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Previous: >>8167302

Free sites to use:
Paid sites:

Mobile reader app for android: https://tachiyomi.org/

Useful links:
Sex scenes list:
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Why did SSS Class ended so abruptly? Did it get axed? It was finally getting interesting and good... Such a shame.
Why does every Korean nerd have a 9x6 inch cock and an 8-pack?
Because conscription, joining military will make dick bigger and shape your ab abs
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I rabu Sia
Definitely an axe and by the way the last few chapters went, the artist was pretty salty about it.
What's the artist social media? Do you know if they have planned a new work after that? It's the artist 3rd work already iirc.
and no one has traces of body hair either
he has right to be salty when obsessive romance can be in bottom five for months and not getting the axe
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Do you have pornhwaifu?
Neulsome studio is boring now after they moved away from the sisters.
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Oyakodon when?
Superior plastic surgery technology
In the web novel Jia and blonde have 3P and get into a throuple relationship before Oyakodon happens. The pornhwa keeps changing things so it could happen any time. MC fucking the Goddess is also to come.
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1 week
Finally. I might bring some life back to these threads.

it's okay anon your small cock's still good enough for your hand
Her name is Ahn Nayeon, you're welcome.
I meant that series. That name returns no relevant results
Then you should've said so, the sauce is Intro to MILFs.
i dont like the design, his old series had better girls
Do Manwhas ever use teenagers? It's always college aged or office workers, is it because Korea or the webtoon pages forbid it? Japanese hentai dishes out highschool / middleschool doujin left and right, I want some variety in my Korean stuff.

Not to mention the boner killer that is the fucking revelation of
>actually, my nuna isn't my real sister, we've just been raised together so I call her sis
Queen bee bro, how can you miss the most popular one
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Does anybody know if the Artist or author of Wife Training did a new series after that? Haven't seen anything new in a while and i wonder if i missed it or if he did quit.
You're not missing anything, both goes mia.
you can tell they wanted to do proper training but were constricted by gook insecurities and then got cancelled anyway so they let lose a little right at the end which annoys me since the best chapter was the dream sequence with the photographers
So did this got axed?
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Perfect everything.
Do wish more series had tits at that size instead of these >>8200004 unrealistic things.
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Taking from the best
Rank them
It's about time So-run got back to swapping and outdoor exposure cause I'm getting bored already. God I miss Joo-hee she carried 'Everything is agreed/Only with consent' for me.
2 > 4 > 1 > 3.
The series is now shit because of the rich bitch.
I would like to talk about "that's not how you do it"
As the anon here >>8201574 said i feel the series is going to a really shitty way ever since It started focusing on Yeonji like ever since her first scene everything else feels like filler for the author to make Yeonji being the focus like Somin scene ends up being about Yeonji, daon scene ends up being about Yeonji, Hyuna scene ends up being about Yeonji and now we have her "pregnancy" Arc which is completely forced and stupid and last chapter turned the series into some mexican soap opera
>That's not how you do it
Add unnecessary drama just for drama's sake.
3, 1, 4, 2
I keep reading the title as "Cheat Code Hitler"
That’s Not How You Do It
why the fuck sex stopwatch spend so many chapters not only for the wimpy kid but now also wimpy ntrbait
s2 sucks
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Anal complete and Yuri conquered. It's sad but I can't see this series going past 50 chapters.
When panty note started did you think it would have 200ch? There is always a way especially this is author first hit.
I didn't, so I hope there is away.
Panty Note's author is the same as Secret Class, never bet against the power of retardation
Is it a case of nepotism? Koreans accused Tharchog of the same thing.
Gooks always accuse others who are successful that they earned it unfairly. They're scum
He does get preferential treatment from Toptoon. One artist said he's a cunt to work with.
4 > 1 > 2 > 3
3, 2, 4, 1
im not finding this when i look up mother and daughter, any help?
I have to sleep with stranger.
MC has made a mistake for not gathering them for constant threesomes which would've guaranteed they accept sharing and both be his.
Any other series that is similar to wife training?
Since How to Conquer Women with Hypnosis pornhwa has already changed things from the web novel. I'm thinking that oyakodon may start in 2/3 chapters.
you really get excited for the most generic stuff, don't you? good for you, anon
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Continuing the non-porn manhwa discussion from last thread. I wanted to post about a few new series I tried out.

