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Let's rat with Pure edition

>Download (BetterRepack) (Recommended)
>Improved Translation for BetterRepack (Will work for HF Patch as well) (Recommended)

>Download (Vanilla Game)
>Latest Patch for Vanilla Game
>HF Patch for Vanilla Game

Tekito Mod (Recommended): https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/113524273
Cheat Tools: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/IllusionCheatTools/releases/tag/v3.3.2svs
PoV Mod: https://files.catbox.moe/eu70rg.rar
Slider Unlock: https://files.catbox.moe/ng95st.7z


Feel free to post other mods/downloads in the thread. Let me know if I missed anything that you think should be in the OP.
Fuck forgot previous thread >>8197175
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International Edition in development.
I'd rather get a mono edition.
is it just me or this game feels like it has a huge memory leak issue, the first boot always goes smooth but the longer you play the higher the risk is of a crash and after that crash the game will close almost over everything on subsequent boots for me
Official translation is nice. I was honestly not expecting it to even happen when it wasn't announced immediately like Honeycome was.

Cheat tools is pretty nice. Brings back old QoL features like guaranteeing interactions success and instantly filling up the H gauge.
Just better hope they don't cut any content.
>international edition
what did they mean by this
Please transmit in English, the International Language (TM)
if it was a memory leak, it would crash over time
it sounds more like your game state is becoming steadily unstable due to incompatible mods
It will be definitely censored for the western market. Just get the JP repack, or wait for mods that re-enables cut features back.
Yeah modders can easily port translations either way
so there will not be any serious rape content
The virgin rapist vs the chad consenter.
You and me, ratting. In our moom.
This isn't a request
If the rapist is virgin he must be doing something worng
>Cheat tools is pretty nice. Brings back old QoL features like guaranteeing interactions success and instantly filling up the H gauge.
The RNG cheat will screw up the game in too many ways to use right now, it applies to all actors, not just you, so it prevents the AI from doing certain actions (like asking for a threeway)
When was the last time Illusion even bothered with that? PlayHome?
I don't even know why people are still expecting something like that from them.
at least a molester subway would be nice
>add the aa2 academy to the map
>in order to get there you need to ride a heavily congested train every morning

ILL games! Hire this man!
Do we have anything like Material Editor for svs yet?
Nice try kkfag. Go back in your general.
No nothing yet, looks like it might be a while at this rate. Hopefully get some cool stuff soon.
Don't take it the wrong way, but the guy behind Material Editor has been MIA for years now. Somebody else will have to take Anon11's mantle for that to happen in SVS.
True, I believe the source is available so they will at least have somewhere to start.
Is it? I have heard the guy scrubbed everything.
Is there a way to slow down or stop time progression?
Afraid not.
I shall remain Pure. For she is the only one who can save us from this material hell with her "genki?".
The default time progression is not slow enough for you? Jeez, anon. How slow do you want it to be?
I want it to progress when I click the button, not when the game decides i've had enough fun in a timeslot.
Nah, he wasn't MIA for years either. It was only last year he quit KK and porn games in general. Last thing he made was a converter for KK and dropped the source code. His stuff is all open so anyone can take a look at it for SVS.
That sounds different from what I have heard from the repacker guy but good, good.
STN? Don't trust him. He's an unironic grifter literally using the source code for his illusion game ripoff that A11 leaked. Not that I have an issue with that but he's trying to cover his tracks and pretend he isn't using any of A11's coding or leaks.
Yes him. I'm not aware of anything shady in his stuff and you have a link in OP right now.
CN+EN most likely
You can see that tweet was repeated in English, Trad Chinese and Simple Chinese , so it's likely targets based on community interest
But knowing them, game will be priced at 70$+40$ DLC like HC, so it will flop again, they never fucking learn.
But of course. Still hey we get to steal translations.
>game will be priced at 70$+40$ DLC like HC
No fucking way. Did they actually sell HC to gaijins at the same price as Japanese? Other brands sell their localized shit at maybe $30-40 at most.
They're so full of themselves it's hilarious.
>current price $69.99
>lowest recorded price $62.99 at -10%
>current price $34.99
>lowest recorded price $31.49 at -10%
>burgers actually need to pay 15% more than the japs
Now that's something I don't see often.
Even with reduced prices accounting for shitholeness they're still like $30 too expensive.
What advantages does this game have over KK? I would like a more customizations. Is there any way to create your own map or animations?
>What advantages does this game have over KK?
AA2 gameplay mainly.
>Is there any way to create your own map or animations?
Studio will be released in 5 days from now.
If you are talking about main game maps, that was done before as a mod.

