence, told to wear a tag, no guns
>get out, ditch the tag, get a gun
>rape a kid
>hang around the area the court said not to go in
>get pulled by the same local police who have always known your face
>"no dude it's not me"
>shoot cop
>get shot
>"ah, why u shoot me?"
This behavior is enabled by decades of lawsuits and sentencing revisions, even the chomos are cocky.

I'm glad that Florida will start frying these scumbags.
File: War Vet 360P.webm (2.97 MB, 720x480)
2.97 MB
2.97 MB WEBM
>I challenge you to find one. Just one name that can be verified

It's what they choose to sign up for, each benefit is listed on the official website which has been updated since January 2024 https://benefits.va.gov/BENEFITS/Benefits_Summary_Materials.asp

a junkie vet will DISREGARD all of the above, and yet it is there for their lifetime if they so choose to obtain
Those boots must taste pretty good huh faggot.
Even a 10 pound dog can bite you, they can have gross ass mouths that can give you diseases. Owner shouldn't have had the rat dog out without a leash
The freedom of the United States is based that no man can voluntarily sell or relinquish his own safety or freedom, & that it may only be relinquished by acts of violence.

With your doteladge, will you end up strapped to a gurney and pumped with drugs by complete strangers, or will you be left to deal with the concrete & filth gnawing at your skin?
How many days do you go without brushing your teeth after licking so much boots? I bet at least a week.
Basically, she got a pussy pass. The cop is Amy Kielb. The two men are Jonathan Teelin and Felix Teelin. They put Kielb on "modified duty'. Whatever the fuck that means.

She was an 11-year veteran Sergent at the time. This was 2022.
If I remember correctly, the judge gave him the same sentence that she was going to give him before he jumped the bench.

However, I think he is on trial again for jumping the bench. I don't know what the charges are, but he definitely didn't do himself any favors.
>stay with me
Faggot was too quick on the trigger and now he doesn't want to catch a homocide charge, hope him being a cop gets slipped when he goes to lockup
Literally, worse than the holocaust. kek.
>Prosecutors announced they will not charge Officer Patrick Feaster
>His wife was ejected from the window and died at the scene
>one shot, hitting Thomas in the neck as he attempted to get out
>"I've got an unresponsive female, I've got a male in the car refusing to get out,"
>facing vehicular manslaughter charges in his wife's death and may be paralyzed from the waist down
> "did not intentionally fire his pistol" and that "he was in shock at the scene and not certain his weapon had actually discharged."
>no explanation for why it took Feaster 11 minutes to report that he had fired his gun

not intentional? he walked up with his hand on his pistol, saw the kid getting out, clearly since he was climbing with both hands he didn't have any weapons, he drew, fired, and then re-holstered his weapon just like he was trained. nothing about the shooting was an accident. the cop was angry and punishing the driver.

the guys still an idiot for driving drunk and getting his wife killed. that cop went Dredd on him though.
The point of this video is not to demonstrate that cops shoot dogs. No shit cops shoot dogs you fuckface faggot.

The point of this video was how quickly, easily, coldly, and without flinching, a cop will pull out a gun and end a life, then continue to go about their day as normal.

This person will then attempt to restrain you.
If I were a nurse on that unit, they would be waking up in the psych ward on a 5150 with an asscheek full of haldol and a chart starting with "john doe presented to emergency department with delusions of being a police officer..."
this would be an effective way to keep homeless people out.
>if the guy wasn't drunk and didn't attack a fucking cop then maybe he wouldn't get shot, idk.
Agreed. I fucking hate pigs, but being an asshole that continues to try fronting after the cops were called by others *FOR YOU BEING A VIOLENT DRUNK* then yeah, no sympathy when you get ventilated
It's not even about the cop anymore, it could've just been another random civilian who shot him, the drunk was just as bad if not worse than the pigs.

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