>corpse knight gunther
Hard to describe it, but I guess it's like Berzerk-lite. An undead dude fighting against vampires. Pretty fun and I would recommend it. The good things about it is that it's relatively short (87 chapters) and it has already been completed.
Fun series at the start. Unfortunately it has been on hiatus for several years and it's not known if it will ever come back. Also the last few chapters are rushed because the author had some health issues. If you don't mind reading a series that might never be completed and you are also willing to put up with the drop in quality in the last 10 or so chapters (it only has 57 chapters in total) then give it a try. It's also pretty ass kino, check pic related. Also I genuinely liked the female main character, which is very rare.
Interesting psychological horror. Give it a try if you're into that sort of thing.
>reincarnation of the suicidal battle god
Kinda cliche. The only thing I can really mention about it is that it's one of the few series where the MC actually gets laid. Usually the protags in these series are weird asexual spergs. Wasn't too bad overall, but nothing amazing IMO.
>legend of asura the venom dragon
>heavenly grand archives young master
>the world after the end
>the lone necromancer
>doctor's rebirth
>wandering warrior of wudang
>legend of the northern blade
Nothing much I can say about these series other than the fact that they weren't too bad. If you like manhwas then feel free to try them, they aren't offensively bad or retarded like some other series. Asura venom dragon has a very cool antagonist that pretty much carries the series by himself. Overall they are all pretty much "meh" to "decent".
>hard carry support
Dogshit. All the annoying tropes of a typical webtoon, no strengths whatsoever. I dropped it about 10 chapters in. I do not recommend it.
1 (longer hair) > 4 > 2 > 3
They're all same face anyways. I'm waiting for Somin to take it up the ass.
pornhwa with below average boobs and/or pubes recommendations?
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>a historical pornhwa set in Joseon era
>author is BlackGG
Oh boy, this will be a crazy ride.
Now that Panty Note is rushing to it's ending, I'm disappointed that it didn't get a 2nd Mother and Daughter threesome scene.
What's the sauce on this?
This looks like some bullying kino.
By the way, I love bullying kino so if there is anything you guys could recommend, I would love to hear it.
Locked Up
Depends on what kind of bullying, MC being subjected to it or MC dishing it out to people in revenge.
What's the source?
Both are hot, provided that it's >yuri.
What the fuck is happening with obsessive romance lmao
trinity relationship dp, mfm, anal focus pornhwa recommendation?
mc is no longer obsessed with romance
It's easy to predict what will happen. He will be bedridden and the girls will take care of him then he softens and starts to feel love.
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Never forget what they took from you
>The Girl Next Door
Another one axed from getting harem end . I should really clear my backlog until these Koreans can be truly trusted with the genre.
Koreans can't even be trusted with holding on to their most popular series only to be gone for shitty reasons
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Bossbros her scene starts tomorow
Pigpen is good but you need to dig for the really good ones. It's inevitable that manhwas will have some sort of cliche trope like system, regression, reincarnation, tower, etc but the really good stories will be able to use these cliches while still being entertaining to read and make you want to come back for more.
For non pornhwa manhwas I've been following:
>The Extra's Academy Survival Guide
>Ghost Story Club
I've a few others but they are all in hiatus and have been for fucking months so I forget they even exist but I do check back on them every once in a while for updates on when the new seasons for these will drop.
>Baited once again
Meh so far to be honest.
The pink-haired girl looks like someone /h/ would get weirdly obsessed over, much like >>8206383
Really? I thought th first scene was really good remind me of the first Sia scenes when she hated the MC
I found the other girls pretty annoying
It's mainly the girls do nothing for me.
Wat? It's still 19th. It was supposed to be out on 20th.
>no goddess in my college ending
about time, but still sad to see
Dont get why people like It that much
Is allright but pretty generic
Art is decent
Didn't take itself too seriously
Didn't have any unnecessary drama (or much of any drama at all, actually)
Didn't introduce a new girl every 5 chapter only to forget about her 5 chapters later
Main cast covers a decent deal of fetishes (exhibitionism, deepthroat fixation, big titty airhead, fucking your professor)
The only shame is that they introduced purple's mother and then never used her
Makes sense
its comfy harem with great art
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this artstyle seems familiar
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I think i like moby dick more than my kingdom
my kingdom characters have sex while in moby dick they make love, this is more my thing.
>great art
I can see that but so far i dont think any Moby Dick girls is anywhere near Sophie or Anna
It's painful to get through the thr first 50 chapters of My Kingdom.
Just don't self insert.
>weak guy becomes strong to steal used goods
It's not worth it
the series wouldnt be half as popular if the art wasnt great
it wouldnt even live past 50ch
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Moby dick.
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Sia but muscled
I would say that "what do i do now" breaks that rule but i remembered that It only got bad after chapter 50
In personality yes but the Sia expy is the MC
>my kingdom characters have sex while in moby dick they make love
This is the perfect way to put it. MD’s sex scenes are more gratifying than MK’s for the most part for this reason entirely.
Name please, frens
Stop Smoking
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I rabu Dahye.
Would wife this fucking slut.