This game isn't a poser so if you are in, you shall play it.
Bullying, NTR and Gangbangs
clearly you haven't paid attention to the inflation in burgerland
gameplay, not much, but some is better than none
I love BepisDB golden era where I can download any card without having to download 5gb of mods that no other card uses.
Enjoy it while it lasts, SVS is likely to become much worse when it comes to that especially if Marco delays sideloader for too long, and people start hard modding clothes/hair etc. Not only you will download 5 GB, but you will also have to make sure to avoid ID conflicts.
Much better graphics and an actual game that's worth playing.
Is there only one male character height like in KK? Only being able to play as a manlet ruined the game for me.
wrong thread?
what do you mean? you can change the male character's height both here and in KK. Maybe you were playing an old version
Should be doable if not already possible with Cheat Tools but what's the point? There's no time limited events besides the BBQ and you start on the river map when it's BBQ time.
Is the game good?
Better than Honeycome.
If you liked Artificial Academy, then you'll like this game.
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This board too slow
this you? >>495403582
That's not how you cross-quote. But yes
>trusting repackers
remember he set the worst custom uncensors as defaults and never added tekito mod in his honeycome and samabake repacks
Marco feigned jumping ships after seeing wide interest and incredible potential in svs. He's still part of patreoncord and delaying tactics benefits him just as much as his friends. Like all the modding cabal members he's not exempt from having alts that handle PR aka hottakes while he keeps one identity clean.
In the same breath they tell you modding is impossible due to il2cpp, they stealthily backpedal when threats to their bottomline show up (day1 mods) hence their quick show of results showing activity keeping on the grift.
did HF patch got paywalled? magnet link doesnt work...
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What did he mean by this

Marco busy with cheat tools. Pretty boring mod but hopefully he will jump to sideloader right after it, it's obviously a priority.
Seems my torrent client was at fault, changed it and it now works
how does it compare to AI/PH/HS/KK
I can't decide what's better, having the girls run around naked or them flashing their tits every once in a while.
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There any fix for the character names getting pushed into the text of what they're saying?
I'm in jap locale and grabbed the game off the betterrepack torrent.
Tekito Mod I downloaded the SVS one, it says something about installing it in reverse order so do I install HF patch first or this first I already have HF installed.
HF patch first, tekito later. For some reason they just keep not including this.
I know it's a hard mod but we don't have soft asset mods at all until sideloader, only plugins.
This game has so much potential that just isn't there sadly.

