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Escorts, call girls, & all other women of the night
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Is this place legit?
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Looks like it, but the quality probably isn't all that great (probably don't speak English that well either). I'd go for an escort instead.
Finally shot my shot with the girl I've been seeing for last couple months and she agreed to fuck raw. Pale, skinny, A cup tits and a little plump ass. God this shit is addictive.
What are you waiting for? Post her ITT
okay and what else
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I've been thinking of trying some chocolate. Is there anything I should watch out for when dealing with black ladies?
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are you peruvian? Sucks to be you
why tf do people keep posting this ugly 4
Avoid the skinny ones at all cost.
They are druggies and only care about the money.
Get you a nice thick one, use a condom and have fun!
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Quick story for anyone considering a prostitute.

I fucked a prostitute. 2 x weeks later I had severe virial symptoms and my doctor suspected HIV - despite using of condom.

Thankfully I tested negative to HIV/AIDS. But I will never attempt to do this again. DO NOT TAKE THE HIV/AIDS RISK FAGS.

You will die a slow painful and sad death.
Nah, you just take PREP and other antivirals and rail femboys on sniffies instead
I bought a rubmaps membership and found an AMP like 3 blocks from my house with a review from 1 month ago.

I want to go but I am so damn nervous. (31yo virigin)
wow, this is actually spot on advice IME
who is this goddess?!!
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Some Ukrainian slut a couple of slav construction workers hired
she is amazing.. anymore?
do they fuck her?
lost the third clip.

The guy in the black shoots a load on her
You won't get HIV if you use a condom (unless condom breaks ofc).

You can get herpes, since herpes is transmitted skin to skin.
Anyone got the video of the girl saying she forget the condom? can't find source on it.
Black women have the highest rate of stds of any demographic.
Does anyone have those hazel moore and melody marks webms from the anon that fucked them
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damn I need to see that
This shit is so gay man. It's like 3 men looking at sushi going around on a sushi train and getting excited when it gets close. They all want it but they can't have it and their excitement is just a performance for the other men there.
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I'm always looking for girls that advertise as squirters. I know it's just piss and that's why I like it. I also offer them extra if they take golden showers and when I get to their place I make sure to only fuck them in the hardest to clean spots. On the couch, over carpet, anywhere there is something to soak the piss in. And i the girl takes piss in the face and mouth like a champ, she gets paid extra, just love fucking a girl and she's dripping piss everywhere.
Haha stfu, With what you pay for an addicted skank full of stds to give you a bj with condom, I can fuck 3 19 year old girls as many times as I want in a hour, and they always do bbbj
Story. I made the crazy mistake of dating, then living with my AMP girl. Vietnamese, skinny 28f, no tits, butterface with porn body. I mean seriously, sometimes I look down at what is straddling my fat, 40yr old body and I can't believe what I am seeing. Her bush, her hips, her legs in 3D 4k... she would kill it in porn. But I'm over it.
She is a nympho and genuinely just wants to fuck all the time.
I'm now completely bored and my dick is dead, and she won't stop.
The other morning in bed I had some morning wood, she noticed and next thing she's on top of me grinding.
As I start to wake up I start losing the boner while it's in her (call me gay all you want). I could feel the mood changing, I could feel her going dry so I said "It's OK, I don't have to cum, do you want to stop?". She gets super mad "WHY you always do like this, stop in the fucken middle! No! I want to do it FFS!!"
Proceeds to grind and fuck my 75% hard dick for 10 mins until I feel her getting wet again. Eyes closed, biting lips, frowning, increasing the pace after 15 mins. I could tell she was starting to get there, and after working for another 2 or 3 minutes she dropped onto my chest breathing heavily.
I guess the good thing about not cumming myself is no post nut clarity. She is such a nympho and I am so tired, but I don't want to share her either. I just want to let her go. I've dumped as much cum into her as I can over about 2 years and now she's just annoying.
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Monger scribe here. I have then saved. About to head out to work but here's the comp. Will post the resr when I'm back from work. I'm missing a lot of his Aliya Brynn and Joslyn James stuff if any other anon would be so kind to share those.
>You will die a slow painful and sad death.
It's 2024, not 1985. If you die of AIDS these days it's because you want to. Besides, your odds of catching HIV from vaginal sex is so low as to be inconsequential. Not saying you should take any chances and you should definitely wrap it. But the threat is wildly overblown for straight men. There are only 6 million HIV patients in the US. And while 30,000 more are added every year, now, much like back in the 80's, 90% of the new cases are non-White, gay men clustered around the large, coastal cities. The threat to normal, average, straight people was and always has been blown wildly out of proportion in order to get funding because no one gives a shit about faggots who could avoid the whole thing if only they could practice some discretion and stop fucking 25 different strange assholes bareback every weekend. Nope, we need a cure! Nothing should stop faggots from fagging like degenerate faggots!
Your story is that you didn't get HIV from a prostitute? Wow, thanks for that useful anecdote you fucking retard.
Monger scribe, do you happen to have all the other Alice Skagen ones too? I noticed the 10th one just dropped
I used to think that but I get to fuck really nice girls here, plenty of venezuelans and colombians (my favorite). The biggest perk is I'm above average at 7 inches, so I can push my luck with the girls and get special treatment and freebies.

