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Halloween Edition

>Viewer: https://drive.google.com/open?id=19Kd2T9gVZtsoEHP9nIeDSIdLOnw4Xgt7
>Viewer Big Patch: https://mega.nz/file/glx0UQgC#QIeQmw5esGAH5Z2hpAME7HNb-rBHpRjt3eE9yovM31w
>Event Patches: https://mega.nz/folder/OuBwSajD#cRAyhgZtXTkBouEIREiz7Q
>Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snLByV1Jn4Y&list=PLWTepIlReBpnRRQcQMjQGxDo7whb4IxIe

>Game: http://pc-play.games.dmm.co.jp/play/taimanin_rpgx/
>Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k22dzpoUyYc3dgqOeiYWf5aKdzcMTM-22PPZ15ePyiw/
>Viewer: https://mega.nz/folder/9jN0RKrD#0sDHOUgClLaQH3MU7_eQgA
>Story TL: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1koBwcMlYnY5Z5gezuY9tbnBLWxQ9jByLbcO2A_ZGDwA/
>Translator Tool: https://mega.nz/file/dYN0WQLS#7nT4m6amxQvrasjvhQBxXs-3dPIXmwEnnC8wufL0UMY
>Translator Tutorial: https://files.catbox.moe/0toapd.mp4
>Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkX8aSzVqMg&list=PLWTepIlReBplP_mSvQ3_if7-A8In-45Nc

>Game: https://www.actiontaimanin.net/
>Bond Scenes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQeF7NBX7kc&list=PLWTepIlReBpnAQ-6Q4ptiCjCSwPCCxwUM
>OST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uU36_upTNP0&list=PLWTepIlReBpn1CNGkTSiYcGeQ_m7Cm-zS
>Other: https://rentry.org/atgExtraLinks
>Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDPxJMNdhu8&list=PLWTepIlReBpm7B4YZ_ETyKdlgmzCxYe1x
>Mods: https://mega.nz/folder/BrJGkJgC#7N9YZylOksCDTfHBRg6dXA

>Drama CDs: https://mega.nz/folder/lKRE3ZJB#gexG4fUbKgJNU7Apyel4ZQ ----- https://mega.nz/folder/jUoj1CTY#VN2ZH-QuInXG1jbJ7xMhsA
>Drama CD Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18s-5M3thLSF95tHCbMLuYtLXWreCRUI-F6jSgT9CBIY/
>TA3 + TABA + NUYE Artbooks: https://mega.nz/folder/0WMWBbDC#W51-m3HWu-EBV2p4WF5qVA
>Wallpapers: https://mega.nz/folder/ZxEB1CgC#wSHJmx6rvuzMAefaCUoX_A
>Lilith Art Collection: https://mega.nz/folder/c0N2WSzJ#hv2t5xRVyo2R_OLLUWc0Jw
>Lilith CG Collection: https://mega.nz/folder/HPp0TaDb#9uHUdeBUqJz72jBytgXUzg
Previous Thread: >>8210530
Recent Updates:

>Latest TABA scenes for the RPGX viewer: https://mega.nz/file/poQ0gZrZ#2KjPkBRPA6m-T8aQXBC-FOILy4z7Zx2UyszgtBNV7Tg
>Latest TABA scenes for the eTABA viewer: https://mega.nz/file/NwpjAJqB#8iohiCxJRLyFhwCP063KEKNDT2xG3-mCJXymfcGYZ2I

>Taimanin Animations: https://mega.nz/folder/ExxVmARa#XvlEEzcybEQyOlhEIPBz4A

>HTML RPGX Viewer H Scene & Story Patch: >>8220958

>RPGX Official English + Rattan Man's Translations Patch: https://mega.nz/file/1pB1QSAS#HHgP1V1iDx_-7gij7OXh3_VhWzKlRX0PNO1yi47PeWw
>RPGX Profile Viewer: https://mega.nz/folder/swQUCJZB#_IUwpwszWP9WiIcikXduqQ
>RPGX Profile Viewer Patch: https://mega.nz/file/ogw3nChJ#zjkRkLychx-Z-YN57AuS_3oJ86RXp6N-34jFAq2NkkA

>RPGX Extasy Website
>JP RPGX Gacha Schedule
What's Your Favorite Taimanin Halloween Scene?
>{Can Be From Either RPGX Or TABA; Has To Be Halloween Themed; Show Picture Example}
Mine: Ya know.. I was pretty close to saying the Kurenai scene where she gets her asshole blasted. But when shifting through scenes I forgot how good the Halloween Kirara looked. Which is saying something because I don't even care for the character herself.. like at all. But continuing to fuck someone from behind while digging into their ass for me makes a pretty hot scene. I would probably go with that one. With Kurenai as a close runner up.
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I've always loved the Annerose one
Kurenai. Fucking love the poses and she's my favorite girl.
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I love it too!!more Annerose!!
Kurenai because I love anal
The Murasaki scene was surprisingly good.
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HTML RPGX Viewer H Scene Patch
Added current event scenes

