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Bruh, panda's fucking dead? The galleries just stop updating?
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B-but I had more AI slop to upload
It's back.
i love a good 800 page tag soup with shit art
is it down? i keep getting 503'd
Imhentai is way better
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Quick question because i can't find actual info, does setting resample images to 1600x or 2400x consume GP for year old galleries?
I'm almost jealous with how fast the korean and chinese are at translating
Only browsing should force you to ×1280 if you hit the limit.
Most is machine translation
it's fucking over...
no, it's not.
why does e-hentai delete shota and loli stuff?
>cant access exhentai
>log into ehentai forum account
>account doesnt exist
>it still exists in user list
>wont let me reset password or anything to log back in
Tendon disabled accounts that had compromied passwords or similar passwords.
because ad networks hate it
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It seems that at this point standard uploading behaviour is basically Chink or Korean translation before raws.
What limit are you referring to? So it does consume GP?
>What limit are you referring to?
To the browsing one.
>So it does consume GP?
It shouldn't.
not panda but whats going on with Kemono? 2 weeks without updates
The kemono fanbox and fantia crawlers have been dead for like 3 months. There are recent updates for patreon, but none of the artists I like use patreon.
Anyone know if kemono will recover fanbox and fantia support?
I think so, but it will probably be at the end of the year, have hope anon.
Well, right now it looks pretty abandoned.
Lots of uncensored scans from Taiwan though
Doesn't matter if I can't read it. If they have the fucking raw upload the fucking raw and then upload your translation or decensor so that I can at least switch between them or something. Just don't hog the fucking raw or worse, hog it and link to where you can buy it in the comment section.
>I can't read it
You learned the wrong kind of Chinese?? What a buffoon.
That's not what scan or raw means, you idiot
Do tell.
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Anyone wanna upload pic related would do it myself but my internet is shit atm.

>Glasses OL + Brown musclegirl
A daring synthesis
For some reason, thumbnails stopped loading on hover (doesn't even show the mini window on hover) and the pages circle bar became empty. Started yesterday for no reason. Anyone else having something similar?
Works on my machine
I've been trying to get into exhentai for over a year with one 2 years old account and one almost 1 year old account, but no luck. I've tried every method that can be found online. Can someone help?
should clarify that the accounts are e-hentai accounts, and i have them logged in on my browser for many months
donate $20
If anyone cares

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Why the FUCK are people praising this? It's unfinished and has a shit font.
Do you want MTL, cattle? At least he's trying.
File deleted.
'trying' doesn't cut it here, when I 'tried' my hand at translating I didn't upload 6 pages to announce that I was gonna work on the thing.
I fucking hate how everyone praises him in the comment section as if he didn't also just upload fucking (although less bad-smelling) shit on the site.
The original guy doesn't even piss me off since he's probably a troll trying to trigger people, and clearly they deserve to be triggered a lot when they're like this.
Then shut up and go upload translations, cattle. He's doing his part, do yours.
File deleted.
The mtl guy was "doing his part", the reason nobody likes him is because the result was shit.
Here you have another retard uploading shit and people praising him. Also fuck you for calling me cattle twice, I'm not the one who suffers from MTLs being uploaded. The only 'cattle' here are EOPs.
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Should I stop trying to make flashcards from Chinese TLs then?
Then don't get butthurt when people do something and get praised for it. Do your part, Jap-reading piggie. Maybe people will pat you on the head and you'll enjoy the epic upvotes too.
Don't do this. There's no proof that buying the bronze star aka "donating $20" immunizes you against collective punishments, e.g. shadow bans.
Register an account and connect to the website from a different IP address. Avoid IP addresses from Southeast Asian countries, East Asian countries, India, Africa, South America, Central America, Eastern Europe, Germany, Turkey, etc.
why does every image now default open in low res and I have to specifically click to open the original resolution? Is there a way to change it so I don't need to click "see the original image" every time?
I've used webcomic reader script for well over a decade now. It's always worked flawlessly with panda. It seems something has changed recently though. It sometimes still works but will now also sometimes endlessly reload the same page. Tried it on multiple browsers and it's just panda. Other sites seem to work fine. Did they change something? Anyone know of a way to fix it?
Pretty sure what it's trying to do is reload a broken image. It'll append nl=####-### to the web address( the equivalent of hitting the "reload broken image"button, but the problem occurs when it's either the next or previous image you're viewing that causes it. This causes e-hentai to reload the current image with the original then it tries to cache the failed image again causing an infinite loop. You can disable pre-caching of images which basically disables the point of the script aside from resizing, or hope someone smarter than I can fix it.
>Then don't get butthurt when people do something and get praised for it.
The person didn't do anything except upload an unfinished product and claim he would work on it.
>Jap-reading piggie
Giving a compliment and then adding -piggy doesn't make it feel particularly insulting.
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What should be done about Tendon's gaslighting?

