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NICE Edition

Previous Thread: >>8218821


Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
Maintained fork (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge



NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Features: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Features
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070/controlnetxl-cnxl | https://huggingface.co/2vXpSwA7/iroiro-lora/tree/main/test_controlnet2
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/iopaint-lama | https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscaler models: https://openmodeldb.info/models/4x-Nomos8k-atd-jpg
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
List of useful A1111 extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgtemplate/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

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Previous Thread(s) Highlights
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kill yourself
Hey I made it on, thanks you are very nice to me so I am pro highlights
kys noodlefaggot
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NTA, but it sometimes works. It is strongly dependant if there is nothing else interfering with the mouth. For example, when I added vampire fangs, it gets confused on what to actually show. Italso does the same for hair accesories, if you decide to add extra moe to the girl.
it's over localsisters...
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It's so sad. This model has the potential but it clearly shows by itself why it's an old epoch, anatomy is such a mess, I guess that's what we have to deal with when you get a deprecated epoch of a saas model. The gradio version was far superior. Not complaining tho, Angel is a very humble dude for doing what he did, specially when talking into count he is part of a saas team. Hopefully, at 9/30 he releases the finetune notes and tips so it allows for someone to fix it's problems using maybe a synthetic dataset, like Euge and friends
Or who knows, maybe a mix will save us again...?
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illustrious isn't that good edition
>Angel is a very humble dude for doing what he did
doing what? he's just acting in the best interests of his company by advertising his model
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>not an illustrious OP
Behead freetards.
Slit freetards' throats.
Laugh at freetards' dead bodies.
if he sticks to what he said about releasing further trained versions then gooknai is our hero. if not, meh at least we have this one oh well
you think IA schizo is even capable of distinguishing pony from illustrious?
And just like that Euge is our last hope once again. Let's hope he can learn from the Illustrious failure
So glad I'm still using NAI
Always bet on Astra
Lot of very interesting experimentation in the previous thread but rather give the anons more time to cook so took the 69 pic for the 609 thread.
if it would've been kurumuz instead, the leak would've been some kind of aom 1.5 that when you use it, it puts "fuck you local" at every start of the prompt
don't bite the hand that feeds you, anonie
says the guy who only used nai3 because of the free accounts that got posted here
it doesn't seem any worse, my pony styles look like complete shit on base pony
kurumuz wouldn't release anything for local in the first place because he's not a fucking retard
but can illustrious into caught, walk in, ntr, age difference
I hereby declare this a text thread
exactly. you have to give credit where credit is due: he actually released something he didn't have to
But I released v1 you fags
but he did have to do it if he cares at all about monetizing it. a week ago nobody outside of korea knew about onomaai, and a week from now everybody on civitai will be talking about it
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that's true. that's why i'm waiting to see whether he's gonna actually release later versions like he's said he would
Yeah he spent millions on a cluster to train shitty outdated text models and img models some korean/ponyfag is getting close to replicating with 1% of that. Very smort maahn. Its a miracle the fucker was able to make anything at all.
I guess in that sense yes, if we're waiting for a mix to improve things
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you act as if this model doesn't come from a company with access to a cluster too
however it is indeed true that we could have had a model this good with just a 4090 if local bakers didn't all have a massive skill issue
illustrious is unsalvageable, almost as bad as naiv3. guess I'm going back to basedmix.
don't let jordach see this
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Did you make a proper dataset? I have been making loras of obscure characters with almost no fanart (50 images at best), and I am getting good results.
Can someone provide me with the catbox or prompts required for this image?
I said styles
using the same dataset as for the pony version
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any lilandy aislop archive? or JAB aislop archive?
nope, wrong board for that
>asura (asurauser)
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... surely you can do it yourself?
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Trying this new model and it's not terrible but Nai3 is still far far superior. Granted I last used nai a year ago before even Pony was a thing so the upgrade felt unreal at the time,might have a case of rose tinted glasses
Very poor quality images itt. Sad!
>yet another model that focuses on something lora already do instead of improving anatomy or backgrounds or composition or anything
I'm trying to make a sequence but damn it's hard to keep consistency in the design of the character
hm this is pretty good
fun fact, if you do just "asura" on pony without the asurauser it gives you some shota bat-demon, it's even strong enough to overpower 1girl
it's pony
its pony
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I love pony so much bros
nah it's a correct one
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unfortunately it isnt quite there on poses compared to pony
Upscaler fucked up this image.
This but NAI
any nice controlnet working with illustrious?
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I look like this
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Alright, since I only really wanted to change artist comprehension, I obviously used very small ratios of arti to merge into illustrious and used the entire . It still changes the result a bit, but that was to be expected.

Since I've seen many anons say that it doesn't get yd well, I used that as my test.
I don't have a clear mental image of what yd should look like, but comparing base illust, the merge and some images on danb, I personally feel like it might be closer in style, so I feel like my idea wasn't completely wrong. Obviously, I'm biased though, so gonna need some second opinions.

Only real thing that it might be worse at judging by these first gens is the eyes, which is disappointing, but could just be because of low sample size. Can't tell yet.

Gonna test some more styles and concepts, and maybe try some slightly different weights, but it at least seems to be doing something in the direction of what I wanted without frying the model.

