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onii-san and otouto are made for their imouto and onee-san, it's the natural order of things
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I need more Touden sibling incest, let's breed a royal dynasty.
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Also elder sister is the best. All the imouto doujins are the eastern equivalent of "help me step bro I'm stuck" whereas the neechan ones are slowburn romances that usually don't even have any nudity till halfway. The emotional significance comes naturally from the fact that the neechan ones are written by people who actually have siblings, since in the real world girls have younger brothers (parents are gonna pump out as many babies as it takes to get a son). Rant over.
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I've been hopelessly addicted to this doujin for months now, the fucking tension in the beginning drives me nuts.
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BREAKING NEWS, imouto not so haughty after getting PLAPPED.
This thread is full of cringe get better taste in hentai.
This thread is full of based you have good taste in hentai.
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I like the one where the gyaru mom and her son have sex.
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this is a thread for sibling incest. learn to read
I want a sibling winces doujin with a tragic end after they're caught...
Why is the male always at least one shade more dark-skinned than the female? It's so fucking annoying how often this happens
because girls take care of their skin and put on sunscreen and boys don't unless they're some kind of pansy or gay
anyone can please help me find one
I don't remember much, it was about a brother and a sister, the sister was naked all the time on the apartment, apparntly she dind't work or anything. They end up fucking but then in anothr chapter they have another sister which also ends up fucking the brother.
I know it is a bit vague sorry
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where the FUCK is all the good shit
I don't WANT to hear about how your brother is three times bigger than the boyfriend you're cheating on
I don't WANT to hear about how you're okay with your brother raping you because the dick felt good though
And I CERTAINLY don't goddamn want no harem trash
Where in the GODDAMN did all that sappy happy good stuff go
Where's the "alright we've weathered the storm from our friends and family, and even if they're not happy with our relationship it doesn't matter because we are"
Where's the "actually it turns out the best girl I've been looking for has been by my side all along"
Where's the "In order for these siblings not to be taken away from each other by third party harlots or gentlemen, they instead choose to lay claim on each other"
I WANT these basic, tired, generic plots back because I wanna see them be happy with each other GODDAMN IT
Does anyone know of that hentai where it starts with ntr, the step brother who recently moved in starts fucking the sister but then the bio brother steals her back. Forgor the anme
Merely being caucasian is not "taking care of your skin" (never heard of anyone saying being pale as ghost is good for you) and there's a difference between having a tan with tan lines vs looking like a fucking mixed-race mongrel

Most artists do the latter, with "white" men that look like your average paki
Where's the one where the guy eats his sister's ass for several hours at a time? It shows the passing clock in several panels
Guys are usually darker than girls, even within a race.
Could also be that fairness as an attractive feature is more strongly associated with women, and femininity than it is for men
men naturally have darker skin, it's thought to be women could get more vitamin d because they spent less time exposed to the sun
anything anal is disgusting, that whole psyop was fake as hell
>I don't WANT to hear about how your brother is three times bigger than the boyfriend you're cheating on
>I don't WANT to hear about how you're okay with your brother raping you because the dick felt good though
>And I CERTAINLY don't goddamn want no harem trash
I know the exact piece of korean you're talking about.

