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Welcome back to the gangbang thread! Post and discuss gangbang related content here.
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Generally not a fan of ugly bastards, but the art in this one is too good
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What are your favorite imminent gangbang pages/panels?
Either nervous excitment or fear.
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This might be my favorite.
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I love that it immediately goes into a standing DP too. With a woman like that you waste no time i suppose
Also, very flattering that this image i made still gets posted. I'm glad people are getting something out of it
Its been a mainstay of the thread for some years now, thanks for your work
this is the best response, the too cheerful happy laughing shit isn't the way women respond to ultra horny situations.

the should look like they are about to lose their minds with lust, here, is a good one, not as exhaggerated as some, but pretty on the nose, it should look as if a women's bitch switch has just been flipped, and she is yearning become a receptacle of lust.

this manga was great, because it was in this exact moment she knew she was going to cross a line forever, and be transformed into "that" kind of women, and her husband would become secondary to giving in to her needs, and she simply gives in.
Well put. It's a beautiful thing
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I love seeing that combination of nervousness and excitement. Also like it when the girls plainly say they want to get fucked
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I do like this from Shining Musume 7. I like the dynamic of multiple guys getting involved up to a particular point during a gangbang, maybe oral or pussy only but then she's presented as being ready to take anything

"Ahaha... Hey, guys? ...Are you serious? You're serious, aren't you?
Forgive meee! ...That's not gonna work, huh? Ahaha..."

"Of course not, you stupid goddess.
We received explicit permission from our master to punish you."

"We're gonna take turns thoroughly ravishing you."

Couldn't think of a decent way to translate gang-bang as a verb, so I went with that. ("We're gonna gang-bang you" sounds way too weird.)
mass groping is my fetish!
You're real for that
Pisses me of when the guys are just invisible floating penises and there's no embracing or groping happening
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Now, granted those are floating arms instead but you know what i mean lol
Thank you dog
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This is one of my favorite chikan doujins that's from Evangelion. Has a good mix of groping and the dudes rubbing their dicks on the girls plugsuits. I haven't been able to find anything else quite like it
This is a whole series involving plugsuits, but sadly only has this one gangbang chapter
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Me on the bottom
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Been in a tamagoro mood lately. Truly one of the best there was for combining cute and sexy as well as happy sex.
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The way he draws post climax with the spent cocks and overflowing holes is just so sexy
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Really love this dp position. You know the girl is bound to get the shit fucked out of her if its part of an artist's repertoire. It just seems so primal with the men trying to get inside the woman no matter how awkward the position may be
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Posted about this before, but this is one of my favorite scenes in the Saishuu Chikan Densha vn. The mc and this woman first fuck in their car by themselves and draw a crowd, and after they're done she urges him to open the door before she gets dped/spitroasted on both ends of the car
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Another benefit is that because the girl isn't lying on top of anyone the guys can much more freely swap out from either hole after they've unloaded.
Making sure she's being constantly pounded without pause, especially when there are many men to take care off, is important!
standing dp is based
It's bad beyond belief
Lol meant to say based but I guess it is bad in a naughty sense
fuck yes, you got disc?
Of course but I'm not thrilled about the idea of posting it here
The "Seieki Chuudoku Jukujo Tsuma | The hot MILF is addicted to sperm" https://naxter.net/gallery/e5b24955-2d66-4937-a148-787a678c8537

And other works by sawada daisuke https://naxter.net/search?q=artist%3A%22sawada%20daisuke%22
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Speaking of creampies and gaping holes, Kichirock’s series with Kotori has some of my favorite pages of all time
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Absolutely based tastes in this thread.
Gangbangs are so sexy for all these reasons but I also like spitroasts and double handjobs.
Waiting for the sequel with Umi. Actually surprised there was one in his earlier works, but it's just yuri with Kotori.
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How many guys should be using one girl in your opinion ?

