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Now that E-hentai aka Exhentai is a fully fledged paywall/slavewall, will a successor rise up?
Hasn't that limit been there for like a decade?
you could evade it by vpn hopping before, which is no longer possible, but otherwise nothing changed
No. You're thinking of his other paywall/slavewall where he puts 3-12 month old images or 12+ months old images behind.

Tendon changed how the image limit works yesterday. If you exchange some hath for any of the "more pages" perks (it expands your limit), your limit will be permanently tied to your account instead of your IP address, and he stabbed his customers in the back with this change because before the change he demanded $20 to tie the limit to your account.

Before the change, having the limit tied to your IP address and hitting the limit meant that you could look at images indefinitely for free by changing the IP address because it's very uncommon for users to share an IP address on the same website. And you changed your IP address a lot less if you owned any of the "more pages" perks.

As of today, you'll have to:
- pay him real money to keep looking at images after hitting the limit.
- be his slave for a long time to keep looking at a few images after hitting the limit.
- create a new account, risk get banned on all accounts for having more than one account, and have access to thousands of IP addresses to keep looking at a few images because the default limit is very small.

Keep in mind that new images uploaded to Exhentai are grossly bloated to farm virtual money. A large image hits the limit faster than a smaller image.

His news post is a word salad because he doesn't want to admit he's greedy and appeasing Fakku/Irodori
So let me guess, you've never contributed a gallery and have a negative seed ratio, anon?
col story, bro
So let me remind you, you are a retard because you think we can't see that you're samefagging and you think seeding a torrent with missing pages, the wrong page order and no metadata generates virtual money and makes you indistinguishable from an actual contributor.
Just run H@H for a few months and you'll have pretty much infinite GP. I did this like 5 years ago and still have 4k hath or something, I just use the download button to download stuff.
>2024-08-26 wasn't yesterday

If you haven't completely fried your brain from reading machine translated AI porn, you might want to stop now.
>become his slave

Not to mention, there are more users running H@H now, must get approved first and there'll be a van outside the house because proxies or VPNs are forbidden.
4k hath isn't enough to download 9 galleries that were ripped from DMM if the current rates are not wrong, lmao.

4k hath = 10400000 credits at 2600 per hath
10652000 credits = 34666kGP at 300 credits per kGP

According to the wiki, it costs 20GP to download 1MiB (price doubles if it hasn't been downloaded for a while, but whatever).
This means that 34666kGP = 34666000GP and can download 1733300MiB, which is 1692GiB or 1.65TiB

Yeah, I don't think I'm running out any time soon.
It's cheaper to buy that $20 star from Tendon's online shop than running his malware and giving him free electricity and internet. Congrats on getting scammed. Also, you're faking the exchange rate by inflating the numbers.
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You're so fucking schizo that you assume two posts eight minutes apart and sharing nothing in common besides making fun of you are the same person, huh?

Nice list of bullshit assumptions about the torrents I seed, by the way. I'm enough of a contributor that I've got most of my points from my posted galleries. You aren't a contributor, you're just a leech. Sorry you're so mad about it, I guess. Fag.
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Whatever dude, I didn't look too much into the exchange rates, but I can safely download at least 1TB just fine. I didn't spend any extra money because at the time I was already paying for a seedbox and just used the free space to run H@H.

If you leave your PC running 24/7, have decent internet, and free storage, running H@H for a few months is super worth it for pretty much infinite download and the hath perks.
>y-you schizo
>i w-waited eight minutes
>h-how dare u see through my samefagging
Your tears are delicious, retard.

I made no assumptions. You literally said seeding a torrent makes the seeder indistinguishable from an actual contributor. Moreover, your screenshot is worthless. There's a good chance you do nothing but re-upload images from Kemono onto Exhentai.

Way to out yourself as a retarded newfag for being a corpo bootlicker.
You didn't read what I said. H@H is no longer rewarding because there are too many people running it. You only get rewarded when you serve an image to somebody. And not everyone gets approved for it, and those who want to get approved often end up getting banned for "multi accounting" because they shared an IP address with someone else for a brief second.
Does this stop me from scraping the odd doujin now and then?
1. just use the tracker retard.
2. some hoarder needs to make a dat
3. images need to be transcoded to jxl or avif/s or av1, there are tons of multi gigabyte galleries that are like 30M as an avis or av1
how do I make the ehviewer mobile reader not display potato quality images?
is there a better app somewhere?
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Each time Tendon attacked users (and he's always done it for no good reason), he's used his lackeys as a proxy to blame the victims by calling them irrelevant, a loud minority voice, poor, leechers, etc. Without these users, the ad revenue he would've gotten would've made his website unsustainable.
Depends on several factors like the size of the image, when it was uploaded, etc.

Torrents are shit, you fucking retard. Most galleries don't have them, often outdated, not seeded, page order is wrong, pages are missing, extra pages included, and often malware infested. Between JXL and Tel Avif, the former is a clear winner. Tel Avif oversaturates the pictures, makes it too pixelated, lacks important features and saves up less space.
>complains about being held hostage
>suggestion is to re-encode the entire fucking database
Leech is the literal torrent term. That anon's a faggot, but that doesn't mean you aren't. Post contributions.
Show me a jxl file with this much savings (25x) from compression. This is why video compression is better in the long term.
>often malware infested
Oh shit you are just a troll, why did I seriously reply
you type like that schizo who thinks everyone here is a fakku shill.
you're that schizo who attacks anyone who isn't a fakku shill.
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You're an actual fucking schizo for thinking that disgusting smear looks good and justifies the missing important features. AVIF is an objectively shit "image" codec, videos and images are mutually exclusive and you need to visit the nearest mental asylum ASAP.

