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Hi everyone,

I'm excited to announce that I'm bringing back FapGauntlet!

Check out the small website I've set up: https://fapgauntlet.netlify.app/

What You Can Do:

Download pictures from the thread and play.
Load pictures from your local files to play with your own images.

Comments and feedback will be taken into account.

Usage Instructions:

To set the speed, use the following format in your comments:
"speed, number_of_beats"
For example: "slow, 35"

Available Speed Values:

Very Fast: 5 beats per second
Fast: 4 beats per second
Medium: 2 beats per second
Slow: 1 beat per second
Very Slow: 0.5 beats per second
Maximum Number of Beats: 150

If the format is not respected, the speed and beats will be randomized.

Upcoming Features: I'll be adding a feature for grip strength control when I have more time.

Support and Feedback:
Feel free to leave your comments and suggestions! I’ll keep improving the site as long as I have the time.

Support the Project:
I also accept small donations on Ko-fi to help cover better hosting plans and improve stability. Your support is much appreciated!

Enjoy and thanks for being a part of this revival!
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medium , 50
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2.34 MB JPG
fast , 35
very fast , 20
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1.01 MB
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slow , 15
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very fast , 25
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1.09 MB
1.09 MB PNG
very slow , 45
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fast , 90
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777 KB PNG
slow , 51
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862 KB PNG
very fast , 90
medium, 30
fast , 60
slow , 20
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728 KB JPG
fast , 80
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934 KB JPG
very slow , 15
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1.26 MB
1.26 MB PNG
fast , 28
fast 34
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1.22 MB
1.22 MB PNG
slow , 25
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1.85 MB
1.85 MB PNG
very fast , 90
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2.67 MB
2.67 MB PNG
67 , medium
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slow , 23
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very fast , 102
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fast, 40
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573 KB PNG
very slow , 15
cant seem to get a the thread to load. probably user error.
Not just you, the app itself doesn't work properly. Seems OP didn't consider cross-origin requests so his deployment refuses to load any images from 4chan, going by the console log spam. Loading local images seems to work, at least.
It works again. I had to set up a CORS proxy because the public ones were down.
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fast , 42
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very fast , 73
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719 KB PNG
slow , 26
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fast , 43
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Medium, 30
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medium, 29
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very fast , 99
Cool. If you're up for suggestions, here are some things I think would be nice:
-A meter around the middle of the screen that represents how many beats are left, rather than a number at the side
-An "Endurance" mode where you play through every image in the thread consecutively, rather than in a random order. You win if you survive every image.
-A "Relative" speed option, where beats have a base speed that starts low and increases with every image, with the post's speed value being a multiplier (+/- 20%-ish), the old app had it and it was nice

I'm going to create a settings menu where these three parameters will be included, along with others I'm considering, like dark mode. Thanks for the suggestions. Feel free to ask anything—I'm making the app for the community.
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374 KB JPG
medium , 53
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572 KB PNG
101 , very fast
medium 40
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fast , 52
I was thinking about this game just now so decided to see if it was still a thing. Here's an old version of the standalone client:
I can't remember if you need to do anything to get it to run. It might need python, it might not. Run the fg.exe to play. All the config and stuff is in the right-click menu.
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900 KB PNG
very slow , 48
thank you very much!!! <3
captcha: ht0dxd

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