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File: TrannyMeltdown.webm (3.76 MB, 896x504)
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Post axe wound gore, tranny meltdowns, troonjak gems, etc.
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By the way, tranny jannies are preventing the old thread format from being posted lmao. Seems like tranny janny got real mad at anons making fun of zher axe wound.
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Why can't men control themselves while they pretend to be women. No women act like this, not even ghetto chicks. Posturing like that is exclusively done by men.
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No amount of estrogen can stop that testosterone from dominating his emotional response lmao.
Kek söymodcels prevented my post from going through.
Interesting... the more control trannies have over 4chan, the more the site decays due to censorship. Must be a coincidence
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yeah i tried to make a thread but I couldn't it would teleport me to the newest thread, weird.
>Seems like tranny janny got real mad at anons making fun of zher axe wound.
these threads are like salt in an open wound, it makes them seethe so fucking much
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reminder that there is a cure for their mental illness
whats stopping trannies from taking this med?
its cheaper and healthier than whatever kind of "solution" these trannies are willing to do
why is that?
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OP - you aren't going to like what I have to tell you, but all I offer is the truth. You hate trans women, because you are weak.

You lack the necessary skills and talents, to charm them to your way of thinking. Were you the kind of person who spent a large percentage of your waking-hours dedicating yourself to a singular purpose; a hobby (the RIGHT hobby), a career or perhaps a healthy mix of both, you would find that most, if not all of your hatred and focus would be redirected as energy into that activity. Instead, your hatred is directed at trans women because you are lazy and unmotivated.

Even men who, for all intents and purposes, are considered "ugly" by society's standards, manage to attract good-looking, available, personable trans women because they know ... not think, not feel, not believe, but KNOW ... that they have acquired enough skills through sheer hard work, for their confidence to be justified.

You would know this also, if you did a single day's worth of hard work in your life.
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>yeah i tried to make a thread but I couldn't it would teleport me to the newest thread, weird.
>Kek söymodcels prevented my post from going through.

I'm 100% certain mods have added some sort of new censor, because I'll often get "Post Successful" messages but the post just never shows up. Creating a thread sends you to another thread. I haven't managed to find out exactly what words are triggering this shit. I thought it was 4chanX extension fucking up but it still happened in a different browser.
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take your meds nigga >>27924920
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>I'm 100% certain mods have added some sort of new censor, because I'll often get "Post Successful" messages but the post just never shows up. Creating a thread sends you to another thread. I haven't managed to find out exactly what words are triggering this shit. I thought it was 4chanX extension fucking up but it still happened in a different browser.
exactly what happened to me
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it usually happens to me when I make a long ass post so I can never figure out what exact word or phrase gets caught, but one line replies go through without issue. seems like jannies don't like facts and well explained arguments, they want this place to be a shit flinging competition like twitter back when it was 140 character limit and whoever had the best "own" would "win" the argument.
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>seems like jannies don't like facts and well explained arguments
jannies don't like anything that contradicts or is against their beliefs
I wish /gif/ had more free speech, you can easily get banned for racism if you try to name them
never used it, never will (hopefully)
Yeah within the last couple months, it's only happened a few times but it has always been when talking about something a redditor wouldn't like to hear. I know that's vague but I think I was on /v/ and talking about Japan and I tried posting maybe 5 times in a row and it just wouldn't go through. So probably there are topics or specific phrases and words that just auto delete your post.
I mean cmon, slant man and trooncels run a site with rampant moderation issues? There is definitely something there. Not that you can really speculate, one of the rules that can get you banned is complaining about the sites moderation. No healthy website has such a rule
>No women act like this, not even ghetto chicks.
yea you can fuck off with that one
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i literally got banned for troll posting for 6 fucking days, when I posted this pasta
complete fantasy porn. this doesn't happen irl and its completely overexaggerated
>women, as well as men, of all races and orientations prefer White people

>White women are the most likely to refuse to date outside of their race, followed by White men
>White people are found the most attractive by participants of all other races

>women of all races have a preference for White men

tldr: White men are consistently found the most attractive across all studies.
All of that in spite of major effort to ruin the image of White people and especially White men.
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I already posted these with sound
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sorry my bad
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fucking hell the song
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Just look how they are so tolerant, accepting of others lifestyles, inclusive, loving and considerate arent they?
Will they ever understand it is THEM who are the intolerant, destructive, fascist, bullies?

