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File: 1706731596528510.webm (1.44 MB, 600x334)
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1.44 MB WEBM
Post webms with a noticeable penis size difference. Straight, gay, tranny, interracial, cuckold, any context is OK.
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Don't have it. Sorry
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This is the last one in my folder
Good thread op would contribute if my shit was easily accessible hope it stays up
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924 KB GIF
Nice thread, I wish this was more common. Seems like it's relatively rare to find.
Probably because most men don't want to be humiliated like that on camera.
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his dick is so big and shoots so much cum it looks fake
>I've got a ~20cm dick
>My best friend is like half this size
>We always joked about it in a very "safe" way
>One day his girlfriend made a comment about me in front of him after she spoke with a friend of her I've been with
>The joke itself is harmless but he took it very hard
>Turns out she already said something about my size while they were fucking
>Things got tense and we didn't spoke of it again
>We stopped sharing details of our sex life too
>Fast forward 6 years
>He introduce me to his new girlfriend
>We say we already know each other from our year of study abroad
>We don't say we've fucked like animals for the better part of the year
>She's also quite the slut
>She was with someone back then
>She started it hitting on me
>She clearly said she only wanted to have fun and not being in a relationship
>We did some crazy shit including having sex while she was talking to his distant boyfriend
>She didn't tell him any of it
>I couldn't do it either
>It's been 2 years and he's talking about marry this girl
>I should be his best man
>That's fucked up but I cannot stop masturbating to the videos we made while we were together
>There's something primal in being at dinner with them, hear them talking about their projects together and half an hour later jerking off on a video of a six years younger her smiling while I slide inside of her and I ask "aren't you ashamed you've got a boyfriend home" and she answers "he's got my heart, you've got my pussy"
File: 1598092817728.webm (1.93 MB, 853x480)
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1.93 MB WEBM
What's with the influx of shitty cock-related threads lately? Is some closet homo having a mid-life crisis?
These ones give me such a serious hard-on. I wanna humiliate a dicklet like that!!
That is so BASED Jacobtard!!!
Damn want this
Man up and fuck her again.
Nah. Why hide it?
where is this from?
true he's probably some lonely faggot with no one to hide it from
I love this video. How she completely forgets about the smaller guy.
no audio?
How would someone find these videos with digging through a bunch of cuck shit?
File: j6645Um.gif (766 KB, 400x222)
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766 KB GIF
wow source?

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