Every single test demonstrates AVIF getting destroyed by much older and actual image codecs. Also, nobody wants to destroy their images, you fucking retard. It's either lossless or the trash can.
That tranny LARPing as a contributor wasn't talking about leechers in the context of a torrent client and why the fuck are you replying to the wrong posts? You might be retarded, further supported by the fact that you type like a redditor
That was a test, both of those are jpgs
Oh shit you're projecting yourself and the type to spam machine translations and say "shit is better than nothing". There's a forum on E--hentai dedicated for finding malware in torrents, you fucking retard.
>muh jpg malware
Might be the place to ask but is exhentai down for anyone else or is it related to what OPs saying? i only get a white page on EX but no e-hentai
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Kemono is:
- over ten times faster than Tenboro's website.
- much larger in file size (the owner claimed it's at 1.5PB on 13/08/24) than Tenboro's website.
- showing much less ads than Tenboro's website.
- ignoring any copyright claim unlike Tenboro who blindly rubber stamps every copyright claim and gave out an admin account to Fakku/Irodori.
- being more DDoS attacked than Tenboro's website.
- dealing with more bulk downloaders than Tenboro's website.
- not hiding content unlike Tenboro's website.

And we're the crazy ones if we suspect Tenboro is a liar.
>has no idea who creates torrents despite the website making it abundantly clear
>has no idea anything can be put in the torrent
>has no idea the website doesn't verify torrents
>has no counter for any of the other flaws brought up
>needs to make shit up
You're a retarded newfag and underage who feels like a big boy after learning how to download a torrent today.
>>has no idea the website doesn't verify torrents
So is there a board for reporting malware in torrents or not?
Please get a handler to read for you, you autist.
Even if there was malware (there's not) all you have to do is not execute it.
Why would I execute a jpg? Worst case the uploader guesses my reader and has already exploited it's zip library. Good thing I'm on arch with the latest releases, and I don't use shitware.
>has no idea anything can be put in torrents
I do because I make avif and av1 torrents all the time.
The website doesn't check what's inside the torrent. It's up to the user to download the torrent and verify it. If something is sus in the torrent, the user reports the torrent on the forum to get the torrent removed. Does your r*ddit typing underage brain need an even more dumbed down explanation?

>Good thing I'm on arch
>I make avif
>I don't use shitware

You're not baiting. You're actually retarded.
What's wrong with you? Why waste your time on made up problems when there is so much suffering in the world? Not even made up technical problems, literally problems you made up in your own head like the admin of ehentai is out to get you. Seek mental help.
Last I checked, ex doesn't have a single ad?
Anyways, why should I believe either admins claims?
Neither site is my friend, and kemono's mass scraping is the direct cause of fanbox and fantia overhauling their systems to be a dick and a half to scrape. It's directly made my process more of a hassle. Ex just sits there.
All I know of either operator is that kemono's decided to go full retard and run ad campaigns bragging about their site for...no good reason.
Imagine if H@H reencoded every imageset into and av1 mkv using the processing power of every computer on the network.
>why are you not satisfied with shit? It's better than nothing!

Like clockwork. Fuck off and die somewhere.
Ignore Me I just had to reinstall the plugin im retarded
>use sadpanda
>somebody is angry about it for some reason
>use sadpanda
>somebody is angry about it for some reason
>use sadpanda
>somebody is angry about it for some reason
>use sadpanda
>somebody is angry about it for some reason
>today, right now
>use sadpanda
>somebody is angry about it for some reason

Why is kemono even being brought up? I can't get scans off kemono, I can't get translations off of kemono, I can't even search by tags. They aren't comparable sites?

Anyways, I'm off to go use sadpanda. I hope at some point everyone stops being angry about it.
>Last I checked, ex doesn't have a single ad?

Exhentai is a synonym for E-hentai, you retarded newfag.

>Anyways, why should I believe either admins claims?

Kemono isn't a private website.

>Neither site is my friend

Yet you leech off of them and have nothing without them.

>and kemono's mass scraping is the direct cause of fanbox and fantia overhauling their systems to be a dick and a half to scrape. It's directly made my process more of a hassle. Ex just sits there.

Not an argument.

Also, Exhentai is the reason why Fakku exists and only thrives. Exhentai can't stop collecting Ls.

>All I know of either operator is that kemono's decided to go full retard and run ad campaigns bragging about their site for...no good reason.

Yet it beats Exhentai in everything and precisely why it exposes how Exhentai is a fraud.
>use sadpanda

Sadpanda aka Exhentai didn't exist until 2010.

It's hilarious how you can't stop embarrassing yourself, you retarded newfag.

>for some reason

Maybe try reading for the first time after you've been rehabilitated at a mental asylum.

>Why is kemono even being brought up

Probably because Exhentai has been a mirror for Yiff and Kemono for almost a ten years now, and these two websites prove that Tenboro is a liar.

>They aren't comparable sites?

Keep telling yourself that.
Can anyone name those "bulk downloaders" or whatever made up shit is killing EH according to tendojew?
Isn't that a kind of war crime?
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Just dont be a Leecher LOL
Imagine being a miserable freak by going on 4chan to complain about leechers and how uploading machine translated AI image slop makes you into a contributor. You can't make this stuff up.
thirty six thousand fucking images and you are complaining the site is paywalled? you get 5k+ free images a day without doing jack, what do you need that much for unless you're trying to make up for lost time? in which case just torrent
>Yet it beats Exhentai in everything and precisely why it exposes how Exhentai is a fraud.