I think 3 is the minimum but 5 is the optimal number imo - in this way all of the girls holes could be used and her hands will be busy as well.
3 is both the minimum for a gangbang and the optimum for simultaneous participation. The reason is that the number of available positions decreases as the number of active partners goes up (reaching 1 at 8 men per woman), and having little variety is invariably boring. It they are female, this effect is more pronounced.
4 imo. 5 gets too limiting for positions without rotating and 3 isn't quite enough to feel overwhelming. 4 is a sweet spot for a variety
Standing DP is sublime.
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Mine is Shining Musume 7? Like I posted in the OP? Shiwasu no Okina is the author if it helps
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Anyone get into mmds now that anime and 3d hentai are kinda dead or slow moving?
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Dopurinu has a good amount of bukkake videos and some gangbang ones
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MMD hentai is the poison made me into gangbang and DP
In addition to Ngon, Nakano Hitori (pixiv.net/users/16482172) has been creating GB art for a long time, and while not an MMD artist, Eringi is also an excellent Hentai-3D artist.
That said, I don't think it is desirable to have too much MMD art in a row...
Fucking awesome
It's always like the cutest thing whenever you can barely see the girl poking out from between the large dudes pounding her. Like here with her leg hanging over and face peeking out.
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Fucking hell, Kallen is so fine.
If there's one anime/vidya girl who stands above the rest as the gangbang queen it might be her. I used to think it was Tifa, but Kallen just makes me lose my mind anytime i see her go
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dp gets me fucking diamonds
You're in the right place, friend.
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Do you guys prefer this where she is hanging onto both guys or
Where she's completely clinging to one? Obv both are super hot but something about the latter where she is holding on desperately is so erotic.
The latter. Arms around the neck with eye contact or even a kiss is so intimate
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Third option would be where she's being held in full Nelson or something like this.
Couldn't really find a good example but I like it a lot as well
Something really sexy about intimate 3p, either cuz its a couple sharing w/ another guy or something else.

Fullnelson is always top tier so any variants including dp and gangbang is a bonus
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I like seeing the girl wrap her arms around one guy and get really squished in between the two as she's getting dped
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There's a ton of variations I like. One leg up and one down, or one leg down while the other wraps around a guy. I can't find a good example of it, but another is the guys standing on the girls side with both her legs raised while they're likely doing double vaginal or anal
Like this perhaps?
That’s a good one. I was having trouble finding an example in a doujin. So much of the shit in the rule34 sites was AI or western art
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Oh yeah this one was amazing. They totally destroyed her
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doggy/cowgirl DP is so hot. Especially when the picture/art showing the girl's face showing ecstasy of pleasure having both her holes being used. Wish more hentai artist show or draw the girls face expression of that.

Bonus point if doggy/cowgirl DP art when the girl has fat tits and details of the boob squeeze on the guy below makes me diamonds hard
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forgot pic
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Definitely when she's hanging on the guy, especially when it's drawn that the girl is hugging tightly on the front guy.
These are the pages I love seeing in a doujin. Same shot showing off multiple positions to show the passage of time. What is the source of this please, anal only gangbang looks amazing.
which side would you take?
mmmmff that xray is so fucking hot
Appreciated. Thanks.
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No worries. Since we were on the topic of intimate kissing during gangbangs before I feel like I have to mention his other great work
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It's so good that It unironically makes me want a relationship like this
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Won't spoil the best parts but check it out.
Oh and here's the link
Lol I think in this scenario they are all feeling the same thing, which is to say each other.
But the guy in the back might be more free to grope her tits and ass while the other two do most of the lifting
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Reverse pile driver dp seems so inefficient, but I love how kinky it is
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Hey, does anyone have any recommendations of any gangbang doujins with established male characters instead of the typical faceless dudes?
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When you let go of my hands
[Takenoko Seijin]
How do you respond without sounding mad?
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>How do you respond without sounding mad?

She WILLINGLY turned herself into a public cumdump fucking anyone her 'boyfriend' wanted her to fuck... she ASKED for MORE fucking.
What is her childhood friend suppose to say and do when literally almost EVERY GUY in school has fucked her anyway they wanted to?
Every possible virginity she had she gave away (anal, vaginal, blow jobs, hand jobs, boob jobs, multiple people at once, being video taped, creampied by anyone that wanted to, bukkake, etc.)
Everyone sees her as a gullible easy sex-slave.

It seems he is OK with loving the class cumdump and being number 48 on anything sexual she has done. The videos will be embarrassing for years and the humiliation of guys talking about how they took turns doing ATM on her. She does not even know if she is pregnant.
He seems to think she is worth it.

Some guys would just fuck her and keep her as an exclusive 'sex friend' until a marriageable woman comes long then toss the human toilet-paper aside.

