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post amateur whores with two or more dicks
lets see some huge double facials!
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i'm curious
for people who've done a MFM is it as hot and intense as the images?

1000% yes. it’s so fucking fun.
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honestly it looks hot
wish i had this in my life
There have GOT to be webms of these scenes!
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Who is she? More? Please!
Double Barrel!
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What a sexy slut
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i lack amateur but oh well still love MFM
More of this hot slut?
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What a good slut
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kill yourself
Nice, looks like he got banned for something and all those shitty pics taken down for a while hopefully.
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So hot u on Kik at all?
holy fuck moaaaar!
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Have only ever had them with the same friend, and they've all been great. If you can remove yourself from the relationships for two hours and just treat it as a fun way to watch a girl be a total slut you'll have fun. Girls LOVE it, and if you and the other dude can crack a few jokes and take turns you'll both have a good time too
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>and just treat it as a fun way to watch a girl be a total slut
that's what gets me off the most about this
here are those scenes anon

great find!
I've only ever done FFM's with the wife. But she was in an MFM once before we met and said she hated it. I'd like to do one, but even if I was inclined to let some other dude fuck my wife, she's absolutely not down for it. For her, it's pussy or nothing. Although, she was down with watching me and another dude fuck a woman. So maybe I can work that out eventually.
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more ? she can really arch

also bumping
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>Although, she was down with watching me and another dude fuck a woman. So maybe I can work that out eventually.
that still sounds fun too
I would absolutely do it if she was watching. But her MFM left such a bad taste in her mouth, probably both figuratively and literally, that she said that she will only ever fuck women from here on out. If I ever died, she decided to just be a full-on lesbian at that point. But she does love getting herself off while she watches me fuck other women.
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>you get to enjoy MFF with your wife
>you can't do MFM with you wife
>however she would be fine if you did a MFM while she watches
anon it sounds like you still win
Oh, yeah. She's an insatiable pussy hunter. To the point where I'm literally building an app / website catering specifically to unicorns trying to hook up with couples. It blows my mind that my wife not only wants to fuck every day, she wants to jerk me off into other women's mouths. Where other men are married to women who settled for them and who might lightly brush the back of their hand against their cocks on their birthday if they've done the dishes often enough. Believe me. I count my blessings every day.
Well done!
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>It blows my mind that my wife not only wants to fuck every day, she wants to jerk me off into other women's mouths
lucky guy anon. i still don't even know what a gf is.
holy fuck, what a brutal mog
Yeah right

People post "OC" but it has like the most horrible quality and looks like a screenshot from a video that was down and uploaded a thousand times from various porn sites.

If it's really your own OC, why not post it in a somewhat decent quality?
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>If it's really your own OC, why not post it in a somewhat decent quality?
Not that anon but personally, I've got a 10 year old phone and my hands aren't very steady at the best of times, let alone when I'm fucking. My OC pics tend to look like shit because guess what, I'm not a professional and I'm not gonna stop fucking to ask to retake a photo so it's not blurry.
Silly question but where do you cum during a MFM?
Exactly, anon.
Depends on the situation. When me and another guy fuck my wife, I like to have us both cum inside her. it could be two loads in her pussy, or one in her ass and one in her pussy. Sometimes we both cum on her tits. She doesn't care where we cum, as long as she gets an orgasm.
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what's the atmosphere feel like in the room during that moment?
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Is fucking another guy’s cum not a bit, well, zesty?
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Honestly, you can't even tell. It just feels like wet pussy in my experience.
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Kinda the point. I guess its wet like the other guy said but its a different viscosity. Don’t know you wont like it unless you try it, or cum in your girl and go again.
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I had one, didn't get to do this move. IDK how I would of felt about it
I’d love to take part in a train
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GB Slut
Not sure why these shots haven't got more attention... some of the best photos I've seen in years of spending loads on this site. Thanks.
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Love some skiing with a good friend.
what a slut
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Funny or rather weird how she looks like a replica of my fiancee and doing the same thing to my best friend which I love his looks, tali surfer boy tall and skinny, golden skin with blue eyes and blond. yup typical Cali dude.
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You can tell these are bullshit before even zooming in.. fuck you
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What are you going on about mate
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C'mon anons, posting porn in 4chan is serious business.l
pls post more of lovely annika
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>Euless, TX
>Traveling for work
>go home with sloppy chick and her friend
>came in the brown one
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here is the pic
I like how one is cut and the other uncut.
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Wife with a friend and I, celebrating his divorce
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You’re a good friend
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friendly fire!
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Is there more of her
OP please come back
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Whats the point of having a slutty swinger wife if you don't help the homies when times are hard?
Your two photos got my blood flowing each night I look at them. Anymore kind sir?
Anymore with loads or clothed
Incredible, keep going!
This slut is epic!
Keep going
Nice rack
Holy shit. Actual photos I haven't seen yet. Wow!
fuck shes awesome. why isnt there a video of her
There is. It's just never surfaced.
well then some more pics
Bump for this
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That paneling.
Louisiana swamp? Florida?
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More this
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I count 2 blessing
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Handles that well
Or just one in the form of a really sexy whore.
Holy shit you got some more pics/vids?
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I've put a few more up in the thread, but here's another
More ?