Hoping mods add in a lot more features especially concerning NTR/NTS.
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I don't understand.
AAU modules are being recreated in SVS. This is not a drill.
What are those? What do they do? Is is like a Skyrim mod loader?
Custom traits basically, they alter NPC behavior and can even introduce new mechanics as you can keep track of variables and states.
You fuckers doubted AA2 modders, unironically, after they pulled that shit in in-house engine.
No doubt I just need to know what to be excited about.
So basically, I can be excited for an almost upgraded gameplay for tons of additional features and with potential that could be better than KK for everything that it's good for but I need a time machine to jump 3 years into the future to enjoy it? I guess I should unironically forget about this game for the meantime.
Jokes aside, I need the cheat tools in the repack at the very least before giving this game a try again.
You can be excited for anything really.
please don't try to replicate the ui of aa2 modules, spare yourselves the misery svs bros
t. aa2 moduler
anyone else getting memory leaks during H?
I can't recall having any
Better repack with better translation in it when
Never, it's worse repack with no tekito
that white cream is not memory juice
I'm not looking out for it and I doubt I'd notice since I'm running 32GB of memory. It'd have to be something major to cause me problems.
So how the hell do the outfit changing work for npcs? Do they have secret, designated work days? Some days they change into a swimsuit and just hang out on the beach all day. Some days they start in their work uniform and stay in it all day. Some days they stay in their casual clothes all day. Anyone figured out the logic behind it? Are we able to force clothes swaps somehow besides loading coordinate cards during H?
They wear working clothes from monday to wednesday and occasionally start wearing swimsuit from middle to end of the week either this or this is fully random
I have 128 gb ram gig even if it had I wouldn't even know it
How do you get the highest virtue girls to accept h? I have one who's my gf, I've confessed, fondled her tits, and done most other things. Always 0% on invite to home or h. Do I need to go on the Sunday date? It's one of the few things I haven't done, unless there's something else I'm missing.
>Do I need to go on the Sunday date?
anyone work out how to get nice flat chests without the nipples disappearing or making clothing look weird
Yes finally, A good question!
My one needed the BBQ date (she invited me, so I had no BBQ button in minna and had to wait for her to start the event), then we played games at my place and only on the second visit she agreed to have sex. This was on Monday, as I couldn't make her put out on Sunday even after BBQ.
Probably need to wait until there's a second set of breasts sliders like we have in KK.
Ah ABMX? Yeah I don't know about that.
Maybe some brave soul will manage to reproduce it for SVS
>making clothing look weird
There's a special clothing setting that allows you to shift the sliders around specifically for when that piece of clothing is on.
I imagine it's made exactly for this scenario.
Still kinda new to this, but aren't those mods mainly for the gacha-girl-of-the-month cards?
the "modules" guy, raidsmash, appears to be working with SVS as a series of blackbox methods and internal components as opposed to Mono, which was basically open source and editable.
Unless he's finding some new method to perform static analysis and patching (outside of say, harmony prefix/postfix, what we want is live code editing/transpiling), I wouldn't get my hopes up.
could he introduce new flavours of existing things? sure, you could have new dialogue (with oddly recycled voice clips) and new paths to get to added maps or whatever, but it's not gonna evolve the game in any capacity without a technological breakthrough.
happy to be wrong about that though.
re: people porting stuff from HC, almost certainly just list items. See KK/KKS's animationloader. You can readily pull shit out of existing bundles so long as the rigs match with only a list file change usually (since older bundles tend to seamlessly load into newer games, not the other way around), if they don't, you need to rerig the bundles.
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>modding is literally impossible!
>okay it is not but nobody will mod il2cpp
>okay but it will be only hard mods, no plugins!
>okay but huh... it's over anyway
>ok but nobody cares about SVS
>ok huh... both kk and svs are good actually!
>no I am not trying to start a franchise war. Take your meds.
The absolute shambles they must be in.
Clearly you still haven't taken your meds.
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>trying to deny that it ever happened
lol, lmao
bad faith interpretation.
modding was always possible, see MelonLoader for VRChat which actively discourages it
il2cpp doesn't prevent modding, it converts the codebase to a series of blackboxes. where mono code is immediately readable, editable and the entire thing is basically as it was written by the programmer, il2cpp reduces your visibility down to just the shape of the codebase. so you can still see how things are organised but not what they actually do. so chika might invoke RunToPoint(), but you don't know, precisely, what that is doing on an instruction by instruction basis.
this is still true, even with loads of tools like cpp2il.
what happens next is native code analysis, see Ghidra/IDA. 99% of modders stop at this point, that's why chang is using Frida. Reason being, chang is retardedly adapting Frida to hot-reload code. This is better written in C# (yes, even with il2cpp, you can still bepinex C# plugins in no problem what the fuck are you doing chang).
These developments don't unlock new things or bypass the main existing overwhelmingly massive problem: static analysis is still shit, runtime instruction patching is still shit. You get those solved? you get all the kk/kks plugins/mods.
One year ago Screwthisnoise posted in his patreon why modding in il2cpp is more complicated compared to the older games
and the last 3 or 4 games done by Illusion/Illgames had shit modding or basically had to be modified in a pretty annoying way due to il2cpp. SVS finally getting mods was a surprise for most people, the AA2 autism is strong enough to get to work I guess.
I know its stupid giving you (you)s but your argument always falls flat because you ignore everything that happened before SVS
Anon, don't bother. He doesn't want to understand.
>the instant asshurt directed towards these
in shambles indeed
Good solution: ABMX
Cope solution(had an epiphany when it came to my head 2 days ago): create nipple disappearing chest, then put nipple accessory on it. Basically, any slight bumped chests can be emulated through 5 different "shapes" of nipple and near-nipple curve
Evil lovers being able to forcefully start H while you still get full control over the actual scene feels weird.
Mods will fix it.
yeah it's really weird considering girls were able to rape you and take away control in some earlier games
Yeah, I really miss the option that lets NPC choose positions. Could've worked well with H preference system yet they just dropped it for whatever reason.
You're even allowed to just instantly stop without doing anything. Maybe they're all just horrible rapists.
I bet you were the guy who wrote that copypasta.

