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House Fun Edition

Previous Thread: >>8217806


Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
Maintained fork (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge



NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Features: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Features
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070/controlnetxl-cnxl | https://huggingface.co/2vXpSwA7/iroiro-lora/tree/main/test_controlnet2
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/iopaint-lama | https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscaler models: https://openmodeldb.info/models/4x-Nomos8k-atd-jpg
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
List of useful A1111 extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgtemplate/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

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illustrious leak in case anyone new misses it
i can't merge the model into another, tried multiple. has anyone done so successfully?
and nai3 one
>made it in
im sorry guys i will repent
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i also made it in >>8218839
>model knows my favorite character ever so well out of the box that i dont need to prompt anything except her name
just got the news, which one should I download?
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keking at the highest order right now
so this is 3D in illustrious
>why is the background a jpeg?
Where the magnet for Nai3 at tho? Am i blind?
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What did he mean by this?
it's le epik memerino, he encoded in Base64 this quote:
"Honestly, just as a base model this is already incredibly close to NAIv3 in terms of inherent knowledge, flexibility and quality. Add to that the fact that it's free, runs locally (and can thus be used in any way conceivable) and can use Loras, meaning it can learn anything you want, and I would say that I prefer 4th tail over NAIv3 in basically every scenario. Very excited to see what's coming in the future."

The only real leak is illustrious xl, which is just another sdxl model, not naiv3 or anything special

this is the encoded in base64 link for illustrious xl, once you run it through a base 64 decoder it'll give you a magnet link

OP is a retard and I honestly think the world would be a better place if the resident schizo killed herself
see >>8218940
Its a funny meme because it is a really damn good model
hopefully, I'll take a look, 4th tail and autism have been pretty decent till now
holy based, downloading his model now if he is this based
it's better than any "public" anime models so far, but it has that early-epoch meltiness, so i hope he follows through with newer epochs
maybe its a skill issue but it seems worse than base pony
So it's another one of those "shows potential but isn't quite there yet" cases?
not really, it's super overcooked and yes, it does include a ton of artists so that technically you don't need loras, but it's as messy as pony before autism and 4th tail came out, so absolutely not worth it imo
it's leaps and bounds better than arti/kohaku/tofu even if it isn't quite there yet.
you can also go into it and start prompting 1:1 like you would with pony, just replace score tags with quality tags.
Pretty much. I'm using the suggested positives and negatives and it still seems a bit too melty to me and is showcasing quite a bit of artifacts as well. It's probably another case of waiting for the public release and then waiting from an Autism Mix equivalent before people will fully switch to it.
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Exactly. Another "it contains everything so it's a pain in the ass to control" sdxl model, like pony on release
>as messy as pony
nothing is as fried and sepia'd as base pony, this is miles above it
also use long, schizo negatives, it improves it alot (...like nai)
quality tags like the usual "best quality" shit or specific ones?
default ones are "masterpiece, best quality, very aesthetic, absurdres"
haven't really run a full proper test to see which, if any, are actually best to be used or not used.
also if you were smart and were using BREAK after score tags on pony, same thing still works here. So prompt layout should be
masterpiece, best quality, very aesthetic, absurdres BREAK <artist calls><copy/paste your pony prompt 1:1>
though if you ever omitted 1girl you might want to consider not omitting that, since it has some issues with multiple views/adding random extras. Just, like syntax suggested, make sure you have any artists you're trying to call as first tags directly after the BREAK. Also there can be a lot of seed variation because shit's underbaked.

I'm also going with a more or less default negative prompt
multiple views, sound effects, lowres, (bad), text, error, fewer, extra, missing, worst quality, jpeg artifacts, low quality, watermark, unfinished, displeasing, oldest, early, chromatic aberration, signature, extra digits, artistic error, username, scan
Anons help , i want to batch download older threads pictures WITH the metadata that userscript provides , ilike save the metadata as a txt .
But idk shit about coding. Please some based anon help me with this as i believe it will be useful to others too
get in touch with that anon or learn how to update that script yourself and you have all you need
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maybe i treated you too harshly gook
but the discord tranny attention whores can still go kill xerselves
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I put "masterpiece, best quality, very aesthetic, absurdres" at the very end of the prompt. Didn't really test or care about that at all, works fine on my end without micromanagement.
>how to make model is what's most important
>wdv has been in limbo trying to get enough compute for months
We have to merge it with pony
the only advantage I can see for now with illustrious is that its decent at making the picture look hand drawn, but at the moment it's basically impossible to control, and if you don't use an artist style it generates crimes against humanity. Also very hard to control anatomy and fingers

I'm struggling to achieve decent results, and I don't see a clear advantage over 4th tail or autism
I keep flip flopping between "this is unsalvageable" and "we're finally breaking the curse". Maybe block merging u-net with other models might be able to stabilize it?

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NAI catboxes work nicely. They don't work as well on 4th and obviously autism doesn't know a single style or character so absolutely useless there. Thankfully I schizo saved about a thousand of them so I'm having a field day (or 3 days by now).
People need to think back to base NAI leak or base Pony to remember that the baseline usually isn't all the great and it's going to take something like a Base64 or a AutismMix for people to probably start jumping on it.
It has potential which is more than we can say about other local offerings at this point.
>it takes lobotomy so that lobotomized "people" could use a model
True. Hard being 100iq brainlet.
What matters most to me is that it's usable and the text encoder isn't absolutely fried dogshit like Pony. Some LoRA merges, maybe mixing layers from other non-Pony tunes, and we could have something really good.
fizrot and s16 is way too weak, it's very heavily underbaked
>that will be 70 dollars sir
Are there any reasons to pay commissions to mediocre artfags except for "ethical" ones?
>just get stuck on UNet ADM Dimension 2816
>Illustrious checkpoint never actually loads in reForge
well shit
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I get shit gens with illustrious as soon as it gets over 75 tokens in the prompt.
Finally, Ayanami without the evagelion tag bleeding all over the place, so it really is NAI at home?
Ah, never mind, solved by pad conds: False.
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Fuck off noodlefag
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Yeah that is nice
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Skill issue more than likely, but seems very scratchy and messy. Seems promising though.
It's nai >>8219079
(at home)
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ok I do see the potential, but until somebody does an "autism mix" of it, it's too messy and difficult to control
catbox? pretty nice style though
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This uniform could be considered as a leak?
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Nooo, you can't use a convenient mix, you have to waste 200 tokens and use 4 loras to stabilize the style on the base model
She has a uniform yes but it doesn't look like that, what was the prompt for that gen?
Call me in a year when it's 1.0 and outdated
I can't wait for v4 release...
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but it's a shit model sadly
I just can't replicate my style from pony
finally, real pov
does the model not work on reforge? cant get it to load
can you please use a name so that I can follow your epic roasts?
and that's a good thing!
I'm using forge so I don't know exactly about reforge, but it's a regular sdxl model
weird, it just hangs forever when i try to load it
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Look how they massacred the queen...

It was same for both images https://files.catbox.moe/6so639.png
It's not a proper workflow, I grabbed someone else's catbox and hackjobbed it together while fucking around with cfg, upscalers, etc. Don't use it for anything other than looking for what not to do.
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I will just continue to hentai on pony
Remember: No artists. Or i'm gonna report it to the authorities.
Load different model first, then switch and let it load before pressing generate.
I'm not seeing any hentai
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A you problem. A skill issue.
I-i don't think that's how ass looks. Normally. In humans.
might be a greater issue with me then, i cant load any other model except for the one that loads by default when i start the webgui
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thanks for the artists chief. i'm getting nai leak flashbacks from discovering artist mixes again and it's great
yeah it kinda lost its shit

what's this?
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gattobox onigai?
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the upside down one was just a random gacha
>block merges with some 3dpd
>whole civitai is flooded with nu-aomslop
history repeats itself
I meant more with Animagine/Tofu/whatever. Just get me out of Pony Hell.
object permanence sisters...
My og forge doesn't like to switch models and often crash either. But i've managed to load it somehow.
it's actually got a lot of artist "knowledge" - the problem is that pretty much none of them are very accurate to the artist(yet) and it seems like there's a lot of weird cross-contamination, so it's very much down to mixing/matching to get certain looks.
Shortlist of other artists to try: zeon \(zzeeonn\), nns \(sobchan\) and, while I can't actually confirm if it does anything or not(since I'm running a lora train), I'd also probably try sumiyao \(amam\)
a lowres lora train that I did to test settings(and it does seem that the anon saying that 1:1 pony settings seemed to work fine, since they do seem to work fine).
don't pay too much attention to it, it's just there to get rid of the standard XL splotchiness since lora's can actually do that.
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looks like my install is forever cursed on autismmix. i literally cant load any other checkpoint without it just getting infinitely stuck fuck me
just move it from the folder
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is that just nyantcha ?
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and asanagi it seems like. nyantcha has a pretty big influence
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can illustrious can do straight on and three-quarter view?
why is it so blurry and artifacty?
i mixed a lot of shit together randomly. purely my fault
another thing that I noticed is that they're very heavy on the full picture drawn by the artist, not only the style. For example it gives the image the same background of the art of the artist
So glad I'm still using NAI
this is where we're supposed to laugh at the ironic humor!
>no gen
Illustrious seems to have extremely broad knowledge, even more so than pony. I'm a pissfag, I like girls desperate to pee, peeing, wetting themselves, etc. Pony only understands the "peeing" tag, and then only kind of, it's not great at it. Illustrious is way better, and it also knows "peeing self", and "have to pee". Pony doesn't understand those latter two AT ALL.

I dunno if this new model is some NAI prototype leak or whatever, but it definitely has potential. Just needs to be tuned for style to clean it up a bit.
Even degens are eating good. Though now I kinda want to prompt that too...
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im haivng fun with it, it seems to have really good character knowledge
It's an almost full danbooru finetune, it's more predictable in what it knows and what doesn't, it's pretty much like NAIlite in that regard, yeah. All previous local danbooru finetunes were either cropped (like animagine) or severely underbaked (kohaku)
whats the appeal of that saber again?
tomboy saber
smug, tomboyish, wears denim shorts

checks boxes for me
ok makes sense
is there asaber they have not tried yet?
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i'm glad i'm not the only who appreciates those kinds of degen stuff like
we have no black saber yet. somehow nasu really hates the idea of subsaharan african sercants
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Okay I'm not sure I've ever gotten this composition with pony or NAI, I'm liking the confidence of this dude. It's fun throwing my old NAI prompts in this thing to test artists though.
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>oekaki lora train worked perfectly fine
though it's not giving me actual white backgrounds like it should so that might be a slight problem. Or could be random bullshit. I'll figure that out later though I guess.

pony could do peeing self. it was just generally contingent on including other tags to improve inference.
but yeah it has a lot more concepts/random knowledge/weird shit that pony just really cannot understand without being held at gunpoint.
pony could do that with a lora
man maybe this general will see a resurgence of actual anime characters instead of pony smegma ocs
does it know how to do accurate female urethras? can't believe pony with all the degen and furry stuff it has still can't do it right most of the time
you will never be jordach?
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its also nice to have decent dogeza/unworn clothes gens without a shit ton of gacha like on nai

you got a toml of your training settings?
nice dogwhistle, pedo
pony not being able to do pee properly made me so mad because i got a fetish for it from fluffyrock which did it perfectly. it always misplaces the urine stream. glad to see gooknai does it well again.
sexo belly grab
just got access to gooknai lets fuckin go
what lora?
I have never gotten nor seen a pictures like that
Whats the result for the slop NAI mix on gookNAI?
post it
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gooknai is pretty fun, having fun messing with it
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That .safetensor you downloaded? It wasn't actually safe
Kek he just ended giving everyone access. Fucking dumbasses last thread, coulda gotten much earlier if they weren't being a bunch of whiny bitches.
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I can't tell if these compositions are just a result of the anatomy being kind of fucked in this thing but I'm getting a lot of weird stuff I don't normally get.
catbox for them?
Yeah I'm pregnant now
Sure, and one extra. Love being able to gen Fern
>you got a toml of your training settings?
I'm doing dumb glora shit. if you're on ezscripts I don't think? it has glora implemented, or at least it didn't the last time I checked. Hell I'm not even sure if glora works again on up-to-date kohya or not.
here's cleaned json tho
settings are all set up for 12gb VRAM.
Search golden nectar on civit, I made some pretty good loras specifically because models weren't good at pee stuff.
I dont even have the model how do you expect me to post anything
Everyone can access it now, even on huggingface, need an account though
check the top of this thread or browse the last thread for the download link
Are we back?
We're in the fun exploratory and experimentation phase so shitposting will probably be at an all time low for at least one or two threads.
the mix yourre talking about dumbass
short honeymoon for pedos. We'll be back to jordach discord screenshots in no time
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Stop playing with your 1.5 tier shitmix and return to the REAL hentai platform.