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Real femcel hours
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girlfriend (same age) is asking if you are into older women right in front of side hoe (her mother)
Option A: your the perfect age honey
Option B: I prefer a milf like your mother
Option C: I love you both equally
its literally the dude's first series
why you acting like this?
The Servant’s Story
tell me the name so I know what they took from me
>corpse knight gunther
its author is clearly a nihilist but the monster design is really good so I enjoy it
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I hate it when authors fake sell a series
what I mean is when they make the preview or first few chapters absolutely different from the rest of the series
abyo4/abio4 is guilty of this: his series was about a tomboy staying a tomboy, and after 9 chapters, the other 20 chapters are about her becoming really girly and "marriable"
then there is the series childhood bride, its about a dude getting treated like shit by 3 childhood friends so his ahjumma neighbor pops his cherry. after 15 chapters author randomly turns it into a harem story
then there is "she is young" which was about a younger version of his wife coming to him so he can have threesomes, but after 7 chapters some really annoying drama starts so all we get is some soap opera bullshit which results in some really sweet girl being treated horribly and then the story ends with one chapter of what was promised but now the mood is soured (dont get me started on the sequel where its just generic rape/bdsm/ntr shit)
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He's a Korean artist who made some really kinky NTR doujins on Pixiv.
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this from previous thread
what was the sauce?
reverse search just leads to some korean forum where they talk about it but no title name
Wreck my bias. No Oyakodon yet.
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Where are y'all reading "Quit Smoking"? I found it on Bato.to but that site only has 2 chapters. Also, What's the best site to read on?
Hah imagine being 22 and never have a girlfriend hahahahhahahah...
8 chapters are out and the raws can be found on the Korean aggregator sites, the first 5 chapters already have an official translation (seems like there isn't any group doing fan translations) but no one's ripped them yet, so either be the change you want to see in the world or wait, I guess
I'm also looking for recommendations...
what pornhwas do you think have the best looking blowjobs?
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Outsiders way in
any good story? stuff is too vanilla
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Switch ON
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Best gif
Replace blonde with pink and pink with brown and you have a pretty accurate representation of the current status of the series
No you dont
IIlicit Love/Infidelity 101
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I miss her too
Try 26
Any update on the special chapters for My Landlady Noona?
i need to catch up on circles
which pornwha are they from?
"That's not how it's done"
Where are all those newfags coming from?
i don't see any newfag
Kek. What is the source?
the new best slut soeun chapter was great
why are titfucks so rare in pornhwas where every character has massive boobs while it's everywhere in porngas even if flat chested are more common there
I want to see nipplefuck in pornhwa.
Because unlike japs, pornhwa artists had sex so they know that titfuck doesn't feel good.
Just look at all those guys asking for source on Switch ON or silent war, case in point>>8214051
That was funny
But i agree titfuck and Full Nelson are just porn things
Pornhwa newbie here. Anything like Using Eroge Abilities In Real Life? I kinda like the game skills system thing
75% of current running pornhwa.
>I kinda like the game skills system thing
I see no problem, it makes the thread more active, which I've been noticing more recently.
For me it's when all four main characters have sex together
For all the newfags here read:
>Keep It a secret from mom
>Main character is the villain
>Pervert daily life
>Outsiders way in
>Switch ON
>Silent war
>That's not how you do it
>Elf who likes to be humilliated
>Illict love
>Dorm Room sisters
Before asking for recs
Love choice is the best despite the rushed ending
/a/ is laughing at us again bros...
ITT: /manhwa/ makes a manhwa
What is the:
>MC & background
>FMC & background
They were great scenes indeed. The series really should have finished at that.
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Sominbros our time is now
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Wake up lads, new series by world tree artist has been dropped
>Illict love
Nice try Jiro.
where tho?
first chapter and it's already better than the entirety of world tree
Not hard
I claim this one
Toonily bro
hello, are there any comics where the dicks and pussies are not painted all white?
Genitalia and pubes are always censored in the original versions due to South Korea's prudish censorships laws
Some Lezhin and Toptoon (aka Daycomics) series are released uncensored internationally, so your best bet is to find the rips of the official translations (some sites have them)
Some series with uncensored translations include Only With Consent (aka Everything is Agreed), Where Is My Little Stick (aka Where is My Hammer) and Summer Vacation
There are probably others but I can't be arsed to check
Wake me up when its pinky
>Read Outsider's Way In
>Reach Ending 1 - Yoona
>Look at the Disqus comments
>Every single comment was jeering and shitting on the blonde for winning the Gyunwoobowl
>Reach Ending 2 - Sia
>Everyone was celebrating like their favorite sportsball team just won the superbowl
I was surprised so I decided to look at the comments for Outsider's Way In on other sites and everytime I went to the comments for Ending 1, everyone, EVERY. ONE. was shitting on Yoona, EVERY. ONE. Contrast that with Ending 2 and everyone was hootin' and hollerin' over Sia winning, EVERY. TIME.

