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>Viewer: https://drive.google.com/open?id=19Kd2T9gVZtsoEHP9nIeDSIdLOnw4Xgt7
>Viewer Big Patch: https://mega.nz/file/glx0UQgC#QIeQmw5esGAH5Z2hpAME7HNb-rBHpRjt3eE9yovM31w
>Event Patches: https://mega.nz/folder/OuBwSajD#cRAyhgZtXTkBouEIREiz7Q
>Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snLByV1Jn4Y&list=PLWTepIlReBpnRRQcQMjQGxDo7whb4IxIe

>Game: http://pc-play.games.dmm.co.jp/play/taimanin_rpgx/
>Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k22dzpoUyYc3dgqOeiYWf5aKdzcMTM-22PPZ15ePyiw/
>Viewer: https://mega.nz/folder/9jN0RKrD#0sDHOUgClLaQH3MU7_eQgA
>Story TL: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1koBwcMlYnY5Z5gezuY9tbnBLWxQ9jByLbcO2A_ZGDwA/
>Translator Tool: https://mega.nz/file/dYN0WQLS#7nT4m6amxQvrasjvhQBxXs-3dPIXmwEnnC8wufL0UMY
>Translator Tutorial: https://files.catbox.moe/0toapd.mp4
>Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkX8aSzVqMg&list=PLWTepIlReBplP_mSvQ3_if7-A8In-45Nc

>Game: https://www.actiontaimanin.net/
>Bond Scenes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQeF7NBX7kc&list=PLWTepIlReBpnAQ-6Q4ptiCjCSwPCCxwUM
>OST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uU36_upTNP0&list=PLWTepIlReBpn1CNGkTSiYcGeQ_m7Cm-zS
>Other: https://rentry.org/atgExtraLinks
>Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDPxJMNdhu8&list=PLWTepIlReBpm7B4YZ_ETyKdlgmzCxYe1x
>Mods: https://mega.nz/folder/BrJGkJgC#7N9YZylOksCDTfHBRg6dXA

>Drama CDs: https://mega.nz/folder/lKRE3ZJB#gexG4fUbKgJNU7Apyel4ZQ ----- https://mega.nz/folder/jUoj1CTY#VN2ZH-QuInXG1jbJ7xMhsA
>Drama CD Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18s-5M3thLSF95tHCbMLuYtLXWreCRUI-F6jSgT9CBIY/
>TA3 + TABA + NUYE Artbooks: https://mega.nz/folder/0WMWBbDC#W51-m3HWu-EBV2p4WF5qVA
>Wallpapers: https://mega.nz/folder/ZxEB1CgC#wSHJmx6rvuzMAefaCUoX_A
>Lilith Art Collection: https://mega.nz/folder/c0N2WSzJ#hv2t5xRVyo2R_OLLUWc0Jw
>Lilith CG Collection: https://mega.nz/folder/HPp0TaDb#9uHUdeBUqJz72jBytgXUzg
Previous Thread: >>8167936
Recent Updates:

>Latest TABA scenes for the RPGX viewer: https://mega.nz/file/poQ0gZrZ#2KjPkBRPA6m-T8aQXBC-FOILy4z7Zx2UyszgtBNV7Tg
>Latest TABA scenes for the eTABA viewer: https://mega.nz/file/NwpjAJqB#8iohiCxJRLyFhwCP063KEKNDT2xG3-mCJXymfcGYZ2I

>Taimanin Animations: https://mega.nz/folder/ExxVmARa#XvlEEzcybEQyOlhEIPBz4A

>HTML RPGX Viewer H Scene & Story Patch: >>8204382

>RPGX Official English + Rattan Man's Translations Patch: https://mega.nz/file/1pB1QSAS#HHgP1V1iDx_-7gij7OXh3_VhWzKlRX0PNO1yi47PeWw
>RPGX Profile Viewer: https://mega.nz/folder/swQUCJZB#_IUwpwszWP9WiIcikXduqQ
>RPGX Profile Viewer Patch: https://mega.nz/file/VkonmIII#yrX87bOWu62tG9-hm2V2X6RRHGQ3Q7aNLhKnyXFMuRw

