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I don't know why, but playing around in risky situations in public is what does it for me. It's like the ultimate form of dominance or attraction level.
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Stupid ai shit all of these are fake trash
Wtf are you talking about. These are real scenes.
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That lad is trying to rest after a serious head injury and you barged into his room, turned the lights on and started doing non christian approved behaviour?
Shame on you
She needed a pulse, so she went to where the blood was.

No joke, this was one of my biggest fantasies as a kid: that I would be at the school's nurse office and something like that would play out.
I meant the guy in bed
Oh, I missed that. Kek

I wonder how they get extras for scenes like this.
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Who dis
Jade Kimiko. The film channel is LPI.
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Anon, is that a child?
Yes indeed;
This shot, the Pulitzer Prize–winning photograph, titled "The Terror of War", taken at Trảng Bàng during the Vietnam War on June 8, 1972, has been a classic news photograph.
It showed Phan Thi Kim Phuc, nicknamed at the time the Napalm Girl (she had been burned by napalm bombs that had destroyed her clothes also).

>Anon, is that a child?
US Air Force napalmed her village, the little girl runs away with burning napalm stuck to her skin.
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Actually (and for what it's worth) her home village was bombed by the South Vietnamese Air Force.
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