extremism drives sales now sadly
I'm looking for series where a sister pretends to be her brother's girlfriend or wife and then gets too into it.
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I need this but without unrelated dumb whores and big sister instead of the imouto or at least with sufficiently BIG imouto. Any suggestions?
>when you've got to make sure the autism genes remain strong
>you know we're siblings, right?
>screw that, there's a government quota, get to fucking
Yeah, that tracks.
>elder sister is the best
I don't agree with your imouto slander, but wholesome oneesan works are top tier. Subaru no Taiyou / Subaru's Sun was great, thanks for sharing. Have any favorites you could share?
>Where in the GODDAMN did all that sappy happy good stuff go
isn't pic related about the sister multiple attempts at killing herself?
yeah but she decides to live in the end
really though I only chose the picture because I thought it fit the post
just pulling your leg mate, thought it was a funny contrast to bring up. I actually agree and really like that one
Nakani in general is one of my favorites. It was odd seeing him start making stories with depressing undertones against those goofball faces he does (not that I disliked it, I could always go for a bit of heavy drama). Seems he hasn't uploaded anything to DLsite in a while, I hope he's alright
Sounds familiar, I think it was called "Where the cosmos flower blooms" or something along those lines
ye, I really like his work. at first I found the weird faces kind of jarring, but I've really come around to it. I can't speak to the veracity of "realistic depictions" of real incest for obvious reasons, but as a narrative device, it's pretty good. it delivers the awkwardness that one could expect from a down-to-earth fictional taboo story. Now that all stories overuse things like blushing, sweating, shock faces, aheagao, etc., the goofy faces really make the story elements stand out in a simple way
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TN note: お兄ちゃん means bruh
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I found this artist's work https://x.com/mejikaliner/media and I would really like to see it in english (I know my way around photoshop so editing isn't a problem) issue is I don't know the first thing about japanese so I don't know where to place all the text that the translator I used gave me, would anyone mind telling me where each dialogue goes so I can place them accordingly? thanks.
>I don't know the first thing about japanese
Don't translate
the ending ruined it
Hinata by Distance
Bonus point for being a classic where both are virgins and not "I want to fuck my brother because he got a huge dick" like the one you posted.
>both are virgins
Any wholesome incest doujin that even hints that this not being the case is an automatic drop for me. Same for osananajimi ones.
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google ocr will highlight the boxes probably though iirc it has issues with text written top to bottom rather than left to right. here is a sample for you to compare your work to. keep at it brother of my soul.
Tsubaki Jushirou - My Girlfriend just for today
>that one doujin where the brother thought his imouto was selling her body, calls her out on it in the first 5 pages, and she admits to it
>rest of doujin tries to go vanilla, even gets a sequel that does as well
dunno why the writer even bothered considering he ruined the whole story in the first few pages
No one in English ever calls their sister "sis" let alone "big sis". This stuff is just immersion breaking and cringe. If you can't translate neechan, DON'T.
What? How?
the piss fetish and lack of pregnancy
bit of golden shower too much for you incestboy?
NTA but yeah it is
Isn't there already a team that's been translating this bit by bit? It's probably the hottest Onee-chan work to me tbqh
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There's plenty of plap plap plap oneesan stuff like that recent sarashi one and plenty of romantic imouto ones like pic related. In fact I've seen more romantic doujins with imoutos than with oneesans maybe because it might seem too rapey if siblings suddenly have sex at the beginning and the girl is younger. It's mostly to do with author bias, kuronomiki's other incest doujin deals with an imouto being jealous about her oniichan being taken away from him by a gold digger. Not because of your retarded theory.
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Sorry it was Kurokoshi You, confused author names.
You have casual incest hentai authors and then you have [Furafura Toxin (Arano Oki)] naming his characters after incest researchers, egyptian daughterwives and swedish nobility. or Aoki Kanji literally building a case to justify why incest should be legal
HI, i'm searching a hentai where siblings have the same room/bed but separated by curtains and start to fuck through it.

If someone know the name, please tell me.
Mikan and Rito doujins still reigns supreme.
OneHole by satsuki imonet
Female skin is lighter than male one
Also a great way to differentiate them during sex scenes/panels. Even better on orgies within b/w manga
>Female skin is lighter than male one
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ur gay and have no sister, we do say sis and neechan is fucking cringe holy shit did you actually just unironically try to say neechan is less cringe than literally anything?
Any doujin where a few brothers make their sister the house cumdump?
>Any wholesome incest doujin that even hints that this not being the case is an automatic drop for me.
That's the most Reddit shit I've heard all day.
>Aoki Kanji literally building a case to justify why incest should be legal
Well now you've piqued my interest.
That was not a fucking curtain
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It's only hot when it's an imouto with her aniki.
>we do say sis
Maybe in Spanish or whatever you speak
>neechan is fucking cringe
Maybe, but if you can't translate a given word, DON'T. Nevermind that it's easy for an audience to accept that Japanese characters might use Japanese etiquette; should French characters in English-language media stop calling people monsieur? Man, the Sopranos would've SUCKED if you had your way.
lmao @ the snout
Eh, Loving Incest > Any given pairing.
And Loving, Babymaking Incest best of all.
I don't like shota so I can only enjoy onee-san bodies when she's younger or the guy looks like an adult
I mean, I get it. I prefer dad/daughter, but dislike how its often loli and/or abusive.

Kajimura Market's "Papachin Junkie" is probably my favorite atm, but a close (and bro/sis pairing) is Hotori Bocchi's "Seisai-ryoku no Takai 7-tsu Shita no Imouto to Kisei Jijitsu o Tsukuru Hon" and its sequel.
pepper0 is my goat
Stfu retard
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but it's true
You're right I apologize
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all good
Thanks but that wasn't this one.

