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/h/ - Hentai

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Choco Handjob Edition

Previous Thread: >>8215612


Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
Maintained fork (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge



NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Features: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Features
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070/controlnetxl-cnxl | https://huggingface.co/2vXpSwA7/iroiro-lora/tree/main/test_controlnet2
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/iopaint-lama | https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscaler models: https://openmodeldb.info/models/4x-Nomos8k-atd-jpg
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
List of useful A1111 extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgtemplate/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png (embed) | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif (embed)

alright, fresh thread where?
thank for bake
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Previous Thread Highlights
nogen here, just wondering why I'm not in these highlights?
leak the model or you're gay
v4 is coming
Are they all miqomix? Lol
I can feel it
fuck you nigger, we know it can't fit on litterbox
just like my fat cock wouldn't fit into cunny
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Okay, I tested a bit, and I couldn't find a reliable way to get rid of it completely, but tags like threesome and groupsex in negatives, a higher cfg, different characters all helped at least a little bit.
I compared it with autism mix, and while the poses feel more varied in Illustrious imo, in terms of not having multiple males, autism was more consistent. However as even it couldn't avoid it completely(picrel), I'm kind of tempted to say it's just baked into the dataset, and pony solves this by being a bit overbaked. I feel supported in this assumption by the fact that after I added "groupsex" into the negatives for autism, it was basically the same image over an over again.

You need to decide if variance or consistency are more important to you. Illustrious has the former at the cost of the latter, and autism the other way around.
If you add "solo" does that turn into disembodied penis?
>still using autismmix
it's nai
nta but whats the thing to use now
I'll take variance over pony's "consistency". You can carve the picture you want with inpainting and controlnet if you really need to, but you can't turn a shit boring overfit model like pony into a good one.
actual thread, free of nai shitposting
I assume he's just trolling, but I did move over to Reweik 1.1. It's got better color range and even does decent backgrounds, without being stiff like Ebara and Midkemia.
Isn't this a troll thread? Nobody seems to be posting there anyway so it's safe to ignore it
Sometimes. It also doesn't eliminate multiple dicks/ men completely, though it helps a bit.

Arti doesn't get the pose right, 4th tail has even less variance than autism, Tofu either got it correctly or fucked up the anatomy(literally the only model to do so). Haven't tested reweik yet, but would assume it also has variance issues

Same here. Though honestly, I could understand why people would want autismmix instead
eh, seems so. heard some shit about gooknai or whatever last thread so was wondering if local moved anywhere
You are replying to the same troll that created that thread and is shilling it everywhere.
It did, but gotta wait for 30th for a proper release. It's not perfect but is probably a better base than pony
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Requesting Dehya buttjob.
>RAUnet wasn't snake oil
Why not?
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I'm surprised the jannies don't shoot all the retarded thread bakers for shitting up the place, regardless of knowing which thread should be used
>0 proof
reweik 1.1
4th tail 0.5 (kinda scuffed but just throw lots of artists at it)
Just give it a try? Even in comfy it was 0 effort to set up and now I can gen at 1.5x SDXL resolutions with only a minor decrease in speed
>protect the nai ad at all cost
I'm surprised the nai astroturfing is allowed at all
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>is probably a better base than pony
It's better. I keep copying my NAI prompts and getting almost 1 to 1 replications. GPO CES shills are not going to win this round, though they are trying hard.
idk, maybe the wonky anatomy, or the awful prompt adhesion, or it could even be the awful randomness that requires 300 token prompts for consistent results. It has all the issues that made me quit nai, but elevated twofold.
Suffer in ignorance then
is the site really fucking slow for everyone else?
Is the astroturf in your pants right now? lol
don't seethe so hard anon-chan, it's not healthy.
>reforge guy still hasn't ported it to main forge
why live?
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It kinda looks splotched and noisy a lot of the time. The styles are nice though.
People also claim anatomy issues. Don't know, haven't tried it myself yet, we'll see soon enough.
>randomness that requires 300 token prompts for consistent results
That doesn't sound bad? Get random results with vague prompt, get consistent results with elaborate prompt. To me this is preferable to the chore of pony's sameshit outputs.
you have been asking for that for ages, make it yourself
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Is this the real one?
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>choco thread
keep samefagging noodlefagdong schizo
It is now with your blessing.
>this is preferable to the chore of pony's sameshit outputs
This has always been a skill issue. People don't understand how fried some pony tags are and accidentally corner the model with even short prompts
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can you please name your gens the same way so i can filter them out, thanks.
>some pony tags
you mean all of them? pony's text encoder is irreparably fucked and it's not just because of the hashing shit, it's deep fried because the ponyfucker has no idea what he's doing.
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hehe get pranked bitch
Literally who?
stop replying to the mentally ill
it's nai, have to phonepost because desktop 4chinks broke again
this fag
There are enough pony tags that will result in pose variety if you don't force perspective by overly describing character appearance or including too many helper tags.
I didn't ask what model it was I asked for a catbox, NIGGER.
it's shoebill
it's nai = the metadata is in the image = you don't need a catbox you triple nigger
Doesn't look like official art tbqhfam.
>the metadata is in the image
should be but it's not
you quadra nigger?
its enmaschizo doe
this is a repost of an old-ass pic, not sure why
You seem to lack basic pattern recognition skills, Anon, as my images are, in fact, all named the same way: they all end in .jpg
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forgot to say it, but for that anon that asked me to do BlueBorscht, here it is bwo civitai.com/models/786623
>filter autism
you unhide every post anyway to get mad at it
I sure hope nobody will tattle to the OnomaAI higher-ups that their open source model can make cunny...
always the same time the anti-ai 'cord arrives here
Thanks, looks like autismmix.
BlueBorscht doko?
Post a comparison with a NAI gen and a gookNAI gen
if it says so it must be true

