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Zoom Layer Edition

Previous Thread: >>8225619


Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
Maintained fork (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge



NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Features: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Features
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070/controlnetxl-cnxl | https://huggingface.co/2vXpSwA7/iroiro-lora/tree/main/test_controlnet2
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/iopaint-lama | https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscaler models: https://openmodeldb.info/models/4x-Nomos8k-atd-jpg
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
List of useful A1111 extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgtemplate/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

RRat: Spammer is now even making the threads that are past the bump-limit as to remove the buffer between /hdg/ and the board limit.
This is honestly the funniest way to shitpost as he isn't breaking any rules at all but still able to terrorize an entire board
very nice booba
The funny thing is that I have heard they would ban you for less in other boards.
please sir, no more, think of the saas users
you can also just dump all the acoslop here, as long as it's jap ip or oc, never gets deleted anyway
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The character shouldn't matter either way, only the style.
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Wait. Is that a pokemon or a human cosplaying as one?
that's some good looking fabric
its nai
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It's a pokemon
If you can't tell, does it still count as furry?
ofc, but it does
some time ago anon got warn for western ip characters in very clearly anime style and my comment making fun about it also got deleted because that's questioning moderation
you can shitpost here with any civit slop as long as it's "anime" like mario, ff, doa or zelda
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do you mean those latex shorts or the bedsheets
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Weird, the rules are pretty clear on that. Style and origin of images, not content. I used to post anime-fied Raven whenever it was brought up, and never had any trouble.
the shorts, very nice shine
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ok last one
I haven't given up on it yet
is the verdict out on illustrious yet?
pony killer or worthless abortion?
it died in less than 24 hours, no more updates as it is going full closed source
slop worse than animagine
It's pretty damn neat. Interested to see if some finetuning can work out the issues with it. Styles can always be introduced with LoRAs but the inherent character knowledge and not having a fried TENC is insane.
pony sidegrade
better for /e/, styles and characters; worse for sex
blows Tofu and Arti out of the water at least
That's sad but expected. Would someone take up the challenge and try to do something with it? Is it even worth it to try?
very interesting eye in this pic
pretty much seems to be the model /e/ dreams of
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angel's still willing even if the worst case scenario occurs, would need a new compute sponsor tho
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why doesn't he just provide compute to wdv who have had their shit together but been hung up on not having compute for months
Cause wdv are a bunch of western troons?
because they wouldn't have Control and wouldnt be able to go closed source after model 1
Isn't wdv just one person again
I'm sick of solo bakers' ego trips
it's like 3-4 iirc
sir, sexy hentai goes to >>8222118
the only ones i know that're confirmed working on it is neggles & derrian distro, probably one or two more
>troll thread
no, it's pony containment zone
wdv had all the compute in the world and we saw what that gave us, as long as failggles is at the helm busy dilating instead of baking we're never seeing shit from wdv, give it up
NAI still unmatched
That's a nice MILF
*in certain areas such as bbc and loli
It's been a while since I checked /hdg/

What's new? Is everyone still using autismxl?
Well at least there is that.
We don't generate images anymore
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I never stopped using Nai
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I'm getting whiplash from the sudden anime
sounds like they would give you few days of access to them for open source model, kick you out and train their own closed source one on the stuff you provided them for free
but can it do doc croc 2.0
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Baked a illustrious lora for 2 hours,realize i didn't change the model from pony
Why can't I escape it
I assume that is Yaia (6 years old), correct?
I assume this is the pony gen and as such "not anime", correct?
That is an asanagi lora with a japanese gacha shit character.
come back white man
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It easily beats launch pony
imagine finetuning a outdated model instead of waiting for the latest one
>having their shit together
I'll unironically sub to nai if v4 has a 16ch vae. So sick of this blurry mess after getting fluxpilled
very nice
wish there was a way to have the hands like you are weighting them
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Sort of. I had to add dreadlocks, goggles, green bikini and then it starts to figure her out, but can't get the mask right even with multiple attempts, tagged or not. And other details are missing or wrong. Still pretty good for 250 images I guess, at least for an overdesigned gacha character.
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maybe with "breast lift" if you get lucky enough with the model going schizo
Probably nobody is interested in this, but this is where all the Illustrious discussion is, so...
Female peeing / wetting / desperation lora for Illustrious: https://civitai.com/models/800565