So I can find non-digital doujin scans and translations on kemono, along with the weekly and monthly commercial magazines, and tanks? How about archives of pixiv and blag galleries? Show me where on kemono I can get mogudans earlier works, you fucking can't.

OH wait no I fucking can't, you brainless gorrila retard. Kemono only works for shit on support sites, and only when their useless importers are actually fucking working.
Everyone pack it up, kemono's admin is having a pissy fit because none of his importers work and he knows the yiff fate is fast approaching.
I honestly can't tell if you're one of Tendon's lackeys having a mental breakdown out or if you're a bot going haywire.

Why are you repeating that you can't?

Why are you nitpicking things that aren't related to the discussion?

Why aren't you focusing on the points being made?
If Kemono wanted to, it could finish off Exhentai in 2 weeks by providing contributors with an alternative.
That's not how torrents or the image limit works, you retarded newfag. Why can't you fuck off to a mental asylum instead of bothering us?
so basically, you could steal, but now you cant, and that makes this exhentai dude a jew
wow. im happy for u tho. Or sorry that happened. or what ev you seem to care so much about.
what was stolen, moshe?
seethe harder, unless you've reached your seethe limit. then cope
You forgot to call him a normie in your based and redpilled post, fellow oldfag
I have never downloaded the high-resolution versions. Ever. The resamples are just fine
I used to hoard but a few drive failures later I've lost the motivation
>not being able to find what your looking for elsewhere
zoomers really are tech illiterate
Who are you quoting and why do you think it makes you into an oldfag by attacking yourself by projecting yourself onto others?
>Nuh uh! My favorite site totally could kick your site's ass, they just don't feel like it!
Holy underage batman

Nobody contributes on the few sections of kemono that do allow it. It's a site for zoomers who want the whole thing automated for them. The concept of doing any work is antithetical to you and your ilk.
>t. has never done anything of value
Bros...a pass lets you post faster and skip the captcha...4chan is truly paywalled now...how could this have happened? Now I have to wait between being retarded on /h/...after all this time....
Bros...sucking corpo dick is good...slurp slurp slurp..how dare you say I'm a shill? Now I have to spam the internet that I'm not a shill while expressing how tasty corpo dick is...after all this time....
>Nuh uh! I'm not sperging out! I'm not mad that Kemono can destroy Exhentai in two weeks because I've been a slave on Exhentai and don't want my hard work taken away from me because Tendon is a good masta! Y-you underage!

Watching you Tendon slaves turn into schizos is comical.

>Few sections

You Tendon slaves are extemely mentally ill. You're saying that Patreon, Fantia and Fanbox are irrelevant, lmao.

>It's a site for zoomers

Can you make a single post without thinking that whining about Zoomers will turn you into an oldfag?

Also, the average user on Exhentai is a Zoomer, so you're attacking yourself.

>whole thing automated for them

Says the retard who chose to be a slave of Tendon who wants everything to be automated.

>The concept of doing any work is antithetical to you and your ilk.

Please explain to us how you're being ethical and doing any work.

You chose to be a literal slave for Tendon.

All of your uploads are either machine translated AI generated images or re-uploads of pictures that you downloaded from Kemono which somebody else bought and shared.

You attack Kemono although you turned Exhentai into a mirror site for Kemono which you did to farm good boy points because you're not a contributor.

You can't make one post without lying and attacking yourself.
And you have, you weird as fuck faggot who spams AI slop?
You got me, anon. I'm everyone who has ever said you were wrong about anything. I'm actually the whole thread except for you. I'm also the admin of ehentai, and the head statesman of Israel, and I own fakku, killed napster, and implemented Japan's censorship policies. You have unmasked me, but you can never beat me.
>has to make up an AI poster in his mind because the thread has no images

Meds. Now.
Everytime i want to download the original files i just torrent it, and for the few really old ones i just download straight from the archive so this won't really affect me
Can't wait until they paywall torrents though
You're mentally ill and should kill yourself. Get ahead of your eventual suicide and be proactive.
Are you an NPC? Sorry for asking, I've never met a human who might think torrents on Exhentai which have missing pages, extra pages, malware, and wrong page order are acceptable.
Why is the Fakku shill aka the Tendon lackey afraid to respond to any post directly?
Who are you quoting and why are you denying being a subhuman when you literally said uploading AI slop makes you a contributor and copying files is theft?
>somebody is angry about it for some reason
Just see that as the default state and watch the odd anon having a meltdown once in a while.
The Tendon lackey has a mental breakdown and shits threads up to distract newfags who make up most of the website's userbase and never read any post besides the OP and the last three posts
Hey, moron! There's multiple people in the thread! I'm don't give a shit about copying and can spot AI sloppa from a fucking mile away! These opinions aren't correlated at all! It's not impossible to think you're retarded and to still know AI is the worthless garbage that it is! Not everyone who disagrees with you is the same fucking person, this is why you are being called a schizo! The whole world isn't a single person out to get you by samefagging, Jesus fucking Christ, anon, get a goddamned grip!
So spergy, in denial and retarded. Almost as if you're a retarded newfag who was caight samefagging.
Could you faggots stop responding to the troll thread, please and thanks? OP has clearly shown he doesn't want to have a discussion, he wants a thread full of people who agree with him on every single topic and want to strub kemonodev's balls. It's a vent thread at most, and the question it asks doesn't have even an attempt at an answer

Let OP wallow in his hissy fit and find a thread not made by, for, and full of, retards.