are you the one who generated it
I must have forgot it wasn't mine then. was in my unposted trash folder that I'm cleaning up
me in the back
idk then, i posted >>8217918 earlier and it had the metadata
og https://files.catbox.moe/dhmzin.PNG
extremely lazy inpaint so it qualifies as /h/ https://files.catbox.moe/snwhn4.png
>gooknai can gen borscht cunny
have fun with your ugly ponyslop faggots
NAI gen I copied: https://treechan.net/file/f67a00e5a714b9d6cf5d6f46a9a4a1a2089389814a9c6fab499c9dac0e3705ce.png
(I like NAI more but I worked on it more too, not a raw gen)
>purple artifacts on the skin
stop using sde
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these aren't my glasses
the mix only looks right on regular sde/native, it's not really an issue since i always enhance and the artifacts get smoothed out
2m sde is alright but it fucks up the anatomy pretty badly on this mix
huh pretty good prompt adherence then
seek therapy
Those are not bloomers though.
it's back up
it's censored now
Embrace spaghetti. Actually maybe don't, I feel kinda bad shilling it even if it got a lot better with the recent updates
Yeah I got a few with bloomers with cutout but I didn't like those pics as a whole. Properly bloomers with cutout have about 20% success here as opposed to iirc 50+ on NAI.
So I guess some artist tags are straight up fucking fried? This is 40hara.
same thing as NAI, you have to reduce the weight on them
it's illustrious
What cfg? 40hara looks kinda wrong for me but not this fried at all (cfg 5, euler a sgm uniform, 28 steps)
thanks for the insight, maybe the future epochs are better
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Not the same thing, there are bad/overexposed tags, but never as bad as this, and this isn't some unlucky seed, this looks consistently fried.
That was 7cfg. Tried with 5 and it's less fucked up, but still really bad. I'm just using the hf space though.
lmao yea thats all i get trying that prompt
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while it's possible to get some nice-enough aesthetic gens there are some serious problems with this model that make me think it's a failed bake they knew they might as well release since there's no way they're making money off of it. landscape gens are especially fucky.
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40hara looks like this for me. Face is almost always melting. Probably not a very usable artist on it's own, maybe in a mix. Or if you really love inpainting.
>first model I have ever seen genning 5 characters at once and being semi consistent
>failed bake
If this is the failed one, NAI is finished
For me? It's pony
Everyone crying about how bad the illustrious model is will be using some merge of it in the next weeks or so.
Any recommendations for outfits and poses for 1girl generations? I'm getting bored of standing split and bikinis.
autismmix illustrious when?
we get it, miqofag/cathagfag
Been genning haughty girls in slutty/prostitute outfits in a back alley setting. Leaning against stuff or sitting on railing with annoyed, open mouth as the expression. Almost tempted to add flux speech bubbles ala "haaa?! Are you sure you can afford me?"
it looks fried as shit
Bro look at the left arm...
it's pony
>sdxl looking bad at 7 cfg
gee golly wilikers
looks pretty good
i tried the anime negatives but they obliterated my artist, just the standard ones seem fine, maybe overkill
>threads can last days in page 9 and 10
>previous went down in a few hours
>Expect some downtime in the next few minutes for upgrades!
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the hair is a blurry mess and having her completely nude for "generic anime girl with some kind of recognizable hair" is very lazy
okay, what are you going to DO about it?
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Almost a hag at this point.
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We back?
At least the other threads got deleted.
Looks good
What happens if I press the nipple button?
Anyone know what model this guy uses?
Made sure to report all the other threads you insufferable cunt?
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Nice! Do more, please!
I mean he uploaded a pic in there comparing the mixes he is using with the names...
looks like boring plastic shit so its not. some pony shitmix #45747378.
erm sir tone back the cope a little
kill yourself IA schizo
or what? you gonna melt again?
localbros why are the naiELITES wetting the bed again
probably reweik or some other pony mix
that's for old 1.5 models
god i love this meltdown general
flux is saving us before 2025
tape this post to your wall
flux is shit
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It's not made by this thread's patriarch, AstraliteHeart, so it's garbage.
flux is obsolete now that we'll get better and better epochs of gooknai every month!
this but without the exclamation mark
this but unironically
Astracuck is old news we sucking trooncord korean dick now, get with the times.
How do you prompt for a pussy?
Only cleft of venus works that doesn't look like garbage
cleft of zeus
I think it's time to move on to discord
Enjoy your brief moment of victory, pedos. The ponycluster is steadily iterating towards V7 and a new glorious age of /aco/
I'd rather shoot my dick off
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But they are all gone ://///