It's really with a curtain, not a wall
He's my goat as well
the arms in that third fucking panel lol.
姉 (Ane) shits proving once again how clueless they are.
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Grown up imouto wife gets impregnated by onii-chan.
This one is Golden (Source: Anehame)
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Shimaidon is top tier
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but of course twincest is twinbest
Aqua and Ruby would have fallen in love in their previous lives if the girl didn't die of cancer so this is only good outcome
>[Yamada Tahichi] Kazokunai Furin 〜Incest Taboo〜 page 82
could you have chosen a less traumatic page to post with?
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what the hell is this even about?
gotta love cuvie
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what are some good works with sisters cosplaying for their brother? I know two but want more
[mizuryu kei] ane cos
[China] Imouto wa Doujin Shoujo Cosplay Kei
It's frustrating when I see a imouto doujin the guy is never bigger or masculine. Any recs?
I share your sentiment. There's a huge lack of hentai featuring masculine men in general.
[AC Hasebe] Mijika na Ana to Sao ~Shasei Shitara Iiko Iiko~ page 61
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as mentioned prior in this thread maybe the hyper masculine body type is typically reserved for NTR (adjacent) giri-sibling relationships and onee-chan stories where to otouto builds his body to the point where the onee-chan becomes conscious of the fact that her once cute smoll otouto has the physical prowess and stamina to potentially fuck her for hours on end.
Nozi is the best at this, every single doujin of his makes me wanna cum buckets.
What's the oreimo doujin were his dad beats the shit out of him? Also which one is it implied his parents are siblings too.
It's onee/otouto but there's

Akao, Anaran] Konomi ja Nai kedo ~Mukatsuku Ane to Aishou Batsugun Ecchi | She's Not My Type But ~Amazing Sex Chemistry With My Annoying Older Sister~
>can't find shit
so it's fakku
sell me on him more.
Does he do anything with follow through? there just aren't enough series where you actually have a sibling couple that go all the way like changing their identity moving far away and living as if they were married while raising their children like saikawa yusa's imouto complex/complete story
also why the fuck is even this scrubbed from nhentai now was it irodori this time?
>you're so moist I think I'm already about to cum
Honestly, been there. Good times.
>I'm REALLY going to knock you up!
Yeah this situation is a fantasy of mine. Better fucking well stay that way. No one wants flipper-babies.
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>does he do anything with follow through
Not really, he mostly does one-shots although they always have a happy ending, in some cases where the parents even approve of the relationship. As far as I can remember there's only 1 series he made with 2 chapters where mc fucks his little sister and her bratty best friend.
I think there was a period where he worked with Fakku but he also has old and new stuff without their involvement.
The good thing about Nozi is that he never draws condoms. It's always raw, impregnating sex with lots of cuddling, kissing, breast squeezing and deepthroating. And they always reaffirm their love. It's just the best for me.
The author is always very lustful with the dialogue. That's why the MC sometimes can come over as a little rapey. The good thing is that the imouto is never really bothered by that. They rather tease him about it.
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>Konomi ja Nai kedo
this actually got animated, the in-between animation looks like it got generated by style-gan or something, but the key moments are look good enough.
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At first I didn't like the short older sister/buff younger brother but the more they fucked before finally admitting they loved each other and kissing turned me around on it
Does anyone know some good old school stuff, especially long form? I have a soft spot for pre-2010s artstyle and writing, but the old stuff always seems to be quite sloppy regarding tags or arranging chapters, so I'm afraid I'm missing some or wasting my time going through non-incest stuff
If you could change a non incest hentai work to be incest, what would it be? I think this one (https://www.tsumino.com/entry/15607) would be nice as a brother-sister-sister thing.
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I rather cut my dick off than fuck my irl imouto but 2D imoutos on the other hand are actually incredibly hot and must get fucked by their onii-chans.
> I don't WANT to hear about how you're okay with your brother raping you because the dick felt good though

They can be happy after that though. She just takes some convincing, and she can tame him with her acceptance.
uncle bane is translating a korean one
it has a lot of koreanisms in it
hot though, even has a second gen sequel
this might be the weirdest "oneshota" incest i've ever read
[Walter Wolf] THE Otouto | The Little Brother
This was super cute.