>RPGX Extasy Website
>JP RPGX Gacha Schedule
SCENARIO: Lilith Announces That They Only Have Enough Money To Do Only One Of Two VN Games: Taimanin Shiranui or Taimanin Sakura. Which One Do You Choose To Be Made At The Expense Of The Other?
>(Can Be For Any Reason Plot Or Sex; Show Picture Example)
Mine: Out of all the questions I've asked, this might be one of the hardest. There's good reason to go with either, personally I find Sakura more attractive, but Shiranui has waaaay more going for her plot wise especially given how many things you can cover and get answered. There's an entire game full of Shiranui training scenes explaining her current status, or even a post TY2 Shiranui that answers more things waiting in a Taimanin Shiranui game. Sakura doesn't really have any rivals, arch enemies or questions that need answering like Shiranui does... but I like to see Sakura get sex'd more.. Ughhh gun to my head.... I'd probably go Taimanin Sakura. She may have weaker plot strings, but my dick would rather see Sakura in more scenes than Shiranui. Also in a Taimanin Sakura game chances of seeing Asagi and Murasaki side scenes increase as well. Kind of shallow reasoning, but.. yeah its a hard question.
I miss RPG Extasy everyday. I hope it comes back soon
I miss more of what it represented than it itself, an acknowledgment of a Western audience.
There’s another game in development that hints at a global launch given what was said at the end and what’s his name said about the whole fiasco, Lilith does seem very serious about this
Meant to also reply >>8210629
Shiranui, a game that's just incubus king training would be perfect
Yeah its a shame, It's gonna be a year soon since the game was released.
I sure hope so man. It sucks seeing what could have been implented in global from Kessen to the Black Lagoon collab.
this guy is just Fuuma but hair is white
Shiranui, hands down. Not only could you plan it better plot wise, being like a Yukikaze 2.5 and have it be the middle of the story, but I can canonically have a "bad end", like the Kangoku Senkan series where the heroine DOES end up brainwashed/mindfucked. And watching Shiranui break down would be SO hot, considering we've only ever really seen her at the END of the brainwashing in the VNs. As opposed to Sakura, who's had 5 different VNs with multiple scenes dedicated to her.
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Sakura easy
I don't care much for either of them. I never thought Sakura could hold up her own game from a setup and plot POV. Shiranui works, but she needs other girls to fill the sidelines. Sakura is the girl who fills the side content, not the main one. Give me an Ingrid focused game entirely based on all the down time Oboro had with her in TA3, up before she was sent into prostitution, or maybe even some after the fact.
Taimanin Kirara...
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>I never thought Sakura could hold up her own game from a setup and plot POV.
This is definitely Sakura's biggest weakpoint in regard to this question. She doesn't quite have the star power some other characters has. But goddamn does she make a top tier sex Pinata.
the best part is that it would be a canonical bad end that doesn't lead to death since we know she's still alive. so they can do absolutely anything to her in her own game and it'll be fair game.
fuuma wishes he could have the personality of /ourguy/ pearbro
he's yellow, yellow peepo are enemies of /taba/ cuckoldom
This thread belongs to green orkz and black kangz
>This thread belongs to green orkz and black kangz
Oh look. an American.
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Well, Sakura never had a chance to carry anything other than dicks. Character wise I vastly prefer her over the rest of the cast, and having a fun MC for once would be neat. Would make breaking her down even hotter in the bad routes.
hello anon, I'm Jon, Jon Bhidet
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Tomboy ninja, no contest. I'm a massive Sakurafag, so I'm way more invested in seeing her finally get fleshed out and score some wins under her belt. Plus, like >>8210538 said, having Sakura as the MC means Asagi/Murasaki are guaranteed appearances and I care about them and their H-scenes more than I do Yukikaze and Rinko's.
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Fuuma isn't built like a pear and doesn't have a magical penis
the only thing they really have in common is having a scenario where they cuck Tatsurou
Is there any good AI upscaler that can be used to improve the image size? Most of the older shit and even the RPGX stuff has a laughably low resolution.
Sakura infiltrates a place/gang/organization seeking to liberate Shiranui.

