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>my bomb ... it was supposed to wipe away the Old World
>it was supposed to usher in a new age with a burnt offering, a holocaust of the German people, being subjected to hellfire of an exploding star for their irredeemable sins
>everything from Bretagne to Konigsberg wiped clean ... the old oppressive Monarchies shattered and replaced, Tikun Olam, the world healed of the Pagan Idolatry of the Aryan Beast and their ills
>Authoritarianism, Hierarchy, Aristocracy, Militarism, Blood & Soil, ...
>instead it was used for the Imperialist subjugation of one of the few Nation, which has never been conquered by the Blonde Beasts ...
>what a joke ... this is a joke, I am become a God of Death and Destruction, but the wrong people suffered my cleansing fire ... denied have we been our holy revenge against Amalek
>ugh ... sigh
>time to give the Soviets the bomb
>mr oppen we are afraid your Jap Blast Rice Cooker invention has been.... used in an unexpected manner
Imagine having this epic speech prepared, when the atomic bombs wipe out the Nazis and the Germans right with them. You have this epic quote, which you really want to use "I am le death god, destroyer of le worlds". But then this never ended up happening.

You are part of a clique of Jewish scientists, who have been kvetching and screaming for YEARS about all German scientists dropping whatever they are doing to create an atomic bomb. Like you just invented stuff straight out of fiction, but you maybe believe it yourself, because you are this paranoid. You got the funding and acted as kind of a priesthood, encouraging Aryan scientists to do their best to create the bomb as quickly as possible.

And the war fucking ends, before you can use it. Just a few more months and you would have had it. You could had your ultimate revenge against Amalek, this word you constantly repeat like an obsessive paranoid Jewish freak, who sees Amalek everywhere, behind every corner. You almost had it.

And now you parody your own speech. You are dejected. Your dream of death denied. And goys feel sorry for you. They think you are some kind of weepy Humanitarian. They don't realize the inside joke you are telling yourself. They even give a hug or give you a clap on your shoulders and tell them you did the best you did and it's not your fault ... if only they know. At least that gives you that hint of a sardonic smile, as you give the Soviets all of the nuclear secrets.

>mr oppen we are afraid your Anti-Fascist Hellfire Blast "Aryan Annihilator" invention has been.... used in an unexpected manner
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>Billions dying would actualy end in billions dying?
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>what do you MEAN you dislike the people that MURDER your BROTHERS and SISTERS in faith as a GOVERNMENT POLICY??? HOW could you EVER work towards their UNDOING??? THIS IS NOT FAIR!!
>I pay blood for hitler
Is he okay?
meanwhile in reality:
>Western Jews hated the Jews from Eastern Europe so god damn much, they deliberately lobbied Western governments to not take them in and expel them
Wasn't Fermi (a goy) the chief scientist anyways?
>what do you MEAN you forced the people that HATE your BROTHERS and SISTERS in blood out of important positions in government, economy, media, science and arts as a GOVERNMENT POLICY ??? HOW could you EVER work against your own UNDOING??? THIS IS NOT FAIR!!
>ackshully juice did the lolocaust
brownboys: the gift that keeps on giving
Brown bussy...
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great thread
That kid got the good ending after all, I remember seeing a pic of him getting married to a normal white lass a few months ago
Sigi actually landed a woman.
What about you?
did he actually want to use it against the germans instead of the japs or is this a meme?
It's a meme. OP is a schizo.
He most definitely wanted to anticipate Heisenberg.
Little did he know the Germans were nowhere close to the completion of an atomic bomb
The entire Jewish intelligentsia went around and "warned" everyone that Germany wanted to use the bomb to destroy the entire world and they were very very close to getting it and that they need to do everything in their power to get the bomb first and use it to destroy Germany for it's many sins. Then there is this Amalek autism, where they call everyone they dislike Amalek, who needs to be destroyed to achieve world peace.
Is this paraphrased? If so it makes sense
They did. To create Israel.
How are you people this fucking retarded and historically illiterate? Oppenheimer was a hardcore Cold Warrior and member of the Committee for the Present Danger led by James B. Conant, Vannevar Bush and Tracey Voorhees, he supported developing miniaturized tactical nuclear bombs to be used against the Soviet Union, told both Congress and John J. McCloy that a preemptive strike against Moscow though undesirable should not be entirely excluded, backed the Korean War, was very close to Dean Acheson and Paul Nitze in favouring NSC-68 and massive conventional military buildup by the US to avoid a reliance on nuclear weaponry that could endanger human civilization, etc. Oppenheimer had his security clearance removed as part of a intra-Cold Warrior power struggle: during the early Cold War, it was the Democrats who favoured greater military spending due to their Keynesian economic commitments which led to believe a large military budget would not have a deleterious impact on the US economy, whereas internationalist Republicans favoured the policy of massive retaliation formulated by Eisenhower and John Foster Dulles whereby the US would rely on the threat of immediate nuclear warfare to maintain overseas commitments to contain communism *without* massively expanding the US government deficit with defence spending. The Chief of the Democratic Advisory Council, Dean Acheson, and his deputy, the author of NSC-68 Paul Nitze, were the deans of Democratic foreign policy in the 50s under Ike, and they severely criticized the administration's national security policy due to its lacking the ability for a flexible response to minor threats which it would immediately escalate to nuclear war; Nitze and Acheson concurred with the US Navy that strategic nuclear bombing strikes would NOT push the USSR out of a war due to the inefficiency of strategic bombing during WWII.
he didn't say that
Oppenheimer was a hold over from the Truman administration who was skeptical of the emphasis on the hydrogen bomb both for moral AND practical reasons, which is why he was removed in a rather recondite and arcane palace struggle revolving around national security debates within the wider US foreign policy elite. The narrative that he was some bleeding heart liberal was a CONSTRUCT of the media. For fuck's sake, Oppenheimer was great friends with George fucking Kennan, and that guy was definitely not a philo-Semite.

