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What's this one from? I can tell it's Inomaru, but not one I'm familiar with.
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I love this hentai I like how they mind control and rape this feisty girl it's a shame she doesn't have a bad ending I love bad endings it would have been better if he snuff her or been his sex slave forever.
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Oh hello mirror tool
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Sauce? Saucenao, Google, and Yandex give me nothing.
Here https://vndb.org/v52145 It's a pretty recent game so I'm not surprised you haven't found anything.
Thanks anon, this looks great. Kansen 5 was nice, so hope this won't betray my expectations. Hopefully the non-DRM version gets released soon.
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I got this ending in 手籠めにされる九人の堕女, I still have others to go so I guess I'm not done with the game yet. The twins are two high school girls who are the MCs maids. He rapes and enslaves both until in the end they're nothing more than pets. In the end they're happy so it's all good. Happy pets are good pets.
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getting raped by a guy with rabbit ears has got to be humiliating
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>getting raped by faggots who are using her mouth as an excuse to touch dicks.

yeah i guess that's pretty humiliating
Easily one of the best artists for this genre.
I need help rediscovering a doujin I saw on nhentai many moons ago. It was about a shota who moved to a rural area and befriends a group of shotas who gangrape a slightly older girl at their secret hideout, and the shota who moved in loses her virginity to the girl.
My memory was bit fuzzy, but I got to find it.
Actually, it's not exactly rape, consensual gangbang.
No that wasn't it, although I've busted several nuts to that one.
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Oh It's sorry to that. I thought that pics fit perfectly with the story you wrote.
I wish your good luck anyway.
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Ikko to Asobo
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>self insert tard
Also not it.
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[Hatimoto] Minna no Gakkou | School for Everyone (Ah... Nyuru tte Haitta) [English]
Still trying to find the source for this. Name in the corner is surprisingly useless.
Fallen himekishi Sanrui being "rescued" by mercenaries after being used as a monster meat toilet and then just a general meat toilet
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Why are there so few doujinshi where a couple gets raped together? I feel like you haven't really lived until you got violated together.
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Is this considered a form of humiliation? If not, what is this genre called?
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Any similar doujins where the MC hunts/chases down women, especially brown women and elves? Preferably without the MMF and darkie males.
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Did some digging myself, but I got bad news for you.

It's no wonder the name isn't helping you out, it seems for whatever reason the artist's pixiv page just doesn't exist anymore. You'll just have to be satisfied with what you've got. Doesn't seem like the guy had much of an online presence.
[EroRhythm (NiwaRhythm)] A Martial Artist’s Defeat ~Bondage, Drugs, and Forced Orgasms~ [English]

Damn, that sucks. Was hoping I could find more stuff by them. Oh well.
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What in your opinion is the best position to rape a girl?

Imo, it's lifting her in the air so she would have no way to escape the dick penetrating her.
Any doujins where the victim is groomed rather than overpowered or drugged?
No wonder I couldn't find it on nhentai, it didn't have the shota tag.
Does anyone like Genshin Impact? I’m working on a story and need some people with some good knowledge of the girls. It’s a hilichurl invasion story with a lot of bad end stuff

For example this girl is next
That's Cloud Retainer. She's an adeptus, in her case she's a tall bird, 7 or 8 foot tall I think? Thereabouts. Oh, here's a picture I found of her next to Zhongli, one of the tallest human characters in the game. So that gives you an idea.

She's at least 2000 years old because she was around during the archon war when her friend and rival Guizhong died. We learn from one of the story quests that adepti are basically animals or people who gain immortality through knowledge and their own actions and with sufficient power they can take human form. Fujin for instance can take human form despite being extremely weak by Adeptus standards and Changsheng has, so far, never been seen as anything but a snake despite being an adeptus.

Cloud Retainer calls herself Xianyun when in human form and loves to collect and sell valuable artifacts. She's also an inventor and has very many very powerful inventions over the last 2000 years. She's extremely powerful in her own right and controls wind. It is highly unlikely that any normal being could possibly defeat her in battle.
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Oh, image. Sorry.
That I know, I was asking more for scenarios and what people would want to see happen to her or what horrible things they’d do
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Public reverse cowgirl is the most humiliating
Think it is easier if you watch their character story on YouTube or read their wiki profile, then ask any specific questions. Frankly there are no restrictions like strong characters getting KO from a trick shot or simple blackmail. Since you mention hilichurl invasion, just simply overwhelm any girl will do fine.
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Cloud Retainer in lore is one of the strongest characters so instant loss doesn’t make sense.
She IS however very gullible and easy to scam.
So I don’t know, combine that personality trait with some maguffin that leaves her powerless and there you go.
I was thinking of making her a corruptible one. So you have the victims, the bad ends, the broken and the corrupted.

She is an inventor, so i was thinking of her making things for the Hilichurl like condoms so they can do balloons like in some hentai art.

The hilichurl evolve through the story and once they gain intelligence, they might gain kinks.

I have ideas of my own, but i like hearing other things from people. Talking shop essentially but many of the other threads i frequent tend to be into…other things…so yeah.

Maybe Ryona and bad end turn them off. Ive had a few good discussions, but just a few.
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Which one would you like to rape left or right?
Right. Tie the hair around her neck and use the other as a leash.
Personally I would love to see one of her inventions backfire. Like have a horde of hillichurls find her lying unconscious after one of her inventions explodes so they take her to their camp for weeks of impregnation sex while she recovers.
Right I like her cocky and arrogant face I would like to defeat her in a fight rape her and snuff her
Can anyone recommend any good rape VNs with Live 2D animations. I already have played the Guilty games.
Well how do you feel about Hags in general?

I was thinking more along the lines of her having her experiments being used on her. Her ultimate fate being put in an Amber Resin she made or help make.

The gang bang stuff would be an obvious route. I can make get dicked down easily enough for her opening chapter
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>I love bad endings it would have been better if he snuff her or been his sex slave forever.

Word. It's why I love any porn of women being raped in jail cells or dungeons. There's no escape, no tomorrow, just rape, forever.

Especially if they're obediently sucking cock because they know resistance is useless and disobedience will just get them a violent beating in addition to their violent rape.

And given how the soldiers treat a cumdump chained to the dungeon wall for their use, "violent" can get REALLY violent. So eventually they throw away their pride and start begging to suck cocks. Anything to keep those men away from their sore pussy and bruised tits.
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Exactly those are the best endings for a warrior girl. I love the hentai series of the Valkyries by the artist mashu but they all end with the same happy ending. I waited a long time for the fifth chapter of my favorite valkyrie Lecia hoping for a bad ending but it's a shame they gave her the same happy ending of them always winning. Lecia should have been raped by orcs or soldiers forever in a prison.
Are you two fine anon’s familar with Taimanin and Genshin by chance?

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