Problem solved.
It stinks but at least something is coming, might not be an H-title like before but maybe something a little more LEWD than action. Im saying non-H ( more like hard ecchi territory including various forms of nudity) since Lilith does seem to be trying to go more legitimate as if lately, I’d be presently surprised if it was much closer to their roots but well see, to me it doesn’t matter as long as there is another title that’s available to Western audiences
I don't have faith they'll deliver anything good, whatever it ends up being. RPGX was legitimately flash-game tier slop and AT is mediocre even by mobile action game standards.
If it's a RPGX replacement at least we'll get new scenes out of it, but I have 0 interest in another Taimanin thing without porn.
>but I have 0 interest in another Taimanin thing without porn.
>There’s another game in development
There is?
it's TY3 desu
Believe it or not yes, this was posted on the day extasy went offline
> Taimanin will continue on.
>We shall continue to work hard and challenge ourselves so that even more people can enjoy the Taimanin series.
>And Taimanin will one day return to a global audience.
>Please look forward to when that time comes.
This correlates with “what’s his name” was talking about on the whole fiasco(he was also involved with GOGO) and that it’s Lilith themselves doing it or supervising this supposed new game. What we DO know is that they’re not gonna make the same mistakes that caused the deaths of GOGO and extasy and that it’s a global launch. As for the game itself we have no clue whatever it’s a new mobile game or potentially(this is my personal pipedream) a console title. Doubt it’s another LN like Ty3
i need a mikio oe, he's like an evil shota
name our band
Dum Cumsters
Anyone know where I can find links to all the previous patches ?
The Smashed Pumpkins
Didn't Sakura actually get a bass playing version in RPGx?
Shiranui has more going on for her, she could have a whole game based on her younger years or post capture.
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Yes, scene 204.
What mistake caused the death of GOGO? I never really paid much attention to that title.
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>According to AppMagic, Taimanin GOGO has amassed a total revenue of over 114 Thousand USD over the game’s 1 year lifespan.
It was a All Ages rated game for a hardcore porn franchise. It might just be one of the dumbest ideas of all time because it turned off anyone who would even be interested in it and you really don't want to introduce the kids to the orc slave prostitute mindbreak gangrape orgy series.
Also it looked and played like a bad minigame that you'd find inside another game.
That's what GOGO played like??
They should've just made it its own IP, I actually really like BulletHell games, this wasn't even that bad. It just shouldn't have been apart of Taimanin.
While I'm a fan of Dizzy, think you might be lost buddy.
LOL whoever thought Taimanin for kids would be a good idea is nuts. Here's hoping they go back to NSFW for their next game
Taimanin GOGO!
she needs her own game
Oh no, it is weirder than that. The main character is a Taimanin fan who gets isekai'd to the Taimanin universe (and that is why she has a stop sigh for a weapon, which is clever, at least) and is terrified of all the rape she is likely to be subjected to, only to find none of that, Black being a friendly teacher in Gosha, and Oboro being the Minasaki of that reality, always failing to get her criminal schemes to work. Trying to peg down the intended audience for this game is hard.
Holy fuck will you look at those gigantic fucking Rinkos goddamn
Taimanin Square Massacre
So when’s the new chapter coming out? I suppose tomorrow or this time closer to the anniversary (it would be very strange if there wasn’t one)
Monday at the earliest now since there's never an update on Sunday (and there's always a maintainance notification posted at 4pm the day before an update).
Alright, it would be very stupid if they didn’t have one on the anniversary just because “the 22’d day was on a Sunday” Has there even been a new chapter release on the twenty third?
Last time I checked I think there were 5 released on the 23rd and they all happened when the 21st was on a weekend. Sometimes they'll do it on the Friday instead, but they seem to be a bit behind right now so that wasn't gonna happen. I wouldn't even be surprised if it comes out on the 24th instead.
Alright thanks!
>girl with perfect body that was drawn with inspiration from the gods of art has just one boring scene
I hate this reality
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Sakura is so cute.
Need evil shota on RPGX
moar, make at least 30 of these and post all of them here
How tf do I download the RPGX viewer without having to install the Mega app?
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Baka anon, wrong thread
You'll have to settle for TABA, anon. RPGX Fuuma can't handle cuckoldry of that magnitude.
looks nice but wrong thread also they need to be orcs
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this guys art is really hot , I wish he had more Taimanin stuff
New chapter appears to be coming around either the 23’rd or potentially 24’th in time for the anniversary
logistically how would Shuten's work? he's supposed to be quite larger than TABA Fuuma who isn't a slouch so does he just have a dick thats the size of his torso?
we should be getting a teaser pretty soon then yeah?
Anyone? I hate installing bloated programs on my computer.
He's the Tomo-chan author, if I'm not wrong. Top-tier lewd stuff, but he has glacial output and hasn't thrown out Taimanin stuff for almost two years. A tragedy.
Just don't close the tab and wait a few hours, the download will resume.
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TABA fuuma got cucked pretty hard, each girl that was stolen and dicked hard never was the same with him, kinda having that feeling "yes there are better dicks out there, why am i still losing time with you"

RPGX fuuma couldn't handle such cuckness, as seen in the bride Tokiko unit.
>logistically how would Shuten's work?
Check Towako's VN, there are some shots that show how huge he is when fucking Reika.
Shit like this is what makes Sakura top tier waifu material.
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TABA Fuuma was playing a dangerous game, he was actively out fucking other peoples girls (Fucked Rinko while Tatsurou could hear it from the other room, disguised himself as a fat dude and fucked Asagi while Kosuke was having a rest). So that shit was probably fair game in his eye