And I can see this exact scenario happening at least once during human history. Probably happens a lot more than people want to admit if we're being honest with ourselves.
Anoko to Iikoto 2
It's a weird B-Side to "You Used to Be Cool".
Exact same characters and same basic premise (sister has a burnout and becomes a hikki, bother starts fucking her), but its way sillier and happy.
We Used to be Happy has the suicide stuff and the depressing ending.
found it, 2 parts
[Toruneko] Souda Imouto to Renshuu Shiyou. | I Know, I'll Practice With my Little Sister. (Anoko to Iikoto) [English] {5 a.m.}
[Toruneko] Sou yo Imouto de Renshuu Shinasai yo!! | C'mon, Little Sister, Let Me Practice With You!! (Girls forM Vol. 08) [English] {5 a.m.}
yandere imouto >>> normal imouto
further supporting evidence

(C94) [In The Sky (Nakano Sora)] SISUANA - sister hole
[Kanzume] Tobikkiri Junjou Sister (COMIC ANGEL Club 2013-07)
[TIES (Takei Ooki)] Watashi no, Onii-chan
[Kaiduka] Ore wa Imouto no Sodatekata o Machigaeta Kamo | I Might Have Made a Mistake With How I Raised My Little Sister (COMIC Penguin Celeb 2017-07)
[INAGO] Daisuki Onii-sama | Beloved Onii-sama (Omocha ni Natta Hi)
>the higher testosterone male has the darker hair/eye/skin (skin this much less noticeable) they will have
>.t bio major
I actually tried it in the height of my horny teen phase. It didn't work. I didn't ask to have sex. I just asked if I can see her boobs. I kept asking and begging like the MC and she finally agreed that she will show me her bra and I settled with that. Its been almost 15 years. Now I live in constant fear that she will one day #metoo me for sexual harrassment and always try to be on her good side.
Don't try this at home.
That is where you went wrong, you should've demanded she has passionate baby making sex with you instead of asking for boobs like a coomer.
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Yuki's good side is her inside. (her outside is stunning as well.)
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Best girl by far
An entire tankoubon just for big tittied imoutos just dropped. There's so much great untranslated stuff that is compelling me to learn Japanese just to read them.
This was good.
Source on artist?
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dntks looks to be making some really good stuff
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a new contender
>[Hiyakake Gohan (Oyabe Ryo)] Zenbu Oneechan no Sei Dakara

What the hell's the point of oneshota if they make the otouto magically like this? this is clearly false advertising.
Fuck off pedo
I'm in the mood for some really lovey-doivey stuff, any recommendations?
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>Come on to by My Infatuated Brother ~Show & Tell & Touch~
Is a recent find of mine that looked really cute.
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if only his name wasn't so hard to remember
it's very easy to remember if you're /v/-brained "don't ks" (kill steal) with the vowels and apostrophe removed.
I guess try [gemu555] Inmoralism p 146
Can't seem to find it translated on panda or hitomi. I'll need to look elsewhere
Very nice
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it's on batoto here i'll dump some pages
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Nobody calls their sister "sis" in English. I'm reading fucking hentai; I know what the fuck an oneechan is. I can accept that people in the faraway fuckoff island call their older sisters "oneechan". However, I can't accept hearing "sis" bullshit in mine own tongue, FUCK OFF!
In your expert experience and in your boundless imagination what do men who main the English language call their sisters in their precoital banter, anonymous imageboard user?
they use her actual name?
wow, so just to be clear, what you're telling me is that in real life manga once the DOKI, PANN, BIKU, PACHYUN, BYURURU and ZUPOPOPOPO SFX start appearing on the panels like >>8233952 a real OC brother of a sister raised in a English speaking household would hug his sister against a mattress and exclaim her actual name?

actual name ... can we get a bit more specific here? are we talking full Christian name from the first, down to any middle names and then ending in their shared last name? maybe that's a little long? but some women's names are multi-syllable composites that take a while to say out loud. what would sound natural do you think?
now now, blue boards don't exist
Thanks, anon
I gotta agree with >>8234461. We're all weebs, just say nee-chan/san or onee-chan/san. We all know that's how siblings address each other in Japanese and elders are referred to by titles rather than names typically. Saying sis or big sis might be technically correct, it still feels wrong.
English is not my first language so the terms onee-chan/sis are pretty much interchangeable for me, but I completely understand how can it can accross as awkward for a native reader.
Quite frankly, I dislike the use of onee-chan/sis, but because to me it feels "too on the nose" for the genre now. It's like all those porn videos where they keep saying step-sis/step-mom ad nauseum. It makes the whole thing feel performative and non-natural, which is not deal-breaker for hentai in general, but for a genre whose main focus is taboo it can come across as detrimental.
I find things like nicknames or teasing way more appealing in their place (saying things like "dummy", "meanie", or hints at familiar nickname), but I wonder if that woks for other people.
Fem POV has ruined the entire thing, nothing is a better boner killer than this, and even a proactive otouto could not save it. An older sister who doesn't act like one in the slightest is just an insult on top of it being femMC. Kind of expected from the title though, or rather the understandable part of it.
Thanks for the story, anon. Beautiful and cute.