It turned out really well and it only took one attempt. Better than my Pony version, which is why I'm of the opinion that Illustrious will basically obsolete Pony with time. We don't need the v1.0 model, the version we have right now already has more potential than pony and is more than enough. This lora is a good example of how you can emphasize and expand on concepts the model already knows pretty well. And the sketchy, messy, hand drawn style gets cleaned up by the lora as well.
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>There's now way in hell they gave tits to a 6 year old
>check bio
>holy shit
anyway 10/10

never played granblue I just like all of the doujins

here you go
Obsolete pony using concept loras? Those are the reason we moved to pony in the first place.
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neck yourself sepia nigger
>the sketchy, messy, hand drawn style gets cleaned up by the lora as well
Then your concept lora failed, because it is not supposed to style or composition beyond its scope.
No what I mean is, the illustrious lora is overall better than the pony lora, despite using the exact same dataset. Better style, better variety, better learning of niche subconcepts, better everything basically. Illustrious feels like it has a broader knowledge base and more flexibility than pony, so probably any lora would turn out better on it. I guess only time will tell, but if I was a betting man I'd bet on Illustrious.
am I wrong?
Might be good news for a finetune. I would prefer we not need loras as much in the future.
ponysloppers containment thread
You're not technically wrong, but no concept lora is pure 100% concept with no style changes. The model doesn't know the difference between style and concept, it just learns everything about your images. The only way you could get a completely pure concept lora is to only train on images that perfectly match the base style of the model already, which is never true in practice.
cum tribute lora
loralets btfo
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Then I believe this is the right thread for me, as my artwork is inspired by traditional Eastern styles found in anime and hentai.
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Someone please make an anti-foreshortening embedding, this is getting ridiculous.
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I hate having a 4gb vram gpu. Back when it was 1.5 era without reforge improvements i wasnt even able to go beyond 768x768...
Have you thought about getting a better gpu?
I'm not the noodledude, tho
the opposite of pony then uh?
kys yourself noodlecunt
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Sorry anon, but your waifu was so cute I had to try and copy her and put her into the centrifuge for extensive g-force training.

Also Illustrious learns fast but some artists are deep fried and you have to turn down strength a little.
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Wrong number.
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short king bros...
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the illustrious experience
but can it do pirate croc...
it's pony
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Post an image and i'll think about it
yeah working on it atm. i am definitely buying a new pc
heh, no way

Also I found out tricorne is completely overfit on genshin's Clorinde. There aren't enough pirates on danbooru.
so crocclose... yet so crocfar..
Except it can't do backgrounds. And by now most people got brainwashed by the highlighter, so those are a necessity.
>heh, if i mention myself in third-person people might play along!
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made by first illustrious lora for an artist I like. The artists name is KCC_9646. No activation tags.

ohhh I thought you meant kccc
well those starry eyes are kind of cool
based, moe miqo
Why did nai train in fp32? H100s have a measly 50 tflops there, that's half the power of a 4090. Compare that to 1.5k tflops in fp16.
because they can
unlike localkeks and their shitty underbaked 1000 step loras, nai doesn't make quality tradeoffs. your post reveals your ancestry, it's clear you care more about rushing shit out the door than delivering a top-quality release.
didn't know better
You could use mixed precision or switch during finetuning
no, mods ban autismmix when it gets posted
Think people actually go back more than five posts to check who you replied to?
Do you even have a reason to feel insecure?
Hope they trained v4 on h200s at fp64 then
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Why is it so artifacted
Normally knights go on quests to obtain lots of artifacts, it's a common fantasy trope
where is her anus
The Demon King must've stolen it
holy hips batman
they trained in TF32 mixed precision, not full FP32
Loras turn out real good and accurate on Illustrious. Has anyone tried or succeeded merging loras into the Illustrious checkpoint? All my attempts have ended with the result looking way worse.
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Thigh cam
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basically this but small instead of large breasts
So that's all it takes, huh?

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Do my Furinas look like slop, anon?
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no need to apologize anon, I've done way more fucked up things to her
1girl... standing...
on the edge?
Peak AI but please consider making a nude version if you have the time.
>Actually draws her specific heterochromia.

Nope. Not at all.
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I guess I'll just go back to these two trains
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Thanks, anon! Anything you think I should focus on to improve?
Possibly also train her vision/accessories to get better results.
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based negs btw
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1girl standing is its own art form.