RPGX Fuuma is playing with safety bumpers. There's only like 3, maybe 4 explicitly NTR scenes alongside anyone else who has had scenes without him that weren't supposed to be NTR. But even in those they throw in some line to try and save him face by saying 'those UNNATURALLY larger dicks', having anyone who could possibly be more well endowed either be A) a different race altogether, Orcs and other demon types. B) A man under the effects of some kind of aphrodisiac or power C) Someone with enhanced genitals through the demon world. usually at the cost of it becoming grotesque with warts.
Also this is purely speculative (egg on my face when the update that comes out in a day or 2 has it) but I think they're not gonna do much more hardcore NTR in RPGX. I feel like this year they have tried to go a little softer in direction for the most part. you still get things like that really brutal Amane scene but otherwise I can't think of anything in the last year that was very out there. And anything they do in the future I feel will be something like the last Yukikaze scene where they explicitly show that it's not tied to the main story so it's less of a gut punch for the girl to be fucked by another dude
Taimanin girls in Calvin Klein style underwear is something I never knew I needed
Fuuma learned from his mistakes, he has become mentally uncuckable
Has Maika ever bled in any of her scenes?
If not, does that confirm she has lost her virginity before any of the main stories took place?
Who are the Taimanin who bled in their H-scenes, confirming they were virgin?
>we should be getting a teaser pretty soon then yeah?
If anyone here has that newsletter thing that would be extremely helpful because at best it comes out either Tomorrow or the next day, no way they’re NOT putting one out on the anniversary, that would be anticlimactic
The newsletter should be out in 13.5hrs.
Alright that makes sense, thanks for the heads up
In her first scene in RPGx, Rinko bleeds when she gets Fuuma'd so hard she passed out
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I want a witch gf...
It won't even let me download in the first place. The big 4gb files throw up a prompt to use the app whenever I try to download them.
link? cant find the scene
>he's supposed to be quite larger than TABA Fuuma who isn't a slouch so does he just have a dick thats the size of his torso?
That same scene specifies it as "Several times larger than Fuuma's" and the stomach bulge in the CGs makes it look like it would reach his chest. In fact, it appears to be about the size of his forearm.
If in the download screen you see "Transfer with MEGA Desktop App" or something similar, make sure the switch is not selected.
If you have already downloaded 4Gb from mega in the last 24 hours, just wait.

If you still can't download, sorry but I can't help you. Something weird is happening with your computer or you are doing something wrong.
The 4gb file is too big to download without the app. I can download everything else, but the RPGX 5th zip files are locked behind the desktop app.
And it suddenly started working. What the fuck.
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impregnating and starting a family with Oboro!!
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There is a criminal lack of post monster pregnancy Taimanin scenes.
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Showing a few scenes of Asagi living as an Orc breeder, cozy with her orc children, would really solidify her downfall.
I hope there's a 10月10日 banner this year too
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Green Hot Cucumbers.
Is animator anon still here?
cant remember this scene, where is it from?
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It is in fact Double Kirara and Asagi & Oboro.
Also extended Gosha it's 25th-29th.
Any news on the latest chapter?
4hrs until the maintainance announcement which will say if there will be a new chapter.
Alright I’ll probably be asleep by then, you can announce whenever there is one by the time it pops up
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Taimanin Asagi 3 oav
>Double Kirara
Expecting a boring vanilla fuuma scene, so I won't be disappointed when it's a boring vanilla fuuma scene.

Prove me wrong Lilith scene writers!
at this point I give up, the games no longer have a proper timeline and sometimes some follow good endings but not really.
From now Im just gling to enjoy the porn blindly and fap to Ingrid with all my lust in the same way Black faps to Asagi disregarding the timeline
What if in a bizarre twist, the Asagi/Oboro event is them getting Fuuma'd and settling their differences over jaundiced meat. And the Double Kirara one is her getting hardcore Orc'd
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I request fuuma in wedding dress pic
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literally the first set of scenes in the RPGx viewer if you have that
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truly best girl
thanks faggots
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no sweat dudeski
Well the DMM video where the images originally "leaked" says.

While Taimanin RPG is celebrating its 6th anniversary it will reach a big turning point.
Something's going to happen on Taimanin RPG's 6th anniversary!?

And we now have confirmation that there will be no main story update so MAYBE, JUST MAYBE they'll try to replicate the success of YukiRinko last year and have the (let's face it) main heroine fuck someone else.

>They seem to be testing something which could potentially have a big impact on the story and in turn maybe the H scenes.
so they're probably just behind schedule and it's just this and we're going to get enough vanilla to satisfy the world's bakeries for centuries.
>They seem to be testing something which could potentially have a big impact on the story and in turn maybe the H scenes.
The way the patch anon spoke about that made me think it was a technical feature and not something from a story perspective, since he said it might not leave 'testing'. My guess is maybe they are experimenting with animated story/H scene content?
Another month without a story update? This is the third time that’s happened this year, even two was unusual? I’m skeptical about what on earth they’re doing for the anniversary that they’re prioritizing that they’re skipping yet another chapter while leaving us after THAT cliffhanger.
And skipping a chapter ON its anniversary is highly unusual or even unlikely for a gacha game. And yet
> While Taimanin RPG is celebrating its 6th anniversary it will reach a big turning point.
>Something's going to happen on Taimanin RPG's 6th anniversary!?
Indicates they’re planning on something very big above even a story chapter. That intrigues me especially
Any reason why the Drama CDs aren't on the usual ASMR sites?
So Rinko loses her virginity to Fuuma here?
In before TA1 remake announcement. A man can dream.
ta1 remake but every character is replaced with kotaro
new game is probably a genshin clone and it will release way too late

If that's the case and the game is even halfway decent I'm going to go fucking broke.
Well Shit, if they do that then that’ll actually be a buy from me
>genshin clone
So like a higher quality open world Action Taimanin? If it has sex and lewd stuff, sign me the fuck up.
Scene is going to be Fuuma fucking Asagi while Oboro is pegging him.

