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Underrated fetish
Post more
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This game made my /k/ autism 10x worse.
I never particularly wanted a Springfield until I played this shit.
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You always see the same pink onahole in hentai. Is that a real product thats mass produced? If so, did it corner the market and become the go to for customers and thats why its so pervasive in hentai? Can i get one? Are they better than fleshlights?
Jesus Christ, that's specific.
They just figured why make it skin color when making it look realistic is more expensive.The market is bigger and the competition is more fierce in Japan so I imagine the quality is better there.
You can import one but you need to figure out which are not designed for small Japanese penors and how stimulating you want it to be. Keep in mind that the sleeves without a case apply less pressure on your cock.
most onaholes are pinkish but opaque (see >>8178809 >>8178807 )
however the translucent pink double ended ones (>>8207514 >>8175195) aren't really that common because it's hard to make a material that's translucent yet still feels good on the dick (i.e. soft)
check out the onahole general on /jp/ if you're interested
why would I use an onahole when a perfectly willing woman is right there.
because you're weak and a sub

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