Illustrious sorely needs a detailer.
IllustriGODS I kneel
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illustrious just works
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>illustrious fucking up colors
Any idea why?
unironically post more please
CFG scale probably, for me it functions almost like a contrast slider
Why is it so blurry?
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Because it's focused on the foreground, anon

Non-AI pic for comparison
Damn, I think you are right. But lowering it makes the picture look worse too...
so this is the power of 5 loras...
>pony loras with gooknai
what are you doing anon
they're really confident in this new arch huh
v4 is gonna suck your dick and call you a good boy while you gen
it doesnt have to beat anything except local, and they already are by a wide margin. v3 was a competence moat, v4 is an intelligence moat. without SAI to spoonfeed shitty base models to finetune, local will have absolutely ZERO chance of catching up
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why the fuck does illustrious do this duplicated/shifted shit so often? i'm already having to reduce my upscaling and lower denoise way more than i ever had to on 1.5 or even pony. is there any snakeoil that can help remedy the duplicated navels issue?
just use anytest on a light weight when upscaling
ty, very nice style anon.
can someone provide the easiest possible guide to try fine tuning flux? I have 24gb vram and like 2k images tagged

Is it better to just do a lora?
>24gb vram
bare minimum for a full finetune is 75gb
do a lora
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mashu my faithful wife.....
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Do you think euler or DPM is coming out better?
Anytest has an upscaler? I thought it was only for controlnet.
you use anytest as a controlnet when upscaling
upscale your original gen with esrgan
use that as the anytest input
I feel like the sampler is the least of your problem
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both look really bad, sampler doesnt make difference here
Ngl if I didn't look too closely at this, I'd assume it was actually M-da
It is, I hacked his pc.
Who the fuck are you
Ayakon more like BEGONE
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you are delusional
it's pony
looks nice to me, are these all seething naiposters?
So trolls are trying their best to push pony out of this place huh? You literally can't post a pony pic without being ridiculed now. What the fuck is wrong with some of you?
no one on either side likes Ayakon garbage
why is it so curry???
yeah it's shills angry that ayakon does art unachievable by n*i
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So post something, you disingenuos nogen twat.
what schizo shit are you even talking about
rookie numbers
aaaahhhh! sexy hentaiiii!!!!
fuck astroturfer
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a poster often adds a username to filenames, this has made some people very angry
issue is that he posts fucking garbage
illustrious really is fucking shit at upscaling nude bodies wow
it's pony
can't expect much
raw slime girl /ss/
cant seem to do seethrough x-ray
that's true but his posts are especially awful
it's mostly fine just not the flat anime some people demand here
>flat anime
my favorite strawman by acosloppers, add also that from 90s or something
disney pony posters should be bullied out of here now that we have a real model
kohya made it work on 10, 12gb
though it would be very very slow
it's bleak, boring, always shitty expressions and full of tiling upscale artifacts like vaginas growing from armpits
"it's not le 2d" is a shitslopper cope, plenty of good posts that aren't flat but look good
wasnt it loras he made work on 10 & 12
he did, but he also recently made finetuning work by switching blocks between gpu/cpu or something idk how it works
Am I shadowbanned?
I cannot make prompts now, but did you add see-through body?
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what are all these and should I care about any
local snakeoil nonsense to cope with their 1epoch finetunes. just ignore it
yes I pushed the weight pretty high too but I havent really done extensive testing, maybe it would work with pov cowgirl
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There are about 300ish images on danbooru you can use for training though, should that fail.