You heard it here first.
I hope you're wrong
oborobros have suffered far too long for that shit
One thing i can say anon is don't get your hopes up for both of the units, they will both suck ass, lilith with RPGX has been just lazy and tame as fuck.
I haven't fapped to a single RPGX scene in like 4 years.
I still can't believe how this game is still making content.
Maybe the lore is good and it's keeping it alive
> since he said it might not leave 'testing'
Honestly I don't know why I put testing, think I was just on auto-pilot trying to add on to the "nothing to do with the story at all" part and my brain was like yeah it's in a folder called demo, might not even leave it.
It's nothing to do with animated content unfortunately, it's more to do with the story as a whole.

Possibly just delayed to the end of the month again (or they've decided to keep it there permanently).
The anniversary stuff stops on the 7th so it'll probably happen on or before then.
There is also the special scenario I mentioned a few patches back which could be taking the place of the chapter this month.
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>I haven't fapped to a single RPGX scene in like 4 years.
There have been a lot of good scenes over the last 4 years anon.
If you haven't fapped to a single one of them maybe the problem is you and not Lilith? Or you're a staunch Koukawa clan fag in which case yeah you've been fucked harder than a Taimanin.
I like the Maika Rimjob Scene
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Yeah, I'm still around. What's sup?
when I finally succeed in astral projection, the first thing I will do is a long mouthwash session with Yukikaze's spit.
After that I will lick her armpits and cum in her hair
>good scenes is when a monster/fat guy/other gross thing has sex with a hot girl
The writing in most of those sucks
>new game
What new game?
New batch when?
All of them are souless.
tell me you're a kotaronigger without telling me you're a kotaronigger
Antifuumaniggers still malding, I see.
You pornbrain addicts are sad. Kotaro won. Get over it.
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No teasers in the new title screen.
No they both suck, you're just incapable of actually glueing your eyes to some text for more than a paragraph.
Go read practically anything from the VNs and compare it with anything from your collage and the difference is night and day. The gacha format is incapable of actually fleshing anything out because it needs to be quick to digest content
Only the Skaura scenes were any good imo.
I only check those threads for this and lewds
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How is it possible that vanillafags still haven't realized that in every Kirara scene (You) are sitting in the cuck chair?
You are literally watching a full blown couple having sex.
there are like 3 or 4 good scenes in this
Remember, we're the orcs. Loathsome subhuman creatures that hate beauty and consider women disposable pieces of flesh.
One day we'll get Kirara too. Just a matter of time.
I don't wanna be a Orc i want to be the chad that steals the protagonist girl, or the evil shota.
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Based self-inserts
>ugly bastard
>NTR chad
>the girl
>the guy is not fat, ugly, black, etc
I can't believe this, fucking Lilith and their self-inserts fuck this shit
>Orc, nigger, shota, futa, ugly fat fuck
hnnnnggggg I cumming, I'm cumming, that's literaly me hnnnnggg

every fucking time
does this mean any scene with orange man is NTR scene to you? That would explain why your retards wlip out at any notion of that
>The way they seethe the moment you call they're cuck boy a loser.
You always say that your boy won but doesn't look like it if you still find necessary to reply like this.
A scar never heals, it's always there as a reminder.
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I wish I had better news. Life has splintered my attention in many different directions, and its had an impact on the 4th Batch's progression. I'm only about half way through unfortunately. Just stay healthy anon.
I love how you never have any retort for basically being NTR'd by self-insert/fuuma posters and just post the same 'u mad' tier response. Nobody in this general ever gets mad except for you whenever a patch comes out and it's more or less the same cycle of 2 Vanilla/2 Non Vanilla
Because it's a loop you idiot, haven't you figured it out?
Yeah, you show up around a window of 2-3 days of patches, try to stir shit (and normally just get ignored) then disappear between then. Normally I would ignore you like usual but I figured I'd bite this one time
Can confirm I don't give a fuck about these fuuma arguments and just ignore the blatant and obvious attempt to stir things up with the weakest bait ever cast. Probably a /atg/ anon.
so I'm right then, thank you for your reply
So what are the scenes about?
The gacha doesn't start until 2 more hours from now and usually the server is fucked for at least 1 hour.
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Patch won't be out for a little bit
judging by what they have shown, my predictions are
>some kind of callback to TA1 for the Asagi/Oboro one, I think it would be cool if maybe they did a recreation of one scene, maybe even have part 1 of the scene be a faithful recreation just in Kagami's more recent art style, and then have an extension to that scene in part 2

No idea for the double Kirara. I really doubt it won't be vanilla, it will probably be something like the double Yuki scene, with part 1 being the actual foreplay/blowjobs/masturbation and then part 2 involving actual sex.
So I have the TABA scene patches dropped into the viewer folder, but it says it can't load the data when I try to view one. What did I fuck up?
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I'm glad I wasn't imagining the ass smash on Asagi in this picture.
lmao why does it give off the same vibe as a fist bump
My wives shouldn't fight each other.
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HTML RPGX Viewer H Scene Patch
Added gosha scenes.