HTML RPGX Viewer Story Patch
Added Chapter 072 and current event

Unfortunately can't add the end credits because they're an animation file and I have no idea how to turn it into something useable. If anyone knows how I can look into it.
Also the special scenario that I talked about was literally just a file to play the end credits. It's a script with a single command

Some quick maths. To get everything in the event shop including the daily gem 16x you need 75,800 points which requires 285 runs of the VH map getting a score of 2660. That's basically 13 days worth of AP regen including the 3x60 free every day, so it's possible to get everything without using restores.
Also the units from drops and the shop have 5 luck so it's you might not even need to buy all the units which saves up to 18k points (3 days worth of AP).
The rare map gives a score of 4000 but does not update your high score so it's fine to use skip tickets once you get a score of 2660.

Let me know if I've fucked anything up.
This is probably the fastest the Scene&Story Patch in the Recent Tab was overwritten lol.
Thanks anon.
Fuumas been eating good these last few pregnancy events. Thanks for the patch
I saw a little bit of the finale and it appears that the cast were able to successfully prevent their universe/timeline from being reset like what happened in TABA and TA3, the cycle of destruction has been undone and I think Edwin black and the corpse lord(now appearing human again) were sealed off. Hooray. But it seems like it’s not over yet as yomihara’s demon gate has been destroyed, the story continues in part 2
So they hyped up some major shake up in the plot just for things to end up going the same as usual?
No it was pretty major, the ginza and corpse lord plots came to an end and I think Edwin black made the ultimate sacrifice by sealing himself up as of means of all the things he did in previous time resets so it could never happen again(in this universe that is).
Was Aina Winchester's Christmas card ever added to the profile viewer? We should have the Japanese profile at least.
They've just started reselling all of the old Kangoku Senkan goods and some new 3D tapestries so maybe Volume 1.5 will be Taimanin in Space. If that happens they could use it to spin off a launch for a Kangoku Senkan gacha once Volume 2 starts.
There's also a new Yukikaze CD for spending 15K yen in the store and some Kangoku Senkan goods come with Kangoku Senkan cards.
Oh and 6/8 of the new tapestries also come with a new 10-20min long drama CD too.
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I can finally get the Kila Kushan body pillow?! I always wanted that one

Lilith finally remember Kangoku Senkan, especially 3, exist? About time
Also Maya Cordelia is still in the main timeline, not to mention that time uranos alloy was found on a robot(which event was again shown off this week), could this be in relation to the “other” singularity future yukikaze mentioned awhile back? It kinda fits the “Taimanin in space” thing that the anniversary showed off. This is a bit of a stretch but what if the principality of Cordelia also found a way to dimension hop in search for maya?
God Naomi is so god damn perfect
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I want a witc gf....
They did just do a revival of random Taimanin merch, so it might not be a great idea to read too much into it, but the card holder album on sale is not only labelled 'Volume 1', but has Academia art on the back when there are no related items on sale, so it does look like there's something cooking.