Illustrious images:

Merge images:

Merge parameters in the workflows

Also, thank you to >>8220993 for recommending those sampler and cfg settings
prove it with a selfie
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Upscaler really fucks Illustrious outputs. Will need a dedicated upscaler for it eventually.
enlighten me

learn how to use controlnet tile already.
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agree, you need to push the upscaler res alot more than you need to do in pony, but if you have enough vram or use tile upscaler then it works fine fairly well

bing bong ching chong virgin virgin to you too my quirky grass devoid friend :)
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What upscaler do you guys use now?

>literally no explanation how
this sperg has been trying to push the tiled controlnet meme for years now kek
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Illustrious knows who Guts is, lmao.

I am happy to report that regional prompter works without a hitch.
skill issue edition
based65 is still the meta.
post the first suspended congress gen you get
drag and drop it into controlnet directory.
use i2i for upscaling, rename it to whatever you want if you like. use whatever upscaler you think is hip, trendy or cool(you'll have to set the default in settings if you haven't already, just type "upscale" in the search field and scroll to the "upscaler for img2img" option)
set controlnet settings to something similar to this
and crank denoise anywhere from .6-.8
Just make sure you're not using a stochastic sampler(so no ancestrals).
>pony defense force has nearly exhausted its supply of copium after just one day
genuinely can't wait for the v4 meltdowns
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is this pony defense force in the room with us, anon?
He's afraid
gooknai even with asura (asurauser) isn't nearly as sexy as pony
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Hi, late to the party, downloading Illustrious.
It doesn't look that good but has anyone tried a merge yet? pony as a base for anatomy + character and artist data seems really good in theory.
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You can make semi-coherent comics with Illustrious.
What is this, full nelson day?
Why is it so splotchy and artifacted
looks like a no neg problem
It's pony
pony is poison, id rather merge with literally anything else
Becayse coolkyou.
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I haven't really had any problems with lora training on illustrious, here's an example from a gud0c lora (gud0c in illustrious is pretty bad), just trained the same dataset I did for pony but took out score tags. Gonna dump all the loras I make in the thread on the 30th.
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it's over for pony...
This just goes to show that character and artist tags actually matter
1girl, 1boy, sex, vaginal, pov

is all i will ever need on any model
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There are issues with detailer AND upscaler.
Crazy to think how far we've come in such a short span of time. I can't imagine how advanced AI tech is gonna be in ten years from now, in 2029.
Add melon22, which usually trains super well whether it's animagine, pony, arti or Tofu, but for some reason doesn't work here.
There seem to be issues with artifacting due how the dataset images were up/downscaled and compressed. The newer epochs oddly don't have it as bad, but it's super noticeable after a while.
Those do look like some of the cursed CGs /d/ posts in the humor threads so not all is lost.
So just like pony than, wonder if loras can help like they do on pony.
I just do a regular hiresfix with esrgan-2x or remacri at 0.3-0.35 denoise. If I want to add a lot of details I add anytest and raise the denoise to 0.5-0.6
Tile CN is supposed to be better for this, but it's either too weak or adds seams.
so what are some artists that work on illustrous? do we have a list?
define "work"

I don't even bother with tiled upscale or upscalers, I just send to img2img and then set resize to 1.5 and denoise to like 0.5 and rerun with the same prompt. If I start getting deformities then I'll drop the denoise a little and keep trying. It only works up to like 2x scale though, after that it gets really hard to avoid deforming without setting the denoise to be super low. If I want to upscale beyond that point then I might use 4xNomos8k but then you're talking like 8k x 8k which seems excessive.
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wow thanks, and is there one for characters?
Go on danbooru and prompt artists above 700 images or so. Can go lower than that but this model is undertrained
I don't remember base pony being *quite* this bad with artifacting, its main issues were overfitting and color burn. The Illustrious dev talked about the scaling process in the Touhou AI discord, apparently everything under 768x was tossed and everything under 1024x or above an unmentioned threshold was scaled up/down... with Lanczos. So if you've noticed the sketchy/scratchy linework with certain style combos, there's your answer.
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*schizo training blog warning*

Alright, I think it's time to give up. It's just impossible to properly switch SDXL to flow matching. You would need to have a fucking H100 supercluster. Heck, I bet it is hundreds times more difficult than switching the latent space, which kinda makes sense if you think about it, and even if you managed to switch it, at this point you've lost all base model knowledge. This is fundamentally different from vpred switching.

I guess one thing I didn't try so far is generating a dataset using the base model and training on that to try to make the model forget less. But it's likely that it will just fry those images into itself anyway and won't remember anything else.

Actually, I've had another thought. This insane computational requirements stem from the fact that fullres 1024x is kinda expensive to train. And, well, maybe you can teach the model to simply handle noise at low resolutions, eg 256x256, then scale it up gradually? Fuck.

Another related thing is caption dropout. Reading SD1.4 HF page I noticed that they only started dropping out captions since 1.3. Why is that the case? Is it really required for the model to simply understand the noise?

Probaby related side note: I tried frying single image into it and now after roughly 8k steps my loss is avr_loss=0.00111 and I'm seeing this fried sepiaslop which probably indicates that something is wrong with how I implemented flow matching after all? Or maybe it's just a CFG thing?