The inconsistency is a feature.
>yd looks awful and melted
well back to pony
man he actually puts effort in his every gen
all this effort to gen the ugliest disgusting fucking shit
stfu nogen
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>can now get reisen natively from the model
I can't believe koreans did something useful for once
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>biting lip doesn't work on NAI
>biting lip doesn't work on Illustrious
it's danbooru
Biting own lip doesn't appear to work either which is the tag from there, hmm.
"lip biting"?
yeah it was a "it's nai" type shitpost, meaning danbooru tagging sucks
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I like the characters interacting so it doesn't look like just two models in front of a background but I can't for the life of me figure out how to clean up the inpainting mess. why cant things just come out perfectly. two distinct character models interacting is difficult
Ah, I'm retarded please forgive me.
Nah, no dice.
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>when you prompt for face fucking
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use controlnet and go back to your other avatar and tripfag friends on /b/
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What don't you like?
is there a reason you're doing artist:xxxx as opposed to just xxxx?
I was just copy pasting from my old NAI prompts. If I don't need the artist part, I can scrap it but I wasn't sure.
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a lot of artists on gooknai have terrible anatomy
Phew, I'm SO GLAD to be still using NAI.
Feels good!
this but not really
a year ago I actually thought local would catch up but this time
like it would take half a year at most
This, but pony
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feeling cute
might nuke a thread later
Well they did just release their new text model. I guess I'm back to jerking off to text for a bit.
Is it good? Haven't gooned with textgen for a while so I'm tempted.
Cute tomboy with small tits and a good ass
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my god...
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Removed the artist part for this one and it doesn't seem to have impacted it very much if at all. So guess it's not needed.
yd is hard to get right he has like 3528932582539 styles
Stupidly big dicks like this just ruin the image
I assume the "2023" tag on NAI is doing a lot of heavy lifting there and I don't know if that works on Illustrious.
if the penis is larger than 6 inches take that gross shit to /d/
what style is that
agreed in principle but that particular instance is still okay
It seems alright so far. The thing is designed for story writing, so instruct seems to not be fully working the way it should be.
The 8k context is probably going to be the part that kills it for some people, but local LLM's just give me a headache. We think the shitmixes we have are bad, but local LLM shitmixes are a whole different story.
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You want a dick that can be enveloped by breasts, that thing is a stupid floppy tube, and is a visual annoyance because it doesn't look right
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I feel like paizuri images always function as dick cheat codes anyway. Here is one with the small penis tag and I still think that's probably larger than what that tag normally gives you.
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it was true, every last word
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sena cucked again...
mb skill issue, but it looks awful, even when compared to the first api version that was posted here a while ago
second one is api
That's just the right size because you can imagine her squishing it between her breasts, with penis head covered, without another few inches awkwardly sticking out the other end.
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Is it just me or does it have a strong base style just like pony? Only except of sepia it's pencil- drawn. Tried a dozen artists and only jmg (desperation move) actually managed to push it towards a more digital art look. This is supposed to be aoi nagisa, the face shape and anatomy is there but otherwise it's completely off.

Also, I had it fail at a basic pov cowgirl shot. Just one time, but doesn't bode well for porn anatomy. Pussy also looks weird most of the time.
*instead of sepia
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kohaku wouldn't be a small scale finetune if he trained for more than one epoch
Wow, he's indeed very based. I will stop calling his model gooknai now.
I wonder if there's just some tag that needs to be slapped in there to do a more digital art look.
I don't know why people like 4th/tofu keep claiming this shit
making local models is admirable, but man your 2M danbooru epspred finetune is not "local nai", I'm sorry.
I mean I don't think his is there yet. I wouldn't start flexing prematurely kek
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>Is it just me or does it have a strong base style just like pony? Only except of sepia it's pencil- drawn
Exactly my thought, I was thinking it was only because ciloranko is giga fried but apparently that's not the only thing, no matter what sampler or upscaler I can't get rid of those lines at all
I can respect a guy who isn't trying to oversell his stuff.
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I really feel like this model is carried by it's innate knowledge for characters and some artists to be better than pony, which isn't a high bar. Tag adherence is good but not groundbreaking. 7/10 I guess
How many people cancelled their NAI sub today?
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>aoi nagisa
unironically skill issue,check your sampler /cfg,and make sure you have some positive /negative quality tags. my image has the metadata so you can copy that.

the model is no where near perfect but you shouldn't be getting results like that
i decided to renew my sub after using gooknai for 15 minutes
So when are we getting the most recent epoch of this wonderful model?
That's not what I asked.
at least give me my free (You) you fucker
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out of the box oyakodon is neat but this shit seems kinda ass to use
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Just download it from his hugginface.
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port forward zoomie
Most of that is just style bleed from Taimanin \(series\). But some of those schizo negs helped a little, thanks. I'll try pruning them one by one to see which ones actually do something.
i'm getting too many sfx, nigga did not tag them proper
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>can more or less do the pose right
oh shit, and this is the old bad version of it, right?
Who cares about the FOTM model when is Cascade dropping
actually hold on they went away when i put the quality tags closer to the start
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a lot, but not because of this image crap. today NAI released their latest text model available exclusively to opus, with only 8k context size. meanwhile claude-3 opus (unrelated company but ironically named) pushes 100k+ context and is generally way better. even their most loyal fans are outraged by the piss-poor context size and the audacity to lock it behind their most expensive tier.
why they still bother with textgen i don't know. their models are shit, expensive to run, and underpowered compared to alternatives.
That's actually 3 times cleaner ciloranko than I could ever get out of gook. Or is it not ciloranko?
>Love being able to gen Fern
Bro she's literally the most generic 1girl, purple hair, long hair, purple eye, large breasts character in existence. You telling me you can't get that with any and all shitmixes?
yeah seems to me like the models skill issue rather than yours
hopefully he releases more and better stuff and doesnt get vanned before
I don't know shit about textgen, is it something that they can easily tune, or it's over?
>why they still bother with textgen i don't know
it's what they started with I guess, so some inertia is warranted. if this new bake fails completely I guess they might consider to stop bothering with this
Resident pissfag checking in again. I have extensively tested Illustrious on peeing, wetting, and desperation concepts. These are pretty niche, so hopefully a good stress test for the model in general, which is why I'm posting this review.

Verdict: model is insanely good at generalized conceptual knowledge. In terms of pure concept understanding, it almost matches my pony pee lora (https://civitai.com/models/333006/ponyxl-golden-nectar), which was trained on over 5k manually tagged images. In terms of variety, it's much better than the pony lora. This is one thing I really like about the model: every genned image is completely different. In terms of style, it's moderately worse (except for the 1 out of 20 images where it randomly chooses a really good, clean style out of nowhere). I have to imagine this is pretty easily fixable with a lora, or maybe even a negative embedding.

I'm calling it now, this model is the new pony. Gonna try training a lora on my piss dataset ASAP and see how it turns out.
Base autism mix with a bunch of Lora's slapped on top. (Lighting, detail, characters, eyes, background). No specific artist style Lora.
kind of sad how all it took to btfo every local shitbake (kohaku, animagine, arti, heart of apple, sanae, tofu) was throw all of danbooru into the pot and let it cook for a reasonable amount of time
i feel vindicated for saying since last year that this is literally all you need to do to get 60% of the way to nai3
don't like your fetish but right on, go get em champ for all the pissfags
they got caught in an awkward spot there because they started training on the llama 3 base (8k context) right before the llama 3.1 base (128k context) was released
I'd expect them to update it eventually but who knows. apparently they did some pretty extensive continued pretraining so it would presumably be pretty expensive to replicate that all over again for 3.1. maybe they can find some clever solution with merging + finetuning to avoid duplicating too much work. there are community hacks to merge 3 with 3.1, see https://huggingface.co/sophosympatheia/New-Dawn-Llama-3.1-70B-v1.1?not-for-all-audiences=true#merge-method
but yeah it doesn't look very good from what I've seen so far. I question their taste when it comes to their textgen efforts, kayra was ok for it's size and time but everything I've seen from the new model and their aetherroom stuff looks... not any better than the stuff I can run on my own machine already
This feels 10% less shit than sanae maybe. I'll wait for a mix or a more up to date version of the model, but for now I'll go back to reading manga
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It sure is a lot more obedient though, for all the criticism it gets.
This. I'll give it some more time tomorrow, but so far it just looks ass unless I use the same three loli artists
i can understand not being as enthusiastic about gooknai as some people here but saying that it's close to sanae is wild to me
did you even use sanae?
It is but I used nomos8k to upscale it
here is the raw gen and the hires. fix version of it
those hips!

Everytime I come here there's these walls of text about the latest crazy shit but literally nothing has ever come out of it that's vastly superior to pony. Seems like a waste of time to me. The tech has peaked
based retard
Show me the images you genned that you spent the last 6 months researching that are vastly superior to pony. I'll wait.
please learn to read before posting here
he's actually an illiterate retard
I used sanae a bit and anatomy seemed about the same. I'm sure gooknai knows more styles/characters/concepts, but my tastes are kinda mainstream so I'm not overly impressed by that. The composition creativity is amazing, I'll give it that, but it's kinda worthless if it results in wonky anatomy most of the time.
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It's time
4th tail is unironically better. tried both prompts and training style loras, 4th tail simply does a better job capturing the style without a default style leaking into the images.
So is the version of Illustrious releasing on the 30th just this version or is it a newer one?
But 4th tail is fried
>trying to merge the fried monstrosity that is pony into another sdxl model
This one, hence leak
it's the same model that was "leaked"
Alright, neat
I like how you spout shit without proving it. What a waste of thread space. You're just being a shithead
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Settings for non fried 4th tail gens onegai. Genuinely curious. I tried the extract, the base model and merges and it always came out fried
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good morning bakariso sir
its concept knowledge is really good
also in case it wasnt obvious most of the standard negs are schizo and you can dump them
Maybe for generic vanilla 1girl stuff. Illustrious has a far broader knowledge base than 4th tail, or any other local model I've tried.
I see people talk about how great 4th tail is and how good its innate knowledge is, but I've yet to see a good image made with it.
not a troll just genuinely curios to see good images from it
any loras for gooknai yet? or general ways to improve gen quality without being tied to artist tags
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its comfyui
Baker here, how do I bake styles for it? do I just throw what I did for Pony at it?
start baking yourself sir
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nta but yeah. I made like a hundred comparison images with reweik then dropped it. It does have a nice 3D style, but that's niche. Mostly just use the extract now for character knowledge.
So the cleanup happens during nomos pass? I'd think that if artist is this fucked then 0.4 denoise would reintroduce all the meltiness back but I guess not. I'll keep this in mind for noisy styles (that's half of them anyway)
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we are actually unironically so back
Can't you just use any sdxl lora from civit? It's not fried like pony so they should work
even when i'm trying to use the extract for character knowledge it still fries my gens sometimes so it's not even useful for that
Nomos is specialized for this, you want to keep your denoise low afterwards or even skip the second AI pass entirely.
>nai can do shoe dangle but gooknai cant
its over...
why is it so blurry?
are you shitposting? shit looks rough as fuck
Decent object permanence with the pole
Better than a nochekaiser lora
the vibes in panties are still off in general but they are more on than any other model ive tried including naiv3
anything is better than that
Because it's a pure t2i gen bwos, no upscale or inpaint

This guy notice it
Ahahahahahah hahahakettlenoisehahahaha, you serious?
It's still disconnected behind her head
object permanence sisters, i don't feel so good...
you still have those comparisons saved?
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Alright, here another not that questionable one
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lotta fried artists goin on here but still breddy gud

why is it so blurry?
>using "by"
>artist not first
>no quality negs
>strong freeu
what's this "nai perfect object permanence" meme
is it just schizo shitposting
nope. But it prompts the exact same way as Pony, so you can just grab an older gen and re-run it.
the naishills are trolling me again, mum
built like chloe grace moretz
style is nice tho
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Better then I expected honestly, it's pretty good at separating characters.