>you have to understand why SVS isn't moddable
>modding was always possible
I understand, but do you really?
Name one less obvious KKnigger.
You don't even know what the fuck AAU modules were, yet you wasted all these words trying to sound smart.
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Where do I put the 2nd zip files for the english translation?
One is a BepInEx folder but the other just have everything out in root
>gaslighting shitposter doesn't know what AAU modules are
Checks out
BepInEx/translation is the default path.
there are subfolders however, pictures are in a "Texture" folder, dialogue goes in "Text/Dialogue",
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I know
I just want to inform as to what the situation is generally, in case it's not really clear why things stalled so bad.
Arguably it's a skill issue, insofar as technically sophisticated mods could still be achieved if modders were just skilled enough, but it's disproportionately more difficult and requires a skillset very few people possess, native reverse engineering.
if such modding hurdles are overcome, hell I'll return to modding.
it was already awful trying to fit things into the existing framework with effectively full source code access, the list file formats and stuff were cancer. without that visibility, things are far worse.
the main blocker for whether or not someone worked on a mod was probably "can't be fucked with list files today" it was that bad.
>if such modding hurdles are overcome, hell I'll return to modding.
Who asked you to do anything, gtfo. You might be too retarded but other modders are doing just fine.
>gaslighter is a failed modder
lol, lmao
where did you get my picture
Is there any guides about how to make mods or ports like the tekito mod?, I want to port a bunch of stuff from KK and some other games.
Tekito didn't documented it at all, so no
At best you can look up documentation how to edit existing meshes in KK and base off that
Fuck, alright, thanks anon.
Didn't you know Tekito is evil he's killing modders by giving shit away for free, how are they supposed to earn their shekels now?
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I don't really care about the KK patreon jews.
I just want to mod muh Zelsius in and some accessories from KK.
I hope they use those shekels to pay you rent for all that brainspace you dedicate to thinking and posting about them out of the blue, anon
Is that a real slider unlocker? Are we still doing hardmods?
>Is that a real slider unlocker?
No it's a fake one, a pretend, an imposter, the slider unlocker doppelganger.
>Are we still doing hardmods?
Plugins nope of course, everything else yes because sideloader is held hostage by one koi dude who left and another who is working on cheat tools. But the hopium is high because at the end of the day, sideloader just makes the existing mods work better than before.
Firstly, such things (mostly, if not at all?) didn't exist in AA1. Secondly, AA2 even fully patched, but vanilla (which also means no AAU) never allowed for NPCs to force-start H, even when they forced you, you still got a yes or no prompt. It's always been closer to what SVS does by calling it "blackmail", as opposed to truly forcing yourself on another person.

Third, and finally, NPCs controlling the H-Scene has always also specifically been an AAU function, never vanilla, and they did make it so it dis-regarded your preferences for theirs. That said, vanilla also let you control the scene even if you're being forced.

All this to say, better wait for the mod that lets the NPC control the H-Scene, because that was never a vanilla thing in AA2, we're lucky they can even start H-scenes without asking now.
how are yall niggas takin transparent bg screenshots
Use full colour f11 then wand+del in a self respecting image editor program like gimp or paint dot net
>Secondly, AA2 even fully patched, but vanilla (which also means no AAU) never allowed for NPCs to force-start H
An Evil girlfriend could force a consensual sex on you without even giving you the option to refuse. Otherwise yeah, you could easily no way fag your way out of any rape situation.
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I posted this a couple of months ago in kkg.