just add clitoris at low weight and downweight pussy a tad

Tensorboard screenshot or gtfo
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Are you guys really gooning for hours? Not cumming? How do you do it?
ya'll faggots will still find a way to generate the most abhorrent shit possible on anything.
Please invite me, I will be a good boy :3
stroking thinking about miqomix v2 rn...
I've never gooned longer than 15 minutes. Yes I'm weak
tbdesu, your girls always have hag vibe, there's lack of moe genki energy
Hi ^_^
>no gen

go to the advanced settings and turn off the anti-nsfw option
this, they look sad, like they've seen some shit in life
come on, don't stop
Nogens are welcome desu :3
This is art
I'm gooning exclusively to text now
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lmao, really?
far better than gooning to aco ponyslop
your sour grapes, sir?
define /aco/. I'm only seeing hentai itt
>slutty/prostitute outfits
What prompts do you use to generate them?
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I tried it. Feels similar to local SMEA-DYN, except you can start/stop it at a certain step count. Reduces variability in compositions, is my major complaint. And if you want to minimize that you have to play around with the settings for every prompt and seed, find the sweet spot where it's not completely rigid and doesn't yet start generating phantom limbs. Is there any advantage in using this instead of hiresfix?

This is using default settings, which seem fairly high compared to the github previews. you can see the office girl has a phantom collarbone above her cleavage in 2 out of 3, the red girl's tail end is wrong in 2 out of 3 and she has extra fingers. Despite being strong enough to repeat the same composition.
True, I'm not into moe nor into genki.
Fitting for Enma Ai though. 400 years working the same job, probably lost her moe genki along the way.
what even is it supposed to do
Have people realized that subscribing to NAI is financing the destruction of this general?
Good morning mister
Those are raw gens at 2K resolution
yeah no shit? obviously it isn't
it lets you generate at higher resolutions without completely fucking the anatomy up always
Is there a implementation for the main branch of Forge yet? I liked using it on Reforge, but I cannot seem to find any implementation that uses Forge now that Reforge is dead.
in what universe miqofag and cathag posts are hentai?
Imagine naiv4 comes out tomorrow
kochiya sanae
they are the definition of hentai bruh
It would render these threads completely unusable!
they are hentai
>implying they're usable now
That would take away from the text model dropping sometime this week though.
oh cool
sanae's ten desires...
In sexy universe
I like 1.2 more than 1.1 myself also some character looks good on 1.3 but most of the time its too 3D and look weird unless you are using really strong artist
Whatever doesn't get deleted is hentai. Deal with it
this post is hentai
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Hentai just flew over my house
How long should /hdg/’s victory lap be once people realize it doesn’t have artist tags?
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they are not that stupid to lose their audience
i don't know why you guys choose "no artist tags" as a trolling method while them being fucked by paddle is the more plausible and impactful scenario
I don't know why they removed artists for furries though...
yeah, that was only one time occurrence with furry model
Could they move to crypto?
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all of the styles i train on base pony seem to work the best on reweik 1.3 so i've pretty much only been using that lately. it's very finicky though
Couple of different things actually. There's this lora
https://civitai.com/models/523290/concept-slutty-clothes or this wildcard https://litter.catbox.moe/itlrmq.txt.
Apart from that I'm often prompting for one specific outfit, which is cropped jacket, leather jacket, black choker, fishnet top, covered nipples, cross-laced skirt, microskirt, thighboots, thighhighs, garter straps.
You can also prompt more generally by using vague tokens like see-through, fishnet, bare, skimpy, prostitution (this one has side effects), navel, highleg, covered, etc.
They have been with paddle for years at this point, and if they didn't get yanked when they first starting offering image gen then I think they are fine. They just go down the plausible deniability route by never overly stating that their models are capable of generating erotica/hentai.
Because they already did that with their latest model.
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I feel like since nai removed artist tags for furry model, they might do the same for anime v4 maybe not to bring unnecessary attention since they got quite big
You could argue that the reason the furry model pruned artists because there was so many more Western artists who could possibly start shit with them while there is still a language barrier with the Japanese.
>quite big
bruh, animagine probably has more downloads than nai had lifetime paying users
To be fair I downloaded it four times
Because furries are scary.
But they have western artists in v3 as well. Still it doesn't make sense
Nah I'm sure they have already millions if not billions in profit.
alright, linaqruf
The biggest issue with crypto is that barely any of the normies use it. It's completely unsustainable as the main payment method
They're fine until they aren't. Payment processors have been much stricter with this shit last year, and a cloud cunny generator is kinda asking for trouble here.
They don't really care about furries and furries don't really care about them, much smaller market than weebs. That was likely a combination of western artist tags being a much bigger potential issue and it being a playground for how people would react to no artist tags. Nobody except for the most braindead shills said that the model feels good to use without proper style control, vibe transfer is a weak cope at most.
aren't you tired of discussing this for the 84375984369842767432645th time
>there is still a language barrier with the Japanese
I'm still of the opinion that someone should mass email artists to let them to know of what NovelAI does. Yeah, they don't advertise it, but that doesn't stop other people from doing it.
If they keep artist, shit would be a miracle. Literally every model is scrubbing styles and shit. I can't blame them anti-AI sentiments is probably worse than ever, everybody will sue them at the first drop of a hat.