Next event is Pregnancy.
The gacha SR has 8 new images but it seems only 2 of them will be used during the event so the character might have a lot happen to them during the transition from Volume 1 to 1.5.
Your shitty hint for the characters:
The red warrior gets a shock and goes to counciling with her blue bodyguard.

Let me know if I've fucked anything up.
very nice. the hate sex (actually love sex in disguise) will be epic
Thank you
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>New tan Kirara
Who's that on the right?
More hints more hints please
Jesus, thats hot but can Fuuma be less yellow?
No, we need more asian representation.
>red warrior
>blue bodyguard
>red warrior
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Future Kirara. Aoi can't draw different characters well so she looks essentially the same as standard Kirara.
Did we...just get a Asagi/Oboro lesbian scene? After years? It ain't the greatest Kagami scene and the colouring is weak compared to classic VNs, but it's a fucking Asagi/Oboro hate lesbian scene.
So what are the scenes?
Red and shock makes me think of Yukikaze
After like what? 20 years? We finally got a Yuri scene, how amazing is this
I read the kirara one so i'll give a super shitty tldr
>continuation of vanilla plotline of future/bride kirara colliding
>kirara wants pregnant and tries seducing him with a tan and cheerleader outfit
>future kirara shows up as a nun and says she gets pregnant in the future and they agree to seduce him together
>double paizuri and threesome after similar to asuka/kirara with lots of talk about pregnancy and sperm drinking
Serious question.
Is lilith or Aoi scared to try a new fucking poses? I mean there are vanilla games that put lilith to shame regarding the sex scenes.

How many fucking times did we get paizuri and missionary?
This is literally the best combo to get your girl to cheat on you.
Well there is no missionary and the paizuri scene has 90% of the focus on sperm drinking dicussion.
So Kurenai?
But that was the same discussion in the Asuka Kirara unit.
And the cowgirl sex is almost the same too
If Kurenai is blue then red has to be Mari
No, Kurenai would be red due to her name.
maybe it's yuphie and sophie.
Then it's Kurenai and Ayame
>asagi/oboro sex
my. fucking. dick
Thank you for the quick patch!

I noticed a small error that you might want to fix. Marika Krishna from Cara the Bloodlord is sorted under Kagami instead of Nobushito since it seems that he now has taken over that character in RPGX.
what the fuck is going on with the new log in art? They actually managed to make Asagi look cute
>censor the not ripped purple suit
Does Japan really ?
Thank you anon!

>transition from Volume 1 to 1.5
I saw the same thing on the start screen. What exactly is this volume thing? This is the first time I heard of the game or story divided in volumes
They don't wanna risk it.
Not him, and it'd be great if it was, but surely Ayame is purple, and not really a 'bodyguard'?
Oh wow. those anniversary scenes both look pretty great
>The red warrior gets a shock and goes to counciling with her blue bodyguard.
Hmm. I'm guessing Kurenai is the red warrior as some have suggested before (she has also not shown up for a while). the 'shock' I'm guessing is some sort of pun for either a figurative shock of them getting knocked up somehow, or maybe a little more literal and they put in some electric torture machine.
I can only imagine who the blue bodyguard could be. Given who she is previously paired with in her RPGX scenes
phew holy shit I thought DeepL stopped working with the translator tool but it looks like it just had some new popup settings I needed to turn off.

Doesn't the new viewer break all stuff you run through that translator nowadays anyway?
I wonder if Rattanman would be willing to translate this scene.

Ask him about it.
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>Asagi "Is she gonna bring in Orcs or Ogres?"
>Fuuma Walks in
LOL FUCK! Shits too predictable
Honestly I can only sigh in disappointment with how watered down Taimanin's become. Kirara was obviously gonna be the same ol vanilla fuumashit, but fuck did they really have to insert Fuuma into Asagi/Oboro's scene too? I was fully expecting some TA1 callback scenarios or someshit like the Yuki/Rinko scenes from last year.
Where'd all the gangbangs, rape, monster sex, NTR, mind breaking that initially drew me into this franchise go!

Sorry for going on a small rant bros... these anniversary scenes are some of the few scenes I actually look forward too since they'll usually read or look like ACTUAL Taimanin content compared to the mostly shit, sometimes mid gachashit we get year round. Welp, better luck next year, if there is a next year.
You didn't read the scene
another thing is that TABA Fuuma had his own agenda and had pussy to spare.

A lot of people forget that the way he found out Tokiko was kidnapped was because he delivered a mercy kill to Tokiko after she got captured and gore'd by Wight, only realizing after killing her that it wasn't actually Tokiko. Like, he was willing to go there.
TABA Fuuma was the leader of his syndicate first and has performed himself every heinous act that happened to the girls of his syndicate
>and had pussy to spare
It's kinda the case for RPGx as well, it's also why I think NTR just doesn't work that great when its against Fuuma to begin with. It reminds me of that joke zelda comic where the first panel is zelda implying she is going to sleep with Ganon and the follow up is just Link looking confused/unfazed while surrounded by the supporting cast of females
One of the Christmas Events in TABA is him desperately trying to stop Tokiko from hosting a Christmas party for the organization because he doesn't want his gorillion lovers to meet up and realize he's been cheating on all of them with each other.