https://archive. ph/91ODk
That's hilarious. I see absolutely nothing wrong with it. Ex isn't supposed to be talked about, especially in official channels. Mentioning anything about it beyond "the fjords" I'm pretty sure gets you banned. He was told he wouldn't get an answer and still kept pressing.
You see nothing wrong with censorship and pretend that Exhentai is a secret club because you are a retarded newfag since you think being on Exhentai's whitelist makes you into an oldfag.
The first rule of exhentai is you do not talk about exhentai. Thanks.
god dammit, i put some bucks on inactive substar artists so kemono could archive their last works and now I can't even do that
what should I do? I'd like to give back to the community at least once
Just upload it to eh.
What fucking censorship? Ex has always been fightclub you wanting to be spoonfed newfag. It is literally the reason it even exists. If any official channel even alludes to it's existence it can lead to a lot of problems. This has always been the case. Even when I joined 16 years ago.
The first rule is to take your meds. Thanks.
>Fakku shill

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ESLers whining about machine translation (which they offen think means one missing punctuation) and falling for the hoax that a bad product prevents a good product

Who avrually invented this hoax? Rumors say it was Redlantern.
Ok, I'll bite. What part of that post even remotely suggests they're a Fakku shill, you thread wrecking schizo?
Personally, I'm more curious as to why he called me an ESL. The Fakku shill bit is obviously schizo, but last I checked I was sadly an EOP.
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The mental gymnastics a machine translator who is a 4chan newfag will do to justify uploading machine translations is insane. Wish this website wasn't run by a retard.
what's the gallery though?
>uploaded 22 MTLs today
such speed and accuracy!
samefagging retard
>blaming hating MTL on ESLs
>while making a spelling mistake in his very first sentence
>and then namedropping a literal who while making another spelling mistake
>still relying on MTL
how many years have you consumed hentai or Japanese media in general? Kind of sad.
>thinks ESLers are an authority on English
>thinks an old and frequent fan translation group is a "literal who"
>takes the bait by bitching about intentional spelling mistakes
>thinks these change the point being made
>spergs out when being called a retard
Yeah but they have timelapse videos and psd files and shit, not to mention the text posts where they explain why they went on a super extended break.
The real target of this troll is nhentai. Those normies have way lower tolerance to shitty MTL. Funnily enough some of the MTL'd doujin failed to appear on nh like the Sakai one.
related, but anyone knows of a good source to get books which aren't allowed on panda? I'm looking for the last Akatsuki Myuuto book (school of seven sisters) but apparently it has been licensed because panda hasn't gotten anything new of the artist since 2021.
I don't frequent the forums or anything, but is there a reason why mtls haven't been banned yet? there's so fucking many, and they're all dogshit

Oh look, the election tourist is afraid to say normalfag because mommy will cut the internet for the remainder of the day, and xher thinks xhe's an oldfag for being put on Exhentai's whitelist

>Nhentai users have way lower tolerance to shitty MTL

Yet it's Exhentai that embraces "MTL"

>Funnily enough some of the MTL'd doujin failed to appear on nh

Can you election tourists make a SINGLE POST without contradicting yourselfs?