Most guys would just toss her aside and think 'good riddance'
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[Zero no Mono]
Normally xray is fine but not super exciting for me but that completely changes with dp

Not enough reverse pile driver in general so def won't complain if its also a gangbang

Big rip. Im not a huge stickler regarding past relationships but yeah can't imagine actually keeping a relationship with someone like this. Its a sexual fantasy and itd have to be handed to me on a silver platter to do something like that.
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The dp is great on its own but I think the truly awesome part is the pussy and ass bukkake, especially if you have the guys occasionally pushing the cum inside with their dicks.
It gets to all accumulate inside without leaking too much
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does anyone have any double titfucks where they straddle her chest like this?
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Yukiguni Eringi draws this briefly in an old Onechanbara doujin that’s all about paizuri and bukkake
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Double titfucks in general are pretty rare, think I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve seen it. Armpit/sideboob fucking I see more often which is just as hot
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Some women love gangbangs so much they make a living from them.
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The Cumdumpster Princess of Burg
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Yeah that's a great thing about that rpd position you keep posting too. Super sexy creampies and bukkake that run down her body to her face.
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Any recs where gir;ls gets fucked by an array of guys basically non-stop with almost no downtime/pauses etc until she passes out/breaks?

i.e. something similar to Fall of Gangliostro or whatever the title
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Which body type is the most gangbangable?
that one.
why, do toy with my thoughts?
Just wondering if there's a specific female body type that frequently appears in gangbang. Like NTRbody (voluptuous) or rapebody (slender)
The thicc milf body makes the most sense for me
There's just more woman to go around that way, you kinda need a woman with a huge ass at least.
And milfs are the most fitting personality wise as well, if they've gotten used to regular sex and want to feel lusted over again
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For me Miyabi Tsuzuru perfectly encapsulates that ideal type.
You just take one look at a lady like this and you know she's in need of a serious dose of dick
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What about Sawada Daisuke?
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Last episode of Himekishi Lilia. Its a nonstop gangbang of the main character as a part of some ritual. This has always been the standard for me for massive gangbangs
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Thanks, anon, I saw it but it is kind of... meh. The way it is execued/portrayed, a bit too sterile and pritimive but may be I'm too much of a pretentious aggot
Bit surprised by that. I like super paced stuff like from Teruaki Murakami, but sometimes its a bit too much. I think the gangbang is made a lot hotter knowing how she’s been broken down over the course of 6 episodes. For me though, nothing still tops early 2000’s stuff like Mezzo Forte or Discipline
Might be helpful to know what works you've enjoyed before
not much on the subj, closely-related are Mocha Labaratory stuff but they are very unique (and my favs all time)
too bad
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I know
NTA but it just feels more generic than stuff in previous episodes
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Big fan of this one from Kojima Saya. They have a series with Asuna from SAO that's really good too
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If you're okay with zombies (more humanoid looking than lumps of rotten flesh), Utamaro has a two part story with this girl
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Sauce me up anons please. Looking for a doujin where a blonde (russian?) exchange student comes to the countryside. She fucks a junior, and he thinks they're exclusive. But she's actually the town bicycle. I can't remember for the life of me.
I feel like I have this saved, but can’t remember the name. Sounds similar to a story I read were the the guy peeks through some window or door to see the girl getting gangbanged
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Any chance this is Tuna Empire? Girl isn’t Russian, but she is a transfer/exchange student
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I love her. That DP scene is one of the best
How it is called? Most of his stuff is untranslated
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I hate retards
Add tuna empire, retard
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this was nice
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Gangbangs are the great equalizers. No woman, no matter how mighty, is more than a set of holes to a gang of men. I love it.
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Best gangbang waifu
One of the most satisfying things

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Lmao, having a group photo with her holes is really based
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Cute asshole. Sometimes I like gaping holes, other times I prefer simple post creampie pullout with some cum spurting out with the girl's holes looking relatively normal
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Also really like it when the girl's spreads her holes to prepare for penetration or when one of the guys does it for dp
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Based. We need more of this pov. IIRC in pixiv is tagged as Invitation to DP.
It makes it seem like her ass is still real tight even after taking all that dick.
Bet it would feel amazing being the last in line to her ass after it's been filled with cum
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Im trying to find a gangbang doujin that got nuked during that Nhentai purge a few months ago. It had this girl who was obsessed with finding a group of supernatural priests and having sex with them, and she eventually gets into a big orgy. There was also some side plot where her best friend was an observer, and everyone in the world forgot about her existence after she disappeared to fuck the priests forever, except her friend. Anyone know what this doujin is?
That sounds like Niku Miko no Utage by Higuchi Isami, and AFAIK, that's not a doujin
Had a look at Isami's work and Niku Miko. Unfortunately it wasn't any of his, but thank you for the help! Still searching for it, but I'm having too much trouble recalling specific scenes. Only the story scenario.
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I think it's partially similar to story of Benki Seijo Blanca by Henrybird.
It kinda is. Is that the one with the demon that kills them, and the succubus sister revives them?
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Yup. More precisely, just before she is sacrificed by death, succubus sister betrays and kills demon, and saves her. Then she erases her memory.
And BTW, continuation of this story has been released. I haven't been able to find an English translation yet, but it's fantastic.
New thread up!

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