And one more side note: my learning rate is 1e-5 which roughly matches the LR SAI used for SD1.5 given I'm using Lion optimizer except my batch is 85 times smaller.
I recognize that style and know what kind of man you are...
Not yet, but it does play nice with a lot of the popular ones. Any obscure waifus you will need to make a lora for them.
>everything under 1024x or above an unmentioned threshold was scaled up/down... with Lanczos
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>wonder why i ever thought illustrious was even halfway decent
>do one more gen with saitom
i don't think this even looks much like him but it seems to improve composition and anatomy a lot regardless
Yeah, this one:

Negative prompt: multiple views, muscular female, dark-skinned male,
dude go try base pony NOW
its dataset was compressed with jpeg TWICE and its VISIBLE as FUCK
If the character has under 300 posts, using appearance tags makes them more recognizable. Above that, name alone is usually enough
that list is a dump of every artist on danbooru ordered by post count. doesn't necessarily mean they work well.
I love bananas
nta but i also don't think base pony had this many artifacts
it reminds me more of arti v1 if anything
Pony is like a gacha with 100% chance for R, but no shot at SR or SSR. Meanwhile Illustrious gives you a 1% chance at SSR, 5% at SR and 94% chance for trash. NAI is guaranteed SSR anniversary gacha btw
jeet merger here, Pony is VERY difficult to work with merge-wise due to how it was finetuned. Even then, it might just do more harm than good. Its far better to merge it to an SDXL model rather then a Pony based one. Its also the reason why Pony has its own exclusive set of LORAs rather than the universal SDXL ones

gib box
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No matter how schizo I make my positive/negative prompt, the model never breaks down kek
Probably because of CFG ++ having such a low cfg scale
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As a newfag here I'm happy to see my Sharena in there, thanks man.
So far this gotta be one of my favorite Lora, it's insanely accurate for a character of middling popularity and with a somewhat zany design.
Nai is trash, you can't even train cesgpo lora. Next Cascade epoch will blow it away either way.
>its gook
why is it so blurry?
it's gooknai
I can handle blur, but I cannot handle pony.
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Works on my machine.
Is it just me, or does it really love foreshortening?
>plump, belly
finally, can prompt that without making girls landwhales
that's a very good cheek poke, it never comes out well on autism

what did you use to train the lora?
does the blora thingy works for illustrious?
shinemaxxing, catboxing cause you guys hate shiny stuff

You have no idea...
The things I've seen...
but this is based shine, nothing like usual shit
nobody hates shine, but if you can't tell the difference between this shine and miqomix shine, I'd get my eyes checked
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The neg just gets more schizo..
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Weather, see-through, wet clothing, poses, lighting... very promising. It just needs proper upscalers and ways to remove the blurry and pixels.
Any tips for better anatomy? Using quality tags and schizo neg already
this gen is mostly good but I'm starting to develop illust-o-vision and the artifacting is becoming too apparent. the lines are clean, but it's like there's a thin layer of dust on the screen. I wonder if it can be salvaged with merging or even varying upscaling techniques.
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>it was timestep schedule fuckery all along
Well, the only unfortunate part is that it does not work with CFG.
> Its far better to merge it to an SDXL model
Yes, but those are shit.
The holy grail is to win pony's stability without obfuscation.

I am theorizing perhaps a subtle merge may work. Think of it this way. I know for a fact that obfuscated data can be recognized mid-denoise, or by inpain/i2i, that is, unpromptable stuff triggering. Perhaps if fed nuggets of data it can serve to de-obfuscate stuff.

Then again, if it is as you say, even a skewed merge may be doomed
saitou masatsugu
idk why
Yeah but I've got it to the point where I can tolerate it. Base pony was way worse than this to be honest, will have to see what happens with loras/model merging/etc....
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No matter how high I crank the CFG or the tag weights, I just can't quite hit that elusive Illustrious-v0.1 aesthetic. That chef's kiss of grainy textures and slightly melted, oversaturated colors that takes me right back to the golden days of base SD 1.5 schizo prompting. Alas.
so it's useless then?
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A bit closer I would say, feels like it might be because he actually drew barghest. Kind of surprised illustrious didn't know her swimsuit form though


Gonna try with someone else
>better anatomy
what do you even mean by this?
you mean proportions or the fact that body is fucked in certain poses sometimes?
no fucking way you used 1.5 faggot
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I think it doesn't work with CFG because I trained using just one image. But maybe I'm just wrong and CFG just doesn't work with flow matching, wish someone knowing would actually respond.
the jeet fears the effortposter
I'm prompting for a simple pose and get mangled limbs, odd poses and slenderman arms/legs constantly.
>mangled limbs, odd poses and slenderman arms/legs constantly
it's gooknai
it's illustrous
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was It that easy to figure out its me, kek
I'm relatively new to the local prompting game but messing with pony for a couple months now I don't think I ever changed from Euler A and a CFG of between 5 and 7.

Now with Illustrious I feel like I'm having to change my sampler every time I edit artists or styles and bouncing around between a CFG of like 2 and 7. I feel like I'm going to have to wait on people way smarter than me to figure this shit out
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i changed 2 things in your first image and it's instantly coherent
well, it's the state of this model right now
try with different artists and mixes, the fact that they are underbaked doesn't help
didn't tested that much yet, but it seems that with singular artist it's more prone for fuck ups
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SGM uniform really is the quick hack for this model at the moment huh
>saitou masatsugu jeanne d'arc alter \(fate\)
>t. promptlet
in case you're wondering it's the cfg, stop using 7, ever since fuckin endgame 1.5 mixes like 18 months ago you've wanted more like 4

and if you want it to draw a pussy put the word pussy in the prompt
if you gen the image with and without a comma it's like 99% the same
Habeeb it.
I've used cfg 5 at the beginning and it's the same wonky anatomy. Also I have denim shorts in the prompt, but it refuses to draw them sometimes
Didn't say that's what caused it, it's just funny that every time someone is complaining about a model, not even just illustrious, they post prompts with obvious mistakes.