everybody japanese artist knows about novelai, shitposter-kun
What I don't understand is since nai is so popular in Japan, why aren't those artist aware? Surely someone would notify them about this?
You do it, anon. You seem to be malding about NAI all day long for a while now, use that power for something productive.
Styles are not copyrightable
big if true
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Imagine an exposé like this but for NovelAI. It would be so fucking good...
gray zone
why is the anatomy so terrible?
it's loli
Why the fuck am I hearing about this "popular" generator for the first time?
it's hentai
Anytime someone in this thread seems to be angry about NAI all I think about is how FOSSfags deserve the rope.
>implying it's the FOSSfags
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but nai is built upon foss?
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Freesirs? Our response?
Yes, we should all just suck Kurum dick all the time. master no like when we angy
the "people" falseflagging about nai itt are gooknai shills paving the way for their own saas service
You won't hear about anything unless it has paid shills to advertise here.
Welcome to the world of freetards. Few groups on the internet are more insufferable than those miserable niggers. I actually prefer using foss myself when possible, but my disdain for freetards after years of exposure to those subhumans is unreal. I really, really fucking hate them.
since when did Leonardo AI start producing porn dafuq
I smell BS anti-AI trash
Got a Lillie version? Catbox them if you must.
>says the shill of a service that finetuned a free model
freetards vs sucking corpodick. which is less gay?
>BS anti-AI trash
because it is. the raid started around here >>8218022
A nai gen just flew over my house
if you're going to suck dick then at least do it for free. being paid to do it makes it extra gay
Can confirm
>turn nsfw button didn't work on the demo
well i'm satisfied anyway it didn't look bad at all
I'm not shilling shit. If you see any discussion of software/services that are not foss as "shilling" it's your fucking problem.
0.01 anals have been deposited into your rectum
>people discussing a real fear they may remove artist cause the fucker hasn't confirmed anything
Yeah not shilling...
Look in the mirror and see that you look like some kind of twitter faggot trying to cancel someone.
You and >>8218319 should suck eachother's dicks, you both seem limp wristed and could use it
Which of the fictional characters didn't give its consent? Can we have an official statement from him or her regarding the events that led up to the nonconsensual act of sexual intercourse?
>Look in the mirror and see that you look like some kind of twitter faggot trying to cancel someone.
It's simply self-defense. Why would you let a SaaS defile your community without fighting back?
this is how a freetard subhuman sees the world btw
jesus christ
reminder that this is a daily anti-ai discord raid
do not bite
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I blame bimbofied Disney princess anon
If this post ends in a 5 I will leak gooknai early.
Very moe hag
Funny that your kind always assumes that if someone calls you out on your extreme schizophrenia, it must be someone who's shilling a proprietary product. Like clockwork. Nah sis. I am not using NAI. or macOS.
But even if I did, it's none of your fucking business. Go back to /g/, you literally have a shithole containment made specifically for "people" like yourself.
Dude you famus nao >>8217824
That's it buddy, daddy NAI will spank you a little less hard today
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only the safest models are producing the sexiest hentais
it doesn't seems truly like blueborscht, the style is very very dilluted tbqh, why is that?
>100mb Lora
>training: 1.600 steps
oh, can i see why.
you don't need more than 16 dim for the vast majority of styles
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>try the latest snake oil model everyone creams himself over
>it's worse than base pony
based dolphin enjoyer
let the meltie begin
My pc just caught fire, faggot.
it's ove
aight, it's over
can't have shit with these 4channers
anon i hope you're using a vpn. also seed it you faggots
>not .safetracker
Nice try
Welp, time to let the 'cord know
that isn't even a working magnet
the fuck is wrong with you fucking retards.
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Magnet is legit by the way, checked it against my copy.
RIP gook.
Based. I just thought I needed some more Dolphin porn.
>vpn to seed/dl some shitty korean ai model
Nigga this ain't some Disney or Nintendo property. The feds won't come raid your basement for this.
make sure to report back here afterwards
It's the early version?
Please be a troll and just renamed pony
another local model assassinated, you really couldnt let us have this one? he was going to release it in less than a week
it was a completely retarded expectation in the first place also kys for not being the one to leak it
magnet not valid in qb
That's the only one that exists atm, yes.
We have pony, who cares
what do you mean, he's letting us have the model
but now the creator will not release it
release what? we have the model now
This, but unironically
Nigba never should have been giving access to people if the only requirement was to send him a discord message.
>someone posts a dummy magnet that doesn't even resolve to anything
>then samefags himself 10 times to derail
big surprise
Hi, guys, since you guys leaked our model we won't be uploading further updates to the model out in open source. Feel free to buy our censored saas though.
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What is you talking about?
or in transmission, what cancerous software spawned this link
hello newfriend
fucking KEK
>they even have a skill issue downloading a torrent
I will never expect good images out of this thread anymore.
holy shit huge W if true
>it was IP logging bait
Zoomers and thirdworlders have been a disaster for this thread
He knew it was impossible just wanted an out after hyping it up and advertising their future SAAS. People here are dumb enough to fall for this is what disappoints me the most.
What are you gonna do with it? You some 1337 hacker?
I ain't afraid. come pwn me, loser.
uh oh naishill melty now that his model is obsolete!!!
but did people fall for it or is this all part of the advertisement?
while the shading is not captured fully, i find that the features that this artist draws are decently replicated: eye shape/pupils/nips