Don't forget to give me my (You), OP. I know you're monitoring the thread like a hawk.
Reminder Tenboro pretends to hate Fakku to conceal the fact that he works as a translator for Fakku under a different name and gave them an admin account because he got tired of blindly rubber stamping their copyright claims and ads
>Not being Tendon's slave aka shilling for him and agreeing on every retarded thing he does means you don't want to have a discussion

What even is this logic?
The dumbest shit about GP is that you need it to add or edit tags to galleries and shit.
Which is just fucking retarded because there are so many poorly tagged uploads on the site that should be editable freely. What is even the point of paywalling a community driven quality of life feature?
What's his Fakku name
But a better question is why is Tendon letting Fakku/Irodori use an admin account because he got tired of blindly rubber stamping all of their copyright claims and advertisements, refusing to say what has been copyright claimed been copyright claimed, blaming regular users for not knowing about it and putting the responsibility of verifying copyright claims on regular users?

That's crazy if you think about it.
That's not a "better question", nigger. He asked for proof and you just ignored him entirely. What's his fakku name?
Troll thread, anon. He's not gonna answer. It would've taken one fucking name and instead he wrote out a rambling paragraph. You aren't going to get discussion here. I wouldn't be surprised to see that he's talking to himself.
It's a better question than your sealion question. Because it makes you freak out doesn't change the fact.

If you weren't censoring every single post calling you out on your bullshit on your forum, this thread would've probably not existed and that means you would've not had to monitor this thread every second, throw a bitch tantrum and cry in front of everyone because you can't yet censor posts on 4chan.
You keep inventing new excuses as to why you're not posting any evidence. Yet they're so laughably transparent. It's getting boring.
So back to the more important question. Why does Tendon blindly rubber stamp all copyright claims? Why did he gift an admin account to Fakku/Irodori? Why is he blaming regular users for not verifying the copyright claims for him when he's the only one with access to the copyright claims?
nta but what is the best way to generate gp/hath assuming you're willing to spend money? i was thinking of running H@H on a seedbox, but i guess i should just straight up donate? not a poorfag and have come to terms with having to spend some money to get access to exclusive content, which sadpanda does have lots of

This isn't reddit

Easiest way to farm virtual money is to upload something large in file size. Never donate.
>claims nta is reddit
>reddit spaces while phoneposting
stop embarrassing yourself and lurk more you retarded newfag
blows my mind that op has been keeping this retarded shit up for so many years
autism sure is wild
panda schizo will never die.
Nta is Reddit.

Just look at you, you retarded newfag.

It's funny that you're screeching about phoneposters when you are quite literally one since you're a retarded newfag for being retarded enough to get brainwashed into thinking Reddit invented paragraphs because you fell for the "Reddit spacing"hoax which was invented in 2012 by a phoneposter who wanted to scroll less on his tiny screen and realized how you retarded newfags are hilariously insecure, retarded and desperately trying to fit in.
but the op isn't a shill and slave for tendon like you. stop projecting yourself onto everyone, subhuman
how the fuck is "not that anon" reddit when they have usernames, you fucking moron
because 4chan only started seeing "nta" when you and your ilk migrated from reddit to here as refugees because you're all insecure and have underdeveloped brains hence why you think anyone gives a shit about who you are and why you can't process that this is an anonymous website, you retarded newfag
This just sounds like a 2016 election faggot trying to fit in
keep projecting yourself onto others, you retarded newfag

reddit spacing and nta became popular in 2016
Redditors and other types of refugees on 4chan are extemely mentally ill. They make up 90% of 4chan's userbase and think they're oldfags. You can get them to eat poop by saying it'll make them into oldfags and Redditors hate eating poop. It's that easy.
>fell for daiz's avid shilling
>calls others retarded

That's crazy... You took your meds, became a little bit self aware, then two minutes later, you relapsed. I don't think theres meds strong enough for your mental illnesses.
holy schizo
>You're a schizo and i'm an oldfag because i hate phoneposters and paragraphs (which helps phoneposters) because i know reddit invented paragraphs because i saw many posts mentioning "reddit spacing" (a hoax invented by phoneposter)

Hsng yourself
Fakku shills will either tell you to use torrents to get the original images (torrents usually don't exist), to become a slave or derail the thread by doing things like acting like a retarded newfag by screeching at anyone who uses a paragraph
was about to comment the same, came in this thread hoping to find an alternative way all i found is faggots still dickridding it
I love how the very concept of hentai is now dying because the Internet is dying. I mean unless you live in Japan you can just guy buy it in boom form.
>torrents usually don't exist
That is completely false.
>that word salad
it's ok to be retarded
>it's ok to be retarded

No. It's why you along with your race should be exterminated, you retarded newfag.
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Why are you an obnoxious liar? Do you live in Tel Aviv? Bejing? Mumbai? Moscow? Hamburg? What is your issue?
clearly you've engineering search arguments specifically to find galleries without torrents, and """cleverly""" tried to hide that fact
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the green icon with a white arrow pointing downwards means the gallery contains a torrent(s), it wouldn't be there if you weren't lying about it.

you were always going to either accuse the anon of editing the screenshot, "engineering search arguments" or cherry picking.

you're a bad faith actor aka a liar aka a lackey of Tendon aka a subhuman.