she knows to always come back.
box please
guys whats better $1699 worth of Anals? or 5090?
Use Perturbed for slightly better detail consistency.
>5090 at launch
>5090 anytime within the first 4 months
idc about new releases but if a 5090 launches I hope for cheaper 3090s
think of all those pony gens you can whip up
I'm on a mission
try $2k+ roru
Thank you Bro.
5090 so you can bake 25+ loras until you realize the base model is simply shit then the intrusive thoughts start creeping in about how you should totally try training your own better finetune as you reach for your empty wallet, sadly realizing just one is simply not enough
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omelette du fromage
you mean $2599
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Anons I have a scene idea but I have no idea how to do it and I'm not seeing any loras for it. Basically, I want to have a girl crawl through a vent or some kind of tight space with a back view angle. Any tag ideas on how to do this? The tight space is the hard part.
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try tags like from behind, stuck, through wall, ass focus
model a tunnel in blender, just a few cubes stretched, flip normals, cut some of the cube faces off if you want
put a random character model in. pose the character, light it, render out in eevee or something quick.
sketch over it in your tool of choice to add character specific shapes for clothing, expression, whatever else
img2img once to apply style, inpaint to refine.
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order up
you are out of your mind if you think that most people are even going to go past step1
easiest way to do it is to find a pictures close enough to his idea, do some change to match what he want then send it to CN
My cute onsen wife
OUR wife
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I was thinking about how interesting it would be to recreate all the Tsukihime H-scenes in the remake style, and maybe have someone port them in or at least have them put next to the text. There are decent enough loras for most of the characters now, but getting the poses just right is tricky.
just i2i the original pictures with a style loras on top of it
i2i with denoise set low enough (not too low) that it changes the style, not the composition, use anytest as well to help mitigate changes that might be cause be the denoise/LORA
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That's what I've been doing, but there are issues with that. First, they'll stretch a bit, which will look a bit wonky. One solution I had was to expand out the image. Here's an example of one of the CGs expanded out, before I did it.
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The issue is, for more complicated poses like that, like with one arm behind her back, it's more likely that you'll get either both or neither. Not to mention some of the character loras are a little shit and have some artifacts. Wouldn't look as good as the real game, obviously.
this is literally what anytest was made for how are you struggling
thats so fried what are you even doing
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>score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up
calm down slopmancer
it was actually an old gen I img2img with illustrious
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Be my guest if you want to do it instead. But even the preview images for the remake Ciel pony loras are pretty fried. And I don't know what anytest is.

This is a different lora which had a bit better results, but still not amazing. Don't know if doing all the CGs would even be worth doing with results like these.
what's thenbest way to upscale?
> the zankuro lora works in flux
I will have ripped my dick off of my body by the end of the day
based wife enjoyer
Second this
Why censor
Blame Illustrious, not me
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Never mind, blame me

I'm retarded
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>prompt 6boys
>get 7
NAI is such a joke
Find the reverse trap
Is there an ADetailer model that looks for both hair and faces rather then just the face?
Less than one week remains until the NAI two-year image-gen anniversary, where they will surely begin the teasing for V4. I can't wait for the ultimate sour grapes
Could try this, do it in another pass, first hair then face.

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yeah but can you gen *obscure character or OC from long forgotten media*? I thought so.
OUR wife
wow its the same style and the same positions and the same shtick yet again
here is your based nice wow great
thanks bro
now time to go restart that router
wouldn't expect anything less from troon general
reset complete
Okay, how do you install anytest?
There are like 32 different files here. I have no idea which one to use. I'm using A1111 if that's relevant.
Illustrious sure likes to alternate between poo and great with every other gen
there is some guy on twitter called setsu with 300k+ followers using ai and pretending they don't, they do weird engagement bait undress games on alt accounts. looked at their kimono and its the most low quality NAI gen's I've ever seen wtf. seems to have an insane amount of patreon supporters too
how the fuck do they even get this many with such low quality content?
>setsu with 300k+ followers using ai and pretending they don't
shuten-wife anon, you're inspiration to us all
just use this at like 0.7
really stabilizes all the samplers, making it less gacha
all the top earners use nai. i dont get why freetards dont just buy a sub. they could literally fund their own finetune if they all coordinated a massive slopbucket and pooled their funds together. guess they just aren't that smart.
I haven't done this in a few years, is SD1.5 still fine or is there better shit now?
Theres other stuff but you don't need them as 1.5 background are SOVL
why can no one recreate how backgrounds were done on 1.5
cuz i don't want them
Why most of the preview images below look so dull?
Find me a checkpoint that can generate Eliza Leagan. No, I am not questioning you. I am fucking begging you. I cannot find any.
you can't post loli porn there
just how ancient are you?
I was browsing 4chan when it was called Raspberry Heaven. I had to hire porters to get my manga. My first eroge was in Win3.1. I am an originalfag.

