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Met up with a girl today. Gave me a bareback blowjob, has an IUD, but she made me wear a condom when we fucked out of concern for STD's?? Dunno if I'm being stupid, but I swear like all of them can be transmitted orally.
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You're being kinda stupid.

I caught the chlam from getting a BJ by a girl i met on Bumble.

Shit sucked and my cum was yellow for 2 weeks. Balls swollen, burning when pissing.

Girl was a 9/10 too, fucking hoes i swear to god.
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ok apparently I only have tranny porn left on this thing
no senpai, i've been worried too much about oral sex, and it's the most improbable way to transmit an STD, if you're a man is less probable always the taker is the riskier, the most worried i've been was with a girl that afterwards told me she had herpes, but i was alright
Damn. That sucks. Sorry bro.

I'll be more careful. Thanks.
Second that anon. Chlam is ironically the least worst thing you can get. Don't stick your dick in her bareback without both of you getting tested. Ideally no oral without protection either.
You must have waited before getting it checked.
Always get checked the next day after risky sex. If you caught something, it can be treated then and there with minimal inconvenience. A shot in the arm and a 2 week waiting period.
Nah man, for most of them you need to wait like a week or 2 before they'd even be detectable on an STD test.
girls who would fuck you on first meeting who you meet on dating apps probably have fucked other people they met on dating apps.

Always operate under the assumption that you are not the other person's only person ever and take precautions. Don't be stupid
Dude for girls they can get pelvic inflammatory disease for most stds they get vaginally, which can cause infertility. Or they can get hpv on their cervix and get cancer.

We need to teach sex education because motherfuckers are clueless out there
Not real cum.
Hate to break it to you, but a lot of dudes spurt like that, even myself. It takes like 3-4 days of holding it in, so stop jacking off every day.
>gave me a bareback* bj
Do people really wear condoms for a bj?
yep, go 3-7 days without PMO, and you'll shoot ropes next time you bang.
Prostitutes refer to blowjobs being bareback.
He saw a prostitute, or is used to seeing prostitutes.
girl im into has genital herpes. im clean.
is it worth the risk or catching for life or should i just get over her and move on.
If you can get prescribed flomax, you'll blast a hole through the fucking wall with your shot.
I see.
Cheers for explaining, anon.

the important question is does she have genital herpes (HSV-2) or does she have oral herpes (HSV-1) in the genital region.

If the latter, go get tested to see if you already have oral HSV-1. Most likely you do, 80% of people have it, you can get it from kissing. If so, the chances of her genital HSV-1 infection passing on to you is nearly nil.

If she has HSV-2 that's a different ballgame.

Source: Wife and I both get cold sores very rarely, which means we both have oral HSV-1. Despite years of fucking and sucking on each other, we've never had any issues on our genitals
hmm i'm not sure which, but the way she talks about it makes it seem like it's HSV-2 and more rare but can't say for sure. i'll bring it up. thanks for your input anon.
Out of that scene now, but yeah I've kept the terminology.
You almost cannot catch HIV from bareback blowjobs.
I noticed all my town's prostitute do the following:
1. Never bareback vaginal sex
2. Bareback blowjob is okay
3. You can cum in their mouth
4. But they never, ever drink cum
The fuck is the chlam?
Chlamydia. Fucking retard.
hahaha you have some shit now. get fucked.
I got ecoli from eating a hooker turd.. never again..
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A lot of them can but some of the big bad ones like hiv and hepatitis are very difficult to pass through oral sex so a lot people don’t bother with condoms for Bjs

But it isn’t 100% so if you want to be for sure safe wrap it up for Bjs too.
>condom for a bj

fucking ridiculous
waht a bunch of faggots ITT
You're not stupid, you have a good idea of how they are transmitted. Some pathogens do die in the mouth or are at concentrations too low to infect you (e.g. HIV), but many survive and remain pathogenic (e.g. Hepatitis)
The only protection against STDs is the condom, and it's a reasonable precaution when there are multiple partners.
wait rephrase that word salad, were you saying the giver or the recipient is at less risk?
I sucked 10 random grindr dicks within 36 hours while I was on a PCP binge and all I got was a sore throat
I've been monogamous since before the twin towers went down. like you wouldn't forget some shit you haven't had to think about for 25 years, if you've even been alive that long.
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So what are we supposed to post in this thread?
Any guy that fucks regularly ought to have some Tetracycline and Clindimycin in your medicine cabinet.

Get your shit together my dudes.

>be me
>meet rando girl on tinder from local college
>go back to her place, bareback because that is just how I roll
>literally fuck the piss out of this girl ("squirting" my ass)
>she blows me on the couch before I head on home
>next day get some generalized burning in my nutsack, try to ignore it
>day after that, I know something is up, pain is more acute
>pop a Clindimycin
>next day, pop another one because pain is going away
>by day 3, no more pain
Not sure what this bitch gave me, but the meds took care of it.
This goes double if you like to ass fuck them.
All kinds of weird bugs can crawl up your peep while you're doing that.
Protip: After fucking her up the ass, always make sure you take a whiz as soon as you can, even if you nutted. Piss is a natural cleanser and will flush out her rectal bacteria from your urethra if it got up there (which is should if you gave her the kind of fucking you're supposed to).
Whores in India will drink cum if you pay them beforehand.
You gotta make sure they understand that every drop goes down the pipe or no extra money.

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