also, the burden of proof is on you, you subhuman, not on anyone else. you're claiming that every gallery has a torrent with tue original files. you have shown zero (0) evidence because you're lying.
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>claims 2016 election tourists are oldfags
>claims anyone else is a 2016 election tourist
>claims to hates phoneposters
>hates paragraphs because insecure and retarded enough to get brainwashed by the "Reddit invented paragraphs" hoax that's designed to make it easier for phoneposters to browse the website
>sucks tendon's dick who uses paragraphs and destroys the website to cater to phoneposters

least mentally ill newfag
>new system incentivizes people to make alt accounts so all their porn browsing habits aren't profiled under a single conveniently documented identity
Based tendon forcing coomers to practice identity obfuscation.
New accounts don't have their image limit to their account unless something changed recently since last week and it's far cheaper, efficient and less risky to use the default image limit and change IP address than trying to get the "more pages" perk on many accounts.
holy schizo
holy self-projecting retarded newfag
>set rating to 4 stars minimum
>Language: Japanese or English
I have the green icon on each line.
Maybe, you should stop downloading 0.5 stars galleries.
>be a retarded newfag (You)
>think 4chan is reddit
>think it's a "gotcha" to lie about every gallery having a torrent with the original files
>think it's a "gotcha" to accuse people of "engineering the search results"
>move the goalposts
>think it's a "gotcha" do the very thing you accused people of doing

maybe you should visit a psychiatrist, take your meds and you might stop embarrassing yourself every time you open your mouth, tendon lackey. i can't imagine wrecking your health is justified for some head pats from tendon.
yo are there any good sites for fanbox? kemono has been fucked for like two months now and I got artists I wanna update
I don't know dude... they even got dubs.. twice....
I'm glad the guy who posts this shit exists, so newfags can see just how incredibly schizo the people they share a board with can be.
Yeah, Tendon and his lackeys are schizo as shit.

how schizo is tendon, lmao
I'm legitimately confused. What exactly has been blocked on e-hentai? I've got open access to everything I've always had access to, so what am I missing here? If I pay a premium, I get a bigger library?

I don't live online and I've got better shit to do than worry about what some faceless webhost does.
Nothing. Ignore the schizos.
Cheers mate.
Fuck I wish LimeWire was still around... So many little shits would brick their PC's and have no clue why.
There's an expunge button for every torrent. That's how any malware or mismatching torrents gets dealt with swiftly when reported in the comments, for example.

Shit bait

Lmao, I found malware in a five year old torrent two days ago. It had over 3000 downloads.
Probably just a false positive. Was it even reported in the comments? Which gallery anyway?
Yeah bro clicking on a PNG that plays a video and breaks the system aftwards was a false positive
>sitting on piles of credits from farming hv, enough for several TB of downloads
>stopped caring about sadpanda because I can gen AIslop tailored to my fetishes

I use a VPN service with like 1000 servers. It was common for every single server (which each have different IP addresses) to be banned due to too many page views. Not just for a day, but for months at a time every single server was banned.
It was fairly obvious someone was using a bot and VPNs to scrape the website and most likely upload the content to their own website.

Faggots who do shit like this are why we cannot have nice things.
this is nothing and you can use the site for free, normally if you contribute to it in some way (doesn't have to be monetary, you can even just upload pixiv galleries and make torrents for galleries that don't have them or don't have a compressed torrent)
op is a newfag
>doesn't mention the vpn service

Almost as if you're lying.

Also the latest restriction has nothing to do with the image limit being shared with others. Find a better scapegoat, retard.
>thinks 4chan uses the same text editor as Reddit
>complains about poorfags
>doesn't contribute
>demands others to contribute
>whines about bulk downloaders
>thinks being a contributor is spamming machine translations of AI generated images and Pixiv
>thinks this is a gotcha
>spams the thread with the same "gotcha"
>calls others newfags

Get new material, Fakku shill
Ex has been shit since it caved to wani and complete shit since it caved to fakku.
But no one cares enough to try to make an alternative except for a few third worlders in it for the money.
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This thread is baffling. I masturbate three times a day pretty much exclusively using sadpanda and I've never hit the image limit even when I'm going through 700-page CGs. What are people doing to hit the limit? Genuine question here.
Download original images.
only way to hit the limit genuinely is scraping the site
Oh I see. Thank you for explaining. That makes a lot of sense. I just coom to the shitty jpegs because it's not like I need to see every pixel for my clit to be happy. I salute the anons ITT who want higher quality nuts.
Exhentai was created to make money so stop being hypocritical
When I was unemployed for a bit in 2020 I spent literally all day jerking off on exhentai. I have never gotten even close to the limit. I cannot comprehend how someone could unless they were scraping
>wahhhhh the website is going down and no one has made copies
>wahhhhh the website is up so it's all good

I could've slightly tolerated sad panda torrents if there was a browser addon/userscript that saves the 10 bit string of every image, the page number of every image and the extension of every image to a text file
Are you retarded? Do you think people aren't scraping exhentai constantly? Hosting isn't free retard
Why are you asking him if he's retarded when you can't read and contradict yourself in every post?