Also, holy shit, I just wanted to see Alectra get a messed-up H-scene, Fuuma. You were already a shoe-in for the Yuki scene, could you not stay there? First Gosha, now this. Halloween better be something interesting.
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Yeah just look at his big belly lol
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Any of her scenes translated yet?
is the father tatsurou?
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Yukikaze said it was her turn to sit in the fuck chair.
Fucking autocorrect
Thanks, Anon
Im having problem with tranlation tool. After Alt+a command my program just completly freezes and DeepL is stuck at 70 block. Ive tried waiting some time,hoping it will unstuck and finish but its not happeng. Can any anon help?
>Halloween better be something interesting.
It won't, vanilla will be the main thing now in Taimanin, this was the "big change" they where talking.
I mean let's be honest, it is the one thing that gets them lots of money and lots of collaborations, and with all the new strict laws in japan it is impossible to make a hardcore scene like it used to be.
As a OG for me it is time to quit as pure love scenes are not enjoyable for me and are way to cringe in my opinion, i wanna do that in real life not watching it on a hentai game.
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Strange this Drama CD havent got leaked yet
Yup there's a new batch of Drama CD's on lilithsoft's site it just hasn't been updated here.
I could be wrong but if you have multiple monitors on, you gotta turn them all off except for the one with the translation tool on it.
>pure love scenes are not enjoyable for me and are way to cringe in my opinion
I'm right there with you on that brother. Though I don't think I'm on the verge of quitting just yet.
I demand we get pregnant NTR stuff as compensation.
I wonder if leaker Anon in Japan or he is getting that leak from somewhere
See you next patch
Has the RPGX viewer been updated with the english translated story, scenes and events from Extasy?
I remember anon telling us he would do it after RPGX service had ended.
I'm not even sure if it already ended. I've been out of the loop.
Might be them introducing the third game's girls into RPGX.
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everyone is pregnant
Ork birthing scene when?
Can anyone explain why the FUCK they didn't give Future Yukikaze some Shiranui sized milkers.
that would be extremily boring
personally, I don't want every gilr have the same body type and big titties
Not him but I think giving Future Yukikaze a body type similar to future Asuka would have been less boring than her being a taller normal Yuki. It's something different.
theres some subhuman here (and the other thread too) bitching 24/7 about aoigod girls getting better over time
imagine if ybuta stopped being a chestlet, he would probably become the vidyabutts of taimainin threads
be calm currycell
Alright so to clarify, they’re not sealed, they’re outright DEAD
What? Literally the last lines are:
> ――その日、
> 彼に固執し続けた死霊卿テウタテスが
> 人間界と魔界とを繋ぐ
Black is sealed, Teutates is in the void, and the Yomihara gate linking the worlds is destroyed.
>So they hyped up some major shake up in the plot just for things to end up going the same as usual?
This is gacha, anon. Like MMOs, they have to return to leave things open for endless story expansions.
Taimanin RPGX2: Into the Fuuma-verse
Edwin Black? He's now Fuuma.
Byg? Fuuma.
Kuroi? Fuuma.
Tatsuro? Fuuma.
Yazakis? Fuumas.
Bohgan? Fuuma.
Gizuke? Actually Tatsuro.
Lilith is going all in on the FCU, Fuuma Cinematic Universe.
Where do we even go from here though?
taimanin asagi 1 remake but every character is kotaro
There's still the Succubus factions and Shiranui. I'm guessing they're going to finish her story to complete Yuki's and then the finale will be with the scattered Fuuma plan members.
I don't buy that; yes, the censorship is retarded, but they just restored (almost) all their old games to their site and are doing a PB rerun, even though they can't say 'Brainwashing'. Pic related was two weeks ago. It's just a crap run of luck.

Has it even shipped yet? Someone's gotta have it before they can rip it, and the proxy doesn't have mine.

Yep, at least as a patch. Everything that was gonna come from there is in the viewer.

You can't go mounting steel racks on a balsawood frame, anon. She'd snap in two.
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What should have been...
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Although personally I would prefer something more like this.
>Pic related was two weeks ago. It's just a crap run of luck.
Nah dude they are pushing vanilla as hard as possible.
Have you not noticed how fuuma gets all the double units threesomes?
Or how really the hardcore is toned down, it really goes like this "girl was captured, got fucked, the end.
Then you take a vanilla unit and there is a whole lore about it.
I may sound angry, but im more frustrated cause my life is just a black hole of bad luck, and lilith was a company i enjoyed, but now seeing it go normie makes no sense.
The capeshit poster has been around for a while and whines about giving up on Lilith but still shows up in the thread for most patches, You're better off ignoring him
Don't know who you talking about, guess im not alone in giving up on this mess.
>this was the "Big change" they were talking
When did they talk about a big change?

>it's the one thing that gets them lots of money
This confuses me. I mean, I’m not disagreeing, but it’s strange. What’s rare should be the most coveted thing. So, if vanilla is so common, why would people pay to see even more vanilla content?
Hardcore hentai are rare, so it should be valuable and profitable.
Then again, if it were truly profitable, more companies would be doing it, and it wouldn’t be so rare.
I'll never understand vallinafags. It’s incredibly boring to watch lovey-dovey porn scenes.
You can get that in the real world.
I watch hentai for unrealistic and extreme scenes, like a bitch getting a dick going through her all the way through the mouth, cum inflation, mindbreaking and other stuff.
New patch for the RPGX profile viewer:

Complete profiles added:
~220 profiles

The texts of 112 profiles, see attached image

Instructions to share the texts of the incomplete profiles:
God, this is perfect
>When did they talk about a big change?
On DMM or twitter
>I'll never understand vallinafags. It’s incredibly boring to watch lovey-dovey porn scenes.
That's because Taimanin was known to be hardcore, so vanilla is the new trend.
And yes i agree, reason why im gonna quit, what is the point of watching a couple have sex? I wanna do that in real life not watch it, but vanillafags are like this, they are obsessed with their waifus, and even go on a personal level if you talk shit about one of them, and will call you a cuck if you don't like vanilla.
do i need the previous patches too, or is this latest one enough?
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i wish i could keep one of them as a fanny packing
>and with all the new strict laws in japan it is impossible to make a hardcore scene like it used to be
How so? What laws were those?
>oh no some light bondage and whipping
so hardcore I almost puked
this is a series that turned a girl into a fuckable meat cube, you're gonna tell me this is in the same level?
That patch covers last month patches

If the last patch you installed was in September, that one is enough
If that is not the case, you might need to apply some of the previous patches before

The patches names tells you the dates they cover. The dates have the format: year moth day
lol, see you next patch
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The Hebiko one with Sakura in the background easily.

