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If you've got any clothed male nude female (CMNF) pics or links, feel free to post them.
Should've put this in the OP, but the picture is a BTS from the movie Lifeforce (1985) and the actress is Mathilda May. Apparently she at some point walked around naked in between takes to normalize her nudity for the cast and crew.
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Amateur CMNF
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CMNF hall of famer Patricia Barzyk in "La Machine a Decoudre" where her character is more or less completely naked around two men, one of which was her irl fiance, for a long time. Scene is in the link below and is around 18:00-25:00.

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Been trying to find the source for this one, but reverse search turns up nothing. Love the woman's expression here.
Tumblr used to have a ton of niche porn stuff before the purge in the mid/late 2010s. If reddit can keep displaying porn idk why Tumblr couldn't.
From "Briana - The Long Weekend"
A long time ago I saw this picture of a dude in a suit standing over a woman with a really red ass, like he had been spanking her.
Looked russian as fuck. In fact, I saw edits of the guy as Putin lmfao
Never found the source
I know this isn't/r/ but it seemed semi relevant
There is/was a Russian spanking content producer with this dumbass roided out dude doing most of them, that might be who you're thinking of.
>Clothed Male Nude Female
Based as shit. Always wanted this to be a genre and not the in verse. Women should never be dominant or superior.
>Women should never be dominant or superior.
Funny you mention this, because my own weird take on this fetish is that I like when it's just one girl in a completely normal setting, casually naked, acting like it's no big deal, but not subordinate or humilaited. Rather, she's confident and acting like it's no big deal, just going about normal activities and interactions (and most importantly, away from any sexual context). Needless to say, I suffer from niche fetish content dearth.

Holy Shit!!

I've notvseen this movie in years

'Lifeforce' pretty cool film based on a book called 'Space Vampires' a forgotten good one

I should have read that first...

Thanks though bud, I'm doubly loving this
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>be Katie McGrath
>your career is at a standstill
>join "Labyrinth" which requires nude scenes
>try to get the director to later take them out (allegedly)
>director refuses
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>Verification not required.
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Muriel has to undress because she is ready for the second time this week for a marital thrashing on her bare buttocks.
Gotta train them somehow.
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Cute. Waist to hip ratio. Perky tits. Sexy bush.
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This chick?
Better than being a cuck, cuck.
Poor man’s chuck norris
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Nice, gotta love french cinema
I wonder how degrading that was for her.
I've had this picture saved for the longest time but now that I've finally seen Tobe Hooper's "Lifeforce," I finally know where it's from.

Incredible movie, incredible idea; get an 18 yo girl to walk around naked for nearly the whole movie. The mad lad.
They had a CP scare right when a merger was happening so they went scorched Earth
There's a genre for all o them:

CMNF (Clothed Male, Naked Female)
CFNM (Clothed Female, Naked Male)
CFNF (Clothed Female, Naked Female)
CMNM (Clothed Male, Naked Male)

It used to be a lot more even around the early 00's, though CFNM did always seem to be the most popular.
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My daughter walks around the house naked
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Surprised to see this thread still going. Anyone know what the deleted pictures were?
>Women should never be dominant or superior.
This is where you are wrong

More like this, or if her?
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>hey there, smoothskin
Probably "nudified" shit and the like, there is somebody dumping a lot of fake content in this thread.
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Something with a bit more professional photography
Very nice, source? I'm getting a lot of my stuff from the beautifulcmnf tumblr.
that is one of the hottest women to ever live.
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Does anyone have any other behind-the-scenes photos of Mathilda May in Lifeforce?
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Girl's name is Erica. There's a ton of her stuff on motherless.

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