Of course not, you're all literal retards
Do you think once literally everything is ruined by these MTL niggers on the site that translators will stop caring about if a work they like is MTL and just translate it anyway? I feel like eventually they're just going to have to learn to swallow their ego at some point, because tendonjew ain't banning these niggers any time soon.
three letter agent glow so bright
What happened to Ndbir/Nayumi? Haven't seen him shit up the thread yet unless he learned to show a little restraint by not sperging out about Koharu with every post. I don't think he's dead because he's still leeching off of sources though the possibility of someone doing it for him is very likely because he has demanded people including Koharu to work for him for free.
Do you think once literally ever? When are you going to show evidence that supports your retarded hoax that "MTL" reduces the chance of a translation?
kys MTL schizo
then just throw a dropbox or pixeldrain link in the comments.
It's pretty obvious to see. Just look up the books that are MTL goyfeed, count them, and see how many of them went on to get real translations. Spoiler alert: it's not very many. The problem with MTLslop is that most people do not give a fuck if the translation is shit, and they'll go click on it and read it anyway. Anybody who bothers putting in time and effort is just competing for the sloppy seconds of an audience that already busted a nut to machine-vomited English.
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Never mind, now that I've seen the light I'll only open Chinese galleries.
Ok, thanks for the spoon-feed
Can't access it again. Anyone with me?
Works fine on my European machine.
Remember when translators had little blogs where they would share their scanlations instead of these massive mega sites? Those were the days.

I tried doing a bounty for them and they won't reply to my PMs lol. Did the whole script in the exact format they wanted, PMed it to them since my rank was too low (they even say in bounty description to do exactly that in such a case). If they didn't like how I translated it, they could at least say as much. Unless it's some stupid forum thing and they're just not getting my PMs for some reason, idk. I can at least say I did a better job than the shit MTL version that was uploaded.
AFAIK it doesn't actually tell you if their inbox is full and can't receive messages. Look in the requests and bounty forum. He seems to post all of his bounty requests there. Find the one you worked on, and reply to it. He'll pretty much be forced to respond.
Problem is that I'm unranked, as I haven't taken any bounties yet, and the request requires a rank C to accept.
I guess I could try taking some unranked bounties until I rank up, although I usually don't see anything I'm interested in doing. A lot of open bounties are heavy into weird fetishes, have unappealing art styles, or are like 250 pages long.
It's not a huge deal if I don't get the bounty fulfilled, although it might be nice to have some credits + hath to post typesetting bounties (I only do scripts).
Does the resident schizo get paid by Jacob? He's been shilling for him for over 10 years.
Confront him on the forum in a public thread and stop r*ddit typing
That's not what I said. post specifically on the forum in the section just for this if he isn't responding to DMs. It'll force him to at least respond.
Sorry, I misread. I actually did try poking around the forums before, but I had trouble finding the thread for it. Now, I've actually managed to find it, so I'll try that route.
>normalfags get gpt4 translations without any effort
>good english but with some context of the masterful hentai dialogue lost
le ebin trolled nhentai fags! 4chan wins again!
Scumbini reads this thread. He's ignoring you if he isn't responding to you at this point.
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Why do Fakku shills post from new accounts on Exhentai?

Is it because they think it makes them not hypocritical?

Or due to the unsurprising fact that coomer newfags are prime targets for propaganda?

Also, I noticed something new in Fakku's propaganda. Fakku is saying that you're a Redditor if you don't feel obligated to financially support them. This is despite the fact that it takes a few seconds to confirm that all popular subreddits are either directly controlled or bribed by them to censor anyone who might say they are bad which is all it takes to hurt their fragile ego.
Which gallery is in picrel?
So what exactly is stopping tendon from making some kind of staggered process/mandatory review period for first ever uploads/uploads from newly made accounts?
Because this would easily filter out the multiple sockpuppet MTL accounts or reupload/small/spam gallery uploads that just want some quick GP.

This isn't even about the huurr duuur shit robot translations prevent proper translations war anymore. This is just a matter of mitigating the garbage on the site. Preventing shit from getting in is easier than the acrobatics shitshow that is cleaning up galleries that are already up in this shithole of a site.
The forum post thankfully worked. I'm still not sure if my script is actually good enough, but at least I got it to him.

It's not so much that I care about the bounty rewards, as much as I hope to have my translations typeset. I do it for practice, but it's just satisfying to see my work put to use, I guess. But if I do get rewarded for translations, I could then post typesetting bounties. I assume there are groups out there for that kind of stuff, but I haven't had any luck finding them. And I don't mean paid commission type groups, but rather like hobbyists that do it for fun.
Tendon doesn't care because his advertising revenue and sales aren't decreasing.