i've considered it to be the previews making me feel it looks different, but then i noticed that perhaps the convergence is tied to the trained tags. when prompting tags apparent in the training set, the lighting is harsher and the contrast sharper, more akin to the train set, you may refer to the boxes.

cunnybox warning

alas, is this a limitation to training without an activation token? but i've given up the way of training on score...
Kek yes
>Hey internet here is model, I gib u. Pls no leak or I won't release full model
>leaks cause you know, it's the fucking internet
>no gib full model now
Just PM'd the gook on discord. He is NOT happy about this. Have fun never getting free scraps from him again, losers.
It's just claudefag/diaperfag/fillyfucker. He has a massive NAI hateboner.
>model posted
>nobody posting gens
guess it really is that bad huh
Isn't claude saas?
yeah 06ers are eternal newfriends
my first thought it's a magnet link, but if not a generic one then what?
it was bait, nobody's seeeding
It's just $25, stop being poor
It's not some grand astroturf marketing ploy. Guy just grew up in a society of individuals with trust and integrity and is naive of Indian methods.
it just looks like a magnet so they and their discord buttbuddies could reply to it en masse to derail the thread.
it's not a complicated concept.
i refuse to believe that you've been here for 18 years and can't figure out something this simple
did you start using 4chan when you were 6 or what
Bullshit Koreans are on the internet 24/7 and some of the most toxic mother fuckers on the planet
i want to believe, it's a character flaw
>trust and integrity
loving every laugh
How could you rot here for 18 years and never encounter a base64 encoded post?
anon pls, let the newfriends suffer...
If i'll leak nai3 to only 1 random anon in thread, would he promise to not share it?
i have never given enough of a shit about the content of one to bother
i promise
pinky promise bro
wtf it's nai3
i see. yeah then it makes sense why the lora is weak when not prompting for loli-related tags. it looks fine tho.
>alas, is this a limitation to training without an activation token? but i've given up the way of training on score...
yes. but you don't need to use score tags as activation token, just put a new word that the model doesn't know like "blueborscht" at the start of every .txt file, then do keep_tokens=1 so it doesn't shuffle it, and done, "blueborscht" will be the activation token, put it on all the .txt files you got for the style dataset. this won't work if u train unet_only btw, training the TE is a must.
>average mindset of a parasocial zoomie
>1600 steps in current year
jesus christ how far behind is the average anon in lora training. use came+rex and gradient accumulation, it shouldn't take more than 500 steps to train a good lora
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>gooknai can't do BBCs as succulent as nai3
why do we even bother...
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SMEA truly is a BBC cheat code it's so fucking unfair
and going at it again:
holy fucking based
absolutely devilish
Probably the schizo wants to make another troll thread.
It's over for pony and NAI...
Issue of skill
i know this is just a shitpost but you got a laugh out of me kek
pony could never unironically
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gooknai is so fucking gacha for sex poses, unironically feel it would be best to gen poses on pony then high denoise img2img then
Your gen, sir?
hey look it's the faggot that was gloating about us not deserving the model and to wait a week last thread
Glad to see you remember :D
how is he wrong
we have the model now ;)
Is that a character from domewhere or an original?
Not even expecting hentai, are there good flux anime finetunes by now?
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exquisite model sir
you should go back to your avatarfag sdg shithole where you probably came from
Fake, not ESL enough
Inadvertently becoming the gooks advertiser kek. We love unpaid labor here
Mistress not popping...
thank god it filters absolute mongoloids
Skill deficiency