How did you get into this whole thing, whose idea was it? Can you tell me more about the process and the first time?
Looks like a good friend
Sucks like a champ
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We started dating because of swinging. We met at work, she was a receptionist and I was a defense contractor. I ran in to her at a swinger party where I was with my ex and she was alone because her ex had a cuck fetish. I fucked her for about 3 hours straight, my ex got mad because I spent the whole night with a girl 13 years younger than me and she left with a black guy.

10 years later she's had 3 of my kids and a few times a year I make her fun in front of friends before we all take turns on her while their wives masturbate and call her a whore.

She cums over and over on every cock in the room and at the end, I get to duck the sloppiest pussy while she thanks me for the honor.
Sounds amazing, anon, congratulations!
Love this one
Back around 2009-10 my best friend from middle school and I would regularly DP my wife and creampie her. My friend was about an inch longer, but I was thicker, so he was the ass man and I got the pussy most times but we did switch. She took his V card on a dare about a year prior so it wasn’t entirely out of the blue. Experience kind of culminated with us picking up his gf and doing a MFFM with full swap. Good times. Would love to do it again or just some MFF.
It can be great. I've done it quite a bit with my wife. She describes it as being overwhelmed in a good way. Like with two guys making her cum her brain shuts down and she's just there to fuck.

It depends. If the guy is well known to us, and tested/highly trusted we both tend to cum in her.

For me that's the point. I enjoy sloppy seconds. Something about knowing she's already slutted herself out to another guy is extremely hot. I generally offer the other guy her pussy first while she gives me head.

Great pics! I had a somewhat similar experience with a friend. He'd been divorced about 6 months, already knew about our hotwife kink, and was spending a weekend with us. Wife has always found him attractive, so we tested the waters and he was into it. The weekend included two mfms and they had a few solo rounds.
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It's really is. I couldn't be luckier
I love that your friends wives think of her as a whore, that’s hot.
God this is making me hard, anyone have more of her?
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Most of them swing, too. She just gets off on getting yelled at while she fucks
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That makes sense
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What didn't she like about the mfm experience. Did they push her too far or not consider her wants?
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Got more?
Can someone explain why its 99.99% white women???
There's actually a lot of this with black girls, they're just fat and ugly so no one wants to take pictures
i actually have a few more pics but shes with her husband in them, so they didnt fit the theme
One guy totally dick mogged the other. And the smaller of the two couldn't get or stay hard. All he did was complain the whole time. The one guy who did fuck her was drunk and couldn't cum. And spent a lot of the time on the phone with his wife lying to her about where he was and what he was doing.
My wife and I have had a ton of success pulling off FFM's with black girls. But we tend not to take too many pictures. Black girls tend to prefer doing things like this with White men and women because black men can't, according to what we've been told anyway, fuck very well. They all bought the BBC meme, think they're packing when they're average at best, and learned to fuck through porn.
And they tend to think just pounding away is what women want.
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They gave to be two punters from the UK and one of their slag wives. Probably the one behind her.
99.99% of porn is white people unless you specifically enter a racial term
I wouldn't know about real life, but I'm thankful for Kira Noir, Violet Myers, Maylee Fun, and other such women providing much needed POC representation in double penetration pornography.
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i honestly am starting to understand this fetish. seeing a woman (whether it's gf, wife) sucking his or your cock and getting fucked by his or your cock at the same time is visually appealing to the lizard brain. i feel like when it comes to this fetish no one ever talks about how this fetish unlocks some kind of primal competition in you to out do the other guy too. also making your girl submit to not only your cock but another is some kind of fucked up way of being dominant still. there's more sex in the air it seems too with more noises going on. my favorite thing about this fetish is also the double facials as usually the loads are bigger than one on one. i really want to do experience this one day.
Hey, that's my cock! Nice to see pics of this whore are still making the rounds lol
She's perfect. Need friends like you guys in my life. Keep posting her i can't get enough
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Can do, my man.
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God, wish I was her.
Wish the quality were higher. Slipping my hand in her in this position, holy shit.
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I always kind of thought I'd be into group sex, "always wanted to try a three-way." Seeing these images, I'm just getting hives. This many people, so many directions, that much communication, my autism is angry. So, so angry.
>those thighs
>working her clit while getting fucked
>and kissing
God damn wish I was her
Doubt I'm ever going to be interested enough in sex to go to a club for it. And you became close enough friends to schedule shame-and-fuck time? With other people THAT perverted? Holy shit, maybe I just grew up in church.
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Nah I get it, a lot of it is situational desu. And those situations are hard to recognize at first, but I can tell you already half the women you meet in a bar after 10 are probably up for way more than you'd think of you have social skills
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God I love MFM. I need a slut gf to share with the homies
>the women you meet in a bar after 10
Those are very flatly not people I want to meet. Have fun or whatever.
Love those bangs
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Fuck yeah ! It is great to watch your wife getting fucked by other men. It is very intense to watch her becoming a true slut and to hear how she moans. And once you take your own turn after other men, you will enjoy how wet, how wide open and how hot she is. At the end of the day, it is much better than fucking your wife in a selfish way.
I wish there were more pornographic sitcoms. I'd watch a series that just showed a bunch of awkward sexual encounters in a totally explicit but also non-erotic way.
That’s sweet
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