Needless to say he fails and has to spend all night using his ninja abilities to sneak into each and every room in the hotel and sleep with every one of them without them finding out. Literally suffering from success.
Bro's got so many side pieces, even King Solomon would tell him to slow down.
Yeah, NTR works only if you take something precious from the other guy. If he can easily replace what's taken or has backups on top of backups then it just feels pointless. There's no impact. It also has the reverse effect with the vanilla scenes because we know this relationship he has isn't particularly special to him cause he has so many so it also doesn't feel like anything. Just another bitch in the pile.
Yeah outside of a few scenes that try to be more intimate I've always just seen Fuuma as just some goof who wants to bust a nut in someone more than anything else
>Future Kirara's child is a boy
Aw shame
I want to see father x daugther and oyakodon with them
>Fuuma walks in
>Scene 1 ends
Oh this might actually be good, maybe Fuuma's joining up with Nomad and we're going to get more of an evil Fuuma.
>Scene 2 starts
Wow, it's shit.
I totally agree with you anon, as a long-time loyal fan it's been disappointing and sad to see this franchise being turned into a generic boring harem, so far from what it used to be.
The keyword some people are missing is characters. The hint can be used to get (or at least narrow down) all 4 characters. I don't think anyone will get the HR.
A hint for one of the characters coincidentally enhances another.
I didn't put much thought into the hint at all so some people are probably overthinking it, I'm not Steve Pemberton.
Also it should've been counselling not counciling, sorry English is only my first language.

Fixed for the next update.

I'd assume Chapter 72 is going to conclude everything with Gaiza and since everything started with him back in Chapter 1 I'd say it's right to call all of that a single volume of the Taimanin RPG Story.
With it being volume 1.5 they probably plan on tidying up loose ends and building up the main focus for volume 2.
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>Serious question.
>Is lilith or Aoi scared to try a new fucking poses?
Aoi tends to reuse poses a lot. A fair bit of his non-Lilith games share poses with TA stuff he's done.

His body problem is far worse >>>/vg/495692771
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6th Anniversary Trailer
>None of the original cast
They have been really leaning into the newer generation of characters for a while now.
They're right there though.
Aside from those two. We rarely see the original main girls much. This is their gosha unit. How long until we see Asagi or Oboro again?
The only one who hasn't been used in the last year is Oboro. Last Asagi was literally just under a year ago, last Sakura was mid January and last Murasaki was at the end of February. Pretty standard for gacha.
Who is this mysterious nigga?
It's Tatsurou, he was training for 10 years and practicing semen retention.
And now this wizard returns to challenge Rinko, if he wins - she will give him a key from his chastity cage she put on him
That trailer kinda makes it feel like Black is the main character from now on or something.
TABA Fuuma, crossing dimensional barriers to come and steal RPGx Fuuma's girls
That would've been way more interesting for sure
TABA Fuuma is RPGX Fuuma. He just got scrambled after Fuuma and Black reset universes
You want half of the fandom to go jump off a cliff? Don't touch their daddy fuuma
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That's what you think.
In the reset, the two halves of Fuuma's personality split, creating 'Fuuma' and 'Kotaro'.
'Fuuma' is the protagonist of RPGx, and reflects the good half of Fuuma, who cares for his friends.
'Kotaro' is the more evil half, which takes after his father Danjo. And is more interested in conquest, both of his enemies and their women.
Think pic related
Could just be hyping him up to be an even bigger focus of the story if they are going to try and conclude things with Gaiza.
The patch-anon did say they were doing something big which could be affecting both the story and H-scenes though. an MC/Perspective change would be pretty crazy
the other will procede after them, because Black is the same self-insert trope. Doesn't matter who is the main protagonist, as long as people feel cheated out of scenes they preffer - they will be angry and displace that anger on said protagonist
Yeah if they do actually change protags the shitflinging its not going to change
Except that Black is a decently liked and well established character since the first game. Also he only cares about Asagi, not a harem
Black doesn't care about Asagi in RPGX since he has a (dead) wife
RPGX Black is basically a different character
How do you prevent your translated scenes from getting overwritten when installing a new H scene patch? I am retarded and in need of help. Thanks
They haven't overwritten translated scenes since a little while after extasy released because the files were split to prevent that from happening.
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How do you even translate scenes when the translator to>>8223077
ol doesnt work?
tatsurouchads... our time has come
why's that? did Yukikaze say he's allowed to watch next time?
he trained hard for that moment
Can jerk all night while Yukikaze takes 6 guys in a row and still won't cum
he's that good
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The 6th anniversary trailer left me feeling weird. did anyone else feel like there's a sense of finality to it? I get this game's gone on for a while and they probably want to move on, but with the direction Lilith has gone I'm worried this could be the last actual adult game they do
he needs to save his sperm to impregnate shizuru and rinko desu
When the fuck will we actually know what they're doing in the story? This story patch wait has felt especially long
literally made for impregnating sex
Sakura x Snake Lady pure(ish) love game with impregnation sex and birth when?
Snake Lady is due for a face turn.
I just patched my RPGX Viewer. Haven't done it in a while so could anyone tell me how many pages we have total now?