Here, I'll dumb it down further for you:
- you're mad when people try to make a copy of Exhentai.
- but when Exhentai shits itself, you're mad that nobody made a copy of it.
fuck these kikes, I now became a 1280x user
I get loli and shota shown on ehentai but blacklist them. I have never ran out of page limit despite downloading everyday. I never seed and only leech. I will never understand people's problem with ehentai. My only issue is that on rare occasions, fakku and idori stuff get taken down too fast before I can get dl them
What's it like living with no self awareness, shill?
I contributed to making torrents and get constant GP, and sometimes burn some time on their game and make more GP
I don't see the issue here unless you are scraping off the front end for AI or spamming AI Galleries for illicit GP

They're entitled neets.
I need to get into Aigening because I couldn't give less of a shit for 99.9% of hentai being made nowadays. Any tips on how to start?
640x is more than enough really
If I'm ever this mad about porn at any point in my life I want you to shoot me in the head.
It's free porn too
YOU THINK EXHENTAI WAS STARTED IN 2010?! The first domain was before the fucking twin towers fell
But it's only free when you aren't being a greedy asshole! Unacceptable.

Since you can't read and spam the same shit

Torrents on Exhentai are shit because they often have

1. The wrong file size

2. Malware

3. The wrong page order

4. Different images
learn to read, you fucking subhuman, terry
Can't wait to see you once again sperg out how there isn't a copy around when Tendon decides to threaten to close the website for greed
>illicit GP

Why the fuck are you lying? You Tendon lackeys defend AI slop and machine translations because Tendon permis them and 4chan defends them too.

>I don't see the issue here unless you are scraping off the front end for AI or spamming AI Galleries

What? I've yet to meet a single one of you Tendon lackeys who knows English.
>What? I've yet to meet a single one of you Tendon lackeys who knows English.
You are either tech illiterate or just trolling at this point. Good to know I can ignore anti panda fags for the next 5 years
>You are either tech illiterate or just trolling at this point. Good to know I can ignore anti panda fags for the next 5 years

Say you're schizophrenic without saying it out loud.
Joining 1 christmas giveaway gives you enough credits to download 150 gigabytes instantly.
You also had 13+ years to join many lotteries and if you joined like 5 you would be getting 2.5 gigabytes worth of hath per day.
I myself have so many credits I can download half of the whole website.

Not going to even mention contributing to the website as you mindless consumer clowns phonecucks would never ever be able to do that. This includes donations, uploads, torrent uploads etc.
I'm glad tendon is filtering newfags and bloodsucking clowns. I hope nhentai stays alive so your low IQ crowd doesn't increase in numbers.
Unrelated and noob question

How does one download doujins from dlsite in full quality. Trying to download in full jpg so that I can upload the doujins I purchased on ex hentai.
Since you keep spamming the same shit

"Become a slave for Tendon" isn't an argument

"Participate in a giveaway during Christmas and wait a couple of years afterwards" isn't an argument

You're a hypocrite because you're going to come here and cry about how there isn't a copy of the website when Tendon pretends the website is killed for good to bait retards into giving him more money because you've done this each time he did it

Your machine translations of AI slop isn't a contribution and the reason you don't mention how you contribute confirms that this is what you upload

It really illustrates how retarded you Tendon lackeys are. You hate phoneposters but type in a way to ensure phoneposters don't have to scroll as much and you're blind to the fact that your saint Tendon caters to them more than desktop users because his money from ads would plummet without them which would force him to actually close the website (or delete your worthless uploads to pay less for bandwidth)
There is a reason why nobody likes you even in real life.
Its because you will never contribute to anything ever. You will die alone and people will spit on your grave.
>fully fledged paywall/slavewall
You must be a newfag. If you want to see fully-fledged jewry, take a look at Sankaku. E-Hentai's new limits have no impact to a normal user at all.
Nevermind, I'm a retard who speedread the image. A limit that never refreshes until you spend E-Bucks is stupid.
>seed recent torrents torrents
It's not that hard.
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oh man that sucks,,,
I wonder why Tendon and his lackeys aka his mouthpiece refuse to explain how machine translated AI slop isn't wasting bandwidth

There is a reason you spam and ban anyone who isn't buying your lies, lackey
>seed 50000 torrents for one week to get 100 gp

Wow, that'll get you 10 mb.
Why not use torrents?
Or some sort of decentralized p2p network, with users hosting through VPNs, and verifying content authenticity with hashes. (I don't know if that's how torrents work)
Then every user just downloads an index of all the works with the relevant tags and their thumbnails from the network, and saves/caches them. This allows for quick cursory browsing in some custom client, before downloading the selected works.
torrents scary what if I accidentally run a jpeg
samefagging redditor
Seeding someone else's torrent doesn't get you anything.

God it needs to be legal to kill you fucking shills already.
Why not take your meds and learn how to type and read?

Where is the torrent with every original file?

Why don't you answer this question instead of spamming the same r*ddit typed schizo babble every 1-2 posts?
Depends. Link the doujin.
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This thread is mostly one dude. He has been angry at sadpanda for years here. Most people don't really give that much of a shit about their hentai.
>I don't give a shit

Least retarded Tendon lackey
I think it's two people (or one with MPD?) and they're also angry at each other for being angry for the wrong reasons.
Couldn't I still just use hdoujindownloader if I don't care about getting the original HR images or do they get compresses to hell? I haven't done this in like 2 years and nhentai getting the bullet has me wanting to update my downloads.
i uploaded a pixiv account scrape years ago which gives me enough points for whatever i wanna download forever
Well la di da for you
This. Just contribue to the site and you can use it as intended. 14+ years ago I made a ton of torrents that have allowed me to be set for life. E-h/ex have kind of proto private tracker rules. Contribute to the site and you get rewarded. Don't contribute and you don't. If you are somehow unable to figure out a way to contribute to this site which has hardly any moderation or no no rules, you don't deserve to use it.
I think you should stop samefagging, stop shilling, take your meds and get rehabilitated.
Sure, if whatever you wanna download is one 15 MB gallery with 20 pages

I wonder why you left out that part?