It happens, but at least only post those you actually checked. It's embarrassing to see.
Its probably possible with a little elbow grease and trial and error but like >>8220807 said it seems some of that knowledge is trapped in those specific blocks. but I get what you're saying, some of the blocks that correlate to prompt adherence and composition are probably just stuck in one of those. its probably possible to "extract" it out of Pony somehow and transplant it into illustrious.
i was just checking over his prompt again and he prompted denim shorts AND completely nude, lol
kill yourself redditspacer
We got a phd in prompt engineering over here
controlnet status: CN-anytest_v4-marged works great.
Yeah the shading is still off, but it's on the right track at least
oh, and solo AND solo focus, lol
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Less of a difference when I don't pick a character-artist combo that's in the dataset
Stack many artists tags :)
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why is it so melty?
Works well on pony to keep it from generating additional clothes associated with the character tag
why is it so full of jpeg artifacts?
he was posting his garbage last year with the same disgusting style but it wasn't blacked shota hags
that's stupid, those are mutually exclusive
object permanence status?
I cant see it so it doesnt exist
All (me) btw
all 3 of those are different people
>but it refuses to draw them sometimes
because you told it shes nude moron
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Men should be masculine and handsome. Girls should be feminine and pretty.
if you're going to do that you need to put emphasis on denim shorts, like completely nude, (denim shorts),
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they fight each other, naked wins over the whole body while shorts wins its small fight

It's like when you prompt bodysuit then add bare legs, it's supposed to be a full-body suit but it turns into almost a leotard
gooknai sisters, our response?
anon, you should falseflag with the real miqo, not some anime style pretty picture
Why not just prompt "leotard, long sleeves" then? Why bet on the model reading your mind.
I usually just down weigh completely nude to 0.8, but that's not really the point of the gen
that'll work too
>he can almost connect his thumb and index finger around her thigh
so then add leotard and bare thighs to negatives, are you a gacha addict in prompting as well as phone games
Sometimes there is no convenient solution like that
you're just having a skill issue
Try consistently prompting for a cross-laced bikini like this on pony. The tag won't work. But if you add bandeau it'll get it right 100% of time time, despite bikini and bandeau being mutually exclusive.
Why Jordach still didn't bake? I thought Tree organized everything a week ago when he was still at the hospital?
thats cool but not really what we were talking about here which is the absolute dog tier prompting in these images >>8221523
>zero nai posts
did illustrious actually kill it?
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illustrious got it first try
he decided that he doesn't want to bake the 3.6b model after all
nah I played around with illustrous and it felt like strictly worse, but posting nai right now would feel out of place
gooknai is maybe 50% as good as nai if you're being generous
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finally, some good fucking food
This can't be real.
i fucking love asian women
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Second serving
What's dog tier about it? There's a comma missing and I went schizo with the 1girl related tags because the model doesn't like 1girls.
the only real model for the real hentai lovers!
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Hi-rez is tricky on Illustrious

holy /aco/ slopman
i'm sorry anon but it's real
Jordach status?
just one more epoch bros, fuck im excited
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what model is this? Anatomy is fucked so obviously can't be pony
Jordach here, the next upcoming epochs will will decimate you gook model
it's pony
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I never would have guessed. I thought pony was perfect.
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Anons, plz help. I was applying the gamenamepuipui style from the one anon earlier (thanks btw). I used this lora https://civitai.com/models/455287/gamenamepuipui-style-pony which worked fine (see first image). However, for some reason, the images come out fried and horrible. I have no idea what causes this, any idea? Emphasis mode is set to no norm, btw. https://files.catbox.moe/4msmtf.png https://files.catbox.moe/yxlp03.png
You're using a pony lora on not pony
What do you mean? Those images are pure pony perfection.
>the images come out fried and horrible
*some images, I meant
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What model/style is this?
it's nai
>The creator of this Checkpoint has set this version to Early Access and as such it is only available for people who purchase it. This Checkpoint will be available for free in [BOLD]13 days, 19 hours, and 49 minutes[/BOLD].
when pony anatomy breaks, it's at least easy to spot and fix. Not like illustrious that turns everyone into eerie, boneless sacks of flesh
What the actual fuck is that
What is he babbling about? Complete nonsense, detached from discussion.
Why didn't he fix it then?
Why would sloppers ever fix anything?
Messing with illust
Does this shit have an equivalent to quality tags?

Anatomy/perspective is very often garbage, god forbid you attempt a dutch angle or foreshortening
sampler makes a big difference, install this https://github.com/Koishi-Star/Euler-Smea-Dyn-Sampler or use euler/a cfg++
use sgm_uniform or alignyoursteps for scheduler
set cfg lower than 7
I see. So pony for sloppers, illust for non-sloppers
more like this general for sloppers
Aight, thanks a lot man

Stop giving the village's retard (you)'s, you dumb cunt, he doesn't give a shit just posts bait 24/7, ignore him
Why is yd always hopelessly fucked on all new models? It's not fair. Asanagi fags never get the short end of the stick
Why are your trying to switch SDXL to flow matching? Isn't it just another method from the very beginning?
I trained an Illustrious lora on my 5000+ image pissfag dataset (same one I used for my pony lora).
Pony example: https://files.catbox.moe/plpjq7.png
Illustrious: https://files.catbox.moe/2iknhi.png

Same prompt, same seed. Only quality tags were changed to match the model. I've done a lot of comparisons between the two, and the Illustrious one is much better. It has better style, better concept knowledge, better consistency, and just seems more flexible.