Also between that and the Tokiko one, Sakura must be a hard sleeper.
>Yep, at least as a patch.
So all I need to do is extract the RPGX English Patch 2024-08-29 inside the viewer?
This is why I keep saying that AI will save us.
It's not quite there yet, but I believe that we're getting close.
If companies and artists refuse to give us what we want, then we'll be able to make it ourselves.
Think about it:
>Kirara orc gangbang scene
>fairy onahole scenes
>monster impregnation scenes
>all with intricate plots driven by your own creativity, using AI that can write, voice, and draw in the artist's exact style—flawless, no weird artifacts
>Fuuma would only show up to get humiliated, shrunk, and used as a dildo by Oboro
We could even make our own AI Taimanin viewer, featuring nothing but the crème de la crème of AI generated hentai scenes.
>no subpar content allowed
>nothing less than professional-quality stuff that could pass as official
>vanilla scenes not allowed of course
If our community put in just a little more effort, we could already be much closer to making this a reality.
Sure, AI has room to grow, but we could be way ahead by now.
Oh yeah, cannot wait until everything we get is 20 generations of regurgitated slop. Where is the art you are stealing even going to come from, when artists are no longer required? But sure, this turd just needs a little more polish to be worth something.
is the RPGX viewer broken in the mega? i extract it and it opens but the scenes are all out of order? i haven't even added any of the patches.
>You can get that in the real world.
I-I can?
who is >we here?
Don't be retarded, drawfag. Artists aren't gonna be replaced.
What anon proposed is that fans should get what the companies are denying them, not that companies should dismiss artists to produce AI while still denying what we want.
Personally, I prefer Aoi's old style over his new ultra-large-hips style.
If AI can recreate that same quality Aoi would have delivered if he’d stuck to his peak style, then that’s a welcome addition, not a replacement, for what we’re currently getting.
There's should be a containment board for AIfags so that the other boards can finally be free from that filth
>ryona obsessed fag is an AIjeet
actually explains a lot
This looks like garbage, can we please stop letting people post AIslop in here?
Hit the gym, girls love toned bodies
>november 2024
Because she's 18 in the story events and still flat. Doesn't make any sense for her to have grown more, much less for her to grow breasts if she didn't have them in the original.
What is it about sexy Halloween outfits that blows up every other holiday out the water?
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Facehugger fucking Hebiko edit
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>AI will save us
Even as a vanilla hater I'll say fuck outta here with that AI dogshit
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>Fuuma: "Why did the pregnancy magic bug out on Yukikaze?"
>Also Fuuma:
You may be right but it must not be monetizable, after all it is theft of other people's work. If you really want to replicate someone's style, you could just trace old images with a graphics tablet and the result would be better than any AI, but even in this case it must not be monetizable because this is also theft.
Drawfags seething is actually funny to watch.
I cannot comprehend the AI hate.
It's something with so much potential and that gives you alternatives!
>b-but is not perfect yet
Of course not, nigger! Every technology starts somewhere and AI has advanced so much already in its infancy.
There is no other explanation for the hate other than "muh shitty drawings will never have a chance to shine now!"
Top tier artists will never be replaced by AI, that's why we never see them seething.
I am not a drawfag. I am a data scientist. AI is a grift. Remember NFT? Blockchain? Metaverse? Crypto? Web 3.0? This is the next step in that Ponzi scheme, being pushed by the same cunts as the others. AI is just something for dumb folks like you to spend on while they steal your data, as always. Companies got into it and are going to lose money just as they had on the other grifts, for the model is not sustainable. The amount of resources necessary to train the systems and keep them running is much higher than the cost of just hiring someone to write or draw what you want, and the quality is so low you need human oversight anyway. Increasing the complexity will obviiously make these costs go even higher, so that the whole thing crumbles under its own weight before anything worthwhile is produced.
my personal plan if I ever become rich through /biz/ness:
>buy rights from lilith to make main series taimanin games
>make Taimanin Fuuma: where Fuuma gets genderbendered and gets gangbanged by the most smelly and dirty old man possible
>add scat and guro scenes because I simply hate him so much
have tatsorou impregnate him
good morning sars
I'd buy

(On another note that scene is so fucking hot. Like that one scene in Cara.)
The New York Times once said that airplanes would take 10 million years to develop.
Doomposters are just in denial.
AI is the next big thing, there is no running away from it. Cope.
Oh no, that really showed me, huh? WELL SOMEONE WAS WRONG THAT ONE TIME. Yes, that certainly has everything to do with this discussion, all right. Nice primary source there, faggot. So, how much did you lose on Doge?
Things die just as much as they succeed, nothing is known right now.
True. That's why one cannot affirm that is grift and that it will fail.
It surely is promising.
That said, the AI butthurt has gone far enough.
Let's resume Taimanin posting and discussion.
Yes. Extract and choose to overwrite, then fire up the viewer and use the options menu to enable translations.