But we don't? We fucking hate shills here. We only allow the discussion of models that were made by our Master, AstraliteHeart. Anything else is shilling.
>Naipedos engulfed in flame war with gooknaipedos
Kek, pony chads keep wz
is it actually naiv3 or is it shitposting?
it's nai
Post yours, sir, or are you perchance... a nogen?
it's pony v7 (miqomix)
it's the naiv5 beta
It's NAI weights, yes. Even has their custom VAE.
>its real
im excited for the discord tranny meltdown
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it's a 4th tail bait
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It's NAI(local)
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it feels like its 70% of the way there to naiv3s level. If this is only the early epochs then i have some hope for the later ones
Mudrock \(Arknights\)
Although made into a wimp. Not sure if he did it on purpose or it's what the model does to everyone.
>i have some hope for the later ones
anon, i hate to break it to you...
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Interesting, looks like it was trained without noise offset and the colors... don't pop.
>the first person not having a skill issue is a BBC poster
Vanilla bros?
catbox? what artists are these
You are the only fuck with pony dick in your mind 24/7. Most of us didn't wan't to play ball with the gook's bullshit just to get back at astracuck
>i have some hope for the later ones
are you retarded or something
oh right...
Thamks. Usually it's the model that needs more tardwrangling.
who's "us" broseph
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With cfg++, anyway.
You sound like those strong and independent women.
Anon, have you seen mudrock in game? I agree, she should be buff, but hg were cowards when they designed her
I have to drop the VPN to post, rather remain seeding.

That does sound like something an autistic nip would do, he's korean though. The started purpose was to get open source advancements, so for the company this changes nothing. Even if it makes one guy butthurt.
interesting enough but is luminous metadata saved similar to NAI? i can see the prompt from that image with the catbox extension
Kinda fried. Timid colors were better.
Anyone who didint want to send a friend request just to use his "illustrous" model
Hard to hear you with all that cock in your throat.
forgot about that completely. thanks anon
I'm too dumb to understand, what was just leaked?
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>it was real
>now I'm going to have to spend the day testing lora config to figure out what works
well fuck
I mean the blush, the expression of a child that just caused some trouble. She's stoic for the most part, almost emotionless.
my precum
>gets a new model to explore and play with
>She's stoic for the most part, almost emotionless.
That just means it's cuter when she isn't. Anon, I don't think you're quite getting this whole moe thing.
same configs as pony should work fine in my experience testing both styles and charas. overwriting native chara understanding also works fine.
Can't blame him. This is what pony did to us
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I mean, gooknai's style knowledge (right) is way worse than Arti's (left)
Good morning new gook sirs, going to drop some boxes. I recommend using vectorscope, not sure if a schizo negative is actually needed but I use it because why not. Definitely recommend upscaling every image. Tags are very strong, and if you can't get a character be sure to add outfit descriptors/etc.
newfag, we have been loraaaaaaing since the technology first came out for sd 1.5
>better future for local
i mean you fucks just ruined all of that right now
ponydiffusiongeneral doko?
>inb4 /aco/
oh no commercial business goodwill sirs!!
>bro's gonna lobotomize yet another model to output 2 lines per gen with solid color in-between
Anon, that torrent is just a random AOM mix. Relax
true, you freaks needed a containment thread for quite a while now
Go fuck yourself, early gook sucker
kek here it comes
Why not /aco/
More boxes
>page 8
Whoever is doin this, you're making my day. God bless
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re-upload because double nipples


please let me dream of a better future for local (cope)