Regarding style, the sketch-like hand-drawn tendency that Illustrious has is easily overcome by the lora. Base pony style is actually even harder to counteract. I think all the pony, furry, cartoon shit in Pony is poisoning the model, and anything you train is always having to fight against it. Illustrious with the lora looks more like pure anime to me, whereas pony has this cartoonish style leaking through.

And for concept knowledge, at least for pee related things Illustrious knows way more than pony. This is probably true for a lot of tags. As a result, the lora does not have to work as hard, so to speak. And as a result, extremely niche subconcepts (like holding a bottle and peeing in it) is learned more easily on Illustrious, since the base model already has grasped most of the basics.

tbhdesu I think pony is basically obsoleted. It might take a bit of time for loras and style finetunes to happen, but it will happen, because Illustrious is really fucking good.
So fried it made me hungry
the most aesthetically pleasing jeetmix
I've noticed the model is also more diverse/unstable. Every seed will be drastically different. Sometimes the character will be out of frame, sometimes another will be there even with 1girl, probably because of the comics in the dataset.
Peak pony aesthetics.
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why does Illustrious keep frying my milfs >:(
you are using a lora for the wrong model
You already got your answer, stop using pony loras on not pony
I managed to get an equine/horse penis by prompting dark-skinned male
sup, it's autism mix still the best?
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My bad I'm blind and stupid. Still, the fried colors consist when I remove the lora
That's my thought as well. We really just need to figure out the best way to train loras. Technical report on 9/30 which will help.
we're using realhd_emeraldbabes_ponyreal.ckpt
Your CFG is way too high for this model, ideally use a CFG++ sampler and set CFG to 1-3 or just lower it to like 4-5
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Sloppa time.
Can a lora bake start to nan halfway because I tried using the GPU for other things? I though it would just slow down, but the timing fits. Two epochs before nan the loss suddenly jumped to 5x and 10x.
what could they even say that would help with lora training
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hag tits
Does anyone remember those "slider" loras for detail and shit? Maybe that's what we need kek
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That did it, thanks a lot Anon! The lora works great on Illustrious, even if it's meant for pony
Impressive. Very nice. Now let's see Rukia's tits.
Seems unlikely. More likely to OOM or something.
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Same parameters as for Pony and it works well.
At least for character, artstyle LoRAs are pretty weak
>Every seed will be drastically different
That's a good thing, and means the model was trained a huge variety of images and wasn't overfit. See bigASP as an example of another model that acts like this. Just make sure to put solo in positives, and comic, multiple views in negatives. I haven't had much problems as long as I prompt it right.
I did nothing special for the lora, and it turned out better than pony.
please stop closing every single sentence you post with "kek", you're not a character from a visual novel written by a hack japanese author who is so bad at character voices he gives everybody unique 語尾 to compensate
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yd is not that bad?
don't know why the lower half looks so shiny lol
how do I train a copier lora?
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i didn't think hdg quality could drop any lower but then the gook model released...
can illustrious do white backgrounds?
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Yes Brother
milf mammaries
Cascade is the very definition of "potential man". Dude genuinely is missing the forest for the trees. There's genuinely a good dataset and prompt adherence. But using a funky base that can only be used with Comfy makes the model a nonstarter. If he just swallowed his pride and used SDXL there would already be a great model for furry/anime. yet some Korean just slapped Danbooru without censoring or intentional compromise and is about 70-80 % to NAIV3. Cascade is bafflingly inept at simple things like character costumes
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engineered for paizuri
Whats the visual difference between good NAI gens and good Cascade gens?
You're too generous with her bosom, brother. Tone it down!
>about 70-80 % to NAIV3
nta but my style struggles still. I've spend half of today rebaking and it still goes away completely in some mixes. Feels just like pony, except a trigger tag doesn't solve it here.
if he pruned 4komas and used a rescaling algo that didn't suck ass it would be 70-80%. right now it's maybe 60%, though the newer epochs look better
>if he pruned 4komas and used a rescaling algo that didn't suck ass it would be 70-80%
maybe but that's not the world we live in
what rescaling algo do u want him to use
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only real hagfag can come out with style like this
It just came out, keep your panties on. Kurumunz daddy will still love you no worries.
there are plenty of bicubic implementations that are way way way better than lanczos especially since it's better to get soft results downscaling absurdres images than the jagged sharp lines lanczos gives
looks like groidys style
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you know, one was intended for shitpost. this is honest
Can you do Soifon? No model do her twintail properly
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I don't know how to prompt the model yet so I ran a few of the ones itt. No upscale or adetailer, cause it's a pain to set up in comfy from stealthpng and not real metadata. Bottom right is an example of it not doing much in some mixes.