Both the USA and USSR are left-wing entities, who worked together to destroy the Old World of traditional European monarchies and their Empires. The CIA almost always worked together with left-wing movements across the world. The focus on Pinochet is left-wing hysteria, who view any slight deviance as terrible affronts to themselves.

The USA regarded the USSR as their attack dog, as their ferocious little brother on the continent. The Cold War is an ideological Civil War between two left-wing entities. Also none of what you said counters or even addresses OP's main point. Which is that the Jewish Intelligentsia involved in creating the bomb were motivated by a bizarre reversal of victim-perpetrator dynamics. They told everyone that Germany was THIS close to developing the bomb, which they would use to destroy the entire world. They completely invented and made up stories about how Germany would mobilize all of their scientists across their country for this single purpose. Oppenheimer later was also disappointed how most German able-bodied males weren't sold to the USSR as war reparations, which would have made the worst genocide against a European people even worse, because the Soviets would have worked most of them to death.
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>Excuse me... uh... Mr. Truman... I was- uh- going over the finishing touches on that gentile annihilation sphere you ordered and I coooooouldn't help but notice you were... uh...
>*loud cartoonish gulp*
>Well uh sir... you're kiiiiinda sending it in the wrong direction - Germany is uh....
>*points nervously to his right*
>Thatuh way. Mm... yeah... awkwaaaaard
>Both the USA and USSR are left-wing entities, who worked together
They really didn't. They were virtually always at odds with one another. And the Old World was already dead.

>The CIA almost always worked together with left-wing movements across the world.
Wow, no shit retard. You discovering this for the first time just now?

