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Thighjobs / Sumata
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Finally some good fucking food.
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It's unreal how much worse that guy's art has gotten since. Super unfortunate. It's all sketches with no anatomy now.
It happens, last I saw of his patreon it was just doodles. I don't get why it's so hard for artists to just fucking draw dude
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Sorry i know this is not the same thing, but does anyone know\have any standing face-to-face sex, or what would be the best tag to find some that focuses on that pose.
Basically something like this?
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Thanks, i'm dumb.
what are source on these doujshin
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please remind me the name of the author of this. I've been looking for their stuff for ages now
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I saw this and thought of you.
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y-you too
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what drawing nothing but porn for too long do to a mf
Anyone actually experienced this for real?
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