So I ask, /manhwa/, because Outsider's Way In seems to have a following here in these threads and is always one of the top recommendations by you guys: Why do people hate the blonde so much? This might be the first time I'm seeing atleast where the FMC is so disliked, not even My Kingdom's FMC got this much shit and she's horribly bad and 100% deserved to lose to Sophie.
Keep in mind this is my perspective only, and I don't waifu-shill like some in this thread. But as I read it the author, at some point, decided that Yoona and Sia should swap roles. He started writing Yoona as a total psycho bitch and Sia's sinister behavior was ignored.
Because Sia is way more popular and the whole series is centered around her so much that seeing the first ending feels complete bullshit and nonsensical about how the series was going, like the all the development, the better scenes, the drama and basicaly everything was given to Sia while Blondie was just setting in the background like a NPC with no personality while the whole story was happening made it feel unfair that she wins liek heck even Harin who is a complete plot device puts more work than her, also her ending is a complete pity ending where the MC just choose her because he felt guilty for making her cry
Also Sia popularity was so big that in the review chapter the author had to "pay" another to the a drawing of Yoona alone cuz everyone else just wanted to draw Sia and another thing the most likely tweet from the "that's not how you do it" artist is a pic of Sia bunny
But i hate Yoona for different reasons
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But It was the same for the readers like at the beggining everyone loved Yoona and hated Sia until picrel happened
I think It worked for Sia cuz she never had evil intentions and just created a mess so her turning nice fits her development, for Yoona is just her having no true character other than "uwu kawaii" girl and the author trying to give her something end up turning her into a spoiled brat
Tachiyomi has been dead for months.
Did you miss the memo or something? The developer made another replacement app almost immediately.
do girls actually like being fucked or they like the idea that someone will like them more if they let them hit
Women don't enjoy sex as much as men because they have lower testosterone, rarely have orgasm, and in some countries many have their clitoris cut off, but it still feels good nevertheless.
He moved to lezhin so this one probably won't get axed since they're not as cutthroat
Wait circles just ended
Kinda unrelated but who was the artist in charge of the first chapters of world tree?
wtf, what's the logic behind censoring genitalia and pubes but allowing boobs and sperm without problems??
S1 end?
Fuck Queen Bee, I'm going to work on less than 4 hours of sleep because I just kept reading chapter after chapter waiting for a scene to fap to and it never really came in 100 chapters. Every rape scenario gets interrupted EXCEPT those by the fat old man, the series starts with the main friend giving her a handjob and also him looking at the pussy of a waitress WELL FORGET ABOUT IT he never fucks them, at least not when you'd like to, I started skimming chapters after the 100 mark and there's some stupid promise about fucking the waitress once he's 20 years old and at some point he seems to fuck the best friend but it's years later once they're generic muscular Korean guy / bimbo bitch.