Try it out if you want. If it's bad it'll go away in 3 days anyway. https://litter.catbox.moe/rz0yxn.safetensors Prompt is "tenk", he's one of those western artists pretending to draw hentai. I like the faces though.
It's Hero Neisan. Could easily be a pony pic, he's innate and looks very similar there just darker.
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just slapping a few low weight style loras and DPO onto this seems to actually be diling back the schizo
style loras are working as a form of DPO in their own right I think, just slapping ANY on immediately improves the artifacting
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its haggin time
>gooknai is just as bad with backgrounds as pony
background sisters... not another L...
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MiqoAnon, give this model a shot, it's great
do share, i'm just using the defaults
it's gooknai
skill issue
>skill issue
prove it
Now we just need a schizo combination of loras to make another autismmix
if you're looking for upscalers for SD you should be using a GAN one, I recommend Remacri 4x as always. The scaler for the dataset is a bit different since you want an algorithmic implementation or it will be slow as balls, which is probably why he chose Lanczos.
It's the reason why styles were difficult to bake on pony, and I see the same here. Every seed is drastically different and the lora's effect strength changes along with it.
oh... you're right these backgrounds are quite... blurry/melty
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owari da...
Are you actually prompting background features or just like "grassy plain, masterpiece, background"? You need to prompt for features or it will be unfocused.
awesome scenery background, lots of plants and vivid detail, scenery landscape, nature, trees, vegetation
it's nai
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I have been, i'm having fun with it.

as a nai user, im really glad to finally see some fucking hentai posted as opposed to that plastic shit posted here for almost a fucking year.

congratz anons, please never go back.
see you next week
thank god the shitposting can finally come to an end
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have this box instead, better clarity

looks like NAI backgrounds lol
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my criteria for judging new models
>can it do asanagi out of the box?
yes, good model
no, shit model
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did the meta change while i wasnt browsing? im still on autismix
i wouldn't be so optimistic
pony slop will come back and shitposting along with it
anime styles never looked fantastic on pony but with some loras wasn't so bad, notorious aco slop posted here was always intentional
I worry for this general. Once the radical purists are allowed to take hold, this thread will be stuck with just 1990s anime screencap style and colored manga panels.
Holy fuck the pony images really stand out now
we should have mid thread highlights
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>spaghetti box that has the prompt in 5 different places
even as a comfy user I can confirm it's pretty bad
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yeah they actually look good by comparison kekypow
Wearing your sserafuku (Japanese for school uniform) to the beach? She crazy.
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lemme try to convert that for you
no guarantees, I'm not 100% on A1111 syntax

[:masterpiece, best quality, very aesthetic, 2023, absurdres:0.3],
1girl, solo, black hair, purple eyes, twintails, (streaked hair:0.5), breasts, nipples, fellatio, penis, pov, licking penis, paizuri, pov crotch, 1boy,
by yd \(orange maru\), white background, uncensored,

[:worst quality, low quality, artist name, multiple views, lowres, :0.3]

AYS 30 steps
CFG 8 to 4, Linear down
832 x 1216
those pubes are amazing
such it is when you only have danboory
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it's stealth whatever thingy, just right click
I edited the image in photoshop a bit, here is the original with metadata before upscaling or anything
thanks, those negs are great
Ah, thanks, yeah I saw others mention it, but put it off. Gonna install it now.
catbox please?
I've added so much schizo shit to that prompt it just started forgetting to add the monster and what not, but going full schizo is fun...
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now this is what /hdg/ is all about
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I wonder if he really needed those 22 outfits for illya here
based. was pretty much monkeys paw the manga
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probably not. i was trying different iterations and left that in
I-I want to lick her
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the image already has the metadata. use the stealthpng extension


heres the catbox anyway https://files.catbox.moe/mx70op.png
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based sexy hentai poster
>Isn't it just another method from the very beginning?
It kinda is
>Why are your trying to switch SDXL to flow matching?
It's fun when you see it finally starts working
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so flexible
possible experiment: once the UNet switches to latent - noise, finetune it with COS_MAP timestep sampling (check OneTrainer for reference)
Are those square brackets accidental or are you indicating to only use parts of the prompt after a certain step count?
nta but it's an old trick
quality tags and all negs limit the seed variance. If you only apply them once the composition is more or less set in stone, they can improve details without that side effect.
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wrong door, wizard
I just need to go to bed... I'm tired... It's late night
I thought so, but the syntax was weird
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Are the euler cfg++ fucked on reforge? Fresh install no extensions. DPM++ CFG++ works. https://files.catbox.moe/ed3r48.png
dppm needs karras scheduler
At least the normal one, I didn't know there was a cfg++ version. Everyone's using euler A cfg++
nta but euler a cfg++ always looked worse then normal euler cfg++ for me
did someone break the framacalc artist table, looks all wrong now
I'm sitting here enjoying my 2s gens with nai. Feels good to be a naichad!
Background bros...
I wish there was a "boring angle" tag.
Oh, so he's one of those schizos.
Why do we have so many of them in this space, it's so weird.
yeah someone sabotaged it
you can go to older versions and rollback, it's just the latest one that's wrong
It hasn't bothered me too much but maybe try dutch angle in negs
>makes it in
Based Gooknai.
nice feet, made for footjobs
I'm saying Euler a cfg++ is frying on me but the other cfg++ samplers aren't and I don't know why.
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cosmap (blue) is very similar to mode (green), but at least it covers the edges unlike lognorm (red). I don't think this would work with Flux's resolution-based timestep scheduling nicely (although it doesn't work for me in the first place kek)
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>finally get a style to come out decent
>girl looks cute
>prompt a guy
>absolutely disgusting looking dick
Does this model just not know what penises look like, is that just a western thing?
at least the difference in shading is really significant
needs uncensored dataset instead of danbooru
yeah Soifon is kinda shit as expected
I had to drop all my "close-up" tags to "foreshortening". That nigga really gives you close-up.
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try downloading the dev branch if you haven't


if the problem still persists then go to
setting->type in nrom into the search bar->select no norm

should be fixed if not let me know

have you found any artists or ways around this?