There are a small number of other TL'd scenes, but they should already be included in the base viewer unless you're using a really old model.
>muh drawfag boogeyman
I also like Aoi's old style,but now he can only draw some exaggerated bodies, Rinko and Asuka are completely ruined by him. And the worst part is, there has a lot of players express dissatisfaction with Aoi's new style, but he still does what he wants with no regard for our feelings. I think we have to make him realize how unhappy we are with his new style, instead of letting him kill off all the characters.
>Rinko and Asuka are completely ruined by him.
And Yukikaze, Shiranui
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Pretty much all of Aoi's recent output has been horrendous. If you compare TY1/TY2 era preggo Yukikaze with the deformed stick figure we're stuck with.... people keep telling me that Aoi can draw essentially three bodytypes (cow, lesser cow and flattie) and all his characters must conform, but honestly some of his output is far beyond. Kirara is deformed but it's still decent compared stuff like Shiranui, and the literal-who Azusa had scenes that make contemporary Rinko seem amateurish. I just don't get it, maybe he's flat-out tired of his "main" characters.
I mean, have you complained through official channels? any questionnares and stuff from Lilith or directly in reviews? If not, then of course it's not going to work. If you have and they still haven't done anything, it's probably because the Jap players don't really mind that, else we would be hearing that people there are also commenting on that.
Yes, in the past, Shizuru, Shiranui and Kirara were cow type, Rinko and Asuka were lesser cow type. But now Aoi seems only draw ultra cow type. Yukikaze and Lily, the flattie type girls,now also have unreasonably large hips.
> maybe he's flat-out tired of his "main" characters.
If Aoi draws a character seriously (like Swimsuit Rinko or Double Kirara), it would looks good, but when he slacks off, he'll show us trash (like New Year Shiranui, Shingen Rinko, Strong Armor Asuka and preggo Yukikaze)
I used to expresse my opinion under Aoi's X, and he directly blocked me.
agreed, pounding kirara from behind while fingering her ass is incredibly based
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Anybody know what happened to Teruaki Murakami (Gold Bear)?
He usually releases something every 6 months, but we're going on 11 months since an animation was released.
If true, that's really petty on his part.
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Aoi's new art is terrible, especially with Yukikaze. I don't know what made him change his style but the exaggeration of the hips and cows got worse
kek based
Exactly, preggo Yuki is the worst card. Apart from Yuki's deformed body, she has no other characteristics. Aoi just filled her with his perfunctory attitude and terrible art
Well, that's petty as fuck. Also >>8238218 my man, Swimsuit Rinko is a far cry from the golden era of TABA AV Rinko. It seems he hates the character specifically, weird considering she's his most successful.
Still, petty as fuck. Thankfully Kagami lacks socials and kept up the quality.
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It's far worse. He made her too tall, thicker on thighs, changed eye size. I understand he's aging her but wow it's fucking bad.
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>Fuuma would only show up to get humiliated, shrunk, and used as a dildo by Oboro
Kek. That would actually be funny.

Scene 1:
>Kiryu icreates a shrinking device so Fuuma can sneak into missions, hidden inside Taimanin's pussy, ass and boobs
Scene 2:
>one day, Oboro catches him, smashes the device, and leaves him permanently pint-sized
>she proceeds to use him as her personal dildo
>Fuuma goes MIA

