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Happy Birthday 4chan!

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Celebrating my favourite Huge Breasts hentai artist ever.
Hopefully he will come out of retirment.
>whole thread with a single picture
nice celebration you got there bro
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Thank you. Faggot.
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He is retired?
I mean he hasn't made a new doujin in like a decade.
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God I wish women had boobs this big without needing to worry about gay shit like back problems.
It's a gay problem because only women with big tits who don't exercise suffer from back issues.
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What is the best No Contest hentai doujin?
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He works at CygamesPictures now last I've checked, so when it comes to hentai, yeah he's retired for now. The dude's been an accomplished animator for years, hentai is probably just a side gig,
Thank you for the update. I was wondering where he ended up working given his massive talent.
Translation of DOMINANCE ~Akai Kuchibiru Hen~ (https://exhentai.org/g/16555/b2b35730ac/) when?
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You forgot to post probably the best piece of art that this dude has done, Lingeries Office. I don't know if he was involved on the anime version (probably the best OVA ever made) but the CG/Game is pure kino.
That is some ancient relic if you compare his artstyle from then and now.
still its his best work, classics are never ancient anon. I have the visual novel on physical form and it's glorious.
I meant "ancient" in a positive way, I'm more for his more "recent" works so I can't consider that a favourite but I will always respect the roots of every favourite hentai artist of mine, especially of Takehiro.
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Oh okay anon, i collect Takehiro Miura stuff as well. I'm even doing a 3D modelling commission for one of the characters of the ova, the one with purple hair and glasses. I probably will hunt for the physical mangas too since i don't have them.

Takehiro Miura is close on my top with Endou Okito and Oltlo.
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That's a nice collection, anon. As a Takehirofan to another, I wish you good luck in your commissions and doujin hunting.
Another top tier choice.


That's the sequel! Akai Kuchibiru Hen is the prequel.
Oh, my bad.
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Nice loop.
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>Hopefully he will come out of retirment.
Him an a lot more artist while we're at it..
This guy is so good I could fap to his works for the rest of my life. Still, at least he didn't die or something.
It's something, I guess.
DOMINANCE ~Akai Kuchibiru Hen~ has finally been translated. Link below:


Someone also decensored Toraware no Zettou Hen. Link to that below:

Oh shit, naisu. Thanks!

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