>spent the last two years with without nai
>somehow you expect me to do so now
you really expect people that didn't cave when the last versions come out to cave now
you seem to misunderstand. if everyone switched to NAI things would simply be boring. there's no fun in that. the true drama emerges when the SEAtards/freetards start sour-grapes seething, defiance slowly withering away as all hope flees from their posts, their ancestry betraying them as they collapse to their knees begging for keys, a pathetic act so etched into their very DNA.
that is the true art that transcends all other
>SEAtards/freetards start sour-grapes seething
you keep calling them this but they're the ones who can afford a gpu instead of just a 25 dollar monthly sub. i'm beginning to think this is just projection from a poorfag
any developments for AMD cards recently?
It is kinda weird to hear that, I have rig that cost me fucking 4k but I "be freetard" kek. I just have a habit of not letting my penis think for me financially, weird I know.
that guy is a shitposter but "freetard" doesn't mean what most people here think it means
>no gen
poor people are poor for a reason. they make impulsive decisions that are bad financially, and then make excuses for why they had to make those decisions. the "your poor for not paying for nai" is their cope for burning 25 dollars a month in the air because their penis likes ai images and thinks for them
not saying that everyone should pay for nai but if 25 dollars a month is of any consideration to you, you are already piss-poor african-tier, yes
>anon pretends like it's not known that a minimum wagie makes enough money for a 25 dollar a month subscription
nice zinger anon but you're still a retarded poorfag. 25 dollars a month would be a consideration to any wealthy person (aside from retarded nepo baby millionaires). the fact that you think a 25 dollar a month purchase isn't worth caring about "because you can afford it" is exactly the same type of mindset poor people have. are you poor anon?
25 dollars a month is 300 dollars a year. If 300 dollars a year is a serious financial burden to you, then you are poor. I don't mean that as an insult. It's just the truth.
Why the fuck would I though? Should I just go subscribe to every fucking thing in the world, just cause I can afford it? Bro you gotta think a bit more about self, this aint healthy.
"Freetard" means a foss fanatic, not a poorfag. Calling everyone who doesn't sub a "freetard" isn't a correct use of that word btw, it only applies to people who melt down due to mere existence of nai and closed models in general, like we've seen with gooknai where freetards immediately started seeing shills in their walls while asking for gibs.
>ignoring the point
congrats you learned how to do math. want to say anything actually relevant, because you just sound like a broken record at this point
I'm a different guy. Plenty of people think you're retarded, not just the nai-shill. I don't pay for nai because I like open source shit, not because $25 is a burden
if you're gonna pretend to be different people you should at least change how you type. why are you so shit at shitposting?
please do post the screenshot of these posts after unchecking the you box. this is the next step in your epic shitpost right?
25 dollars a month for a thing you enjoy and actively use is not much, yes. If it is, you are actually destitute.
>because you can afford it
Because you enjoy it. If you don't, I don't see any reason to pay indeed.
No? Pay if you want to use it. Or you think I'm the falseflagger shill? I don't care if you use nai or not, especially now when there's a local alternative that doesn't look like fucking vomit.
that's the beauty of it all. you can buy 4x5090s and you still won't get near the quality NAI offers. that's the quintessence of the sour grapes war, and PRECISELY why they get so sour.
that's the beauty of it all. you can buy all the cluster and you still won't get near the quality FLUX offers. that's the quintessence of the NAI Shills war, and PRECISELY why they get so pissy.
so if them being poor has nothing to do with it why do you call them poorfags? i think you're unironically poor and compensate for it by trying to make fun of people who can afford a gpu because you can't. after all, anyone that can afford a decent gpu and afford a 25 dollar sub if they chose to. maybe one day you'll get a raise so you can upgrade your gt 430 to a used 1080, rajeesh. keep hoping!
>muh text on signs
is this really the best local has to offer? pointing to a model they don't even use as some sort of gotcha? they cant even point to pony or illustrious because even they know they suck. pathetic state
>he can't think of any way to denigrate flux other than bringing attention to the fact it does something nai can't
truly mindbroken shitposter
why are you getting so worked up over a blatant shitposter. you okay anon? lol
>despite shilling flux every thread, he still can't manage to find an /h/ finetune for it
even localkeks can't help but beg for handouts
how can I get free anals?
>non response
wait for kurumuz to start dropping keys like he does every release, and hope you're faster than the rest of mumbai
Poor NAI shills can't even imagine a world where kurumunz will deliver a model that will actually follow prompt and do details correctly. It's ok bros, I love melt too
i'm serious
guy is literally using thread as a toilet and you keep replying to him like you're having an actual discussion
i was just thinking about what motivates someone to shitpost like this. it's not even funny and it's been going on for so long i'm starting to think they're not being ironic. look at how many posts he's spamming now that someone actually questioned him about it
the only one melting here is you, freejesh. go back to your greyscale underbaked scraps
he's mentally ill
either actually hates freetards to the point that he comes here every day to remind everyone about it
or a falseflagger nai hater who wants people to hate nai and justify making a split general
either way, severe mental illness
why is no local baker tuning flux??? didnt neggles work on flux? where's waifu diffusion flux?
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As passionate as I am for seeing my favored girls in better checkpoints, I cannot afford it. 2500 for a GPU is waaaay to expensive.
it's too, freejesh
Why are you having a meltie, bro?
Is it because of that gooknai situation?
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Troongles didn't work on flux directly, bfl fired him and he lost access to their cluster so has no compute. Not that anyone should've expected anything regardless considering the "results" he gave when he had access to their cluster were even worse than jordachs ever ascending 1b epochs and he had to keep redoing everything because he was too busy ODing on estrogen pills to double check his code. Where the fuck were you people for all this that you keep bringing that troon and wdv up, it literally just happened
How do I enable tag weighting on kohya? I can't find where it's documented
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Nvm I'm blind --weighted_captions
If I remember correctly, pn is for pony models, am is for animagine, and the "marged" versions can do both. Pretty sure higher dim is better, but slower. I've been using CN-anytest_v4-marged_pn_dim128 and it's great. Just pick the right one for your model and drop it in your controlnet folder.
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Thanks for sharing your loras and configuration files yesterday, anon. I think I am getting some really accurate results with them.
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However, getting things like tacet marks rights is a challenge, at best. I don't know how to properly capture what essentially is a tattoo, of sorts.
Holy shit you got controlnet to actually work, I can't figure it out
Why do you people act like gooknai is some otherworldly new architecture? It's SDXL, bro. Any SDXL CN works with it.
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It's the guy who can't figure out how to enable controlnet in general, saw him in previous threads. I wanna help but I only know comfy.
nice, shes gorgeous
This place feels a lot less hostile in the morning, I can actualy post gens. Or was it all just one guy?
Mostly one guy. From what I gathered, there's a "schizoanon" who wanted to go pro with ai art and start raking in money with NAI, but when nobody subbed to his patreon and he couldn't afford it anymore, he got bitter about it and now tries to drag others down in these threads.
Realistically, how much of an improvement is naiv4 gonna be?