I stopped playing because I can't adjust this part of the nose/cheeks (not my chara).

I just want to know if this is possible now in this new game?
Anons, do any of you know what determines if another character follows me home/asks to come over at the end of the day, or if I'm able to invite other characters to come over for the night?
Graphics are impressive. They manged 3d-2d to look good.
How do I stop getting mobbed? Even with 12 slots I can't move without getting interrupted by someone
The best way to play AA2 and SVS was challenging yourself.
Making everyone fall for you without being interrupted all the time, while only directly treating them like shit with the class filled to capacity.
think outside the box
you add 12 more characters
Seems to be random with virtue and hornyness as factors. In my first file I had a slutty girl who I wasn't dating that would ask to come over for sex a few nights, but in my 2nd, a slutty girl I -was- dating came over at night to play video games.
Any way to enable subs while in H scenes? I couldnt even find an option for the japanese subs (does the game really not have them?)
HAH no, it is being worked on by modders though.
how to get 3p going
What's with the lack of femdom positions in this game?
Even HC somehow has more.
Ill Games not-so-subtly trying to make people buy HC too. As if the free studio update for whoever owns it didn't tip you off already.
AI feels more random than challenging
>get shit on by some big titty brown qt
>literally can't even speak to her about anything with 23% chance of just starting the conversation
>ignore her for 4 days
>next thing in the morning she comes to me with all the lewd stats in the high 80s low 90s and I can do whatever I want.
Like wut?
Got a feeling fortune rolls give insane buffs.
How do you disable ntr and the "cheater" shit and stop girls bothering you when you're trying to fuck another girl
high virtue
-fuck her first
You're welcome
remove the other girls
or just NTR everybody like I did
See >>8210174 if you have Cheat Engine or use this version of Cheat Tools >>>/vg/495441683 if you have HF patch or can install everything it needs on your own.
Does it work on older Windows?
t. win 7 enjoyer
How'd you find this?
Was it using the mono tools in cheat engine?
I've yet to figure out how to use cheat engine to make cheat tables and be generally resistant to process restarts
I've always just yolo'd it with the simple filtering of changing values
First and foremost, subs are HOT GARBAGE. English subs are borderline bean jam cormorants and Japanese are fucked to the point they don't even load (you must fix the file yourself: enable BepInEx console and watch the plugin complain about garbage X at line Y, go there and fix that, restart the game and repeat with next line 10 or so times more).

Get this (click Code button, Download ZIP, extract Translation folder from the zip into BepInEx folder)
Have SVS_Subtitles.dll in BepInEx\plugins (comes with HF patch, UniExtract can extract the content without fucking up your game with tons of unwanted shit)
Run the game once, then change subs language from auto to ja in BepInEx\config\SVS_Subtitles.cfg

It does, but it's a 64-bit game and it requires Japanese Formats (this is not locale) because japs can't code. I'd say wait a day for the content update to drop then a couple more days for it to be decrypted to support mods.
SVS_Subtitles v0.0.2.0 DLL only, so that you don't have to bother with downloading/installing+removing or extracting HF patch
(rename to SVS_Subtitles.dll and place in BepInEx\plugins)

Do the CE tutorials, there must be one that teaches how to use "find what accesses this address". Basically, you find the address with "don't touch me" flag by filtering it in CE, then find what reads it, then make a diagram of the function which has that code in CE/IDA/Ghidra, look at which path inside it takes when interrupting, which path when interrupting is forbidden, then patch it to take the no interrupts path all the time.
CE's Code Filter helps with code paths a lot, but shit's extemely fragile so only run it from function entry to return (Step Out).
Cheat Tools had something like isDontTouch (or so) property of a character which changes the color of their shield so I went with that to find the flag in memory to use "find what accesses this address" on it, from there it's just IDA and setting/triggering breakpoints in CE on loc_ations of interest on the graph of the function that IDA shows. It wasn't isDontTouch property after all, but the CT helped to find the relevant memory area at least.
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well that's one way to blow an afternoon
why not
why digicraft no work