Literally one of the best authors. Wish I could follow more
There was this incest manga where the mother knows the bro and sis are having sex and treat it like something normal day to day life. I think there's a lot like it, but it ends with the brother leaving the room and sitting down with the mom and having a drink while they talk about the incest (no mom/son, just bro/sis). I forgot the name. I like the ones where the family knows about the incest (mom/son, father/daughter, brother/sister) and are just completely okay with it.
yeah its not my fav either, seems like its written for an otome audience instead of the onee audience
but beggars can't be choosers
Hey guys, im wanting to do a story based around incest. The synopsis is two half siblings are left a house and are on their own.

IDK where i want to take it. I thought about a semi-abuse angle but then again i wanted more wholesome.

What kind of situations do you like to see siblings in?
>two half siblings
make your characters full siblings unless there is a plot reason for them to be something else. If you ever want to get it publicized somewhere file the serial numbers off so to speak and make one of the siblings a cousin that was adopted or something, if there's no compelling reason to censor your work then don't.

if you want to draft a (mildly) abusive relationship you will need to find a reason why one sibling has power over another, maybe one of them is significantly older, or more popular, more sociable or more physically fit.

honestly rewritten diary entries make for some of the best novel prose. a lot of literature is just a rehashing of clichés but it really shows when a writer is writing about something they know intimately.

>i wanted more wholesome.
some simple and nice cliche's are siblings doing the i'll-show-you-mine-you-show-me-yours thing; maybe a Toradora plot where they help one another with how to make the moves on their respective crushes and then find that they like each other more than the people they were pining for; the good old accidental walk into the other coming out of the shower or masturbating.
Daughter was born slightly before the son. They have more siblings but are spread across the country. Father made the son promise to take care of his sister when he is gone. The rest of the family don’t see her as family.


The brother has the deed to the house and the sister is a clean neet. She can cook and takes care of herself, but she dosen’t work or she mooches off the brother.

I just wanted a reason for the brother to say…”Im your fucking daddy now!”


So the first chapter I have in my head is the brother is on a date, a “foodie call” and the sister saw it coming from a mile away, tried to warn him and he doesnt listen. He brings back potato skins since he lost the bet and he is a sad sack. Alcohol gets involved and then things go from there.
Not the one you're talking about, but there's one where sis (mother) knows that her daughters fuck her brother, it's by the artist who drew >>8176159
It's extremely fucking funny to me that it took the local officials to decide maybe they shouldn't force full-blood siblings to breed.
>raw sex with a lithe, small sister
I'd cum so hard I'd black out
>I don't WANT to hear about how your brother is three times bigger than the boyfriend you're cheating on
I understand the frustration, but that's also what gets my cock throbbing, so
Yeah, makes sense. Same reason genitals tend to be so much darker than the rest of the body. Very sensitive to testosterone in puberty, even the small amounts found in cis women.
Isn't this inseki?
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You should have seen it somewhere by now if you're into sisters. I stumbled upon it at around the same time as that anon, for example. Enjoy I guess?
Unlike him, I'm not particularly against harems as long as the completely unrelated whores >>8176159
don't occupy sisters' positions though. What's unforgivable is used goods trash as an older sister. Picrel is even worse, an irredeemable whore.
If it's that common, maybe just insanely "lucky" not seeing it in bro-sis stories? It's very common even in romance novels, though. Like, "Oh no, the guy I thought about dating is so much bigger than my exes, it's a problem but I'm getting used to it."
Kind of plays into the perception bigger's always better, when that's not true, even in anonymized surveys. There's a reason why there's an "ideal boyfriend cock" and "ideal one-night-stand" cock, the latter larger than the former. Turns out most women don't like getting a baseball bat up the cunt every other day.
Bitch. Cunt. Sissy. Their actual name. Not sis that's for sure
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Do wish that one had ended up with her pregnant, but was still good.
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> I don't like shota so I can only enjoy onee-san bodies when she's younger or the guy looks like an adult
Straight shota is the patrician’s choice. That’s STRAIGHT shota.
This artist made another story, about an onechan that was at uni but still looked like a midget while the bro looked bigger than her. The mom at the beginning, i think, was like, “where’s the boyfriend?” and she said she didn’t have one. The drawing was in a more rougher way but it was still good. And also was creating another story with black haired siblings, i don’t know if she/he finished of not, it was a long time ago. But damn it i loved it.
I would say
but you see
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Requesting anything where the brother's girlfriend facilitates things, especially if she and the sister are into each other. I remember one where it ends with the girlfriend leaving and being all "I finally got them to do it."

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