The next Kirara unit picks up where the story left off:
Scene 1:
>a weird instability in the Taimanin particles messes with Kirara, giving her supernatural constipation
>she has to recur to a shady dealer for a "special treatment" that can solve her supernatural problem
>it turns out that the shady dealer just so happens to have bought Fuuma-dildo from Nomad and Kirara reluctantly uses him as a suppository to maker her shit
>she finally does and as the relief washes over her, she cums while knowing that Fuuma is immersed in her shit
Scene 2:
>Kirara is now fine, but she has to keep Fuuma constantly inside her ass in order to keep shitting normally
>some time later, she is dating with her boyfriend and they are gonna have anal
>she forgets lil' Kotaro is inside
>her boyfriend cums inside her and Kotaro dies drowning in his cum
Is anyone even uploading these? We haven't had a new upload in half a year, plus they never get added into a folder.
Damn, that's really awful lol
I do wonder if the tatsurou chris chan/fuuma seether/aoi nagisa no.1 "fan" are the same sperging anon, at this point i think it is a bot like the 2 bots fighting in the action taimanim general.
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It works for me.
More than likely the same person
is there any way to translate scenes by myself? the translator tool stopped working for me a few months back for some reason.
Wait a fucking second, is that the SMTIV HUD?
There are definitely more than a few schizoposters that pop up in here
Not jaundiced enough
What about it isn't working for you?
Anyone sad there never been a pure spanking fetish moment.
Like just Astorota giving some Rin and Shiurani some Scarlet Ass Painting
yep, an anon made quite a few of those some time ago
Swimsuit Rinko is certainly worse than TABA era rinko. But the sad truth is, among the characters Aoi has drawn in the past two years, she is still one of the best
Her face looks good to me, it's just that everything below her waist looks like it belongs to some seven-foot tall Amazon which looks strange with her 155cm Japanese girl upper body.
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Aoi's drawings of her keep getting progressively worse out of all the girls because his new style can't work on her with the petite body. Compare it to Yuki's art around the mid to late 2010s, she was pure sex. Improved her face, kept her flat breasts, nice butt that wasn't exaggerated. He's been drawing so many cows forever that he lost his style.

I honestly don't want TY3 if that's going to be her design from now on. Unfortunate decline in talent.
unpopular opinion apparently but I never understood why aoi nagisa was so popular in the first place. I would assume it's because he drew the only child body taimanin, but I think rinko is more popular than yukikaze. rinko is just a less compelling asagi as far as I'm concerned.
TY1 Rinko does look like Asagi, but in TY2 and TABA eras Rinko has her own unique style, this is why Rinko so popular I think.
But now Aoi's poor drawing and Lilith's boring scenes make Rinko lose her characteristic completely. Players are patient with Rinko only because of the likeable Rinko in the past.
If Lilith does not plan to save Rinko, she will definitely become unpopular in the future. (Asagi faces the same situation, But Kagami's excellent art will keeps players still love her for a long time)
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Remember when Yukikaze was a petite piece of fuck meat and the main reason why she fucked burly men in the first game was to emphasize the body size differences? Lilith forgot that moving forward. TY2 made her taller too and give us Morita as an antagonist. A dorky schoolboy.
Japs artist with egos are very sensible, they take everything as a insult.
All they want is just idiots that worship their crap.
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>I honestly don't want TY3 if that's going to be her design from now on. Unfortunate decline in talent.
TY2 wasn't even good on its own. It dropped the gangbangs, gave Rinko a pretty boy to fuck and forced the stupid Incubus King to do shenanigans with Shiranui. Real and his brother worked well because it stuck to the theme of Taimanin girls being turned into fucksluts. The TY2 retcons were bad enough, and I have no doubt they won't try to mix in the newer changes the RPGX canon made to their story.
Rebooting Yukikaze as a vanilla waifu is like a bad joke for dull people, especially after you played both her VN and you know her character even better.
It's not like TABA didn't have her getting raped and NTR'd. RPGX took a weird turn by deciding some of the mainstay girls would now fit a rape or vanilla mold, and then stay like that.
lmao remember when you tards tried to say vanilla fans were sensitive? All you guys do is bellyache when the stunt dick in a scene isn't attached to a fat/green guy.
How did vanillashit/the funny yellow man buck break this general so hard that they actually have a tizzy over conventionally attractive men like human form Kuroi existing
I've only played TY1 and TY2, so is this framed an NTR because its not Tatsuro or does this just play out as Vanilla because in that game's universe Yukikaze and Tatsuro aren't like childhood friends and obsessed with eachother to the point they can't even express their feelings? Because in the VNs they're crazy about each other, they're inseparable, and have been as long as they can remember but they're both too embarrassed to take the next step and make it official.
It's not NTR, Yukikaze just simply got tired of waiting for Tatsurou to make a move, so she started seeing other people, eventually getting on with Fuuma. They were never an actual couple, so like they say, you snooze you lose.
RPGX never really treats it as NTR. Though if I remember correctly she's never treated as a virgin in any of her scenes so they just might not have worked out in that timeline. Rinko is the only one who ever brings him up in a few instances (she daydreams about him after she passes out from having sex at one point, in another scene she is mentally comparing the size of a school seniors privates to Tatsuros).
in TABA has more of an NTR focus when it comes to the two, Fuuma in a few scenes which tie into the TY2 release dives into Tatsuro's memories and sees clips of Yuki/Rinko fucking other dudes while Tatsuro jerks off. There's also a set of scenes where Fuuma is corrupting Rinko and ends up fuck her in the Akiyama household and getting her to mock him by saying stuff like how she is sick of having to take care of Tatsuro
Is Tatsurou ever mentioned in RPGX outside of unit descriptions and h-scenes?
>in TY2 and TABA eras Rinko has her own unique style, this is why Rinko so popular I think.
yeah but then she just looks like a lumpy asagi.
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While Rinko definitely takes from Asagi a bit, I think a big thing a lot of people miss being Rinko's biggest influence is Nobushito's Misao.