Bad news repackbros, we have to wait for a registry fix
>※「ハニカム ドルチェ」と「サマバケ! すくらんぶる」の両方がインストールされている必要があります。
I'd rather fucking uninstall both and only keep the studio-compatible data, what is this bloat.
least they're not doing the you must have cm3d to have the full com3d2
>il2cpp isn't moddable
The reality is HoneyCome has nothing worth playing the main game for, that dealing with the il2cpp headache isn't worth it.
SVS has some interesting gameplay, that it's worth cracking the code bullshit for modding.
>Need HoneyCome with Dolce DLC to run studio
Either HC gets retroactively modded or studiofags can fuck off.
I mean the standalone is coming eventually.
So fucking annoying how they keep trying to force HC into the equation when people just want a simple studio just for SVS.
It's very very blatant yes. Buy our previous game, goyim
it's okay goim our patreon kkcord will save gaming give us the money instead of those greedy japs
Dude who said anything about Patreon and Discord, chill. I just hate Ill Games as everyone else should.
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Let's rat
>We should hate them for releasing the long awaited aa3! They're keeping the studio from us, how can we make our own derivatives of this game?
Unironically shilling for Illusion, fucking really? I will stop engaging, sure, have fun with that.
>SVS_Subtitles v0.0.2.0 DLL only, so that you don't have to bother with downloading/installing+removing or extracting HF patch
>(rename to SVS_Subtitles.dll and place in BepInEx\plugins)
thank you very much, anon

tho i will say the HFpatch doesnt look that bad. I've installed that and noticed an option for 3xxx Ryzen processors (the options off by default)

so i toggled that and now im pretty sure ive noticed a significant (non-placebo) performance boost in my game (im on R3600 cpu)
The 3000 CPU series fix was actually provided by official patch.
Unironically shilling for patreon modders, fucking really? I will stop engaging, sure, have fun with that.
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on the topic of 1% filter, here's Ghidra decomp (perfare's IL2CPPDumper?) from manlymarco
would recommend IDA or binja personally, but ghidra is free, and the most accessible for community effort.
some marshalling required between native and managed worlds but this gets you a lot further, functionality wise.
naturally, you can also glue reclass (or similar tools) or CheatEngine to the stack to inspect memory regions. this would let you resolve out pointers for structures interactively, instead of guessing.
dios mio...
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I was actually thinking about original Honey Select, which has option to let NPC choose positions. This feature has been absent ever since. I don't even know what AAU is.
Do we have Studio yet?
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In HoneyCome
eeeehhhhh? Can I port my characters from SVC to HC?
No you can't. Digital Craft will just read the SVS folders if set up correctly after the update. The cards don't need to be moved either.
I just installed both updates and I don't see the studio anywhere
You need HoneyCome and all its updates including the digital craft, which will be updated up to v2.0.0.
SVS also needs to be installed.

Additionally, if you didn't buy the games(you didn't) you will need to add additional registry keys. aa2g got a better explanation and a bat file if you care.
ah I probably need to update my SVS, I never installed any of the patches so my mods don't chimp out
My games are up to date but no digital craft, is it a separate download or am i just stupid?
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Even with sluts it isn't easy.
I've only got one pair to do it so far; but you aren't missing much, just 5 positions with swap option so you can switch girls.
Registry issue usually. This needs to be added in a FAQ eventually.

