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To quote the great Vegeta, Prince of all Saiyans:
"Are you scared, yet?"
red states got porn verification laws in the books
the orange states are just pending laws that aren't "officially" in the books yet
>"Are you scared, yet?"
You shouldn't use a comma here.
My mistake, I apologize.
Is this really going to matter if I only care about 2D?
They don't make the distinction.
What does this mean for my investment portfolio? Are there any vpn companies with a ticker?
The only relevant question
if you're only asking now you're too late, it's already priced in
nah i live in a libtard state, fucking hate their gunlaws but on hentai they could give a fuck rats ass.
Well, minors shouldn't really be looking at porn anyway. Yes, that's right, I'm pulling the ladder up behind me after all these years.

If you can carry and if you can get a rifle like a Mini-14 or SCR, you at least got the bases covered.
>Yes, that's right, I'm pulling the ladder up behind me after all these years.
but are you really comfortable handing your goverment id over to 4chan or danbooru?
What would be the actual risks and hazards of this?
you don't see the risks of doxxing yourself every time you want to look at a site that shows anime tits? sure twitter or pornhub won't intentionally leak your info but what about if they get hacked? what if a new site pops up and wants to carve out a userbase, would you trust an unknown owner with your real identity?

it's especially worrying if you're into any niche fetishes due to shit like this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashley_Madison_data_breach where moral crusaders threaten to expose people
Ah no, some of these are already gonna get reversed after a while from what I looked up in the past, especially Louisiana. Technically an off topic excuse to talk about >>>/pol/ shit.
It feels kind of inevitable that corporations will mishandle data or fail to secure it at this point.
Sites getting hacked and your ID getten stolen by some 3rd world faggot to use for shit. Hiroyuki selling your 4chan posting history, tied to your name and face, to advertisers or anyone willing to buy it, which is close to something he already did back on the site he started and then got chased out of. Some porn site employee getting disgruntled and leaking the names, faces, addresses, and viewing habits of all the site's users. Some porn site employee falsifying data to make it look like someone they don't like, or a group of people they don't like, have been attempting to look for illegal materials and then either leaking the false records or attempting to report it to law enforcement, causing it to be publicly tied to the name and face of the target.
And then there is the much more common scenario of the porn containing sites you want to use being unwilling to get sued by states for non compliance but knowing they are unable to securely and safely take and retain that kind of user data just blocking the state entirely and possibly blocking any IPs associated with VPN traffic as well so they can avoid any chances of a lawsuit.
So basically it could come down to being that you either get no access to sites that contain pornographic materials or you have to risk turning your name, face, address, and driver's license number over to shady faggots.
Okay, now you KNOW shit's hitting the fan
I don’t want a cucked 10 rnder at least in koikatsu studio I can fap to a Muzzelite Mini14 Morita conversion.
Thou if I would go with a Gailil Vector R4 to make the Morita MK3.
That’s be ballin.
>would you like to know more?
Your ISP already sells your internet browsing data. I really fail to see how this is a big deal. Isn't this really only for people under 18? So it really doesn't affect me at all.
Meant to say Texas lol, it’s very likely gonna be reverted and potentially causing a domino effect to other states like Louisiana.
Georgia is in on this, yet they won't do squat the gang running $$$cams out of the prisons. Yeah, we got some effed up priorities.
You don't see the difference between advertisers getting anonymized data and every website you want to visit that has smut being a risk to your full identity? It's quite a difference.
>So it really doesn't affect me at all.
How do you think they're going to verify if people are over 18? better cough up that government ID if you want to see 2b's tits.
Presumably sites currently operating in those states will move out, or they would become uncompetitive (especially worldwide).

How would they even reliably check whether you're in a state where they need to check ID? That isn't easily sidestepped by VPN or DNS tricks? This whole thing is just unworkable.
>Presumably sites currently operating in those states will move out
People within the states will be blocked from accessing unless the sites implement ID checks.
>How would they even reliably check whether you're in a state where they need to check ID
Guess by IP, it's not foolproof but it's the only way then can
> That isn't easily sidestepped by VPN or DNS tricks? This whole thing is just unworkable.
Some sites have started blocking known VPNs like 4chan does.
>it's not foolproof but it's the only way then can
so a placebo, guess that'll be enough for the politicians to claim they fixed porn
>"anonymized" data
banning 2b's titties to own the libs
niggerlicious laws desu
>why yes, I think a database that directly ties irl identity to porn viewing habits is both safe and sane
>let alone many distributed widely over many different websites all with varying (mostly lacking) cybersec standards
Hacker's wet dream

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