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Old.reddit.com/r/justbewhyt for more
posting kids in this type of thread is pretty fucked up
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I mean, doesn't that just double down on the 'they're taking our best women' thing? Except now they're not even trying, it's effortless for them?
Every time I go to a tech conference (work-related) I always get a couple Indians that want to take a selfie with me instead of just exchanging contact info normally. I never made the connection but this is so fucking true lmao.
>brown girls loving on white kid being raped by diddy
4D race play
Sometimes I miss being a child. Oblivious about the problems around you. Everything you learn and do is fun. Kids below the age of 13 should not have access to smartphones.
Browns are fucked up "people"
Here is proof that if you're white it's impossible to be an incel
Unexpected wholesome post. Lost wood, but honestly worth it. This is very sweet.
>tfw single because I live in a tiny remote town so my dating pool is like 13000 people and 7000 of them are the ugliest goblins in the world (native, the only browns dumber than niggers)
Or maybe they're in a relationship and they pay for each other and he's full of shit and coping like a motherfucker.
This was me as a kid except I’m Latino and in a mostly white school district
More likely that this is you as a 25 year old around your 9 year old cousins from Oaxaca.
This was me except with Pocahontas.
It's more about realizing they're not being "taken" but rather that they're giving themselves to them. Taken implies they're at least reluctant or something. I don't blame him for being pissed off or disappointed or whatever. He has an in-group preference for his race (as any man with any nobility does), he sees his women online saying their men ain't shit, and then they come into a nice restaurant or something and pay the bill for the white guy.
Do hispanics care about their daughters being with white guys? It seems like they don't care, or sometimes even prefer it.
It's just run of the mill confirmation bias. He's only noticing the times when the girl pays.
>same posts every single thread
Based Asian fags
They're cucks who like whites taking their women
Just like any other /gif/ trhead
I kissed a Viet girl while we were both in first grade.
I don't think she knew what the fuck was going on or what a "girlfriend" was, and I did miss her lips, but it counts!
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Look at this incel dysgenic cuck cope and seethe I’ve dated and fucked many black girls trying to be the man to pay and they always ended up wanting me to not pay spilt the bill and even give me money back especially after we have sex
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Look at these delusional dysgenic cucks projecting kek
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>doesn't know what confirmation bias is
Projects smooth brain mentality.
Actually I grew up in Southern California so yes basically Oaxaca
>>28094331 is literally me.
kek lost
He might be overestimating the 8/10 figure but still correctly noticing that black women are paying for white men way more than women in other pairings
Oh no, upset that the women he and every other black men avoid at any cost, are getting picked up by someone else.
Niggers seriously think they own all women
full video?
I don't think they see much difference. There are lots of white hispanics
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Yeah and many are white enough their kids look full white
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>Sexual and racist thread
>Full of videos of children
Okay freaks
Every video in this thread was posted on sfw social media retard. If you got hard seeing funny videos of families reacting to Justin Bieber then you're a freak.
As long as you're not a racist white boy, you're beyond preferred. There's a surprising number of white supremacists with latina wives. Always tripped me out.
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Oxford study Halloween
Keep coping incel kek
So japs cant tell whites apart like whites cant tell nogs apart?
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Blacks are hideous kek
Many Hispanics see themselves as white already so to them it isn't a big deal
I'm surprised by how many men there were.
Not so surprised about her passive aggressive seething.
Is she related to That Japanese Man Yuta from Youtube? The resemblance is uncanny.
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His cosplay was good. Japan likes taking pictures with good cosplayers, that's all that it is.
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>that's all that it is
Mmm not quite
is that a jew? not sure what the rodent looking creature genetic making is.
I wonder what they think they'll accomplish by putting their seethe on display. All it does is show that they have an ugly heart.
Hispanics are less hung up about race.
Their numbers are huge and they still reproduce in traditional numbers so there is no fear of being "replaced".
Also, since more traditional, the vast majority of Herspanics prefer Hispanic men.
So if 1% - 4% of Hispanic women couple or marry with other ethnicities it is no big deal.

My guess is they so far less affected by US media because they have their own Hispanic media and if you ever turn on a Hispanic channel you never see "diversity" and defiantly not Hispanic woman with a black dude like most of USA faggotry media has.
White Latinas are a real thing. Some Spanish never mixed with the Native Americans.
Most Indians are Caucasians.
They might not be "white" in racist America of USA but to anthologists they are whites until you get to Bengal.
Latino here, yeah I'd much rather prefer my daughters to be with a white man and so would most of Latino fathers that actually care about their daughters, it might be stereotypes against each other but more often than not we assume fellow Latinos are gangsters (and if you live in a bad place, this is more often than not a fact)
Seething nonwhite hiding behind faux antisemitism.
Kek. White-Hispanic is actually the largest mixed pairing of all by raw numbers and second only to Asian women for percent marrying out. It's less of a big deal because they were literally created by mixing with the Spanish.
>Seething nonwhite hiding behind faux antisemitism.
THis means you dont know either?
that's proof anthologists are fucking retarded liars, you can simply use your eyes to determine we are vastly different species.
pic related, two VASTLY different species of humans that can interbreed
By his name and look he's British
>women worshiping white guys
>most still angle their lust as some kind of win for them
What an amazing dad
Holy shit even the intonation is the same.
I think she's Filipina or some shit tho
He? I was talking about the lady.
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