I love interracial stuff so much, its a shame it devolved into jeets making ntr/qos for patreon bucks which i fucking hate with a passion

its in the image, make either have the catbox extension or have stealth png installed in auto/forge

I was one of the few who had this model early. I hate how it leaked but what are you going to do if you let people download the model without checking anything about them. its the internet
>I hate how it leaked but what are you going to do if you let people download the model without checking anything about them
nah fuck you. imagine if anyone didn't leak nai because they believed they'd eventually release a local version
This is all for now, also gonna upload a test of 15k artists later today/tomorrow.
did nai explicitly state they'd release the model publically at exact date?
See ya later but don't forget >>8218722
>his 7 day (you) farming plan is dead
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Happy we got a model that will gatekeep the most insufferable faggots in this general.
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back to Pony...
how did you test so much high quality stuff when it was leaked just a few mins ago? What am I missing here?
That's the only reason I feel these fucker didn't want to leak. Wanted to feel special. Pathetic really
Every time I visit this place I lose braincells. Some of y'all don't even know what a leak is
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that's exactly why i did it
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After a quck testing, gooknai is about 50% there, Arti is about 70% trading blows with pony cope, with NAI3 taken as 100%
Anons, there is no leak. That torrent is just an old AOM mix, remember that this is the official story.
the magnet link doesn't even open anything, it's the usual schizo replying to herself
Okay guys, I've finished downloading, now you can stop seeding.
what if... le lora
Alright, we all got the model now. Lora training discussions when
>pony cope
Your Pony settings should carry over. I'm testing a style lora that I trained on it just using my old Pony settings and it seems fine.
well that's all you have left now, coping with loras
I don't wanna download another terabyte worth of loras, just because the model can't do a single artstyle right and fails at anything more complex than pov missionary
>it knows fern
fine ill fucking download it
>page 10
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no loras, just model
>fails at anything more complex than pov missionary
>only one other thread at bump limit
uh oh
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and many more like that in other threads
pony troglodytes containment thread when?
I'll take the blur from gook any day over this
Just make a loli and bbc general and all the degenerate pony users will... hey, wait a minute
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some people got the model 2-3 days ago by dming the creator before he/she decided it was too much and stopped letting people download it
New Thread:

Those people can go jump of a cliff. Except the chad who shared it, I'll name my first born after him
It knows a shit ton of characters, way more than pony.
>way more than pony
stop making this silly statement, even naiv1 knows more anime characters than pony
Freetard mindset. Like blacks stealing the bricks that are supposed to become their community center.
whats a vectorscope and is there a guide on it?
Try it and see.
But does it know more characters than pony with loras
Would rather have that than naively believe every fucker on the internet
did you read the post? it obviously knows more anime characters than pony because this is true of literally every other anime finetune, even wd1.4
after all pony's anime dataset is only 500k and even for that it has a ton of pruned characters
Never forget how fried base pony is without loras. Cant wait to see how loras work with gook.
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Could have leaked it after the promised release date. Literally just Indian scammers itt that think everybody is as morally bankrupt as them.
based blacks fighting against wasteful tax usage
Based desu
it's pretty bad about multiple views. you have to put it into negs and you have to make sure you prompt 1girl if you really only want 1girl(even that sometimes doesn't work)
your seethe is reason enough to leak the model senpai
I mean believing the fucker would keep his promise of delivering a new model every month. The whole thing was just weird astroturfing ffs
>unga bunga ayo gibsmedat freedom and shiet... corpos bad... gibsmedat bruh
You are the reason it got posted
Should I even download this when there will be some autismmix equivalent in a couple days that will become the new meta?
wtf how do i use this to download something??
autismshitmix was never the meta
Weird astroturfing to whom? Touhou discord troons and this thread? How can you be so retarded?
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it knows a decent amount of last origin characters nice
This general has brain damage, are you surprised?
what is it? A SDXL finetune?
Not my fault that your mix never took off, reweik
The fucker is gonna release a SAAS, are you!?
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what did xe mean by this
I don't wanna bake
Just freetard things. Everyone is out to get them, to shill them despite the fact that they are worthless losers with no disposable income.
SaaS fails due to shitty korean laws and he leaks the model
Saas for a bunch of Korean manhwa artist. Not for 50 or so western gooners
I've found that if you can't get a character from the tag alone, you can raise the weight/ add descriptors for hair color/etc. Have been getting characters with as low as 100-200 hits doing this.
hello sar thank you very much 500 rupees have been added to your account!
Damn bro do I have a bridge to sell to you!
So at the end of the day we're still going to get future versions. Now can we all move on?
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let's be real, the model is still semi-closed access.
Sure, a bunch of autists on 4chinz now has access to it early but that's a good bit different than having it up full front and center on civit.
Do you guys download from your real IPs? If no, is there a free vpn?
You can't be this retarded can you?
personally i'd like for you to move on to twitter or trooncord or wherever you came from
says the naigger that can't afford a gpu on his parents allowance lmao
Finally, the best part of /hdg/
this is the same person who could only use nai3 because of the free accounts posted on this thread
i prefer wojaks
Please leak the furry one as well
thanks anon!