I never knew I wanted this in my life.
Of course it is, even Flux struggles. All image generation AI only sees 2D images, so it has no concept of three-dimensional space. Keeping the object consistent is only learned by processing huge amounts of images where that specific object is partially obscured.
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yeah its yd but its super schizo gacha
now post a meguca fucking it
I have some object permanence in my pants after the leak...
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also comfyui
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>nai's textgen model released
>its a heavily modded 70b with only 8k context

guess i'll go play with that for some time. I hope naiv4 is next, since the textgen whiners will keep quiet for some time.
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gook bake has promise
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>Make a mistake and fail to write my prompt by copypasting things
>AI properly assumes that me adding two hair colors means two different girls

I needed to use controlnet or loras to accomplish this before. This is promising.
>no metadata
kill yourself
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i wish that i could use different style loras for the main prompt and adetailer with reforge. i guess it's time to bite the bullet and switch to the main branch, it's not like i was using raunet much anyways
Didn't your mom teach you to ask for catbox
Its VERY promising HOWEVER Jordach can still recover
we have had a browser extension that automagically catboxes your uploads for TWO YEARS now. there is no excuse to baiting for manual uploads.

Or just run adetailer separately after the base gen is done
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Yes... this is very, very nice.
??? just type in a different prompt in the adetailer prompt box
qrd on illustrious? Can it do smegma? Are we so back?
Someone give me a rundown on what gooknai is doing with this model. Is he giving local a free epoch every month?
too lazy
this causes an error that prevents adetailer from actually doing anything. removing loras from the prompt will also randomly kill it
it fails on tongue piercing, puts many of them all over the tongue
I am not going to test that because you disgust me on a personal level.
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he didn't say
I wouldn't be sure even if he did, his english is awkward at best
*kisses you on the mouth*
he's trading 10 social credits for 1 epoch, get to work chop chop
As opposed to a professional level?
you think we are running a charity here? this is serious business, 1 (you) = 1 catbox
I am entitled to (You)s in exchange for my prompts
That's the point.
>there is no excuse to baiting for manual uploads.
there is if you do post-process work that strips the metadata.
I mean, you can manually upload the original to catbox and just rename the file before uploading to share metadata but it's a bit misleading.
It can't, I tried
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Yep, I'm convinced. Baking loras for my ojous this night.
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that's a long nutsack
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Are we back?
Jordach status?
i think you catboxed the wrong one
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i'm sorry to disappoint fellow disgust bro, but smegma doesn't seem to work and stray pubic hair is artist dependent like it is on nai
haha... my bad
stars on the pantyhose aren't in the right spots, no thigh strap thing. 0/10
nothing yet, someone has to go to discord and bait him
Is "disheveled hair" part of your quality tags?
catbox? very clean image
asanagi box please

haha all good. thanks anyways
it has NAI-like metadata
oh thanks
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ok NAI shill
>it has NAI-like metadata
It seems to work kind of weird though. If I download that image, I can't throw it in the NAI inspect tool or the forge webgui to display metadata, in both of those it just shows no parameters.
But the catbox extension here works just fine to view it.
While it was a valiant attempt, NovelAIv3 remains in the lead. Bake again.
He's planning to release 3.6b that he was secretly training all this months and shock us with it's capabilities.
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Seems like we gotta go back to schizo negs right?
>NovelAIv3 remains in the lead
weird way to spell PonydiffusionV6
cascade 1b absolutely destroys illustrious at style replication and i wish i was being ironic
It's Cascade.
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kinda forgot about that. I've been using the hugging face demo before the model was given to me 3 days ago and "disheveled hair" was part of the quality tags, and my best gens were done using those quality presets so I kinda just left it there probably need to actual test them one by one



i haven't touched any of extensions in like a year, could be because of that,but using stealth png always works with it
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The power of Illustrious-XL-v0.1.safetensors [3e15ba0038]...
the magic of baking enough epochs. If those dual 4090s had churned out sdxl epochs on the same dataset we'd have a good model by now
i ditched all the quality negs but the generic ones that actually do something and it helped. need to test more on the pos
you finally posted a cute image
now we just need a mini cluster of 4090s set on a year-long flux bake
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>get anime model
>only marginal increase in moe gens
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cute :3
currently baking fishine on illust for all my futasisters out there
T5 is the endboss for local
>Euler Ancestral CFG++
where did you find this sampler anon?
(c) Rich Sutton "The Bitter Lesson"
fuck you and kill yourself faggot
nta but it comes with reforge
I will be using it for lolis, thanks.
Remember when fishine was one of the first serviceable pony loras. Good times
not the best or cutest futa artist but good on u
>its bad
>its great
>not a single image comparison
fuck you
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what that anon said should be default on reforged and imo its probably one of best sampler of illustrious, reduces the blurriness and sketchiness while keeping the colors sharp

if you dont have that sampler then you probably you to git pull and pray
damn guess i finally have to clone and set up forge
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I will go and do that, thanks.
Not only us. Entire industry (tm) will be shocked!
Is there pony models with furry stuff pruned?
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The answer I have is I don't know. I think
Illustrious has potential, but I think we need to wait for a mix or for people to figure out what quality tags and negatives to use.
nta but wtf pony looked like that? i forgot since i didn't use the base model after autism
that's what illustrious is
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Poopen farten
We are back
Akame chan has a turd in her pussy
So now we just need models finetuned from it?
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what's the meta negative for illustrious? still the schizo neg?
Been exporting tags from danbooru using https://github.com/FSpark/Danbooru-Tags-Exporter to test Illustrious and it really does know so much shit kek
No we're waiting for 5 more epochs right now where it'll add the secret NAI tags and finally BTFO it for good
mind sharing some of the unique stuff it can do?
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I'm using a very schizo neg, but it seems to help. Also using vectorscope, but really no one knows what the meta is at this point. It's like when pony first came out and everyone was just throwing shit at the wall, except this time the model isn't intentionally fucked.
score_8_up, (gpo:1.3), (ces:1.5)
its really bad
just delete all the schizo shit from the detaults ig
Base pony is truly fucking terrible, people forget how fried that model it without schizo lora model merges and shit. Illustrious may have issues with the "sketch" look, but base pony is infinitely worse.
it knows at least one character with 130 images on danbooru well enough to generate a passing resemblance so it should be able to do a pretty wide range of more obscure waifus
I've gotten hits with characters that have less than 100 hits, you just need to add descriptor tags to help it get there (hair color/etc..)
well that was fun for a few hours, now back to watching lemmings bang their head against the wall trying to wrangle usable styles out of SDXL while flux remains untuned despite its perfect style-cloning capability
please give me something good to read
I have read every manga and webtoon of decent quality
yagate kimi ni naru
well are you donating an h100 or what?
i already donated the equivalent to anlatan thanks to my NAI opus sub
BASED, fuck localkeks
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Not sure if it's just me but this thing loves randomly doing multiple views. Freckles look way better on this thing than on Pony though which is nice. Pony always made them way too big where body freckles always looked like a skin disease.
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yeah i'll have a good series of gens going then multiple views randomly once in awhile
I just put multiple views in my boilerplate negs. Seems to be an issue with the model's undertraining and possibly a lack of dataset QC.
that's why the only danbooru images that nai didn't use were the comic pages, and even though they explicitly said that's why they did from the start this wasn't a lesson any of the local shitbakers learned (many such cases)
multiple views as the first thing in your negative and use lots of tags when prompting to "fill" the scene or stuff like solo/etc -- haven't had an issue since.
Lora bakers, qrd on how things are looking?
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same settings as pony work fine from my experience so far (apologies for non-h it's the only style test I have saved rn and I'm baking)
That's a really nice looking red.
Settings from Pony will carry over, but I don't feel like going down the path of starting all my bakes all over again until things are better figured out.
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the model's color range isn't quite as nice as NAI but it's so much better than pony it isn't even funny
Sepiachads? our response?
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It works indeed. Thanks again.
I can get it to do oekaki just fine
and just copied settings from when I ran it on pony. though that's the only thing I've bothered running so far and currently training something else that needed higher LR's to really take on pony so I'll see how that goes.
pic unrelated?
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you're welcome anon!
I remember the hash for cianyo being pretty good
dont remember it tho
This place is the only one creaming itself over hand drawn no shading style
i know this is bait but do you even know what general you're in?
It's been a really funny thread because people downloaded and are trying a new model so his normal shitposting tactics aren't landing so he's cycling through a bunch of new ones to see if any stick.
it's a hard life for a schizo when he isn't getting any attention
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Thanks for the insight, no_genner-sama.
This is actually good enough for me to move on from pony, thank fucking god.
I dont know why you guys are on the defensive instantly over what I said, it wasnt a diss
I mean, I have no sides in this pony hate BS some anons here have but it always good to have something new to play with, kinda gets stale doing and seeing the same thing you know.
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>Old prompts that needed loras do not require them anymore.

I am hopeful.

So post some fucking outputs, fucker. No? Didn't think so. Must suck being a pajeet,
maaan, who knew the only thing you had to do to make a model people like was just post the fucking thing and let the results speak for itself
you aren't slick baiting faggot
if the korean dude publically releases the good version as non-saas I'll accept it. otherwise I'm jumping ship on nsfw and making flux loras from here out. either way fuck pony
hey bro can you install this?
if you gen a dark skin male you will perish in hellfire
I won't miss you
metadata please...
he said he wants to bake on flux and his ultimate goal is to get enough power to do so
anoooooooooooooon did you make sure you have stealthpng installed? cause the metadata is already there
You guys actually got mindbroken by the shitposter, I dont even see what I would be baiting for for you to instantly get mad
Either way its good to have a new model that isnt arti tier, what Im saying is that people outside of here love 2.5 slop
don't lie to me you meanie
>what Im saying is that people outside of here love 2.5 slop
fair enough then. your first post made it sound like it was a bad thing
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>2.5 slop
shit taste, I only like anime style smooth shading
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Not that I don't want to share prompts, I just feel like I am imposing on people unless they expressly ask me for them. Don't ask me why, I just do.

>got best local hentai model yet
>still clinging onto pony smegma
shouldn't have expected anything better from this shithole
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thanks, and i swear that catbox doesn't have stealth metadata
God bless him if he does it and a local version drops
Ok now I am gook side. If he can pull that off, I will happily suck his dick.
I'm not torrenting mustard gas to use the model half baked, I'll wait for the proper release
hopefully pixart or some other alternative releases and is good enough, 12b flux + t5 seems like a huge task
He went out of his way to include nsfw data in the model despite korea's insane laws on NSFW, and also went out of his way to convince his company to let him release this model. I don't know why anyone wouldn't be on his side.
You don't need to train t5 nor should someone. I don't know why people think this. No model that uses t5 trained it, why would you finetune with it
>90% of the thread is testing the new model
>bitch about the 10% left which are either shitposter,contrarian or people that dont care enough and will just wait 3 days
actual schizo
we need to save this guy from korea
It is released on HF right now. Just need an account
you say that as if he's doing that out of the goodness of his heart and not because that's their best shot at actually making money with the model
not that i care about whatever schizo plans he has as long as he keeps releasing new versions
i dont understand definitive statements like that, it worked out for flux because their model is all sfw, but training a nsfw finetune with concepts that were possibly either not included or purged from training of the t5 itself might be completely different
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What surprises me is why they don't use an overseas third party to "release" the model in their place. I know other companies do it, so why not them?
I said within a week it came out that Flux has no business being over 8b with such limited style/character knowledge. It's incredibly receptive to lora training but the actual base model is a bunch of synthslopped weights that just bloat up the training cost. I actually wish that the 4b SD3 released, because as NAI said the model itself really just serves as an initialization, if you train it hard enough it basically becomes the same as starting from empty.
exactly because of this he is incredibly based
I thought that was because we have the distilled version. The actual pro flux has shit ton of styles, at least remember seeing a guy go through a whole bunch.
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I am very pleased with these results. If this is merely an alpha, the final product will be great.
distilled is kind of like scrunching a model up rather than cutting parts off of it, if it's in pro then it's in dev, just less precise
astralite status?
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LoRA are working great on Illustrious.
Trained with same settings I use for Pony
holy based
I thought that wasn't the recent version?
Because you don't understand the t5. It is massive and capable of extrapolation. If NSFW wouldn't work with it you wouldn't be able to train NSFW Loras on flux with the unet alone, yet you can. you are assuming the t5 is some baby project by local fear mongers censoring everything, it's not.
Still trying to caption another 1/10 of his dataset.
Fuck I don't wanna have to retrain all my loras, also don't wanna have to maintain another rentry, someone else do it please.
>I thought that wasn't the recent version?
It is, he just released it early since it was leaked anywho
you're done seething about people ruining the gook's goodwill by leaking the model already? that was fast
Nice, thanks, time to clone it
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It's an older version, but angel himself said the difference between that one and the newer versions isn't as big as people are thinking. I've seen his examples from the newer versions posted in the 'cord, and it's not really a leap.
looks nice
Is Korean Nai trained on sdxl? Do regular sdxl Loras have some effect on it then?
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Miqote anon, your girl comes out quite well in illustrious.