Here's another fun fact, it's not difficult to implement a program that automatically and reliably detects machine or bad translations.
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>download some resized file galleries because no torrents
>waaaayyy under the 5k pics limit
>getting throttled the fuck up
this site went full kike
I'd love if [MTL] was the first part of a gallery's name instead of near the end so I can automatically see it and know to avoid it for the total piece of shit it is.
Some very old galleries?
can't you just filter "rough translation"?
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tendboro (the boss of ehentai) has a response for y'all haters!

tldr: mtl will never go away you are an idiot and i'm right fuck off now!
it's not a problem if you speak rough_english
he's right though
is the site gradually being abandoned? cause a lot of galleries that used to be frequently updated barely get any update lately
they probably just reuploaded the stuff from kemono which has been stuck for months
Which is the proper upload?

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pandbro how often are you doing it?
I haven't checked in a while either.
I'm just gonna wait until we get full res back or if someone makes a batch on nyaa
What's the point in paying for Exhentai when you might as well pay for Fakku?
ex is onetime, fakku is monthly
I would sooner pay for a premium adblock service than ever give money to youtube, because youtube pisses me off and they don't deserve it. It's not about the money, it's about sending a message...
New rules:
Ban MTL - I don't care for translations but it would keep the spam in check at least.
Require the original to be uploaded before translations - Keeps Chinks and Koreans from being arseholes
Ban Chinese from commenting on anything other than their own Chinese translated galleries - Needs no explanation
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The message:
>Require the original to be uploaded before translations - Keeps Chinks and Koreans from being arseholes
If this doesn't stop something from appearing at all then congratulations on getting a 240x original and a native Chinese translation.
As stated before, that's a retarded newfag who takes 4chan seriously and likes machine translations. If you look at it in any other way, you're as retarded as that newfag.
Looks like Chinese feathers were ruffled.
>kemono dead
>neko on life support
>everyone on panda and boorus reuploading shit from kemono, in other words fuck all
its not a good year to be a coomer...
The Weeb can't stop sperging out.
So is it coming back or no? I backed up ~3TB locally after the last time sadpanda "died", so I'm set for content, but I also liked to just goon on main page.

Are there even any alternatives?
I know it's been a while, but I just want to say I'm so fucking happy maximum faggot is dead.
>So is it coming back
it wasn't gone in the first place
Post more of my lovely bird Taihou.
man the site has been slow as fuck lately

Oh okay, thanks. I was always getting cookie from g.e-hentai but getting one from e-hentai worked.
Anyone happen to have @komichi_sun(小路太陽)'s gallery or pixiv? I found out they were banned off twitter and I'm not seeing their stuff on panda.
You mean this guy https://x.com/the_end_of_chun ?
Yeah, his other account had more titty stuff.
Did Fakku or Irodori acted on Panda lately?
All of the Comic G-Es anthologies just disappeared?
Is hitomi la down for you guys as well?
works on my machine
Jast used to love doing that shit because Peter Payne has been such a douche

"I'll create 8 accounts and argue with myself about piracy"

even in the bbs days. As a mod at some of the places (didn't mean shit, could see ip's and delete shit) I would call him out, but he didn't care.

But he eventually waved the white flag and just allowed stuff with a "Just promote the actual games sale page if you're going to post it.."
Connection with them was janky a few days ago and they haven't updated their gallery ever since. Not sure what's going on with them.
Just me or koharu doesn't offer original size images anymore ?
Were you living under a rock for the past 2 months?
Doesn't he have an even more NSFW account if I remember well?
both nhentai and hitomi won't connect on my end. this wasn't the case just yesterday
Same but add Hanime too
Hitomi works, but n is dead for me
hitomi and hanime works fine on my end
n is indeed down, still

where can we get the original size images then?
Hitomi works but his search function is going wrong, trying to search all the Satsuki imonet english stuff and send me to a white screen
how do I into typesetting?
what are some good fonts?

chaika doesn't have the latest stuff
try fakku then
New rules to curb out hypocrisy

Ban r*ddit typers (you)

Ban English posts from galleries not in English

>Require the original to be uploaded before translations - Keeps Chinks and Koreans from being arseholes

They're only inspired by what you do
Does anybody have a link to the website/spreadsheet that had a list of nhentai galleries that were DMCA'd?
Is nozomi.la dead?

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