is there a good settings preset I could use?
lmao please someone post it to civitai
Depends on what you're wanting to do. I like lowering brightness to like -0.7 or something and raising contrast a bit, along with lowering saturation. Make sure to enable alt (strong effects) and if you do img2img upscaling/hr fix enable the "process hr fix" option as well.
Anyone tell him to retrain his shit with vpred+ztsnr
Shit is what it is. Aside from native artist and character knowledge it's pure garbage because they just threw the entirety of Danbooru in a folder and hit "Train", without any form of quality control.
Enjoy your 200 token schizo negs.
What the fuck is wrong with freetards? The guy is fine with it being leaked here, and you want to burn even more of his goodwill?
i really hope you're trolling at this point and not just severely mentally ill
I use NAI sir
>this 0.1 early leak is shit
and grass is green, far as i can tell the claims about what the model is supposed to be able to do are entirely true, its very well trained but it needs more time in the oven for sure it gets schizo too quick.
I don't even use AI or generate anything. I just come here to hate on things and names that appear here more than once
and begins the cycle of "2 more weeks", honestly kinda missed it
>but it's only BETA
You think v1.0 will miraculously be 10x better than v0.1 or someshit?
>"2 more weeks"
maybe for you, i'm just going back to pony and 2 more weeks'ing 7.0 kek
this was a fun little moment of "le leak" hype i never get to have though, last fun leak was miqu.
>thread not even 10 hours old
>page 11
someone found the cheat code to defeating /hdg/ >>8218554
tell em gook sis
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good morning esl saar
you can prompt it almost 1:1 to how you prompt pony, though.
i dont believe this for a second because 99% of the brainrot on civitai involves using sdxl loras and prompting methods with pony and vice versa
the real meltdown would be a totally new basemodel, also
holy fuck and basing on timing it's probably at least 2 schizos now fucking kek
someone must really hate our threads
You speak too highly of subhumans infesting this thread.
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hopeful for gooknai's future, we'll see how it progresses.
The guy who said it has a massive hate boner for pony. Astracuck must have fucked his mom or something
Who even cares about gooknai? wdV will mog it in 2 weeks anyways
MiqoIllustrious-XL when?
He's pushing the entire board out. It doesn't have any effect—who cares if there will be a new thread with 150 images instead of 300? Some slow generals regularly face the same situation and they function just fine.
absolutely based, what a god
the more annoying part is that we'll basically be rolling through three threads a day and it can fuck any actual attempt at semi-active discussion when there's a new thread every 8 hours.
>semi-active discussion
good thing we havent had that in over 10 months
He only hates NAI, the saas complaints are just a pretext.
Its still more or less a minute apart so its more likely to be the same schizo.
>how to prompt another model
It's trained on danbooru tags. You just write down a comma-separated list of the shit you want to see like you already do with Pony.
why does he hate nai if it's not about saas?
This model

Somebody faggot will probably upload it to civit for shits and giggles too.
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How big is too big dick AND tits edition
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Mental illness.
Whats the result for the slop NAI mix on gookNAI?
box onegai
interesting style and pose
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People joke, but I honestly believe that Miqo anon's mix is pretty decent.
it obliterates fingers
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We're about to have mass freetard suicide
>No artists
Just vibe transfer bro
Fuck that, i'll bake a lora.
Anlatan finally released their new text model, and it's... pretty mid to be honest. Only 8k context to.
>76 images
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And not all of them are strictly thread related. That's why the next thread is 608.2 instead of 609.
Oh, thanks, was gonna ask someone to try Shoebill.
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here's why you quintuple nigger
what do their text models do?
8k is nearly useless for any serious storytelling/roleplay from what I see from LLM bros
sidelocks prompt doesn't work most of the time?


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