We all knew it was going to happen eventually. I'm just glad I made sure to keep all my training data ready and available.
nice melon lord
i was trying out DPO and FSO or whatever. they were both at least ostensibly functional
I'm gonna assume it's not illustrious' true style potential since there must be a lot of mixes but the stuff being posted looks like ass. are you guys trolling?
we need a new model category on civit
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ive been playing with it today, its pretty good. nice change of pace
Nope, it looks like ass. But it may not have any style tokens at all so there's a lot of room for improvement maybe
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Style is not what I am after, but obedience. I can always bake a lora for a style I like, but me not needing to make a lora for every single situation or subject is what I truly wanted, and Illustrious has it.
for local, its an 'at least its not pony!' model finally. as it was put, it's basically a kohaku if he actually trained for more than 1 epoch.
we will see, but its not yours or my head that rolls if a finetune without it fails, and all the usable ones have trained the text encoder
really? to me illustrious' prompt adherence seems strictly worse than pony's on average (except when it comes to separating 2 characters), but it completely mogs pony when it comes to styles so i'll switch to it
>gen an image on illustrious
>3.06 MB
>gen another with same settings
>4.12 MB
That's odd. Don't think I've seen that much of a variance before
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one good params should be easily transferred between the whole architecture, not just single model on it
clearly gooknai is inferior when it comes to an attractive female figure
btw all models with larger than 16k context don't actually have as much context as they claim. on claude opus the actual usable context is more like 20k instead of the claimed 200k
(yeah this is just to wow investors who don't understand how the technology works, even gpt4-32k doesn't have 32k of usable context, they're literally faking it lol)
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Feet are great compared to Pony
clean them up jfc
uhhh dude?
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Well, it certainly does a much better job at making braids. And it even plays nice with loras that weren't made for it in mind.
dark skin male enjoyers be like "ZAMN!"
GookAI definitely seems a bit more stable when you start throwing stuff like comics, 4koma, multiple views into your negative. I guess it is completely understandable why NAI cut those out of their dataset.
poop vagene https://files.catbox.moe/tshs96.png
i love pony
true but 3.1 seems to be good out until at least 32k: https://github.com/hsiehjackson/RULER
in any case even if there's some quality drop it's nice to have the option rather being hardcapped at 8k, which is very easy to hit unless all you do is short oneshots
what the fuck it can do kearsarge?
Has anyone noticed the extreme style differences in Illustrious across generations, do the seeds really impact the styles that much?
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Toriyama lives on.
Anons are not exaggerating when they say this model has insane character knowledge. It's trained on 7m+ danbooru images. For comparison, pony only had 500k or so anime images.
that should only happen if you prompt artist not present in the model

I think it depends on the style. I was doing two artist and it seemed like it was changing but adding a 3rd stabilized it.
fastest samefag in the west
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thank you anons!!

mental hospital is that way
I think it's because the model is a "true" base model, and trained on a ton of data, and not overfit. So it's trying to model the full variety present in literally all of danbooru. We're so used to overfit models that bias the style strongly in a particular direction that this model seems kind of weird in comparison.
so is the welfare office
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Fucking hell, it's so damn obedient. If it had physical form I would pat its head and feed it a treat.
Jordach here, the upcoming epochs will make this model look like child's play.
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i tried reusing my style lora settings for illustrious and the end results are complete shit
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Speaking of Jordach
Astralite falseflagging.
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where discord screenshot?? I wont believe you otherwise
Time to go to the labs anon
>How did they make a worse model than me
He's not referring to GookAI is he?
Fucking GookAI has at least delivered something that is functional. Jordach hasn't delivered a single thing that is functional.
remove your negatives if you have them, they destroy styles
He is talking about Illustrious yeah.
as a civic owner i'll take that as a challenge
How can someone that literally has not created anything that can be classified as a success have such a fucking ego?
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oh, maybe i shouldn't have fucked up all of the captions
Samplers really have a crazy amount of impact on these styles in Illustrious
fucking pottery. you can't make this shit up
btw korean guy has 2.6m pixiv dataset on his hf page
Seems CFG++ samplers really work nice for this model
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Illustrious has passsed every test that matters to me, and more.
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After further testing, doesn't seem like you need a schizo negative outside of stuff like multiple views or signature.. the normal stuff.
why does he flip between "i'm so good, i'm the best" and self-deprecation every few posts 24/7?
what kind of mental illness is this?
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You guys use negatives?
He is literally autistic (yes he stated this in one of his self-deprecating posts even)
Thought this was NAI from the thumbnail, we're so back.
my interest in eugenics grows with each passing day
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I am done. It has done every single thing I wanted it to do. I will start baking my loras immmediately.

Sadako is a cutie, by the way.
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for ++ samplers its recommended you use a low cfg of 1-3
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So I've noticed that this model has the same phenomena other unmerged bases like NAIv1, Fluffyrock, and Pony do where simply applying ANY style LoRA improves cohesion substantially.


I believe it's a matter of a week or two until someone makes the Illust equivalent of AutismMix and everyone jumps ship from Pony for anime-style local gens.
Houston, a lora has landed.
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Noted, and thanks for the advice.
Good stuff king, catbox?
>We'll finally be able to bake loras for a model that knows thousands of artist tags and is capable of nsfw
I just came
installed reforged, migrated over and updated but still don't see this as an option?
i noticed this earlier glad it wasnt a fluke

also i think using low res and low quality negs might help with cleaning up lines but it could be just the seeds i got since seeds really change the image for this model
We got a lot to learn, general gonna be exciting for the next couple weeks.
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i dont remember exactly but I'm pretty sure you have to download the dev branch

wish we didn't have to waste time cooking loras and tardwrangling the 5 months old model when we'll have to discard all of that if they ever release the better versions of it
we are so back
how can he brag about his non existing model
actual mental
it brings a tear to me eye now that we have actual hentai in our hentai thread
Free from the horsefucker, free from the aco, free from the gpo, free from the ces, free from the hash, free from needing a million loras....
I have a little archive of loras and checkpoints , around 400gb, im just wondering how much other anons have ?
email them in perfect korean (have gpt-4o or claude translate for you) and tell them if they don't release it right now you are going to report them to the feminist cult running the government for distributing obfuscated pornographic media
honestly not a bad idea...
training folder 1.8TB

Lora folder 600GB

Checkpoints 500GB
It's a bad idea and will just fuck over Angel. He is the only developer of the model, and if the company fails to make it viable (which they will since there's no market for a sfw only model when others already exist) angel will just release it.
>going back and forth and mixing various artists until i get a good looking penis
I'm a straight man by the way
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i'm surprised you're not tired of swallowing gook semen yet, enma ai schizo
I wouldn't worry about it anon, the newer version isn't a big leap (as said by Angel himself). He also tried adding natural language and other shit which he says "went wrong" so....
it's a bad idea. He seems like an only competent person (but maybe astraluck)
Wow , i might consider start training too after i got new hdds.
Can i even train anything with my 3070ti 8Gb ? will it just take more time , or just give bad results ?
I'm going to take a fat Ces on Astralite's lawn.
>the newer version isn't a big leap (as said by Angel himself)
that's not what he said, reread his comment. and it's extremely obvious that the recent versions of the model are much better if you played with the gradio demo
uh oh freejesh woke up, and he is MAD
artist:j.k., artist:blushyspicy, artist: yd orange maru, artist:Cutesexyrobutts, artist:redrop,realistic,2023,
Well fuck me than, I guess i'm retarded. Still, no reason to worry about it. Work with what you got.
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/hdg/s top checkpoints?
>gooknai keeps failing test prompts that pony and nai have never had issues with
i guess i'm not free from training concept loras yet
Which concepts are you trying to do?
things that i cannot post on this board
catbox exists nigga
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i would definitely recommend it, 8gb should be enough but you have to mess with some settings to get it working, but having the ability to make any style/character you want by yourself is very rewarding

unfortunately this, i've played around with the demo since its release and there is a significant difference, the demo is sharper and less blurry as well as having better understanding of some concepts/artists
IDK what to even train, illustrious already knows all of the artists I baked for Pony (some are kinda rough though I guess), it missing 2 characters so I guess I'll start there.
See what happens if you train an artist it already knows
You can train over artists to give it better understanding. It won't overcook them, more like overwrite them.
Ok anon thanks for motivating , any recommended guides ?
Also does shared memory helps with anything ? Cause i have 8gb of shared memory too
Could see how it handles a concept lora

heres a somewhat up to date guide if you're completely new to Lora training, just skip to the pony section and read from there
i have read all of angel's posts and more, this is what i've gathered:
-the model is trained on top of kohaku
-he is the only one working on the model
-he is far ahead of the rest of the team who is still playing catch-up to try and build an api/service around it
-he fucked up by being overly generous with the local model
-the service is trying more to be similar to NAI's director tools than a direct txt2img prompter. this is how they're dodging nsfw. he has previously shown some colorization tech
-he dislikes pony and believes in a give-and-take relationship with local
-their funding is still relatively low-tier, which is why vpred and nlp both failed. they would require a complete restart to implement properly and he's too far in to back up now
-he wants to release more models but the pressure of still not having a service is too much, so they will take a break from baking and instead wait and read the room
-flux is an endgoal but it will be difficult, simply not enough resources currently. he already has stuff prepared for flux if it ever does become possible
Based info provider.
thanks detective anon
>he fucked up by being overly generous with the local model
meaning what we should've got was supposed to be far worse?
>he fucked up by being overly generous with the local model
according to what, his own assessment? his monetization plans will fail no matter what (who do they expect to pay for nai director tools but sfw and worse?) so it's probably irrelevant whether he releases the weights for this model or a later one or none at all
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this just reads like schizo larp baitposting
hyper goes to /d/
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i mean that he gave it out to too many people, not that the model was too good. he admits the model is not close to NAI level. he is being too 'careless' with handing out the model, the gradio links, etc when they're trying to make a SFW service
can we take jordach money and give it to this guy
bro i assure you that they have 1000 times more money than jordach lol
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Can we take Jordach's money and give them to me?
that's below average in most western countries, zhang.
euler a cfg++ is the better sampler from what i've seen posted but is it necessary?
>the model is trained on top of kohaku
so are
>masterpiece, newest, absurdres
>worst quality, low quality, normal quality, old, early, lowres, bad anatomy, blurry, cropped, text, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, artist name, trademark, title, multiple view, reference sheet, long body, multiple breasts, disfigured, ugly, text font ui, monochrome, chibi
good positives and negatives? i can't test right now due to lora
>all kohaku had to do was bake for longer than one epoch instead of swapping shit up constantly
yeah and they are clearly making better use of it than jordach
any good rex/came settings for a style lora?
top kek
Can you use NAI in Korea? If not I assume they have market they can fill, even without nsfw.
from some of his catboxes, from the newer model:
>best quality,amazing quality,very aesthetic,absurdres,
>bad quality,low quality,worst quality,lowres,displeasing,very displeasing,bad,bad anatomy,bad hands,text,error,
Mmmh hello?
no, we must revolutionize the medium every time we attempt a new model and start over again and again instead of finetuning stuff
yes, unironically
if kohaku simply continued baking a single model this whole time we would have had a model at this level months ago
>flux is an endgoal but it will be difficult, simply not enough resources currently. he already has stuff prepared for flux if it ever does become possible