Kinda really killing my enthusiasm when 95% of gen testing consists of looking at eldritch abomination penises.
is the consensus that this is a budget nai? or can this model do stuff beyond nai?
Ok I figured it out. Negative Guidance minimum sigma doesn't work with cfg++
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Is there any comfyui workflow recommended for ponyxl based models, like the new "
Illustrious 0.1" one ?
I have a webui dating from sd1.5 and never touched since then, so I'd like to start over.
shinchan looking ass
Nah, I'm using dpmpp 2s a cfg pp.
You should try it. It's good.
hard to tell with character and style knowledge, there's just too many to test. I think they might be on par. The rest is ass though, base style, anatomy, poses...
>dpmpp 2s a cfg pp
People just coming up with stuff at this point
thats actually good, could be a background from a shitty vn
Default flow works for XL as well, just throw away the clip skip node.
nta, i had problem with dicks being swapped with dildos randomly
after adding it to negs it solved problem but also if i'm not imagining things, it looked more normal
I love these transparent play stuff, nice
it's not even close to nai
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its not even close but it shows the best potential out of all the local models atm, this is probably the safest horse to bet on.
I give up for today
assuming the problems are fixed in later epochs, not made even worse
Both. Closer to NAIv3 in characters and styles than any other local model, worse at clean images. But potential to surpass it is there, seeing as the creator promised later epochs at some point and this model can be finetuned as opposed to NAI.
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Hot Stuff.
>jordach promises improvements in later epochs
>everyone laughs at him
>angel promises improvements in later epochs
>everyone is hopeful
why the double standard?
kill yourself

because I can't afford 25 bucks monthely for nai and I want to prompt hentai.
angel already has the later epochs and is posting examples. Could be cherrypicked, but it isn't just hopes and dreams like for jordach
I like the idea of the futa witch using cum in her potion making
you should give up on your life
nta, but we'll know how good it is when people get the hang on how to promptmax. For now it's as if you went from SDXL to pony or nai, or from pony to nai or nai to pony.
If you copypaste a prompt from either into the other you're gonna get suboptimal garbage because the models don't have the same quirks.
That's why it's probably dumb to play with it for 20 minutes with your [other model] habits which likely don't work and conclude anything.
For me, yeah it's pretty trash, but think back on how long it took people to git gud with brand new models.
We just have to wait until his company realizes they cant compete with NAI/niji/etc and than angel will be free to release the model as he is the only developer.. *huffs copium*
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because jordach proto is absolute garbage and you need uncomfyui to test it
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That anatomy makes my head hurt
OK I'll try, thanks
Also mixes. The messy base style actually reminds me a lot of base pony, both the way it jumps around different compositions and noisy character outlines, both of which got fixed pretty quickly with autism. That also made style loras easy to train.
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What has Jordach been up to these days anyway.
Apart from the asshole, what's wrong?
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damn didnt notice that lol
He had a revelation that the sun light and the humidity in the air was interfering with his last epoch training so he has been putting aluminium foil on all his windows
It would still look odd, even without the asshole. That whole area is unsalvageable
Agree on styles.
The other thing sort of lacking which most people won't care is background, angle and perspective coherence (I always gen with backgrounds). But this is also somewhat true for NAI v3.
Given both are danbooru only, it makes me think somehow pony's furry data is responsible for it. Not that the ingredients make the cake, but, that's the most obvious difference.
Fortunately it's shortcomings can be mended with custom mixes since now everyone has access to it, as you suggested.
Isn't it a realistic possibility that just no autismmix tier mix will happen for illustrious?
Gonna be honest, I don't see it
People will certainly try, which tells me it's only a matter of time until one succeeds. Given that we now have at least four pony mixes at a similar level, can't be that much of a long shot.
depends how popular the model get
it's not like autismmix was particularly hard, it was just a merge of two loras one with a clean basic style and a very low strength aki99 one for hands
I don't think that's a factor. The big strides are shouldered by king philosopher autismos with an altruistic disposition. Hell, they are probably tinkering with it as we speak
autismshitmix was fucking garbage and the biggest source of sepia for the last 8 months, why would you want something like that for gooknai?
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back from vacation, I will try to keep breasts above a grabbable size from now on (and not describe my images with the c-word that makes people have tears in their eyes)
The mons pubis is too far away from her navel and the whole pubic are seems flat, when it should be slightly rounded
kys pedo faggot,
I'll gladly offer my allegiance to the king in yellow for good hands and stable styles
Yeah, didn't notice before, but you're right right. Been genning so much "foreshortening" stuff that I think my brain's been desensitized to that stuff
Anyone ITT ever had any experience using AI to color a B&W sketch or anything similar? I assume you can i2i using the sketch as a controlnet but is there anything else to that process?
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No, it's pretty simple. Just use Anytest, keep denoise pretty high and put "greyscale, monochrome" in your negs.
use anytest
anytest for sketch
anytest for photo
anytest for pose
anytest for art
anytest for anything