There are also shy peruvian teens from the poorer districts coming to whore out to my area, they're very submissive and cum easily.
send her over here
I am at Lima, Peru. Right now. Please give places to use cute sexy peruvian girls for money. Or if you have a special one whore that ypu can share. Please.
If you don't use WhatsApp start by getting that.

If you like hoodrat peruvian sluts, I can't honestly recommend any right now. They come and go after a short season and most never come back after making a few bucks.

Start here: https://perutops.com/foro-relax/#perutops-forum-in-english.56

Some typical peruvian phenotype girls I like:
These ask for around 60-70$ an hour at their place.
Also here:


Keep in mind, most peruvian whores are NOT cute, most use very old and photoshopped pics. If you see something too good to be true it probably isn't.
Thanks, mate. I use Whastapp. I am a mexican citizen not a USA citizen. Have a great day.

Cool story bro. No doctor would test you for HIV after 2 weeks of assumed exposure because 3 weeks incubation period is supposed to be the minimum for your antibodies to start rising.
Faggots and trannies don’t exist?
The chance of contracting aids with vaginal sex from a woman who has it is almost nothing. With a condom non existant. Anal is a different story. You literally gave the anxiety to yourself after crying and ratting yourself out to your (((doctor)))
Every man goes through this. Only virgins don't get it.
Lucky you. I dont get any free extras from my regular amp but me and her text a lot. I think weve shared pictures of our dinners everyday for a month. Its nice just having someone to ask how my day is.
Theres not a lot of south american chicks in my part of the US. Im not even sure where i would find one, the casino maybe?
Why not fuck her outside the AMP? Go to watch The Wild Robot movie and then fuck condorless.
Stop replying to yourself
Used to get my cock sucked like clockwork by a big fat black single mother that lived in my apartment complex.

Huge tits on her. Not a pretty woman, but she hoovered the ball batter out of my nutbag like a champ.

$30 a pop four or five times a week. Good long slow blowjobs too.

Moved away from there years ago, but I spent a good five years doing this.

It got to the point she would come and knock on my door anytime she needed some money and I would let her in and she would take off her shirt, get down, and just go to work.

No drama.

She was a special cocksucker for what she was.
Going to Cartagena, what's good there?

Also what's AMP?
72 and eating tight Chinese pussy
Nice I wish I had a next door neighbor cocksucker for cheap
Asian Massage Parlor aka brothels in the US hidden in plain sight
Any pic of her? Naked?
No vaginal sex ever?
How it started? How it endend? Give full details.
All sex workers only care about the money...
Some of them act better.
the legend returns
Ive asked but theres a couple of reasons.
She hardly speaks english. Outside of "money" "boom boom" "bitch", ect. We use a translator to talk.
Also shes at the shop like everyday. None of the girls live around here so theyre working 6 days a week.
She told me her families company in china got shut down during covid and they have a lot of debt. Claims she wasnt trafficked and is doing it because the money is better than nail salons but im not convinced it isnt some ccp punishment.
Also im in denial but she could just not want to see me outside. Seems like a lot to keep a customer since i dont go very often but its not like theyre hurting for clients.
Anybody got the melody marks vids some anon posted in the older threads?
Give her tips, anon. Is she 100% chinese?
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sorry i only have the kek edits
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it's a very addictive habit anon
I had raw sex with a sugar baby two years ago almost by mistake (I was rubbing myself raw above her pussy like I used to do and it just slipped in and she didn't say anything and we proceeded from there) and since then it has escalated to the point that when one of my ex sugar babies wants to introduce a girl to me I tell them I'm not interested unless she's willing to do it raw or is ridiculously attractive if she won't put out for raw sex.
I stealth those too anyways, I can't have sex with condom anymore.
>i got scared because I'm a pussy so you shouldn't fuck
no one said going out in the world is for pathetic pussies
I have bareback sex with girls I barely know and I'm clean.
also HIV well treated is barely a nuissance nowadays, not that I would like to get it either way, but you know, it's good to know.
What does she talk with you?
Every gif monger threads should start out with one of these in their mandatory 3. fucking kek everytime I see one of them
How I turn a friend into an escort 1/2