Damn, people are so scared of training flux that we may never see the meltdown someone fails it and loses a lot of money nor the despair caused by the subsequent copium shortage.
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vtumor bros...
also, I don't know if it's the specific artist tags that I'm using but I'm having way more dark skinned males than I should despite putting them on the negatives
anyone with half a brain should realize that trying to actually finetune flux is a stupid fucking idea.
it's a dead end model that acts as a 16ch vae tech demo and that's really about it.
the problem is t5 and 16ch vae. while greatly increasing detail, the inference time is long as fuck. "boomer prompts" (multiple sentences) are what flux wants to get good outputs, and are the opposite of danbooru tags, so adding proper nl captions to everything is necessary,
the one and only correct decision astralite made was pruning vtumors
and 2hus
that was his worst decision
if you take the average skin color of male in all porn you would probably get around this to be honest
now you realize how stupid you sound
his compute is less than 16 a100s as that's what he stated he'd need minimum to do a flux finetune
if you ever imply again that 2hu's are on the same level as vtumors you will die of ass cancer
There can only be one Shoebill anon, Momoura.
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omg it's migu
migu migu oo ee oo
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Prompting for photo_(medium) gives you photos of art.
so leave everything from the schizo neg but remove all quality tags?
which discord server?
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sekaiiiii de ichiban ohime samaaaaaaaaa
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>Nothing ever ha-ACK
A sad day for happening bros
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Love how schizo this can get
nothing ever happens.
anyone got a working list of artist wildcards to use for testing for illustrious?
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I tested all of these and every single one had an effect, some more strong than others (only tested at default weights). Basically any danbooru artist that has more than like..50 images should have some effect. Play with weights and schizo combine artist tags.
Fuck it's going to take me months just to find mixes that I like with this damn thing isn't it
into the depths we go anons
Oh I should also mention that list is only danbooru artists with more than 100 or so hits, it doesn't include other artists with less (thanks to the anon who provided it). I know for a fact that artists with less hits work. Need to find a way to get a list of all artists with 50-100 hits so I can test those..
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It doesn't feel right to prompt artist names and have them actually work. So happy to be free of Astralite...
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>downloads the first good sdxl finetune that actually knows a ton of anime characters
>immediately bakes an /aco/ character lora and posts with it on /h/
how did they manage to bake character appearances into their name tags?
or artists without being something stupid like dino \(dinoartforame\) genning an actual dinosaur.
i also thought just inserting an artist tag without "by" or "artist:" would lead to extreme overlapping
but i guess that's only the case for fucked up overcooked pony
I can finally prompt koi fish using the koi tag
I noticed that as well, no idea how they did it.
they hate to see someone cook...
but it does gen dinosaurs sometimes, it even happens with nai
it's called inference.
you know, the actual literal English word.
When one specific tag shows up and is always in the presence of 10 other tags in training, that specific tag now has a heavy association with those 10 other tags whether they get prompted or not.
This is why you could do stupid shit on pony/older models where if you prompt just a name it won't always get something but if you prompt name+a few associated tags it starts getting more, other, superfluous details. Because those tags all have an association with eachother.
The more advanced way of abusing this is to use it for indirect concepts where you prompt a few tags that cluster together on certain types of art in order to try and get something that isn't exactly properly tagged.
>how did they manage to bake character appearances into their name tags?
what kind of a question is that? is it strange that prompting for a character gives you that character?
but wouldn't that require extreme fuckery with the dataset
like caption dropout or something to bake the character/artist tag in without those supporting tags
nta but how do you think trigger words in loras work.....
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dropout is a requirement for CFG to do anything.
Also you wouldn't need dropout because, presumably, those 10 other tags would show up in captions for other images WITHOUT that specific tag. So those tags lose association power to the specific tag - but that specific tag doesn't lose association with the other 10 tags.
Think of it like one of those dumb harem character relationship charts with the arrows that go back and forth but inverted to where MC likes everyone and their mom while they're all indifferent/oblivious to them.
yeah makes sense
i guess i'm just too mindbroken by astralitefag...
pony's problem is that it has no knowledge because the anime dataset is so small, but for the few characters that it knows you can also prompt them by the tag alone
it isn't like this is some arcane special technique that's just how finetuning works
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captions that aren't totally fucked definitely work better but this shit still looks jank as hell with wonky ass proportions. adetailer also seemingly does absolutely nothing
do the artist tags just work even if you dont put \ behind the parenthesis?
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Is this better or worse?
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Can you upload your lora? I want to test something.
I'll assume that's a LoRA you baked. Thanks though.
much better
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Yeah, innate knowledge is bad and not enough again
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I noticed that yeah, atleast it's good to know I wasn't using the model wrong. Still a shit ton better than anything we've had until now.
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"Masterpiece, newest, highres" seem to work as placebos if nothing else. Rating tags like rating_safe, rating_questionable, and rating_explicit seem to be better at skewing results towards or away from NSFW than using (nsfw). Putting a year tag like 2022, 2023, 2024 helps tremendously as it filters out 10+ year old uploads. BBC is once again easy modo for differentiating between subjects
easy way to differentiate the shitters too
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First image is with your lora and the artist tag
Second is without artist tag and only lora
Third is with no lora and only artist tag
All on the same seed
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Anon stated it absolutely right, it's just a couple of loras until new autism >>8219965 it's the same xl anyway afterall
why would anybody want a shitmix when this model is actually good
it's almost 1:1 what the artist actually drew... https://x.com/merrytail_R18/status/1657405417666822147
I want to see gooknai civit shitbakes
This model will gatekeep all the civit jeets, don't think that's going to happen.
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Idk, I wouldn't want, unless it would have a very good consistency with a minimal trade-off
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artist lora + artist token has been unbelievably fucked in my experience
true, it doesn't feel unique enough and colors don't pop
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good news for my fellow schizos, huber loss is supposedly fixed with this PR and should now work as intended with batch sizes larger than 1
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They didn't filter loli from the dataset so as a base model, it's already better for me. Yeah, yeah, pony can do loli but it wasn't very good at it without coercing. size_difference, age_difference, and loli all work and combine with other subject matter fairly well
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which parameter does huber loss replace, i remember something like "you shouldn't use huber loss with xyz"
was it min snr gamma?
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i find that using the "illustration, disheveled hair, perfect composition, moist skin, intricate details" can absolutely nuke my artist tags and theyll look nothing like the artist
I'm legit just schizo prompting, left that in there after copying from another.
its ok, just sharing my experience
I wish Samplers didn't have such an insane impact on styles as it just creates so much more work in testing mixes
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Yeah, we're definitely fucking back
>Monetization Prohibition:
>You are prohibited from monetizing any close-sourced fine-tuned / merged model, which disallows the public from accessing the model's source code / weights.
These faggots can't enforce this. I hope they get fucked.
Good morning sir, your bait is weak.
how does first part of this sentence correlate to the second?
also anyone who tries so sell their models/images in any way is faggot by definition
Incredibly based, this is a good countermeasure against NAI cucks
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Impressive. Very nice.
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Thinking of switching from NAI to actually generating images using a gpu. Do I have to manually train a model using thousands if not tens of thousands of images to generate images similar to this one? Would something like a 4070 be good enough? Does generating images take a shit ton of time?
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Time to gook....
the model has a different latent space than the others, don't ask me how this works, the vae behaves differently and the unet is missing positional embeddings.
add that's its very overtrained compared to other xl bakes we've had (the base knowledge is almost entirely trampled by the danbooru dataset), i wasn't able to merge it with anything else. in any way that improves the model (when it doesn't break)
the clip is missing*
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Why did you have to post this
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to share my love for gaha mama
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holy shit
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interesting, nai has literally same behavior
i thought it could be because of vpred but apparently not
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i think it really is over for pony
It's 100% worth photoshopping gook gens. Use camera raw filter with stealth png and you'll get to keep the metadata. Camera raw has color correction/noise adjustment/etc/etc...
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It can, if you prompt an innate artist
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That's Hot.

Very good Lize but who is the other one?
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I thought that was because nobody other than us cares about anime styles. Wouldn't expect SDXL base to do asanagi either.
Its Azki
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On 9/30 Angel is going to be releasing the technical report which will include advice for finetuning the model. I wonder if Euge would be interested...
euge is a pathetic nothingburger just like jordach just like neggles who is nothing but a parasite
all these bakers are just a joke, a bad joke that isn't even any good
all these jesters and clowns trying so hard to beat pony but failing miserably at it, then gooknai comes with far more superior hardware than just a dual 1050 rig and kicks pony right between its legs, in its fucking disgusting horse balls
don't hate on cute euge, he's got his heart in the right place
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Sadly seems like some styles are just unsalvageable. Nyamota enforces dark-skinned male and mosaic censorship even through negs at 1.3. Zankuro breaks hands with his fat fingers. Others are too weak even to overpower the base style.

Might actually have to mix one working style into everything as a stabilizer.
go suck his micropenis then you absolute faggot, do you hate it when i tell you the truth? too bad!
a jester, even if it's the sanest clown among all, is still a jester and nothing more than that
fucking pathetic nothingburger
Oh boy.
Is that Lily?
side note, I actually have no idea what looks "good" in these rough hand drawn styles the model seems to greatly prefer
How based can one guy get, damn I really misjudged this guy.
chill damn man, this shit ain't curing cancer, it's not that important kek
Zankuro seems fine? Not sure what the "ideal" zankuro style should be though. WRT hands, upscaling with enough steps is good at fixing them or just manually correcting/inpainting.
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what a roll
lmao no shot
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complete fluke lol
one box to go
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catbox is shitting the bed again

I don't want to be too critical of it since it's just the second day and we're all learning how to use it. And character knowledge seems to be on par with NAI, even for really obscure ones. But so far every style that works innately on Reweik I'd rather use it there, even using the same prompt with Illustrious schizo negs, quality tags and CFG++ it looks worse.
>a decent model releases
>people are finally putting in more effort than just hitting the generate button
>pony defence league is nowhere to be found, there's no recovering from this L even with 100 threads of nothing but constant shitgroidposting
>the thread is usable again
gook-sama i kneel...
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Use stealthpng
one new model and /hdg/ is temporarily good as new
It's quadruple i2i SMEAred and de-SMEAred.
yeah that looks more like my usual output
is it just me or does the catbox have no metadata
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we could've had all this and much, much more months ago had jordach settled for XL
catbox since she's probably too flat for some retarded jannie's tastes

point is though that the model can actually do shit like shirt tug with no panties and actually doing the subtle exposed hip without having to actually show nudity, which is nice.
Nah, jordach's dataset is dogshit. This model is PURE anime and has 7m+ images.
jordach would've found a way to severely fuck up XL and then call it a masterpiece
CATBOX PLEASE, I'm trying to make ger right now
okay but when this guy said the same >>8220386
the catbox extension could read it, and here it doesn't?
Anyone test the aco artists? Like Afrobull, CSR, incase, slugbox or jcm2
it's just one file...
>my favorite artist is extremely fried on the gook model
its... it's over...
styles feel like they're incredibly weak or incredibly strong with not much in-between but that's probably a skill issue on my part
incase barely did anything when i tried it
any specific prompt?
fire up that oven anon...
Why? Pony's literally right there
my 8gb of vram and zero successful bakes doesn't inspire confidence...
Huge skill issue in this thread right now, gonna have to do a write up tomorrow or something kek
naisissies.. is this our fault? Did we grow too complacent?
No way to get that model without registering in HF?
I'm working on an XY of some innate pony artists

for mixing probably
works better if both styles are in the model, not as loras
grab the magnet from last thread
ask someone here and if nobody bakes one i'll do it when i get my 3090 rig up (hopefully this week)
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Cocks are disgusting. Stop posting them.
is this the illustrious you're all using?
share the Ako one please
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This model bro, my sleep is about to be fucked for weeks.
Don't bother messing up your sleep schedule. It's not going anywhere.
Has anyone done some Inori yet?
the fun starts in finding good artist mixes again
This is jcm2 at 0.9 with rat at 0.7
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when pony v7 drops we'll see who gets the last laugh
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Yeah you're right, last one.
Good night anons, we're finally saved kek
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Euler Smea Dy and Euler CFG++ seem like the best samplers for this model
is it possible to add stealthpng to the webui ? normal png info wont show the metadatas
>anons get the scraps from the saas table
>finally start posting anime girls and anime styles
was 25 bucks really that fucking much huh?
>sunk cost fallacy
>having a monopoly is good
missing Euler A CFG++
I'm having trouble with the XY because using that in Reweik completely kills prompt adherence
that did it, thanks anon
see the post i replied too
rhetorical question?
yeah the sunk cost of paying to use a service, you pay water bills even if you don't drink tap water retard
>having a monopoly is good
judging by your thinly veiled irony i bet you're one of those "people" who seethe at the mere existence of non-steam stores
>you pay water bills even if you don't drink tap water
You shower though...right?
Euler A has never really felt better then Euler in my experience
The "SD" written on his cock for the CFG++ version makes it worth it though
I seethe at the existence of steam. I want to double click the exe and play the game, launchers can go fuck themselves.
what did Autism guy do to turn Pony into a usable model? Like, what was the process?
lora merge
unknown what lora
you din't reply to any post, ho do I get Euler A CFG++?
wow just merging a lora made it so much more usable? I guess I could try merge some loras on illustrious
TypeError: CFGDenoiser.forward() got an unexpected keyword argument 'model_options'

I get this when trying to use CFG++ on reForge
One of the loras is this one
I'm just using normal reForge I'm pretty sure. Try pulling?
In the meantime I've tried to merge Illustrious and Autism and the result is a model that only generates mush for some reason
I think at this point the models are so far apart you're not going to get anything usable unless you go full in on block merge and DARE autism
I'm on latest version. Might be because I'm on the main_new_forge branch
I'm just on whatever the default one is
good models are good
months of rabid freetard shitposting and this general achieved nothing to beat nai, it was outdated saas scraps once again
nta, i did try a dare/ties merge, the model really wants it's own te. even with 10% merge the unet becomes really unstable, past that it breaks. it's trained unlike any other, it's going to be difficult merging other models into it. best bet is training loras on top of it, then merging them into the model for tangible results
>stable-diffusion-webui-reForge/models/ESRGAN/4xNomos8k_atd_jpg.safetensors' is not a 'ESRGAN' model (got 'ATD')
What folder do I put an ATD upscaler in?
why the fuck are you trying to use an ATD upscaler in the first place
XY with Reweik, of 40 innate pony styles. Since it's basically cherry-picked stuff that does work on pony, I gave it a handicap and user the same Illustrious style prompt for both.

