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File: pitbull again.webm (1.79 MB, 865x487)
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Lets have a thread dedicated to the only dog breed known as nanny dogs. Pitbull attacks preferred but rekt is also acceptable.
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That owner is fucking useless and lucky this wasn't in the US because the cops would have shot the dog in the first 5 seconds
>lucky this wasn't in the US because the cops would have shot the dog in the first 5 seconds

I wish they would have.
He gave her the baton to beat her own pibble with? This is so fascinating.
every civilised human is lucky not to live in the us m8
We get it. You're from a limp-wristed pussified nation who let pakis conquer you and rape your daughters; and can't even own a fucking butter knife with which to protect yourselves. lol But who am I kidding - you bongs wanted to watch pakis impregnate your daughters all along.
Rent free
>We get it. You're from a limp-wristed pussified nation who let pakis conquer you and rape your daughters; and can't even own a fucking butter knife with which to protect yourselves. lol But who am I kidding - you bongs wanted to watch pakis impregnate your daughters all along.
This kind of verbal annihilation is probably considered a jail able offense in the UK. Watch out anon
It's how you raise them!
Should post the one of the pit bull attacking its own owner when she was getting robbed in the u.k.
Guess that prey drive just kicks in and overrides any loyalty pits have.
Those wimpy smacks of the pit bull.
Brits are both dumb and weak as shit, bad combination.
This is just a bulldog playing. Why is this here? Did you think that was aggression?
Not a pit bull and not aggression.
Saw that one such a long ass time ago (maybe 7-9 years ago) I think it was my first "violent/gore" video (not that I've seen much of them), saw it on YouTube. Don't know if it's still up there but that was weird to have a throwback to this on 4chan lol
My first violence/gore video was that Russian guy getting his neck sliced into by Chechens. I wouldn't have even registered this video as violence/gore.
I don't live in the us but pitbulls should be fucking shot. I'd love to see a thread of pits getting either wrecked by owners or other dogs
File: shitbull vs shitwagon.webm (1.97 MB, 1280x720)
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Damn, you began strong lmao. Never saw any type of killing thankfully I'm not a fan of thatAnd yeah that vid >>27921590 isn't really gore or really violent per say but it's the first time I witnessed physical harm on the internet I think
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Did you get akhmed to co-sign your internet and 4chan loicense? Very dangerous these days, lots of mean words getting posted to the internet. More harmful than the screwdriver you got arrested for for having it in the back of your cuck truck
Yeah I was maybe 12. Was with two friends on one of their family computers, downloaded from limewire. They had seen CP as well but I didn't watch that with them.
File: cop kills mutterson.webm (3.82 MB, 480x848)
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fattycop kills niggermutt
Damn that's dark
I guess so but I wouldn't say it was traumatizing or anything. I feel like seeing so many violent situations play out irl has just giving me a more realistic perspective on what can be expected of people in such situations than what the average person has. Developed no sadistic sexual desires or anything weird like that. Lost contact with those friends but as far as I'm aware they're fine and not actually pedophiles or anything.
Stfu, you gay queers, before I report the pedophile anon for him and his friends downloading and watching CP on Limewire.
Why did he listen?
imagine not having your daughter 6 ft in the air by the time the dog approaches. couldn't be me
what a useless piece of shit of a mother
My first gore video was russians nazis decaptitating degestanis or whatever in a forest.
Fucking idiots can't even subdue a dog, and not even a very big one either. How can anybody watch this and respect the police.
I've heard someone say that the dog perceived the other family members as attacking grandma, that she was like a weak member of the litter that needed to be eliminated. So in this one case, the dog really was "just trying to help"
I’m impressed. Followed instructions and it only took two warning shots
>Thought dogs were suppose to be smarter then this
>Remember that its the shitskin of the dog race
>Behavior makes more sense
It's like poetry, it rhymes.
Damn. Maybe I should carry a hammer for self defense, in case of pibbly wibblies.
Love to hear the screams.
Its the owner, not the dog, but its always a pitbull
retarded dogs for retarded people
Now with extra retardedness!
>sister thought of getting a dog
>she tossed around the idea of a pitbull
>tell her it's a bad idea
>all of family goes off about how they're nanny dogs
>bring up how so-and-so's grammy had one and it was really well behaved, you just had to be real polite around it or it would go off
>they're insistent on them being good around kids and good dogs to have
>sister shared a dog with her ex a long time ago
>when dog did something she didn't like, she'd yell at it or lock it in the kennel for hours
>her behavior hasn't changed, she still yells at things that don't cooperate, even tech
I don't think she's going to get a dog because she has 2 kids and they already take up her time, but on the chance that she ever does I don't know if I can convince any of my family not to get one, they won't listen to stats on dogs
I don't want to be proven right if anything happens to my niece and nephew one day
That's pretty impressive. Wrangling a wild shitbull like that is pretty tough, I feel like. One wrong move and it's got your throat
got a story but it does not involve a pitt but a rotweiler. well, i had a cocker spaniel named after one of the Power Rangers (lol). he was the sweetest dog you could ever have - utterly harmless and, until he became old, he did this circus-kind trick every time he wanted food (he used to stand on his back paws). had a gigantic set of balls, holy shit, and a fucked-up looking postule right on his nose. more: didn't care one bit about other dogs, not even bitches, no matter what the situation was.
found him on the street, obviously abandoned, all fucked up, emaciated. brought him to our house because at that time I already had one cocker spaniel, but a bitch (my first dog).
one day, when my mom had taken him out, i happened to hear a commotion on the street. out of nowhere, this neighbour of mine came charging down the street shouting at me to meet my mum. i ran towards everyone (about 6 people surrounded my mother and dog) and encountered my dog bloodied, unconscious, and my mum on the floor having an asthma attack (whilst trying to free him from the other dog, he must have bitten my mother, for she had a blodied hand and her eyes were swollen). well, after aiding my mum, we rushed the dog to the vet. the rot had ripped his tail off and made a huge gash around that area - my poor dog needed something like 40 stiches. well, he survived, but it took some time to recover.