Hell, anon recommended me the Queen Bee because I asked about manwha with highschoolers but they never fuck while being students lol
obscenity laws never make an ounce of sense, anywhere
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It didn't, the Spanish translation for whatever reason added a "The End" at the end of the most recent chapter, even though the raws say the opposite (To be continued)
wdym? they never change the artist
>he fell for the meme
It's not linked in the OP.
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I can't believe a manwha that big could have me so limp. It's like everything except what you want happens, you're more likely to see the fat old man fucking some random whores than the main guy or girl getting any lewds.
And truly anything can happen, it becomes a street battle shonen or criminal thriller / griping family drama at times, but the H part is so lacking because the author likes cock blocking his audience I guess.
Pic related was the worst offender. Nigga got out of the hospital, confronted his mom and fat old bastard, delivered a fucking beatdown while having life changing revelations...
And managed to Deus Ex Machina into the apartment where a bunch of guys had these 2 middleschool hotties drugged up before they could even touch a titty. A rape the bad guys had teased was coming for like 15 chapters since their introduction.

God fucking dammit. It's a good story, just not a good hentai, author doesn't know when to let the bad things happen-actually no, he does, the fat old bastard is Korean Askkelad / Ketil and does every possible bad thing while still being a charismatic character. Must be the author self insert.
Being long-running and popular/mainstream is usually not an indication of quality
See also: Secret Class
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>MC has black hair: hates his guts, tries to drive him out of the house, attempts to murder him when she can't
>MC dyes his hair blonde: instantly falls head over heels for him
I wonder what they meant by this
>Is crying on the floor after her best friend humilliated her
>Guys comes up
>Slap her on the face
>Tells her that she is a shit
>Get ultra wet and let him fuck her brains out
Are all women like that?
Only the best of the best.
Anything on Switch On returning?
It's time to move on anon
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This was posted on march so who knows>>8219251
You can make a book out of all the things that lead to nowhere, including secondary characters irrelevant to the plot, incomplete or forgotten side stories, it's a festival of nonsense.
The fact that other works get cancelled while Queen Bee, which has been in decline for years, has reached 300+ chapters is another "mystery" (nepotism?).
Nobody ever reads OP, the app is https://mihon.app
Is the author of Obssesive Romance the same as the one from Close Family.
need more footjobs in pornhwa.
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looks like the coloring artist was changed but honestly to me it started looking worse past the first quarter, the lineart and the expresions are not as good as the first chapters
Muldeok is weird even for manhwa standards
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I don't know about that bro...
I smell another fakeout
Yup, she is taking care of him there alright.
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It's over, Black won and Pink preemptively friendzones MC when she feels his friendzoning coming
What is this?
Bunk Bed
The professor accepts being his slave and then not even a couple of chapters later she does a 180 for no apparent reason. The writing turned dog shit and I have no hope for his other series that is running.
Damnit was the best anyway.
He has other series?
I want Thirst back. Bunk Beds was dogshit and a waste of the artist.
Why? His shit is incredibly tame. Only weird thing is how he's obsessed with everyone fighting.
How is the series? It is pretty shilled by spics
Queen Bee is consistently at the top, nepotism is like how Obsessive Romance still ongoing, there is no other explanation.
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It's pretty chill, there's barely any drama (unless you count "uguu MC doesn't like me back I'm sad uguu" as drama) and the MC has about as much personality as a cardboard box, but the art is nice
Is there threesome or sexy ahjumma?
No and no
MC even has a sister and they're not sexually attracted to each other, believe it or not
Not like the art anything beyond average
Is there anything that set it apart from Circles?
The FMC actually gets a sex scene (many of them, actually)
Romantic relationships actually evolve instead of staying in a permanent stasis
Obssesive is just one tenth the lenght and is probably ending soon.
i like it, it's more unique and better than 90% of the stuff out there
It is hard liking the least popular girl
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>See also: Secret Class
Why did you Misspell One Piece?
One Piece is good faggot
one piece is unironically superior to >95% of the generic trash you see around, has good writing and worldbuilding that highlights certain societal issues like race, slavery, genocide, hatred etc. wad you smoking?
One piece is superior to all non-porn manhwa. And I don't even like it that much.
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>original series still going on an usual without breaks
>official (emphasis on official) English translation decides to go on a month-long hiatus for no apparent reason
I expected nothing and I'm still disappointed
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I...... Never mind, I'll keep quite for now
Which website should I head to if I want to find raw (Korean) versions of manhwa? Oktoon is all Korean but they block US IPs and I don't feel like booting up a VPN every time I go there. Are there any other sites that allow you to easily switch or toggle between Raw and translated version?
Raws update on here on the same day as release.
>introduce 200/10 amazon
>imediatly saddle her with some two nobodies i could give a FUCK about
sure,why not
we don't deserve nice things
Yeah the other 2 girls are pretty boring
all we needed was some 20 chapter or so with her
but no.he's gonna make the tour on all of them,and then end it with some ambiguous, inconclusive harem ending or something
Probably, i think the biggest problem is the hair color of the chicks that makes them look way too much excecive
Even with the pinkie reminding me of Ms Heed didnt help her