Oh you don't believe me? You must be that schizo.
I hate how artifacty Illustrious is. It looks like deep fried jpg
Box ?
Here you go
Its so nice looking desu, I can see what you mean on the detail of the bra, can't you use HiresFix to get rid of that?
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Yeah I could but having to run another pass just to smooth things out is a pain
I gave another VAE a try and it helps too, with colors as well
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>blender \(medium\)
>puts blender into the image
here we go again
>girl holding plate
it's clip
visually not much, but their custom arch is going to have some feature that local has been begging for and it will make people seethe. something like proper multicharacter composing or an automatic hand fixer
>like proper multicharacter composing or an automatic hand fixer
Only thing capable of character composing right now is flux and I doubt their model will be anything near that.
you don't understand what a custom architecture allows for, do you? Flux is a generalist model. novelai using a custom arch means they can bake things into it to handle use-case specific tasks like multi-characters by encoding information beyond simple text captions. will they actually do anything like that? who knows.
Big Illustrious grid with tags like monochrome, greyscale, sepia, gradient, cel shading, etc
If they can pull it off I'll be impressed but nothing in their credentials screams they are capable of something like that. Happy to be proven wrong though.
those aren't actully mnochrome or greyscale huh
meaning they're likely to have side effects when used as negs
Hotaru, yay
my wife
I came to her so many times, so glad she can be reborn in the AI age
yes AI has been immensely helpful for getting new pics of characters that don't get art anymore
>pencil skirt
>holding pencil
What's so special about this generic-looking character design tho? Looks just like any other flavor of the season slop girl.
So has Illustrious full release been un-cancelled or something? Or did I fall for shitposting and it was never cancelled in the first place? Nothing on either Civit or HF suggests it's not coming.
it'll come it'll just be... a while. for context this current model we're using was made back in april
Wow this made me instantly hard and I'm not even into this kind of stuff
?? what dis?
>What's so special about this generic-looking character design
she's my wife, simple as
are you holding out on us, bro?
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i FUCKING hate elves and would breed her disgusting race so fast its unreal
On one hand I agree, but you could ask the same about so many other girls and not get a good answer either.
That's how anime hags look like.
I really fucking hope that this place can eventually heal from pony brain damage.
Your wife deserve more cum
Don't. That just makes the elf problem worse
guys, chill, i'm just messing around merging these two into illu >>8225956
it's not actually autism version of illu, kind of a meme, but somewhat better than base
agreed but I'm done genning for now, but would love to see someone else's take on her
Oh yeah I've tried using the Some style for Lora too and it does get a little bit more stable
I wish autismanon was here to tell us what he actually did with autismmix. I know he used the Smooth Anime https://civitai.com/models/264290?modelVersionId=298238 which probably helped with keeping the style and anatomy coherent
So what are the actual differences? I can see it, but can't put it into words. Less shiny skin outside of the highlights?