high strength, define colors, boom,
Not a requirement, but it helps if you at least bucket fill with some base colors. Controlnet will enforce the lines, but the model itself cares about areas of color rather than outlines.
Sorry, i use xin, sir. (promax, sir)
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Not sure how they're getting out of this one bros
don't worry about it, sir
it's a good controlnet, sir
which one was anima again
we're getting too much new shit I can't keep up
yeah we wouldn't want to ruin the magnificent color range of illustrious like autism ruined pony
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remind me again what anima is again?
Well for one thing, she could just melt the ropes at any time. You messed up inpainting her horn btw.
That's just photoshop blur, brush was too big. Fixed now, thanks sir.
sirs I really have to poo
congrats on making the obvious deduction that anybody with eyes to see and who saw the gook's previews also reached (even though you were at least 3 months late to it)
I'm still team euge tbqhf.
>n-no saw it on trooncord first!!!!
weird seethe but ok
please write in english when you post here sir
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>reuse schizo nai prompt
>throw in arti negs
not bad
Thanks for the advice guys
snowing cum
btw the artist: prefixes aren't necessary for illustrious, the creator himself doesn't use them so I doubt they're trained in
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Everyone should use anytest
but can you make it even blurrier
can you at least blur out the ugly 3dpd before posting here
>illlustrious doesn't know nezumi
It's over
blur my nuts in your face
yeah of course a guy like you is a fag
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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand again
some threads even have the spammer's bumps back-to-back
cry some more kek
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It seems that using the artist name as a tag in LoRAs is beneficial. This was something I was never sure of in Fluffyrock, but here it makes a world of difference.

New thread btw:
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We're on Page 7.
Don't you have some cascade epochs to bake, jordach?
epic bro, nice
pony and illustrious thread split when?
Put the bodystocking back on and tell me if it consistently gets the fingers too
Adetailer plugin fixes eyes and hands fine, but what do you do for things that lack a detection model for it, for example feet? Illustrious seems to mess up eyes, hands, feet as many models to, but maybe even more, adetailer fixes eyes and hands by doing scaled up generation, but I don't know of any way to define a custom mask for it when there's no detection model suitable, how do you it? If "teach a man to fish" doesn't work, point me to an anime foot detector checkpoint for it.
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So now that cascade is actually dead, who the FUCK was he? was it all just a larp? or was he actually in contact with the elites, capable of obtaining infinite GPUs only to be stonewalled by 'low and slow' jordach and the cult of the 3050?
pony really needs separate containment thread
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camonome my beloved
But I am impressed how Illustrious got covered inverted nipples
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Man, my old style mix looks way worse in this then in HLL+Fluff. I guess I'll try and run my old artist wildcard on it.
You're in luck.
Tree is a fucking mystery, like why is he even associated with Jordach?
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It needs some guidance, but it's generally pretty good about it. Low weight "fingerless gloves" helps.
nice youre finally realizing that EF+HLL was peak with styles and every local XL model since has been nothing but a downgrade. there is no escaping non-vpred XL
nudenet can detect it, but you have to code sending the bounding box numbers to the adetailer
thanks my dude
I might just be unlucky as fuck then, NAI has me inpainting them more often than not, no idea Might just keep gooknai around to make wife gens.
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but I hate upscale so much, it's unreal
I don't need any gacha while I have upscale
my ears
Can you share a catbox? How do you get this slight see through?
nta, but probably "see-through clothes"
no idea why** fucking hate kuroba
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I know, right? It's great.
Did upscaling somewhat fix her right shoulder/arm or was that separate inpainting?
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melt-o-phone kek

will upload catbox soon
RAUnet works amazing on autism mix compared to gooknai. Wonder why this is
People are struggling to find a good sampler which might be related
Maybe the model is just undercooked?
It's amazing how subtly fucked up the anatomy is in nearly all gens.
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The styles feel a lot more true-to-artist on this model, though.
it is undercooked, it's 6+ months out of date
of course it is thats literally the point
What's with all the misgendering towards Angel in this thread? Please respect the fact that its pronouns are it/she/angel.
Can someone convince kohaku to further bake it for 4 or 5 epochs?
*with vpred
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damn that was fast, SHUT IT DOWN
is there gonna be a major difference from this relase and the official release on 9/30
This is the 9/30 release
What's so controversial about this? Shion is supposed to be small chested. And malnourished.
no, same model
this was like early access
i reposted it in the next thread because i forgor how slow this board is
mods = gods
On a bigger finetune the loss kinda plateues around 0.645 and refuses to go down...
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>page 11
how is this allowed that one person can completely take over a board and force threads to deletion? what the fuck?
someone bake a new thread
this is not a real thread, it's a shitposter thread:
No one cares about ai slop
simple as
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Just lucky roll, no inpainting. And I am not sure why do you think it's fixed? For me it seems broken more somehow

white shirt + wet panties + covered nipples in positive
(wet shirt:0.5) in negative
and camonome in pos of course
Here are base catboxes (used SMEA for this)

Here are upscales (I can't choose). Used simple Euler A, as SMEA doesn't work (very blurry) on upscale
Explain what's wrong with that thread without sounding mad.

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