Girl is a friend from high school who live in the building next to mine. We know each other and we chat if we have the chance.
End of 2019. In 3 months her life change drastically. Her boyfriend cheat on her and leaves, pandemic hits hard and the minimarket where she earn her minimum wage cannot keep her. She's desperate.
One day I see her coming home crying. I ask her if she want a cup of coffee and minutes later we are in my living room and she's crying her heart out. She has no money, debts are piling up, she literally eat once a day for the last week. She feel horrible and I felt for her.
I offered to pay her debt (not a great amount) and give her a little something to go on for a while.
She refuses three times but in the end she accept it.
In the next two weeks she came to my place often, sometimes she cooks for me, sometimes we just share a meal. She's nice and I like having her around, especially in a grim period like the pandemic.
A few days later, after a dinner, while we're washing dishes she says "I wanna thank you for your kindness" and she drop on her knees.
I stop her, telling I didn't want any favors for my money. She say she really wants to do that so I let her. I came in her mouth and she swallowed.
I thank her and she says she hates to ask but she needs some more money. I'm shocked. I asked her if she blew me just to ask for more money and her answer is "did it work?". I give her the money and tell her she didn't need to do it. She says it was fun anyway.
And basically we didn't stop. She give me head again and we start discussing prices and stuff to do. She literally sold her ass virginity to me. I feel powerful, she feels safe.
When the second lockdown starts her financial situation is non existent. I haven't infinite money but I have a room to spare so she moves in with me.
She asks if I want to be a couple but honestly I'm not interested in her. I mean, fucking is good but I feel nothing. Nonetheless we keep having sex and I give her what we start to call an allowance.
She sells to me special performances, literally making my fantasies come true. I develop a weird taste for degrading her. It's the nature itself of our relationship because I never had these needs before. I spit in her mouth, pee on her, humiliate her. Sometimes I ask her if she's ok, if she thinks we're going too far but she's good with it. Her exact words are "I feel good when you use me, I feel like I don't have to worry about anything because you're in control".
I start filming her and what we do. I build a nice collection that I keep like a little treasure: 16 hours of video and a little more than 3000 photos.
This story goes on for a year and a half, then I say to her she need to find an apartment and a work because I cannot take care of her forever.
One night i come home after a dinner with my family and she's not there. She comes back at 2AM and she's pretty excited. She says she don't know how to tell me but she's got a solution. She shows me a couple hundreds euros. She's been giving handjobs on the streets the whole night. I can't believe it, she neither.
She's been escorting ever since. She's her job now. She makes more than me on a good month. She works a lot with frequent customers, most of them are people in the city for work who wanna spend a few hours with her. She works when she wants, she's happy.
Oddly enough, she does a lot of domination stuff. I call her too but she never makes me pay, we're just friends with benefits now. She even tried to repay me a little sum of the money I gave her first, but I refused.
nigga 16hrs of videos and 8000 photos and all I see are texts
Compared to the rubmap reviews i tip exceptionally well. She saw me walk upstairs with a different girl and pulled me away.
Im also a bit of a sucker though so i dont really haggle.
Yeah shes from shanghai. Ive seen pictures of her old life. her family had a wicked nice place on the side of a mountain, huge pool, multi car garage full of mercs and rangerovers, designer clothes ect.

I dont know why. Probably just someone to kill the time with and make sure i keep coming back.
A lot of random stuff. We talk about her family back in china and her sister over in washington. I tell her about how work and school is going. Food, coffee, traveling. Share pictures of when we go out with our friends. She shows me flower arrangments she makes, i send pictures of birds and stuff i find on hikes.
Its actually pretty tough because the translator changes things around just enough to be unclear.
Best part about fucking whores that you can't understand is that it's easier to lose attachment. It's the sneaky English speaking ones that you need to look out for, those hookers are hellbound.
touching story
I mean i guess? I enjoy talking to her. Its not like were dating or getting married. Shes my girlfriend for 1.5 hours every couple of weeks.
It would be nice if we understood each other a bit better.
No, the music is from bosnia/serbia and listened to all over balkan. Not ukraine
Y'all mother fuckers need Jesus
did the guy say how he did it and how much it cost him?
nta, but it's too late for that now. Onlyfans took her.
Dude said it was $1300 all inclusive, no filming fee, but it was in 2021 dollars. Now if you approach any of them , they're asking for $1600 + filming fee + fee for BBFS w/test results. Inflation is a motherfucker.
Unfortunate if true, Melody Marks is probably one of the only porn stars I'd actually consider paying for.
Do any AMP frequent fliers call ahead of time or just show up?

I am >>27922942
I drove by the place to scope it out but it's really tucked away in an office parking lot. There's a half dozen tax attorneys and insurance agents and other random shit in the offices. I just need some encouragement from anons before going in myself I'm such a pussy about it.
I'm going to Japan next month anons.

Any tips on how to monger in Japan?
shinjuku, they got a lot more tachinbo, more like tachin-hoes
What's the secret to finding BBFS escorts? How do make sure you don't catch anything?
OF is the biggest scam on the planet right now.
>admins get endless free content
>most creators don't make much
>funds pajeet LARPing in the text chat (you never talk to the actual models, only call center typers)
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Prep is not a bad idea, I'd recommend this to anyone willing to take the risk. Antivirals are generally ineffective medicine bro.

Agree - whilst unlikely, there are many risks of contamination:
- Cleaning genitals after sex
- Condom breaking
- Wound contamination

Fuck the US. More than 600 000 people still die every year in the world. You're incorrect about race. We need a cure. >20% of AIDS affected commit suicide.

Dying from AIDS has been reported as the worst way to die. With mental illness, significantly increased likelihood of cancer, and stigma from loved ones.

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