>>27924989 <- this proves my point in troves. This retard is not nearly as smart or profound as their narcissist, self-involved, mentally ill, brain leads them to think they are.
Well done. Stoopid comment of the thread goes to this anon.

Holy fuck. These people have lived so long in their own delusional, pretend world, that this is how they preserve reality.
They're not mentally ill though, right?
They're not addicted to porn though, right?
They are perfectly normal people though, right?

They just cannot stop proving our points every time they speak or act.
Hitler was right all along.
Im getting stopped too.
Usually by "our system has determined you are spam. Please readdress..."
but I only tried to post 1 single reply here. I had to shorten the webms I addressed to just 2 or 3 instead of a list.
This is my post >>27925370
And I origianlly had about 8 webms addressed here. Original attempt I noted several more examples here of trannies acting like intolerant, hateful, bullies, being bigots about other peoples beliefs.
trans aside,
that's just a box of garbage items you'd shove in the corner of your closet, who the fuck would buy that?
A bra that's not fitted and panties that don't even match
A cheap as fuck wig from a Halloween store
a random as fuck book and other garbage from the dollar store.
sar hide vagene pls i beg u. smell not good!
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Im constantly getting banned here for "trolling" "racism" "asking for moar" "spam" etc. Even though I am literally using the exact same language as in other threads like BBC, Tranny, Gay, or anti-white language.

From here on out, I suggest we start to band together and flag and report every small infraction we see that targets us and our beliefs, just as they have been doing to us these passed few years.
Getting really tired of false bans that I cannot appeal due tho their short length.
So I propose we go the same to (((THEM))) moving forward.
Fire with fire.
Dirt with dirt.
Rules apply to ALL.
I know this (and moat) sites' jannies are far-left, trannys, but its worth an honest go from here on out.
This place was better with Moot around.
Yes, that is in fact, a fake woman.
Thanks for pointing it out to us, anon.
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what kind of mutt is that?
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>From here on out, I suggest we start to band together and flag and report every small infraction we see that targets us and our beliefs, just as they have been doing to us these passed few years.
nigga the jannies are the trannies themselves, you reporting them wont make a difference
>I know this (and moat) sites' jannies are far-left, trannys, but its worth an honest go from here on out.
its the janny trannies who decide on which anon gets banned, nothing ever happens
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mf i was eating....
>Dat ass doe
no eyelids, this is what the normal chang looks like without the face filter
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pedos hates troons the thread
>this is what the normal chang looks like without the face filter

What part of the previous POST you don't understand, you faggot daft cunt
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Anyone able to give me the name of this song? or a link to a full version?
I agree with this one. As always, trannies looking for attention decide to cover up another flag to display theyre own. Go find your own fucking spot.
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Does this whore have an only fans page?
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i dont know
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A few years ago thousands of lgblt niggas were asked when their first sexual experience was and most of them answered between ages 5 - 10. Gays and trannies are all molestation victims that then re-enact that as adults by grooming minors
You will never be a woman
This is true
But its worth a try.
If the trannies keep banning those who opoose them rather than rather than upholding the site rules, thats a conflict on interest and jeopardizes the sites integrity. Thus, makes them a target for removal. This has even happened on 4chan in the past. Oldfags may Remember a thread/time when a moderator was changed and picked at random everyday. It was a total failure, as the mods got their power and did they verty thing that todays jannies are doing.
Seriously. Arent you getting tired of having yours and oours banned, while they get free rain to spam, break rules, and defend their ideology? You and I make the slightest infraction, or worse, nothing at all,l and get banned because we oppose them.
Or, you know, do nothing at all and let them have their way while we dwindle and disappear.
Up to you.
But I know where I stand.
Ive been doing this already for months. It does work. But we need larger numbers.
Or, again, just do nothing and be devoured.
>nigga the jannies are the trannies themselves, you reporting them wont make a difference

>its the janny trannies who decide on which anon gets banned, nothing ever happens

Then you have already lost. If one does not loose the sword, then one has already accepted defeat, no matter how slow the death.
Its literally people with your attitude who contribute to a groups death & genocide
Do better.
The time is approaching. The tables are turning. The pendulum has begun to swing the other way... with no help from you.
One who does not pick up the sword is just as guilty as those we are combating.
> you can't really argue with people whose whole position is the denial of reality.

