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File: stop.png (5 KB, 182x239)
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/h/ is already a slow board but now we have a schizo spamming all the threads with BOT posts like "bump" or "nice thread" every fucking thread or just tagging the OP without saying anything. Just to spam, just to kill the thread. Is there no mods on this dead fucking board? Jannies, hello are you here? Do something please.
It's the drawthreads, it's always the drawthreads. Some poorfags who are desperate to see what they want drawn think that if it's a new thread and they post their request again it'll be different from the previous thread so they try bumping other threads off the board so they can make a new one faster.
Why no bans?
whack-a-mole just gets another IP
I'm not sure this dumb spammer have any idea how to change his ip desu
given that he got banned at least twice with his spam deleted, and is still going... I dare say you're wrong
Uh uhctually, to make a new one the drawthread has to reach the bump limit first. Anyways the current one is still only at 200 replies so that shit is pointless.
I'm pretty confident it's actually coming from the Hentai Diffusion thread. Every time it hits the bump limit a new wave of bumps hits every other thread. It just stopped, and the new Diffusion thread was created an hour ago.
Normally /h/ is slow but very recently and at certain times /h/ isn't so (page 10 - 11 in <2h(??)) A butthurt ntr faggot on the loose?
Why his uncle (who did the fag dry) forgot to cut off internet in the basement is mysterious.
That looks more likely. Here are three threads made within a similar time:

My guess would be someone got butthurt about something in those threads, maybe over what kind of sloppa is allowed, and is trying to take over making the OP for every new one. Since spamming AI slop moves so fast it looks like the etiquette is to wait until the thread is on page 10 before making a new one so this person is likely trying to take over while technically staying within any rules and norms.
Ban AI posting from this board, it's already full of western disgusting art all the time and now we have AI... ffs

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