the neighbour paid the bill but did not want anything to happen to the rot. i said: take care of him (he had tried to attack someone else before), or one day you'll come home and he'll be dead, trust me.
the cunt thought I was joking.
i killed that dog with a piece of meat I tainted with every sort of poisonous liquid I managed to get my hands on.
a mere day after, the neighbour came to my house, visibly angry. well, a tantrum ensued, and I remember warning him that, if ever something happened to my dog or mother, I would fuck him up and his wife and son.
The other day I witnessed a cutie pibbly wibbly attack a bystander just down the street from me. I rolled down my car window and shouted "IT'S HOW YOU RAISE THEM!" and drove off.
the dog died some 4 years after than from some mysterious, sudden illness that bloated all of his body (he lost movement and did nothing but lay down). when we took to the vet, the vet was flabbergasted and knew not what do to. we decided to put him down, and I was the one who gave him the shot. my dog passed away looking straight at me.
i still remember the date (for something quite important happened that day): 27 October, 2013.

btw, perhaps my having poisoning the dog sounds a bit cowardly. the fact is I wanted to beat it to death with a bat, but I couldn't get access to the dog. after what had happened, the owners moved him to the back of the house, which is protected by a large, tall wall. the only option I had was the one I used.
Are you going to send the cyber police after me for hearsay of a 20 year old crime another child might've committed?
Is that the one that had Arkona's music playing in the background? Pretty sweet band.
I guess the Muslims and Russians been killing each other lots over there.
Knife would be better and more useful for everyday situations but I know certain shitholes ban them. Terrible self defense against humans (legally and for your own survivability) but it'd be great against a dog.
If that's her behavior it sounds like she would be the one to be attacked first, and judging her behavior sounds like she would have it coming as well. Sorry your niece's and nephews are tied up in all this, I hope your sister gets mauled and the kids come out unscathed.
It's the pit bull, not the dog.
I never saw any dark CP I AM NOT angling for a ban it was just childhood bullshit I was forced to watch on /sp/ please understand. I just want to tell my CP story.

Was looking on /sp/ someone linked a naked girl posing by a waterfall. In society then the person who views that "deserves to die" it is the typical reaction but always the reaction but when you are a kid you just see naked girl enjoying waterfall bad sexualized thoughts never enter your head you think it looks nice to be naked by a cool waterfall lol

I have never seen adults having sex with kids though. God I hope saying this stuff doesn't get me perma'd I just want to share my little story. Parents explained that people will call me a nonce if I look at that and never to look at that again or I get spanked hard and that is never being spanked before now I never trust webms. Also I ALWAYS stay away from future CP to make it clear.
Fuck me I just realized I admitted to using /sp/ under 18 I just liked talking about football what the fuck I am so screwed cya :( what the fuck I got baited.
That's why I'm glad she can't get a dog at the moment, I'd like no one to be mauled. Especially by their own stupidity in getting a shitbull and thinking that shouting is a good way to deescalate
I work with dogs. Some pit bulls are fine, but if a dog is going to be bad it's most likely going to be a pit bull. And it's mostly due to genetics.
You can tell which dog owners are used to being around pits vs other dogs because the people who've lived around pits think food aggression, snapping at you if you move too fast, killing neighborhood dogs, etc. are just normal dog behavior "that needs to be trained out". You're always going to be fighting an uphill battle if you're trying to train a dog like that to be normal. Most other breeds are just naturally friendly.
>the dog perceived the other family members as attacking grandma
I think it's the opposite. Grandma says "no" to the children in a very aggressive way. I think the dog saw grandma as a threat, and then when it thought the kids were attacking, it went along with that.
Damn son you're only 12 and already neurotic. No one is going to come after you and no one gives a shit.
This should've never happened, but if you're ever in this situation attack the dog's stomach as hard as you can.

If I had the video I would.

Sounds about right for pitbull owners. Iv heard the stupidest shit, Like how if their dog lashes out or acts aggressive towards the owner they are suppose to give it treats to ""Distract its anxiety""

Absolutely, Nothing beats hearing a shitbull go from tough nigger barking to shrieks of terror.

>>bring up how so-and-so's grammy had one and it was really well behaved, you just had to be real polite around it or it would go off

Yes because the pitbull sees its self as the pack alpha and anyone who threatens the alphas status will be dealt with aggressively. This is how so many ""Unprovoked"" attacks happen and it can be something as simple as trimming its nails or trying to make it go in a crate.

Knife or gun if possible. Iv seen multiple videos of police repeatedly striking pitbulls on the head with batons and they are rarely deterred.
>No collar
>Wandering randomly through a neighborhood
The truck running it over probably saved some lives desu
no mace, no gun, no taser, just a baton? whats the point of having police in bongland if they cannot do anything to a pitbull?
these dog owners were simply testing the women's ability to find the right man to raise their offspring, and no, no she didn't as he watched the dog walk past him, being a tall ass afraid of a dog tackling his legs and smashing his head on the cement, remember you think tall men are stronger and don't forget it
I'm pretty sure you can become supreme overlord of London for a few weeks if you have a bunch of AKs

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