Misao came out in 2010 and in that same year Aoi drew pictures of her for promotion.

Then next year is when Aoi's Taimanin Yukikaze came out and Rinko just "so happens" to look almost identical to Misao. I don't think this is a coincidence. Misao must've left an impression on Aoi which made him want to essentially do "his" version of Misao.

Rinko appears to me to be a combination of Asagi and Misao. Of course Rinko looks a bit different now, but conceptually I think this is the case.
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Them side by side is the most damning evidence I'd say.
theres that part in zero where byg whoops asagis ass after she finishes riding his dick for a good while, but yeah there needs to be a full scene or most of the scene where its just a girl getting spanked
Always believed that Rinko was a Taimanin version of Saeko from HOTD, but your evidence is compelling. Do we have any info from artbooks (like we have for Asagi's origins)?
Rinko is structurally different from Asagi. Younger, more traditional, more "full". A lot comes from Kagami's angular design compared to TY2's era "fullness".
All male characters bar the one in Tentacle and Witches got eaten by Fuuma in RPGX. Riku from Annerose disappeared, likewise meatball., mostly because you can't have more boring self-inserts when you already have a boring self-insert. Yukikaze is amusing as a vanilla pick because of all the VN characters she's essentially the lowest whore, she breaks far sooner than anyone else.
If what people are saying about the Prison Battleship lore somehow getting implemented into RPGX then it looks like even more of Donny's girls will fall to the yellow rod
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Maybe if people bought more Yuki mousepads Lilith wouldn't feel the need to ruin their own franchise with Gachaslop and go back to giving us VNs without yellow deviantart OCs in them
>she's essentially the lowest whore, she breaks far sooner than anyone else.
Don't forget that she doesn't need any sexual training or body modification, she literally breaks because she wants it badly.
Stealing money from gacha addicts is far more easy then drinking a glass of water.

But my question is, where in the fuck does all the money go?
They have been doing gacha since 2014, im thinking Lilith has a huge debt to pay.
Im not saying they should do a VN but with all that money they could atleast hire a new company to make some OVAs instead of shitty ZiZ who is still doing that spin-off nobody gives a shit about it.
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>Asagi 2005
Damn I didn't even realize that next year will be the Taimanin series 20th anniversary.
After reading more of the story, it appears that Anubis dropped the ball and told yukikaze that her mom is the current phantom queen, she doesn’t seem too shocked but appears to be relieved that her mom is fine and she still loves her. Which now brings me to this question, since teutatus is gone now who will replace him in “Main villain” status? Possibly Erishkgal of the hades incubus faction that opposes shiranui even though she’s (currently) not as much of a significant threat than the corpse lord was, could also potentially be Sorcerer Faust if they want to dive into more of the Non-Taimanin series that are part of this universe and merge that into the main plot, Agency G has become somewhat severely weakened so they’re still occasionally villains, and the dark future plot is still going but not part of the main quest. And as mentioned previously they could put the prison battleship series more involved if the space theme went by anything. Also there was a character not seen in this recent chapter that hadn’t shown up yet in the anniversary video although she could be a dark future character for all we know
Donny is kind of different from the self-inserts of other Lilith properties, though. He's both the PoV character, the main villain and not much of a fighter (part of his character was inherited by TABA Fuuma). What are they going to do, Die Erde invading parallel timelines to get bitches and living space? Not that anything in the gibberish plot of RPGX makes any sense anyway.
Fuck. I miss Prison Battleship. Always hit a different note from Taimanin. Wasn't Academia sort of successful?
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>instead of shitty ZiZ who is still doing that spin-off nobody gives a shit about it.
Well shit...
another fucking one? holy fucking shit dude...if only they made as much taimanin as this slop...
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Literally who is asking for this shit series anymore? In the time it took them to make the what? 5th episode? We could've already had a Taimanin Asagi ZERO or Yukakaze 2.