Yeah, don't play in full screen mode.
this helped, thank you!
il2cpp is moddable, it's just a pain in the ass to to deal with because all adress references tend too obfuscated to find
So what's the difference between this and KK/KKS, and is there a wiki so I can learn how to play?
Make everyone date everyone, so make sure they are bisexual and low virtue, even the guys.
i played with the HC studio and i have to ask how come a bunch of autist built a more cohesive and less weird studio with scraps for aa2 with the poser compared to the absurd weirdness thats the HC one
One made by first/second world autist and the other was made with the sole fucking culture famed for being the best in robotics despite having african level of tech literacy on average
ah that did it,thanks
Bros I just started playing and Average already wants my dick but I think the other girl (a Quiet type) is hotter, what do
Follow your dick
Fuck both
it has a tutorial
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At this point I think I'll just wait for the International Version
If their previous track records of official English/Internationl releases are of any indication, they won't have subtitles for H-Scenes, so you may as well just work with what we'll get now.
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This new character maker is nice. Guess I'll come back to it in a year for mods to catch up to KK
Using the studio to look at all possible 3p animations. Pretty tame but some are actually OK
Can you check if SVS characters can play HC animations?
If yes, in theory backport shouldn't be hard
But that card up first bro, that's nice
I have a bunch of character with all maxed stats apart from H that is stuck a 0% chance. what do?
Can girls get pregnant yet? There's some lines related to safe days but haven't had anything happen with it.
yes they can
Tried a quick session with preset characters all at low virtue and

Why is pleasure gauge so slow?
Why can't you click on people having sex and see their scene?
Why can't you join there's only the option to ask to swap?
Are there even MFF or FFF threesomes?
Can't masturbate?
Why is everyone a bitch about only talking to other people?
Disappointed there's so few pokegirls yet.
So what does "Tekito Mod" do exactly? Is it just more assets to use in the character maker?
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KK ported assets yea
Oh, nice.
Is there a way to edit a girl that already added to a class without having to remove her and adding her again?
yes, manually hack the savefile
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Anon, >>8226718 is either lying or unaware themselves, but you can. I wasn't going to say anything because I didn't feel like opening my game to be exact about it, but it's possible by going to manage your class, selecting the girl/card, and clicking the little clothing icon in the top right in the corner of their portrait icon.

Make the edits you want (aside from gameplay related things like arguing style, personality, etc), and then you should be able to save the card in the "..." menu using the top option (may or may not be translated for you, shit is so scattered it's ridiculous)
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funny I unironically opened the game before posting "no" because I couldn't find the edit button but here it is
Is it possible to edit the character values past what the slider unlocker allows? Am I going to have to learn how to hex edit?
It's possible, i seen -500 slider screenshots for fairy sized character
>Am I going to have to learn how to hex edit?
This would be so much easier if I just had a slider unlocker unlocker.
Why the hell did they remove sweet spot mechanic that was presented in basically 99% of their previous games?
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I think I got pretty close.
pretty good
Boobs too small, but then again we'll need slider unlock in order to get Hex's canon bust size.

Good job so far!
Tried to get as close as I could to a canon screenshot as my first attempt. Definitely gonna make a booba version though.
Does the game look better than Koikatsu?
No. Especially not after the mountain of mods that people made for Koikatsu. But the gameplay is a lot better than KK's quiz shit.
Yes. And nevermind KK mods, you can only make it look comparable (not even better)by replacing basically everything that isn't the body model itself. Don't trust studio bullshots, those adjust the lighting and all.
Depends on the style you try to capture
SVS makes great 3DCG characters(almost every modern anime and vtubers), but for old characters it's way worse, just because of both shading and legs being too fat
Hard to say if it's fixable with mods, or will it be possible to add more shading options like KK did
The base characters look way better than Chika, but KK has many years of mods over SVS right now. Give it a little time to catch up though; modding has come a long way already especially considering the measures Illgames seemed to take to specifically combat it.
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>modding has come a long way already especially considering the measures Illgames seemed to take to specifically combat it
That's something I don't understand. Why didn't Illgames offer DLCs every month instead of losing to the modders. That could've been unlimited money for them.
there seems to be something new for next week but I can't click it for some reason. Anything good?
info about personality dlc next week
Please post card.
nta but it's on the official uploader bro
just sort by most download (3rd selection on the upper right corner), it's on the first page
ah thank you!
Thanks for the info.
Since none of these cheats/patches need decrypted metadata, I've updated them for 1.0.3.