I tried a merge with Smooth Anime Style lora now and the result is absolutely no difference :/

Illustrious has clearly a lot of potential but we must find a way to make it more controllable
Cause it was in the op
Of course it wouldn't work. Smooth Anime isn't magic it's just a Pony lora and Illustrious has no Pony ancestry.
Yeah that's supposed to link to the upscaler page in general, not one specific upscaler.
Just throw it somewhere where you can use it. Doesn't matter if it throws a warning.
>Illustrious has no Pony ancestry

that makes sense, that's why it doesn't use the same tagging style but goes back to the booru kind, like NAI.

Also explains why merging it with Autism makes it explode
i find it so fucking funny that the default pony style is literally fucking ben10 aco garbage that forces its way everywhere, even into other aco styles like meme (memeuser)
idk why someone fucked up the template like that
you can get away with using an esrgan model if its just for a highres-fix type pass
just use this
For people testing out Illustrious ITT, how's the performance on lower VRAM cards? It's an XL-based model as far as I can tell, so is it about the same as Pony on an 8 gig card?
literally same
it's XL.
it's exactly the same as pony
qrd on what's happening?
so noble... so free...
Good to know, I'll have to test it out sometime later today.
Anons , what extension/method you use to better manage & organize your loras , I really need some advices.
even a pic of your folder structure would help a lot since I dumped all of mine in a single folder
only easy method i know of is a program called "stability matrix", scan the folder, it gets matches the hash from civitai, adds info like trigger words into a database, adds a preview image next to each file. if it's not uploaded there you have to add a preview image manually
I dump all of my Pony loras into an "SDXL" folder and rely on names and custom thumbnails to identify them. I only have a bit over 1,000 and less then half of those are used frequently so it was never much of a problem for me.
It's Reweik, base Pony is much more variable. It can easily jump from a painting to monochrome sketch to sakimichan. But that makes style control difficult when not using innate styles, and the styles needed for that are hashed. Much of the frustration we've had with Pony could've been avoided just by having access to all of its styles.
Since this is a chosenjin model, can we expect an even better spite bake by the japs or chinks? Infighting of the little yellow men always benefits the white man after all
1.5/XL/Flux->Concept/Style/Character->trigger/no trigger
For trigger loras I rename them to match the trigger tag.
So you guys just ignore that literally all outputs from this model are very noisy and kinda fried? That's just a honeymoon phase or you're hoping for a magical shitmix? I remember same shit with pony when people just chose to ignore glaring flaws with the model while it was new.
The later epochs angel guy posted are cleaner though. I'm fairly certain he will deliver so I'm not in a rush.
not all, sometimes the planets align. But yes, it's very similar to base pony, it gets messy easily
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The new model is fun, but it keeps putting japanese nonsense in the images - even after putting text, speech bubble, etc. in the negatives. It also always puts censor bars, no matter what. Anybody got a fix?
Astralite false flag.
Probably whatever artist you're using has a lotta comics or images with text up on danbooru and it's not tagged properly. Not much you can do about it unfortunately except to train a lora with a better dataset. Could try mixing in another similar artist that doesn't have text in their images.
We are perpetually trapped in a never ending spiral of it's over and we're so back
With Pony people moved over because despite all the issues it finally didn't look like 1.5 which everyone was sick of by then. Same thing here.
negpip, my niqqa
It's important to realize that progress only goes forward. What we already have is forever, it will never be "over". Things can only improve.
and correctly so since this is a danbooru model
It's still SDXL underneath
wonder how much of that is left compared to Pony
it would take like two minutes to test this
her tits arent that big
also wonder if it knows shu for canon fuckin
>this is the worst it will ever heckin be!!!
sd1.4 has more knowledge than sd3. there are no upgrades, only sidegrades
negs: watermark, sound effects, speech bubble
pos: uncensored (put it at the end); the suggested quality tags near the start, right after your artist
nah like this
oops >>8220107
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Now that the dust has settled, let's finally admit that Illustrious was a flop, and that you once again fell victim to your own pony derangement and that-grass-looks-greener syndromes.
The reason you need to put a slash between parentheses has nothing to do with the model itself. A111 and Comfy both decided to use parentheses for emphasis which means they can't be used in tags unless the UI is specifically told not to do so by using slashes. NAI uses curly braces for emphasis instead and that's why you don't need to do anything.
i was going through booru posts looking for ideas and man the tags are so fucking bad
imagine how much better every model would be with proper tags
complex images missing even 1girl 1boy its embarrassing compared to furries
It's over, cathagbro... Let's head to the purple5mart discord and regroup for the v7 release
If you ever actually looked at e621 you would know that it's tagging is shit too. It has some more complex tags but most images are missing even basic tags.
The dust will continue settling for a while, it's been less than a day. Not to mention more dust will be kicked up once people start merging it to fix the base style.
don't make me cockslap you
it would still work though, just be weaker
kinda like prompting giganti reasts
ok i think my original post was supposed to reply to the guy with stealth metadata, because the images had no slash even though it was illustrious

my fault
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Why is it so /aco/?
>groid-spamming pony defense force hard at work to sabotage local as usual
it's gpoces
Been out of the threads for a bit do people rate NAI highly now? I only use it when I'm too lazy to start forge or I'm using the graphics card for something else. What are the pros and cons?
The problem is actually that it would emphasize whatever was in those parentheses. Let's say you're trying to prompt midna but you also have the tag "champion's tunic (zelda)" in your prompt. If those parentheses aren't dealt with then it might influence the resulting image to look slightly more like Princess Zelda
Just because you're supposed to do something, doesn't mean everyone does it
what the fuck
Yeah just like what happened with FLUX. Two more weeks.
it's furries
>retards still believe that furries have good/better tagging
fucking "hurrdurr bigger number better" retards, just because the average e621 post has more tags it doesn't mean it was tagged properly, they're just as dogshit at tagging as the average booru site
also unrelated but i wish all danbooru approvers a death by oil fire
Key difference being, this is XL. Same hardware requirements as the countless merges and finetunes we already have, same settings even.
>still no community 4chan ai training booru
reminder https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/banned_artist
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Euge discovered illustrious
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Illustrious kino...
wouldn't fix anything, the same threadshitters we have here would shit up any tagging effort
they don't even need to fake DMCA requests anymore, approvers will just disapprove your post 15 times in a row while they instantly approve western bara complete with faggot flags
Reminder that a lot of this is NAI's fault because they used to advertise using Danbooru as a dataset pretty heavily and so anti-AI artists had a easy target to go after.
SDXL being the base model means nothing. Pony is based on SDXL and it has its own civitai category because none of the base XL tools work with it. This model will be its own flavor of fried shit that will require its own tailor-made Loras, just like Pony.
holy straw-clutching batman
Not him, but I do actually feel like it could be some anti-ai faggotry going on there.
>full face blush is actually full face blush on illust
patrician taste
we're in for some Euge kino
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geahs are known
slight tag bleed from the uniform skirt onto the bow, lol
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Is this too aco?
Yeah, I think the new model is... alright... but the lack of western art clearly shows in the lack of detail on some of these gens. I really think AstraliteHeart had the right approach with a tasteful blend of both eastern and western styles that allowed for the best of both.
yyes, obviously
Agreed. Also a tasteful hint of realism really wouldn't hurt.
I'm sure this is going to be fixed once the model gets to the hands of craftsmen from civitai. We are going to see very sexy pictures really soon.
at this point i genuinely wish for all aco shitposters to drop dead and would gladly wish upon a monkey's paw for it
this but all dark skin male posters
oy vey cool it with the antisemitism
it's pony
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too sketchy regardless of style you put on, maybe this is what those schizo negs were for? more testing to do

didn't want to draw rei interface thingy for some reason
>her tits arent that big
Some artistic license was taken.
Unironically I would prefer that, if there was a way to keep those styles from affecting each other when not mixing. More knowledge and options is always good, but I don't want to see Sparrow in Ginmoku any more than I want to see Ciloranko in Tenk.
(worst quality, low quality:1.1) negs and CFG++
cfg++ is total meme when i tried it a month ago
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On Reweik it is. But this whole model is a meme so it's like they're made for each other.

Anyway this is Euler A at cfg 5 and Euler A cfg++ at cfg 2. More outputs here >>8220493
how do I avoid adetailer to cram the full prompt into the face?
by changing the adetailer prompt
that's genius
based, I copypasted it, removed the details about the body and it worked thanks
kys schizo
How many cum tags does dan have? 1?
Could you post those settings? I haven't baked in months, still on adamw8/cosine
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It's got a couple.
Cum enema having such few results is a real shame
just use prompt editing from any other fluid
Hi /hdg/ I'd like to make an order. Uhhh nun clasping hands in prayer, clenched teeth, vaginal with stomach bulge if you have that otherwise anal. Skip the little nuns (diva). Lowfat or zero sugar preferred but don't skimp on the thighs served pov or chefs choice
arrigato anon!
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boob morning /hdg/

still can't decide if I love or hate this model. there is some weird jank going on behind the curtain I can't pinpoint aside from the undertraining.
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Is she okay? I didn't bother checking beforehand.
For the degenerate
illustrious is so fried it's unreal
everything is either undercooked or overcooked and there's no inbetween
the issue im having is constantly swapping around samplers between like 1.5 and 7 CFG because it completely changes the style even with the exact same prompt
Anons why didn't anyone tell me to download reforge weeks ago instead of normal forge
we aren't your mommy
/aco/ warning.
Use LoRA => problem fixed.
couldn't you just do it with pony
we need vibe transfer locally bros...
very cute yumeko, catbox?
When's the last time you tried ipadapter? We also have reference only controlnet and style components now, and they can all work together.
This is honestly why I never fully understand the obsession with wanting artist tags on local, aside from doing artist mixes.The one that you get from just tagging the artist is going to be all over the place.
>reference only controlnet
same guy who did anytest? or something new
Do adaptive optimizers get fucked over by scale weight norms?
just use a lora
retards were crying about muh pony all this time
meanwhile, pony and a good, curated lora bake is all you could ever need.
it's not even a controlnet model, technically
what optimizer are you using? it works with came, which is what you should be using.
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i think that i had noise offset set too high
>none of the BBC NAI mixes work on Illustrious
I thought Koreans loved blacked shit, what gives?
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hands look generally like hands, incredible
Thanks. I'm just trying out the came/wrex thing first time and noticed I kept this setting on. Would be easier to plug in settings people already tested.

Also, with batch size and/or gradient accumulation, I assume you divide your total step count by the effective batch size? Say I'm doing batch 2 accumulation 4 I would go from 2-3K steps to around 300-380? I'm doing 1K just to be safe and will test myself, but it's taking forever.
wow anon it's almost as if the recent surge in groid hentai is completely inorganic
it's almost as if you train the model first, then find out if some meme mix works on it
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cute sloppa
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Newfag here again.

I'm on forge UI and admittedly, I've been going a litlle overboard on collecting Loras and models and such. Since yesterday it won't recognize newly added Lora anymore. Is this a new or known issue? Even deleting old ones doesn't do anything, I thought maybe I had hit a limit or something but nope. I keep restarting and refreshing and newly added Lora don't show up anymore.
My Lora folder is at 10 GB btw. But I still don't think it can be a size issue since removing models hasn't helped.
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>Even deleting old ones doesn't do anything
As in, they are not removed? Can you still use them? That would suggest you're in some copy and not the live folder.

If not, the only other thing I can think of is the lora you're adding is invalid somehow. Try adding a different one to check.
Maybe update your forge. Some of the latest commits are stuff dealing with Lora filtering, so maybe they changed something in regards to your settings.
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just reposting this,
if you want to use the Euler Ancestral CFG++ and other cfg++ sampler then you need to install the dev branch of reforged


follow the instructions in the github page exactly to install it.
set the CFG to anywhere between 1.5-3 depending on the artists as some will fry at higher cfg's than others.
25 steps seem to be the sweet spot

my lora folder is 500gb so it aint a size issue
go to settings and type in "lora" into the search bar and tick "aways show all networks on the Lora page"
you're probably just trying to load incompatible loras with the models so make sure you use pony loras for pony based checkpoints and so on
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I can still remove.
I just removed a Lora, refreshed, it was gone. Then put it back in, refreshed, and it was back in the list.