...Or hell branch out and do a Cara or Kureani OVA ffs.
This is an adaptation of the Original Game just as it is stated on the promo picture. No made up Spin off.
>Don't forget that she doesn't need any sexual training or body modification, she literally breaks because she wants it badly.
You didn't read the VN. Stop parroting stuff you saw on /v/ or /vg/. They don't touch the VNs either.
Oh god, we're getting the "nogames" crowd here after /tg/? Yes, Yuki and Rinko get brainwashed and spellbound by Real in the first game and TY2 has all that retcon gibberish, but they both break significantly faster than other VN protagonists and with considerable less pressure. Part of the "charm" of Yukikaze is indeed that she's deep inside a slut. Maybe Ingrid in TM breaks faster but her is a fairly quick&dirty side story.
Chrissakes we're getting nogames in a /h/ thread now.
Do you know what I really miss? Animated scenes. The gachas just don't provide on that regard.
Was also going to say something about how utterly wrong of a statement that was... but I decided to just leave it..

why are you yelling
Oh, he just like me fr fr(except I do read the VNs and play the games).
RPGX has enough vanilla characters, please stay away from Rinko, she is one of the few hardcore characters
You know, if all the annoying posters in other boards were all-caps Rinko self-insert posters the world would be a better place. You're right, it's better to chill out and agree on the only thing we can agree on: Fuuma is a scourge on the franchise and every vanilla girl is wasted.
No I'm going to dominate her with my own dick
We need a PC AAA game with support for ero content patch that features a self insert you create, name and choose how to go about the story (moral/vanilla route) or evil (hardcore route).
It's an action game where you can play as SFW or activate a patch where you get thr sex scenes (both 2d animated scenes and 3d sex mechanics like GTA san andreas but with top tier graphic).
What is missing for everyone to be happy?
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>What is missing for everyone to be happy?
Marriage and impregnation systems.
Impregnation specifically.
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rape on defeat
prostitution systems (both ways)
sex stats
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Yo just calm down and stop yelling
Rinko doesn't have much in the way of vanilla in RPGX. she has two scenes with the MC in it and one of them basically involves him coaxing her into anal and then taking her virginity after she passes out from anal. the other one is probably the closest to vanilla which involves her fucking the MC to try and mentally recover after being raped by some fat dude
There's also one where she fucks a guy on a date but that one isn't with the MC, just someone suspiciously as yellow as he is. IDK if that kind of thing bothers you but yeah it's there
They can easily afford another big VN at this moment, but they won't spend on that bc gacha is easy money for no effort
I am still endlessly tickled about the NTR game with the NTR fans being mad they're getting NTR'd by the man they don't want to fuck bitches, fucking bitches.
For me past the occasionally wacky shenanigans, he just feels like one of the devs personal OC shoved into the story, made the center of the universe, and everyone just has to deal with it. By himself, Fuuma's not terribly offensive but no one likes having some new character shoved down their throats and told that guy is now the most important character over all the former protagonists both the males and females and he never goes through even 1/10th of the bullshit the others had to put up with so he just feels like some spoiled gary stu on top of everything else. At least that's my personal issue. Less the NTR vs Vanilla nonsense and more how he feels from a writing standpoint.
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It clearly shows that you are just a brain dead tourist probably from /vg/ playing his little Action Taimanin a game made for weak pussies who starts to cry if their waifu gets wounded by a mosquito.
Taimanin was never a NTR serie but a rape/degradation serie, the only game where they focused the NTR theme was Taimanin Yukikaze.
Do you even know what NTR means?
So you talking with your ass is just funny, as saying that people are getting NTRd by the MC when the whole serie was all about rape and gangbang and seeing the girls getting fucked by anything that moves.
Being stupid and ignorant has no limits.
I am not a tourist, I'm on safari, there's a difference.
Hey Yooo
*High Five*
Can the newfags please stop posting off-topic/AIslop images this isn't/vg/
imagine complaining about off topic stuff on a forum about porn.
not sure how to reach you anon but ids love a few of the milfs (and akane from that ntr.. ova) from the hitozuna series and other places as Tiamanin
Are there no TABA and RPGX viewer for Android?
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Was just memeing about because the convo was turning into bickering about people not having played the games, sorry about that.

Thanks for the heads-up, I'll take a look
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Nah, seethe harder.
This is a Taimanin General, so discussion about the series, sharing viewer updates, news, official art, fanart, fan animations and other related content, including AI art, is welcome as long as it doesn't flood the thread.
Bitching, however, isn't welcome.
I want real art, not AI slop
i heard reddit and twitter is great for complaining about AI art
>the AIJeet is seething nobody wants his slop again
Jut ignore the Bitch-anon, he is known around here for bitching and samefaggoting.
He'll bitch about everything.
It just so happens he is now assmad about AI.
We went through this with that faggot that wouldn't stop spamming that shit artist years ago.
>4) All images must be of Japanese/"Eastern" origin and style. Images of "Western" origin and style will be removed.
The AI shit isn't of Eastern origin so unless the rule is updated at a later date to account for Eastern style AI just ignore them, report for "Western Artwork" and move on.
Is there a ranking of the girls based on the number of scenes they've had so far in RPGX?

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