I think, we finally found some common ground.
Yeah no I can't, look at the posturing. Putting your hands in front to protect your groin. Women don't do that shit you dumb mongol
Even if the guy was only stirring, she was a fucking asshole.
Why is she so fucking triggered lmao there's nothing shameful about being a characterized as a trans-woman.
Also her usage of "do you think I was born a man" shows her bigotry. Trans women are always women, even when they were born with a dick and balls they were women.
don't try to justify these retards choices they all dress like shit anyways
On YouTube they straight up auto delete anything even remotely based.
Unlucky for the jews though, I am pretty good at navigating filters (comes from experience I gained while playing Roblox as a child you see).
I really wish someone internally would leak the full list of censored shit from YouTube/ Google. They have to have a list thousands of entries long coded to detect a specific word and spelling and delete or report it
Trannies all need to burn and so do the kikes
I knew it was bad, but I've never actually seen footage of the operations and pics of the wounds before... holy fuck
It's usually the best way to accelerate someone to "peak trans." An ex-coworker of mine was all pro-tranny, even claiming some of his friends were trannies, until I asked him if -- since they supposedly shared everything with him -- he'd heard about dilation. It deeply offended him when I told him what it was and suggested he find post-op photos or videos to see why it was necessary, but after that he never talked about supporting tranny (or even just rainbow) causes anymore. He'll never admit it of course, but now he understands.
lmao they can't tear it all the way because it's so fucking long and tall
I dunno, I think it might be more effective left where it is, hanging in tatters. That way people don't think it was simply stolen or removed for some reason, but has been deliberately damaged and left to dangle in the sun like a rotting corpse.
(hit [submit] too soon because I'm a retard)
Also half-assing it like that sends a message that people didn't think it was even worth fully defacing the thing. Pretty powerful signal. "You faggots aren't even worth the effort anymore. We're just shitting on your symbol now."
nah they'd totally tear it in pieces given the chance, they just didn't realize they'd lose their leverage as it went up
you can see them try and try until they finally give in and start tearing more strands

really fucking funny, was a good coordinated effort but they underestimated it
nest time they should bring ropes and tie it up so they can complete the job
>fred west, incest relationship with his mum
>serial killer with 12 female victims

>jeffrey dahmer, normal childhood
>kills animals, kills 17 gay sexual encounter men

wheres the troon connection, faggot
for an anime website you guys are pretty harsh, I personally love postmaxxing anti-human rhetoric during election season.
for an anime website you guys are pretty harsh to each other.
shut up botfag
LMAfuckingO anyone who thinks kal el is his true persona is retarded, he didnt stop being himself becuase he found out a different aspect of himself, hes still the same farm raise honest america his parents raised as
Leave it to a tranny to miss the fucking point of superman
NO you retard!
Superman is the disguise for Clark Kent. Bruce Wayne is the disguise for Batman. Why is this so hard for people to get?
Fuck yeah
Wow, i almost feel bad for you virgin chuds. You think you can piss people off but everyone just laughs at you.
Those are horrific. Necrosis, open wounds and dreadful stitching aside, they don't even remove the hair follicles from the grafted skin.
I don't know whether to feel pity for those people or not but they were clearly sold a lie.
It's even funnier when you see Twitter and reddit söycels finding this shit, after throwing themselves to the train tracks defending trannies and all that, they are mortified when they see what it actually entails. It's so fucking funny man
I hatefucked a tranny once (mouth only). I have genuine disdain for agp troons and fully understand the ramifications of their existence. I, however, have a fucked up libido and find the idea of fucking a somewhat passable looking agp Greek style hot sometimes. I think its the pornsickness in both me and troons that cause this, I can't help but find the idea of a retarded male trying his best to act like a porn star because he clearly never socializes with actual functioning women to be the perfect outlet of my frustrations. I still hate them doebeit. Radfems were right.
You’re fucked you weirdo.
Fucking twat tranny kill your self tranny cunt
You stupid fucker you were obviously born a sissy male

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