Been trying to add multiple new models and it doesn't recognize them. Maybe it stopped adding new entries to its index or something and is only capable of rediscovering models that were added before? Dunno, I'm no programmer
I basically update every day. I noticed there was a bigger update than usual yesterday so I could almost swear it broke something for me. Maybe I'll have to wait for newer updates to revert the problem.
>go to settings and type in "lora" into the search bar and tick "aways show all networks on the Lora page"
It's ticked by default for me
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>you're probably just trying to load incompatible loras with the models
That wouldn't stop them from showing up, from my experience. I basically only use Pony because SD is super unstable and crappy for me.

Speaking of which; is that normal? Is Pony more stable than Stable Diffusion, or does Stable Diffusion have any quirks you'd have to be in the know about to work with? My only experiences with SD1.5 models so far were very inaccurate character depictions with tons of extra limbs and stuff.
extra limbs come from using a resolution above 512x512 for the base gen
That's still a nice Solange even with them six-finger hands.
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sometimes slop is fun
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Should I instead generate at a low resolution and then upscale? With Pony I can usually use whichever resolution I want, whereas using the upscaling functionality starts jumbling everything and creating body horrors.

Is it the reverse for SD?
Thanks! It's done on Pony actually. I usually check for extra fingers but wasn't very committed to that pic
SDXL also has a maximum resolution, only it's twice that of SD1.5, so 1024x1024. As you go higher the risk of phantom limbs increases.

There's a lot to talk about with upscaling. Butwhen starting out try to keep your denoise low and use a non-latent upscaler.
thats really odd then, which lora isnt showing up and which model are you trying to use it with?

if you can run SDXL based checkpoints then I dont see why you're using 1.5 stuff, its trained on half the resolution of SDXL and you need a lora to do literally anything
You are mixing me up with somebody else just because I type the same way. I never ran defense force for gook nor cared if anybody shared the model.
question, how strong does your pc need to be to run local stable diffusion?
any 8gb+ nvidia gpu
> nvidia gpu
40xx or 30xx rtx series?
your good?
Get any AMD and you're golden.
some people has 3e15ba0038 as their model hash and some ded7d86ad5. be careful if you have downloaded a fake model.question is which one is the real one
even a 1070 can do it
slowly but it can do it
I renamed and reuploaded kohaku to troll the localkeks and they actually fell for it!
i'm not paying you to shitpost on the clock aini
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Bros.. when it works though..
is the hash the one on huggingface has
leak nai or fuck of, aliensister
it was a megnet hint
i wonder what is that other model now. either the huggingface one is fake or the one on the magnet was fake
Box? Cool pose
better go apologize to Euge now
they're the same
The huggingface one hasn't changed since it was uploaded 4 days ago, however those safetensors you download from 4chan? Not so safe, probably
kek, told you that .safetensor wasn't safe. enjoy the miner
>if you can run SDXL based checkpoints then I dont see why you're using 1.5 stuff
I guess it just depends on the model I'm running and the character I'm looking for. For example here's one I was trying to use:
It says SD1.5 in the description.
Oh I love that kind of pose with the legs crossed and the feet up, mind telling me how to prompt it?
they have the same SHA256
Strange bait
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For all you jeet mergers out there I managed to get it merged with Animagine be careful though, this thing just fucking explodes if you merge the wrong weights. Obviously its just trial and error at this rate.
what sampler settings are those? looks sharp but very artifacty. wonder if it would be best to do locon diffs of other finetunes and downmerge them into illust
What's the point of merging this with anything other than pony? It already has equal or better style and character knowledge than other sdxl finetunes.
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for that image
for this one its Euler A,
Im just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks
I'll probably try merging it with other finetunes and slopmixes to see if I can get something usable out of it later.
NTA but animagine is cleaner. Though I don't think merging would transfer the "cleanliness", that would be cope, any kind of merge will probably only introduce more noise.
merge it with this
It will probably have the same problem as all other pony merge attempts. Pony knowledge is stored in out0-2 and that's likely where all the illustrious style and character knowledge is as well. You can only really have one or the other
Merges stabilized the base styles of both Fluffyrock and Pony heavily. It's definitely worth investigating.

Interesting, it's still a bit noisy but that is better. Might be worth looking into the cope that is separate models for t2i and i2i.
I'm gonna try to merge some of artiv2 and/or Tofu style knowledge into illustrious in hopes of making them less affected by the base style.

Since they all use the danbooru artist names and have similar datasets, I'm hoping using the Illustrious TE just works, or at least some small Clipmerges. A quick 50/50 merge between arti and illustrious yesterday at least didn't seem to immediately break everything. Pony and the everyLora TE didn't work at all.

I'm aware this will most likely have to be done blockwise, so I wanted to ask if there's specific blocks that strongly correlate to style knowledge?

>your favorite retard
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Is this too aco?
don't get fooled by the score tags, this is a full, independent finetune that borrows the scoring idea
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Welp, I managed to fix my Lora list just now. There was another update just a few hours if not minutes ago and that fixed it. Must've been a bad update causing it.
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no, it's sexy
I know we're far from Christmas but I had to do it
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I like this model.
I hope it will blow PonySlop.
it's the other way around actually, it's only possible to merge it with models other than pony because pony is too fried to be merged with anything else

It seems early to me to just start blasting out shitmixes.
testo testo
Did it work?
it's all the bakelet can do, hoping they magically make le perfect model by throwing shit at the wall
>Merges stabilized the base styles of both Fluffyrock and Pony heavily
autism is literally just pony with style loras lol
>all in out0-out2 and clip_g
Good to know. Now we'll have to see if Illustrious likes those being changed.

even more eager to get off from work now.
How can anybody look at this and say that this is not grotesque
They were born heterosexual.
grotesquely hot!
dont try to merge anything with pony you will only find frustration
It's difficult, sure. I was asking about the purpose, not the viability. What do you gain by merging it with a mostly inferior model.
after 2 years of schizo waifu posting it's surreal to see another anon post a xb3 character
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It's trolling, nobody finds that attractive.
>mostly inferior models
nta, but you said it yourself, there's a part that is at least on par, or better
there are plenty of artists that are more accurate / less fried on arti or tofu, for starters
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lol what did I miss? Do I wanna know?
Ironically I've been wanting to experiment with Eunie and Senah too before the problem started happening where I couldn't add new models.
this is genuine gen by miqofaggot despite the falseflag post
And the hope is that you get the best of both worlds instead of a weird mishmash? Alright then, good luck.
i'm only answering your question, not claiming that shitmixes are a good idea
Didn't mean to imply it's a bad one, I do wish him good luck. Worst case it just doesn't work out.
im way too retarded for illustrious
its nice for some specific artists and im having fun with sfw gens but any time i try mixing artists like what i did for NAI i just get absolute slop. needing to test between like 5 different samplers and fucking with CFG constantly from 2 all the way to 8 is just making it a complete pain in the ass to find a style i even want to use
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what was wrong with pony?
why is everybody switching to a new model despite it looking bland and generic? please explain
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It knows galko i dont care about anything else
i've trained around 2000 loras in the last two years and i think that at least 1600 of those are for the various playable female characters of the game
but how much will it damage the card? will it die much quicker?
just undervolt and you will be fine
so are the people who had gooknai early and baked loras for it already going to share them or what
Depends on your cooling solution. If your card spikes from 30 up to 90° every gen, it won't like it
The last time I shared a lora it became part of miqo mix, I'm not making that mistake again.
i hope that's a joke
give me a good yd lora and i'll never post a pony gen again
Which one? Pijamix?
if you're within the safe temps of your GPU it won't matter, not a single GPU ever actually broke from the stress of heat cycles alone
the huggingface page for the model asks that people don't share them until the 30th :)
I posted one already but I have a few more queued while I'm at work. Interested in if anyone else who's been training has experimented with using the inbaked artist tag vs not, on Fluffyrock it seemed to be hit or miss whether it was an improvement.
based goodwill protector
>tfw pijamix is made after the nai mix I posted back in the day
>I contributed to creation of miqomix
I'm gonna share the ones I made and start a rentry that uses a scraper that searches all /dg/ threads to keep it updated cuz I'm not doing that shit manually again.
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>pov, from below, <char prompt>, face focus, portrait, solo focus, on stomach, feet up, soles, looking at viewer
This was definitely gacha due to the pose and angle. Otherwise just use "crossed ankles" to trigger it consistently.
kek you remind me of a certain friend of mine
>Did something great, shared it
>Complains it is used by other people.
How this syndrome is called?
Look what happened because of what you did, what it led to. There are /aco/ sloppers out there, moe culture is in critical condition.
This model really makes clear how little pony actually knows tag wise.
it's just somehow even more schizo than arti, neta sanae whatever
it's very noisy, sometimes smeary and very rarely coherent
it's knowledge is good but that doesn't mean anything when most gens just look like shit
I exclusively use Miqomix to make trap yaoi.
It's only anecdotal but an equal part merge of arti, 4th and an Animagine finetune already felt like it had better anatomy and detail than base Arti while also having better style and composition than 4th tail and being about on par with the other one.
Only thing lost was some character understanding, but seeing as baking usable character loras is ridiculously easy, especially for ones a model already kind of knows, that's easier to fix than style and anatomy.
The Oppenheimer of slop
Isn't it supposed to know everything already? I just baked my first one today and I'm struggling. Even worse than pony, with prompts similar to the dataset it's pretty much there on epoch 10, with something different or sfw prompted the style's still not very visible on epoch 65.
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Tell my regards to your basedo frendo
the schizometer seems highly dependent on artists/loras, i think it'll be mostly usable once you throw some shit on top of it that ideally preserves the model's baseline knowledge
I made multiple LoRAs already but I'm no sharing the base model or mix until the 30th september.
Wish every baker had their own mega/rentry tbdesu. There's so much trash in the shared rentry I almost never used it and just went by anons I trust to bake well.
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yeah i use the same prompt, try a certain artist mix and get nothing but completely fucked anatomy. try the same prompt with a different mix and get fine gens
yeah it needs something akin to autismmix to stabilize it
>the guy baking /aco/ characters day 1 was a civitjeet
it's like an empty field
the soil is of good quality but a few parts are too damp and unstable

there are a few holes here and there but at least nobody took dumps in them
If you take a dump in the field it actually helps the plants grow
why does /hdg/ always feel the need for oddly poetic comparisons? Most of them are just as alien in nature to /hdg/ dwellers as the actual subject in question
>I actually requested permission at huggingface to get illustrious
>got it
>immediately leaked
i'm gonna get suspected :<
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They give it to everyone one. I requested it with a day 1 account and got it the same day.
anon... compost isn't literally just manure...
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Depends where you are. Farmers around here literally just use a combination of fermented cow piss and shit
Could have people post their loras with tripcodes to uniquely identify them.
Have some mega link :
i had jack and shit to do this summer so i helped an old lady with her field, it's right in front of my house
field work is as tiring as it is satisfying
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Just use stealthpng and you can see metadata, don't need a box.
you're just asking for a jeet joke
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read op
So I tried baking a new lora, and I gotta say, this is very, very spot on on how the character is supposed to look like, the details of her clothing and other features very accurate. Even at 120 epochs it was very good. I am impressed.

>brand new model drops
>fags just pumping out the same shitty slop as usual
even when something happens, nothing happens...
this specific artist style comes out very good on illustrious
It's "by artist" or just "artist" on illustrious?
im just putting the artist name
Lots of cool styles if you go schizo with combining tags kek
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nigga kill yourself or stop speaking in tongues
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miqo anon here, ive been playing with gooknai and im enjoying it alot, trying to find a style I like, and learning how to tame it.