Navigating that site gave me weapons grade AIDS.
The pink haired ' teehee I'm so slutty!!!' archetype is so dead

I just can't stand it anymore
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Why is Momobird such a good fucking artist??? First with the Outsider's Way In girls, now even with the Stop Smoking girls.
Amazoness Sia...
Amerimutt Sia...
Glutton Yoona...
miss this manhwa so much already
Trips of truth
Unpopular opinion but I wouldn't mind if Circles ends without the FMC ever getting a scene. Her friendship with MC is too pure and wholesome and it's best to stay that way without any sexual tension.
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I hope we get a tall OL
almost this, but instead it ends with him asking her out on an actual old-fashioned date and her accepting his request
A landlord girl was teased so maybe that Will happen
>Live sex real girls
Within 5 miles of where you live
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New chapter is out
>t. asteless faggot
What would you prefer in place of it?
where is this from?
This guy really is named Gang-chan
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She got trvthnvked
where are your eyes? read the filename
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What do i do now had a good arc for a footjob
Dahye was pure perfection again.
wtf insider girl means
is there a way to find out whether an artist/author got twitter/insta or something? is there like a database with links and shit?
first thing i tried m8, also tried searching for gook names + insta and stuff without finding anything
there has to be something else
If it isn't in there it means they're not popular enough for anyone to update them or they just don't use social media
I like pink hair more than the glasses wearing, always eating girl
New to manhwas here. What serie(s) should I read to get started with?
>Just now found out that Rental Girls, a series that had been in hiatus for THREE FUCKING YEARS came back almost a year ago and I didn't even notice.

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