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the bad guys tried to stop us
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OP YOU FAGGOT! It is us who are the bad guys! and like every time we are getting our way with the magical girls, their friends arrived to save them.
Now they will pay for destroying the previous thread.
Not all of us are bad. Cons gets posted here too.
new cure, Cure Friendly
Sailor Jupiter
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The file size limit is killing me
this one has top erotic energy I could coom at this 10 times in a row without getting bored before picking a doujinshi. Art
the artist is Afrobull
wtf is happening with the board
Haruka Haruno /
/ Cure Flora
I thought the "nice thread" was an actual compliment :(
What do you guys think of this doujin: https://exhentai.org/g/3010152/7f01e3d4cd/
The fetishes right? What about the *concept*? Of stealing magical powers from MGs by making their children inherit them?

"Lala-chan, you've come to utterly love sex, huh?"

"Sex is amazing! I can't believe how good it feels, I'm glad I came to this planet!"

"Simply having my pussy pounded by a cock and semen shot inside..."

"I never knew it could bring such joy!"
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I love seeing heroines getting fucked by mere lackeys.
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