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Kanchō (カンチョー) is a prank performed by clasping the hands together in the shape of an imaginary gun and attempting to poke an unsuspecting victim's anus, often while exclaiming "Kan-CHO!".
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I'm surprised I found no drawings of Pink Guy or Filthy Frank preforming the Kancho
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Thanks for the picture! I like it, I saved it. What do you think about kancho? Do you find it sexy?
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This goes in >>>/d/... Right?
explain yourself
You pretty much grow out of this after you stop being 12.
No, I'm almost 30 years old and this topic excites me
that rings a bell. source?
your body maybe, I'm almost completely certain that your soul isn't
nagi no asukara
You fap to this?
Well there's something you don't see every day

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