I also wonder why you think doing the equivalent of a DDoS attack on your master's website takes up less bandwidth than the boogeyman "bulk downloader"

Almost as if you're a Tendon lackey
How do I export favorites from nhentai and import them into sadpanda?
One at a time. Vendor lock-in ftw.
Please tell me there's a way.
There is a way. Pay someone $$$$ to do it for you.
mass downloading archive schizos are getting uppity about how they are not allowed to be a leech anymore
nothing has changed for normal people like us who just go online and look at pictures while fapping
Can't wait for you to start crying that there isn't an archive when Tendon threatens to close the website like you've done every time in the past, you plebbit typing (actual) schizo
Translating a single doujin for a bounty did the trick for me. Unfortunately I didn't spend all my hath on perks back then and now the remainder in nearly worthless thanks to inflation.
What does any of this mean
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Mine still says I'm IP based but it doesn't have the viewing/download limit it used to, so do I get capped if I start mass downloading shit? Also it says you don't get high res but I test one and it's still giving me some bigass images like 1280x1828 so I don't know what all is going on.
See how much you can download until it restricts you and describe how it restricts you.

The "account-based limit" consumes your hath/GP/credits when you hit the limit. Takes ages for the limit to go back to 0 too.

Nowhere in the text in your screenshot does it say you can't view high res aka original images.
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I have like dozens of millions of credits from the pony rpg game.
Does this effect me at all?
Yes, redditor. if you want to download more than five galleries
What's even the point of seeding torrents in the first place? I've got a 2.7 ratio with about 2.3tb downloaded and I've never received a single GP for it. There's literally zero point to me uploading if I never get anything for it. The system is utterly broken and they're in no hurry to do anything about it.
There is no point in seeding torrents you did not make besides feeling good about your ratio.
go torrent from the source? i don't get it
is nhentai dead
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Somewhat related, but is there a quick and easy way of getting all the torrent links from my ExH favorites or do I have to go through them one by one?
>commie faggot that never contributed anything is mad he can't continue being a parasite
>whines about "parasites" on 4chan
>thinks being a shill for the biggest leech (tendon) by spamming "become a slave" deceptively is contributing
>calling anyone a faggot and parasite
Which one of you did this lol?

The japanese title field was literally him giving an excuse for mtl'ing.
>- pay him real money to keep looking at images after hitting the limit.
doesn't this reset per month

i don't think i can beat my meat to 50k images in a single month senpai
glad to know i can take a years long vacation from /h/ and still find the same assblasted low functioning autist arguing with tenboro's slightly more functioning simp brigade over whatever dumb shit sadpanda implemented..
how to let everyone know you're the resident schizo, call yourself sane or more functioning, accuse anyone who isn't like you of being mentally ill and one person, deny samefagging by claiming taking "year long vacation", and beg to lick jacob grady's hairy ball sack by constantly shitting up any thread mentioning fakku/exhentai
What is kemono? I only know kemono.su that rips stuff from patreon
The sheer and utter state.
tsumino dead
pururin dead
nhentai dead
exhentai dead

its over, hentai has fallen
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paypal just banned toracoin purcahses yesterday
dlsite points and toracoin now 404s
that's not a good thing you retard.

One of japans biggest exports is pornography
R*ddit typing and thinks Japan isn't a Western country. Also bitching about the West despite defending it.

Almost as if you're a Weeb.
you're autistic
>is a retarded newfag
>doesn't know a single thing about Japan besides Japanese cuckold porn
>thinks Japan is a trad cath anti-West Nordic master race
>LARPs as this imagined Japanese
>spergs out when faced with reality
>calls others autistic

Every time
you're the only one sperging out
look at these long thought out responses you're typing
Realistically what is the bare minimum annual $USD needed to keep a decent new successor?
So both nhentai and e(x)hentai are about to kick the bucket. Is there any other good erodoujin websites?
>n-no u!

Every time
You remind me of this socially awkward alaskan dude i used to be friends with on discord
all he would do is ironic shitposting like this.
Kill yourself, ADHD schizo
>the Weeb isn't aware of why it exists
>doesn't know what ironic shitposting is
>claims to be normal

Every time
$0 if you use ads and can convince people to use the website.
>stringing a bunch of random shit together and sperging the thread to bump limit via samefagging