Disabled interrupts in SVS 1.0.3
GameAssembly.dll+A3D871 - address for Cheat Engine; valid values: 6 (default) = off, 0 = on
NPCs can't interrupt you when this is on, but you can. Blocks 3P too while active, so it's better hotkey'ed (I use Space=on and Num+=off myself). See >>8210174

Offline patch for SVS 1.0.3
GameAssembly.dll @ 00C9E1B3: E8 D8 42 00 00 -> FF 09 FF 41 18

Disabled TOS button in main menu
GameAssembly.dll @ 00C9D3B5: E8 66 05 00 00 -> 48 31 C0 89 01
(meant for fully offline players, or those using WebRequestBlocker instead of the offline patch)

Disabled Antimod 1.0.3
GameAssembly.dll @ 002F5BB0: 48 -> C3
This stops the game from killing itself when it detects mods in memory. ByteFiddler.cfg takes care of it in the HF patch, but its pattern is version-dependent, unlike the pattern at this location.
Note that this is not the DLL blacklist, there's no need to get rid of that one for now because hid.dll is still not blacklisted in 1.0.3
The latter 3 combined can be put into ByteFiddler.cfg instead of having to patch the DLL in a hex editor manually, but this will cost you an extra second of the game's startup time.
ByteFiddler is required, either as a part of HF patch, or downloaded separately from
Once the DLL is in your plugins subdir, replace the content of BepInex\config\ByteFiddler.cfg (the game will create it if it's missing) with the following as an alternative to patching the DLL on disk:

[Edit Offline Patch 1.0.3]
Bytes To Find = 48 8D 4D 8F C7 45 8F FF FF FF FF 48 8B 50 38 48 8B 52 08 E8 D8 42 00 00
Bytes To Write = 48 8D 4D 8F C7 45 8F FF FF FF FF 48 8B 50 38 48 8B 52 08 FF 09 FF 41 18

[Edit No TOS Button]
Bytes To Find = E8 66 05 00 00 4C 8B 05
Bytes To Write = 48 31 C0 89 01 4C 8B 05

[Edit Antimod]
Bytes To Find = 48 89 6C 24 10 48 89 74 24 18 57 48 83 EC 20 33 ED 48 39 2D
Bytes To Write = C3 89 6C 24 10 48 89 74 24 18 57 48 83 EC 20 33 ED 48 39 2D
Thank you REbro
1.0.3 seems like such nothingburger I wonder why they didn't just wait to release it together with the mummywolf set on next week.
Anon was about to crash with no survivors into Ill Games building
oh yeah, he did say something along those lines
How can i change my character's name?
There's no option for changing my the name of any of my characters
holy shit I had no idea this was already out
hows it compare to AA2?
will people be able to make mods for it or is it a paint to work with?
read the thread...
Is there POV with FOV silder out ?
I love it when a random card throws an exception and the game gets stuck in an infinite loading screen
the eye tracking of this game is so bad
Guess we need to wait another 20 years before hair stops clipping through body and objects
Still for the life of me can't get a threesome to trigger. Two girls with the lowest virtue and the horny trait, one always watches but never joins in. The "hey everyone, let's have sex" button also just ends with one at random not joining.
afaik to have sex depends on what their traits are. High virtue means you have to ask them out or confess first. Some girls will fuck you without kissing some require you to pat them hug them kiss them etc. low virtue girls can be fucked by just picking pink options a lot. but can also lead to you geting ntr'd
So what's female height slider value is equivalent of male height?
iunno 150 I think
Is the NTR just cheating?
NTR is always cheating you dumb motherfucker, so yes
Not all NTR is "cheating", it can also involve blackmail and such, I'm asking if it just the basic "oh i'm fucking with NOT-MC" or if it has a more complex system
You can blackmail people too but it usually requires you either catching them masturbating or already cheating with someone else.
The game don't contain ntr, except if for you, cheating, rape is ntr.
This game mostly vanilla.
>The game don't contain ntr
Why are you lying?
>except if for you, cheating, rape is ntr
hold on, what IS ntr to you?
am I we or ntr in this game?
The girls can cheat on you too, if you don't set them to "loyal." They make a clear point of telling you this so otakus don't have a melty.
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The game has had 4 versions by now, surely someone somewhere has written a Frida script or something to decrypt the latest metadata by now?
Oh there is no POV with FOV slider as a base in any h game and you want something advanced as this ?
btw how to use cheats to force bully mode ?

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