I have a total of 130 pages with only 1 Rinko OTOGI scene on the last page.

Just want to make sure I'm not missing any.
I feel like we are getting a universe reset.
Yep, the trailer feels like a big announcement for the final arc, it had a heavy focus on black, showing him in a more noble light charging into a big battle, at the beggining you can see two blades shattered, we dont know if this meant to imply the death if kurenai or edwin, or maybe he will give his 2 swords to kurenai?
So much attention to the idea of space and black holes might hint to a new timelime reset, kotaro was shown in the trailer and has a part of edwin powers from the last reset, maybe this final battle will be betwen edwin/kotaro/and the final antagonist?
The new intro being downright nostalgic for the past openings alongside showing everyone making a big final stand plus the announcement there is going to be a big turn in the story and rumors regarding a new taimanin game that will be available for the west, leads me to believe lilith wants to end RPGX soon.
Feels like the end of an era, the song is fine but i liked the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th anniversary songs more.
New patch for the RPGX profile viewer:

Complete profiles added:
00007 [SR] - リリム
00691 [SR] - 黒猫先生
00707 [HR] - ペリット
00734 [HR] - プティカ
00768 [HR] - アーネテス
00775 [SR] - 覚醒ツバキ
00787 [R] - 繁森 幸代
00804 [HR] - 盆戸 麻里亜
00825 [HR] - 【マスクドフォーム】 詩嶋 麦
00832 [SR] - 【煌めく双氷】 きらら&氷神きらら

Incomplete profiles added:
00831 [SR] - 【最強と最凶】 アサギ&朧

Viewer status:
329 incomplete profiles, see attached image

Instructions to share the texts of the incomplete profiles:
anyone got the synopsis/translation/play by play for either Drama CD's 70094 or 73463? I enjoy
Ingrid's Drama CD's are real nice imo.
Taimanin GOGOX announcement at TGS
There's still at least a good couple years left and Sasayama plans to write more.
Full version of the song

Some more Ruy music for anyone that wants it.
Got any samples of batch 4?
>The red warrior gets a shock and goes to counciling with her blue bodyguard.
Can you give us a better hint or tell us if you know whether the scenes contain Fuuma or not?
Thanks. Did they ever make a full version of last year’s song?
I'm kinda "eh" on giving out samples because it spoils what the scene is, and also its not representative of the final product.
But it has been months since my last update, just know this is a very very rough, small looped, zoomed in crop of what it'll actually end up looking like.

Personally its kind of embarrassing showing it this unfinished.
Here's all of the songs from Launch-6th

Objective rankings
Runway > だから僕たちは > RIVAL >>> This history > プライド > THE LIGHT >>> Survive your destiny
NTA but think you can tell me what track this is? I can't find it anywhere.
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How do I access my RPGX account from outside Japan? My VPN doesn't work anymore.
I hope action taimanin doesn't die in the next couple of years without Su and Noah becoming popular and entering other games.
I highly doubt it, there’s still a lot of unresolved plot lines such as the case with shiranui and yukikaze, agency g’s supposed plan to betray the corpse lord and try to seize the demon world, the dark future timeline, the whole sorcerer Faust sideplot involving the non-Taimanin series, younger Sakura still trying to find her way back to her home dimension, and princess Cordelia going back to her universe. They’re not simply gonna just reset everything degrading all sorts of character development back to square one of versions of the characters we haven’t been following run around in circles trying to deal with fulst’s shenanigans for the fifth time, and black isn’t even evil. Also they said something about volume 2 so we’ll wait till the 30th about that
Barren Obora don't need any condoms.
In missionary after wedding with Orc husbando.
Fuuuuuuck, you're animating my favorite Maika scene.
Try openVPN with proton
There are brief synopsis' on the wiki. but if you're looking for a translation, can't help you there.
Forgot to mention that the cast are already aware that their universe was reset at somepoint thanks to shisui and kotaro remembering details about that, we also have no idea if any of the cast even has the power of reset, Edwin lost it(although if the trailer implies by anything he can still transform into his four armed demon form) and I think the main cast are fully aware they absolutely can’t allow that to happen again(if anything the cycle of destruction and rebirth might have already been broken)
Use a VPN
I'm calling it!
(You) will be Black in the new timeline.
Also, have they released the art from the trailer yet?
Looking forward to it, anon!
dang normal tokiko hasn't got a scene in years her last one was the butler scat one
does anyone even give a shit about Tokiko these days?
She's always at her best when in NTR scenes and butt stuff. She's boring otherwise.

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