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Now that E-hentai aka Exhentai is a fully fledged paywall/slavewall, will a successor rise up?

Previous thread: >>8170827
bot OP is bot
Nobody cares, if you're not raping the servers if won't affect anyone.
it's a bot meant to trick retards into snitching out more free hentai sites so they can kill it like nhentai.

the bot is controlled by fakku and the other jewsites that demand cash for doing something google fucking translate can do for free.
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>a successor
who would purposely loose money on the infrastructure on a high def hentai image hosting website.
I dunno the background story around ehentai, but its doing what any enterprise is doing, making money to keep the lights on.
You are a mentally ill newfag and subsequently a fakku shill for blatantly lying to scare other mentally ill newfags into only using a website that fakku has complete control over
Yet you replied, Tendon lackey.

And you're going to shit up this thread by spamming the exact same thing like you do in every other thread because you know newfags only read the OP and the last two posts.

Note how you refuse to answer how somebody reading an image is a "bulk downloader" and "hammering the server" aka using up more bandwidth than machine translated AI slop that has used up 220 TB on Exhentai.
Alright so clearly a schizo thread then.
It turned into a schizo thread when you found it, resident schizo aka fakku shill. Maybe kill yourself instead of concern trolling so we can have a normal thread for the first time in a decade.
So, you want to make a new website?
I'm up for working on it but who would fund it?
no need for funding, according to the resident schizo it will make millions

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