You are the exact reason this website is going to shit
Making another Nhentai that won't last much before it gets sued...
What's stupid is the japanese companies arent even the problem.
The problem is copyright trolling and US coporate greed. The company that struck nhentai is based in LA and is trying to compete with fakku
>no u!
>you weren't talking to me, you're samefagging!
>i'm a retarded newfag saving the website MAGA!
kind of impressive that you used an empty line despite believing Reddit invented paragraphs, 4chan uses Reddit's text editor, 2016 election tourists are oldfags or whatever makes you think paragraphs are bad, and then relapsed
Start making sense you schizonigger
Keep self-projecting, Weeb
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Does anybody know what the fuck is happening on panda with mtl? There is some kind of mtl war going on
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Exhentai has been pozzed for quite some time now. Probably dating back to the wani takedowns or perhaps even further back to when new accounts or accounts below a certain mod power couldn't view certain galleries (back when sadpanda threads were still allowed on /a/). The real red flag was in 2019 with the infamous "bowing girls incident" when Tenboro fully intended to pull the plug because of law changes before some rich coomer wired him $200,000 to transfer the hosting servers to Moldova. That's when I knew this guy lost his marbles and simply does not care anymore. Or maybe it's the actually opposite and he cares "too much" which in turn is making him make stupid decisions. Anyways, my point is don't rely too much on e-hentai. It was been on its way down for the past decade. Don't be surprised if one day if just outright disappears without a trace.
>That's when I knew this guy lost his marbles and simply does not care anymore. Or maybe it's the actually opposite and he cares "too much" which in turn is making him make stupid decisions
It'a a matter of fact that the decline is being accelerate
God bless Moldova
The amount of MTL translations being uploaded is increasingly exponentially (like, everything new and decent that isn't translated in 24-48 hours gets MTL'ed). People start getting angry that the moderators are leaving the situation to fester (even the "rough translation" tag isn't working when the deluge is endless) and of course people start accusing the usual suspects, SEAniggers and Indians that culturally can't even understand the difference between a good product and a bad product. From that to insults and meltdowns it's a short trip.
Makes me laugh that apparently Ten is a "free speech supporter" that leaves people to freely upload MTL crap while kneeling like a whore to Jewcob and Irodori. It's like they want the site and the community to die, or maybe it's on purpose.
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The mental gymnastics a machine translator who is a 4chan newfag will do to justify uploading machine translations is insane. Wish this website wasn't run by a retard.
>The usual suspects. SEAniggers and Indians that culturally can't even understand the difference between a good product and a bad product. From that to insults and meltdowns it's a short trip.

I wish there was a law that acknowledged the fact that you retarded newfags aren't humans.
The one and only red flag was decades ago when Tendon took over E-hentai because he started complying with copyright claims on that day.

And no, he's not trying to kill the website. It's his piggy bank. He would've banned machine translations and AI generated images if they're actually driving down traffic and advertising revenue. It's a vocal minority whining about machine translations and AI generated images. And that vocal minority is likely blocking advertisements or using Exhentai. Why should Tendon give a shit about their opinion? Case in point.

>Tenboro fully intended to pull the plug because of law changes before some rich coomer wired him $200,000

You shills keep saying this, lol.

There were no changes to the law in Dutchland. This is a fabrication he created because he did not want to admit that his provider was kicking him off due to his refusal to comply with GDPR because he claims he didn't have to.

Also, he's never tried to kill the website. That was another fabrication he created for attention because he wanted hosting providers outside of the EU to offer him their service.
how much GP can I expect to gain from an MTL gallery + torrent? seems like free money when automated.

i don't believe in violence but i'd make an exception for you because you're so far gone.
a lot
Kill yourself instead of being a Redditor by trying to brainwash retards on PORN FORUMS that Evangelion and Gurren Lagann aren't porn franchises and you and every other Weeb don't think Japan is a mythical porn island?
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>years of untold search engines
>can't find a way to pirate smut
Retarded english translators commanded by cutegyaru are butthurt MTL is stealing their jobs(yes their jobs lmao)
Turns out the average normalfag don't really care about MTL just like they dont care in anime nor manga
What? I never conveyed that.
Every time I visit, there’s a new batch of MTL'd shit appearing. It resembles a bot farm at this point. It’s difficult to appreciate the smut when the translations are like this, and apparently something being MTL'd is a good excuse to not translate it anymore? Nobody gives a fuck about quality anymore.
Who the fuck looks at 50k H images per month and thinks that isn't enough???
glad I can't even access this shithole of a website
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Why are you retarded enough to defend a paywall
because it isn't one
When are they gonna add [Ai Generated] as a toggle so I can stop seeing the SAME shitting generated images over and over again?
And gelbooru now occasionally redirects you to adware servers (pemsrv) when you click on an image.
Tough times.
use this dumb nigger
-other:"ai generated$"
or just blacklist it...
the number of blacklist worthy tags continues to rise but freechads are still stuck with 100 slots
I'll accept that name.
why does sadpanda accept ai generated anyway when most sites are banning them btw?
read the thread, re d it typing retard
anywhere to get fakku stuff? chaika doesn't have what i want.
God I WISH exhentai was actually paywalled so we could get rid of the rampant chink infestation
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Is hitomi la dead? Or just me?
cant acces either T_T
I went on here just to see if anyone posted about it. Hopefully it isn't down for good, after so many similar sites died a quick death i'm very paranoid.
It's down for me too. Any news from anywhere on what's happening?
Please don't tell me they got this site too.
not the first time it's down like this, just wait
I can see it just fine.
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Oh thank fucking god, it's back.
I got scared for a bit
Weird to me it foesnt show a new post since yesterday 10:27 My tkme i think
Website is slow for me too.
>get rid of 99% of contributors

Keep crying, Fakku shill
>because it isn't one if you're tendon's slave
You left out a crucial detail, retard
how long until they start giving you viruses?
AI scrappers get the rope
People crying that ten made it harder for bots and

"I'mma batch dl everything I can on e-hentai, re upload it, and put 40 adds on the page, ez money!"

types to do their faggotry...? Seriously?
uBlock Origin keeps it from going through thankfully. Fuck 'em.

The Tendon lackey avoiding answering the question

How is demanding machine translated AI slop to be allowed which took up 220 TB space in a few years and serving that to millions of users wasting less bandwidth than somebody reading one original file aka the "bulk downloader"

Why do you cry about nobody having a copy of the real gallery when Tendon pretends to shut off the website to bait people into giving him more money and gifts
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>more sites learning making an api wasn't a nicety it was capulating to scraper chads

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