My wife leaks Obui's style so I don't have issues usually, but I can't tell where the line is between that style or say Aoi Nagisa, and our miqo.
But what do you really know about these Lords of Local, these supposed legends? Let's take Astra, for one. A right and proper bronie, only, he developed a habit of hashing tags. He hashed so many that his model fried like a nochekaiser lora, then softened into slop,
so they stuck him to Civitai's frontpage. And they made him a Lord of Local. Not for aesthetics, but for downloads. Such is a lord, I suppose.
schizoposter begone
post gens or fuck off
anime is minimum shade on face
proportions, amount of shadows overall (the less the better)
you could squint your eyes at >>8227624 thumbnail and it might as well just be a photography
I'm no artist, so for me it's just overall visual quality.
If I had to think about it... shading, highlights, eyes, lighting, colors, all make feel pony's attempts at anime look aisloppy and fake. Expressions, that's a big one - pony's expressions are mostly really hollow and boring, it was actually one of my main gripes with most of its pics. Look at that catboxed hag, you can just feel the hag energy...
There were limited amount of pony posters that posted anime-looking stuff, like that masamune shirow anon (and I don't even like the style, but it didn't look like typical aislop), and from what I understand they mostly used base pony, or heavily edit their pics in post.
you can openly be a pony hater and not be called a nai shill, finally
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you would have to post an image for that to be true
anyone shitting on pony without an image is 100% still an NAI shill because they generate images that can't be posted here so they are too afraid to ever post them
massive skill issue
kill yourself pajeet
truth hurts
Has always been the case. People make some vague claim about pony, get proven wrong once they post a picture and then shift the goalpost
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i fucking hate pony
very good hentai sir
Can't believe this general fell victim to this retarded gook marketing ploy. He throws them scraps of his pedo blurry saas model and they treat him like god.
Guys, we had pony for almost a year and mastered every aspect of it. With lora and controlnet you can achieve anything. If you can't do something with pony, it's always a skill issue.
If you can't post your opinion with your gens attached then its probably not worth reading, because you know your opinion is bad and don't want it tied to your in-thread reputation
I'm no artist either, just want to be. Figure "quality" should be an objective measure, not a west vs east bias. Anons often use those interchangeably. I agree on the expressions, you can train the faces your girl makes but the default set is limited.

The photo bit is actually helpful, thanks. I can imagine a slider going from photorealism down to evangelion screencap, guess thanks to experiments with real porn pony mixes and anime loras.

Still, I'm gonna have to put a pic of onisaki kirara next to miqo and give names to the actual differences.
What do you call this position
on lap, (bad anatomy:1.3), spread legs, flaccid, faceless male
That's not wrong, although 7-8 months is closer to half a year than a full one. And there's no reason to do things the hard way. Even back then, it was easier to use arti refiner than force pony into doing something like ciloranko-style shading with thin outlines.
dont forget sitting on couch, on floor
I would go with reverse cowgirl position + lying on person and/or leaning back. If it has its own name you'll only find it in the kamasutra, not in danbooru tags.
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question for anyone who trained a style lora on illustrious
if the model already knows the artist is it better to use the same activation tag, create a new one or not to use one at all?
do we have actual pony internet defense force here, why simp for this piece of garbage so hard? how is this nai shilling when people are actively dissing pony smegma and post illust pictures? you are literally getting revealed now purpleshart faggots
>nai shills trying to piggy back off illustrious image posters
how pathetic kek
uh oh, pedo meltie

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