You guys may be in luck not seeing miqomix as much. I still enjoy posting here and seeing all the discussions about the illustrious stuff, even tho im being falseflaged by some schizo.
finally tested gooknai today
glad i'm still paying for nai!
me, I am that schizo
>You guys may be in luck not seeing miqomix as much.
I highly doubt that guy will stop spamming it unless you want to bother making your civitai private or something, he just goes on there to scrape whatever you made to spam here
post more sexy hentai
>1150 replies
The NAI shills are losing their shit, huh?
nice try mister falseflager
"NAI shills" are all testing gooknai
it's ponysmegma lovers that are fucking malding that they have literally no excuse to post aco now.
kys nogen faget
It's not always by choice. I've been trying all day and have yet to get a single decent image out of it.
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multiple girls in one gen isn't working out super well with style loras
i think that i fucked up the captions again but not as devastatingly as the initial lora i trained so i'm not sure if that's going to be what's really fucking me here
I actually tried baking one of those halfway styles https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/7152383
But it's not sticking at all, the model burns before it looks halfway like what it's supposed to.
share settings pls
>style loras
***character loras, although this is a style that has characters built into it
I wonder what is the best way to minimize that glow because I thought it was a sampler but I'm getting it randomly depending on artist mixes where there is just a really soft glow illuminating everything
drag drop
why do they glow? are they CIA agents?
that's a kazutake hazano lora, that dude loves bloom
i don't think you can get good character separation with just a lora, despite the base model being good at it
Yeah but I've seen it on a bunch of artists that I've been fucking around with which I normally wouldn't expect to have it so heavily, maybe I'm also just losing my mind after fucking with mixes for the past couple of hours.
what's the easiest tool to create loras locally?
probably Easy Training Scripts
It's in the name
cfg++ is still too fried even if it makes things a bit cleaner. i'd rather use dpm++ 3m sde with high steps. it's just way more accurate with the stylessuper easy to see in x/y plot
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why even live then
shit's easy only in the name and yes I guess it's easier than nuclear physics, but I was hoping on an easy to use tool on pinokio like the flux training gym one, which is basically just a drag and drop a bunch of pictures and then you cook
Civitai's trainer doesn't let you configure anything, just eats your dataset and spits out a lora
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Strange things are happening
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Which sampling method is your favorite now, anon?
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euler a, 6 cfg, 28 steps. you don't need more.
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nevermind, it can totally do it. i need to fuck with the captions more i think
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Is controlnet or regional prompter compatible with Illustrious, or do we need a new model for it?
it "should" work with the SDXL ones, keyword : should.
so what's the deal with the gook model? it'll be saas but we'll get free releases of the older epochs every once in a while?
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I didn't prompt anything other than the cowgirl, but somehow it told a coherent story in 3 panels
Post examples showing otherwise. That is, if you can, pajeet.
exactly, like that, but local and free. Civitai's one isn't free I assume
it really likes its multiple views and panels depending on artist and resoluation
don't reply to it, it's a literally clinical insane faggot spending 24/7 in the thread and babbling, sometimes to itself
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I see everybody already went back to good old 2.5d shading and asura_(asurauser) with a sprinkle of nyantcha (or ThiccWithaQ as I like to call her) to mimic Pony quality.
Regional prompter is not model specific.

Someone said CN-anytest works, the "v4-marged" version that seems to be quite versatile and also worked on Tofu. As for the others, SDXL ones will probably work but be weaker, just like on pony. Pony specific ones shouldn't work at all.
pretty much the reason why nai pruned -coma and comic shit, there's a lot of it on danbooru and it doesn't really help with genning.
>nyantcha (or ThiccWithaQ as I like to call her)
Where did people pick that up? Nyantcha is a black guy.
That's very smart actually, nobody is gonna make full comics in a single gen, and if they are its gonna go full schizo and gen nonsense
I think it can be used with their "free" currency, which you accumulate for posting gens and reactions.
flux can do full comics...
which cfg/scheduler type do you use?
okay but is this flux, retard-kun?
>Nyantcha is a black guy.
Damn so she's just like me.
Why is he so afraid of Illustrious?
it's a groid, anon
don't make me get the archive link out again
I think t5 is what lets flux do comics, clip probably isnt capable of it.
so we should be using SDXL loras with illustrious not pony right?
it's attentionwhoring subhuman
cfg 4 and sgm uniform which is my favorite scheduler on literally anything. rarely i will switch to cfg 3 or 5
daily reminder to spit on noodlefaggot
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Oh, for real? Are these yours then? I searched for Xenoblade on CivitAI and there's one for almost any side character. If so then bless you, I was glad to find a Shania one. She's so hot for such a divise side character.
samefag noodleschizo btw
i haven't done one for ethel or shania since both of theirs already seemed pretty good from the previews
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Illustrious looks like a complete flop so far, deleted. Back to pony paradise.
calling that ultravanilla fag a schizo is so hilarious that im enjoying it
The only good effortposter left, unironically
damn anon, it really does look good, what number of steps do you recommend using use ?
Thread would be much better off without him and IA faggot
also Miqo anon
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Help, I messed around with the settings and now my bake won't stop accelerating.
i use 50, the minimum i'd go for is 36. the S in SDE stands for stochastic which frankly i dont understand the math for but basically you can keep adding steps, even up to VERY high numbers like 200, and the model will keep converging to an answer. unlike other samplers which have relatively hard stops at a reasonable step count. great if you actually care about quality
I feel called out, I got one in....
>>>/e/ retard
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based noodlechad
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x/y for default pos on illustrious
looks like you don't need that shit except maybe masterpiece
not cherrypicked just put some random prompt in
this plot has extra negs in which may not be good idk still testin

nice samefag
nta but this is helpful, thank you
Holy based batman
kek he isn't even hiding it anymore
Why is it so splotchy and artifacted?
>Western comic style, sloppy,
based gooks
its gook
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flux /h/ finetune never
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I'm struggling to get the artist signatures to stop showing up. Is there anything I'm missing?
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Braces are more cursed on illustrious than pony it seems.
Some of these I've tried before and didn't have any effect, "digital artwork", "very aesthetic", "absurdres"
a better checkpoint

drop neocoill or reduce his weight, for some reason AI really likes learning his watermark. it's the same on pony too.
I now realize my mistake. Order is very important, and whatever you want to have the biggest weight should be put first. For example, the view was more chaotic when I placed "from behind" at the middle or at the end of the prompt, but became far more consistent when I placed it after the quality tags.


Some anons mentioned that adetailer doesn't work, but it clearly does.
lama cleaner
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post the body horror anon
probably artist dependent, don't have it in the negs and there's no signatures
just clean it manually
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>Order is very important, and whatever you want to have the biggest weight should be put first.
yeah that's pretty much been the the standard since day 1, for negs it goes backwards, the things you want to see the least goes from right to left
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yeah it was neocoill, thanks anons.

I hope the future version of illustrious will need less fanagling.
thank you sir
>reuses the prompt on nai
sir your gen?
actually cute, btw
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It's got like headgear, some sort of neck brace/choker thing entwined with it and sharp teeth too. Also like some sort of dental visit thing where the girl will have her mouth pulled wide open. It almost never actually puts braces on the teeth.
Damn you guys were right, using CFG++ samplers do wonders with illus, time to re test all the artist mixes
jesus christ.....

there's some artists that specialize in stuff like this that probably heavily influence any tags with braces lmfao
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>Stability is officially kino now
midjourney fags forever btfo
based pony remainers
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I really need to resume my bakes and stop genning.
kino gen seconding catbox
lmaoooo no way
what will the meltdown be when the next avatar utilizes video ai or something
wasn't actually planning to gen right now....
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If you're serious...
pony hentai GODS
this, but unironically. Lots of /aco/ sloppers using the new model to slip though the cracks right now
downloaded illustrious
i don't get it, why are people talking about it again? it's.. really absolutely nothing special. at best it seems like an autismmix with slightly more character recognition.

genuine question, i'm not trying to bait an argument
i tried some of the presets on the demo and they were ass
the base style is anime-ish instead of yellow
it is, artists with highly visible sigs e.g. norza it'll show up every time and hard to neg out
now replace illustrious with novel ai in your question and you have your answer
>easier to train on
>way more character recognition
>does better with styles
>slightly more character recognition
you lost astracuck. pack it up
innate character recognition and it knows poses
if you do some ordinary tag like "salute" instead of giving you super buff girls with an abhorrent artstyle like it does on base pony it gives you an anime girl
also the concept recognition is really good
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fyi that gamenamepuipui tag isn't doing anything and is just there since it's one of the default images in the test grid for the lora i'm baking
cant do lip biting though
so what are the quality tags or negs I should use in illustrious?
Dude you sleep schedule?...
it is unclear
>it knows poses
And fucks them up 95% of the time. AutismIllust, doko?
The easier to train one so far seems to be false. At least I can't manage a single style. The other loras shown itt seem to be characters with some prior knowledge.
skill issue
it's as easy (if not more) to train on than pony
back to pony we go
yeah Im drunk but i actually checked danb after posting, didnt find anything
really nice loras btw anon, I remember using your lazylora stuff extensively back in 1.5 days.
post your gooknai lora
Are you using quality tags? You gotta go back to the old ways a bit with all the stupid meta tags that indicate quality. It knows way more characters than pony and has a shitload of innate styles, many of the innate styles are better than pony and even the loras that exist for it.

I think it might be a little worse on anatomy and concept knowledge though. Especially degenerate stuff. It's not better in every conceivable way but I think it's enough for me to switch. I have hundreds of style loras and like 80% of them can be replaced with illustrious.

Yeah I noticed that, really fucking weird how that didn't get in.
Did you try "biting own lip"
File: 00037-2849757682.png (2.22 MB, 1264x1688)
2.22 MB
2.22 MB PNG
I see a lot of words, but not a single image proving or disproving their opinions.
thanks dude. i don't think i could've picked a more fun time to get back into it
purported dataset for illustrious btw (it's auto-approve)
highly compressed webp with no deduplication and a ton of low resolution anime screencaps. why the fuck is everyone with the capability to do a large scale finetune mentally deficient to make such glaring mistakes that waste so much time and effort?
I mainly think it would look interesting for cyborg girls

its giving me odd results not like yours tho.

I would just steal someone's settings, but no styles have been posted somehow
as if it wasn't that easy
There is no way around the 4chan community booru, whether you like it or not
>many of the innate styles are better than pony and even the loras that exist for it
which ones? so far i haven't found any illustrious artist tags that work better than good pony loras
for styles I'm actually not so sure. At least not at the moment.
I'm kind of with >>8221215
I can manage to get some things to stick perfectly fine but others seem to fry really easily and don't actually take all too well if you manage to ride the line before it does fry.

that said it's been a literal day and I haven't been able to test all the shit I actually want to test.
just find any decent pony lora and copy its settings. so far i haven't had a glaring issue doing that yet
more pool action next thread please
hdg has been in a really, really bad state for many months but it's certainly more interesting now with the model release
so yeah, good timing.
well that explains why it looks so blurry and full of artifacts lmao
any v7 news since the official update last month?
because Auraflow? really?
This is literally not the same dataset that was used to train the model
>>Dataset: Fine-tuned on Danbooru2023 Dataset
Nothing about this indicates how compressed it is or whether deduplication was done or not, dumbass. The "dataset" in this repo are spreadsheets of file paths and aesthetic scores.
ryuko sex
New Thread:

A few days ago he had finished captioning 1mil out of 10mil images, but he also announced that he's gotten more hardware so the rest should be faster. Think that's about it
Not sure I'm getting this right, are you making a lora? Because if so, please share, that preview looks dope, and I could not get the style right myself
30 million images, 30 million low quality images
Illustrious was doomed before it even began
i'll post it when it's done for sure anon
mind sharing your training settings anon,the previews looks promising
all settings i'm using for this bake should be the same as the pony version in this folder (plug the lora in additional networks extension and it'll give you all the params). just a disclaimer though i haven't updated most of these for a long time so i'm sure some of them might not be optimal or best practice. and also this style is particularly easy to train because of how different it is
thank you anon!
if you need the dataset or whatever lemme know and i'll upload it too
>You gotta go back to the old ways a bit with all the stupid meta tags that indicate quality


score_8_up (korea)
>old ways
lol. lmao even. how many people joined this general after pony released
be optimistic and imagine him, dropping those new epochs, those beautiful safetensors files
>cropped (like animagine)
Why did they do that?
untreated mental illness (the animagine creator once went on a rant about how pornography would destroy society)
It's also probably a matter of available memory.
AFAIK memory use with each extended context token is huge so they'd need insane levels to serve everyone with 128k.
Though I agree, if they announced at least 16-20k I would have said fine, they are finally trying something. But 8k, even uncensored, even actually private, that's not enough now.
Especially when it's about stories, not rp.
Still waiting to see someone post examples though, I'm curious if it's finally less dumb and actually uncensored.

Why is everyone talking about a leak then? The model is there? Or is there another one?
Because it was leaked before it was officially released. It's semi-released now and will be fully released on the 30th.
I wish they used tagging as captcha or something.
How to get rid of that "burned" feel when it has been generated?
Is there any way to clean that?

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