>The USA regarded the USSR as their attack dog
They really didn't. Roosevelt and his closest advisers like Joseph Davies and Harry Hopkins most certainly did, intending to feed the Soviets all that they could with no strings attached so that they would march all the way into the heart of Germany, as they were the only force that could do so and Roosevelt was terrified of the prospect of a separate Soviet-German peace treaty (which Stalin was pursuing *especially* vigourously: https://www.jstor.org/stable/1861311) due to his obsessive desire to conduct regime change in Germany, in contradistinction to the cautious and patient Stalin who only moved in until he was absolutely certain he could consolidate his imperial gains. Yet the actual American bureaucracy and broader elite was skeptical of the USSR, and Roosevelt had to use labyrinthine bureaucracy and duplicitousness to circumvent regular diplomatic channels to implement his policy of unconditional aid. Admiral William Standley, the ambassador to the USSR until 1943, was incensed by the fact that it was local Office of Lend Lease Administration chief Colonel Philip Faymonville who handled relations with the Soviets without being accountable to either military ataches Ivan Yeaton and John Michela or Standley himself; Roosevelt had to rely on private emissary like Joseph Davies to achieve his policy. Indeed, he concealed his aims from most of his administration, even later ambassador William Averell Harriman, who hopelessly sought to find some kind of reconciliation between Poland and the USSR...
...and later after Roosevelt's death proved one of the architects who swayed Truman towards a hardline policy towards the USSR in April 1945 as relations between the US and USSR precipitously declined. Roosevelt tricked the public with his Wilsonian rhetoric while he sought to turn Europe into a giant Raj dominated by Britain and the USSR -- yet after his death, the traditional State Department policy of "open spheres of interest" as best formulated by the diplomat Charles Bohlen prevailed once more, and as Roosevelt and Stalin's agreement that the latter ought to communize the countries of Eastern Europe surreptitiously and gradually so as to avoid a public uproar and elite disgust in the US collapsed due to the difficulties of implementing Popular Front democratic governments in occupied Soviet territories to disguise the gradual communization, US hostility towards the USSR sharply increased; Soviet aggressive actions in supporting Azerbaijani separatists in Iran to gain oil concessions in Northern Iran from the Majlis, a plot to invade and dismember Turkey in order to expand Greece and Bulgaria and occupy the Bosphorus and Dardanelles, and aggressive Soviet attempts to be ceded old Italian colonies in Libya and Eritrea so as to increase Russian naval power, and even interest in a Soviet trusteeship in Palestine, further exacerbated tensions. The friendly policy of Roosevelt towards the USSR was built on personal diplomacy that circumvented traditional channels and loci of authority, and he failed to institutionalize his policy preferences and agenda. Inevitably, his Machiavellian plots only served to swing the pendulum away from his idea, and his dream of a World Council of regional hegemons imposing peace inherited from his cousin Theodore collapsed in the wake of his death. A truly odious and disgusting man.
But you should read some actual books like Mary Glantz's FDR and the Soviet Union, John Lamberton Harper's American Visions of Europe: FDR, Kennan and Acheson, and Frank Costigliola's book on Roosevelt's personal diplomacy.

>Also none of what you said counters or even addresses OP's main point.
Wow le anti-Semitism 101... so mindblowing anon!

>Oppenheimer later was also disappointed how most German able-bodied males weren't sold to the USSR as war reparations, which would have made the worst genocide against a European people even worse, because the Soviets would have worked most of them to death.
[citation needed]

The Morgenthau Plan is a meme -- there was widespread opposition to it, especially emanating from Henry Stimson's War Department and in particular his deputies John McCloy and Robert Lovett. Both the US and the Soviets had an interest in an industrially capable Germany, and in fact the Clifford-Elsey report featured complaints about the USSR trying to put East Germany on a war footing again to feed its own reparations policy.
Regular reminder that Oppenheimer only brought up the quote years later when he was on a talk show. All these portrayals of him watching the bomb go off and him whispering it as the mushroom cloud expands is pure Hollywood bullshit.
Are youging to pretend like the entire West isn’t basically (culturally) Marxist
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A good part of jews are brown.
>All that Japanese cunny...
Harriman was skull & bones. Order 322
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>It's right behind me, isn't it
What is this gay faggot goalpost shifting? The idea that Oppenheimer was a Soviet sympathizer at the time of his work at the Manhattan Project or that he sold secrets to the USSR is absolutely inane and historically illiterate, just taking libtard mythology at face value and chasing irrelevant mirages in order to construct some imbecilic victim narrative for WWII Germany. You can think Jews suck and the eclipse of Europe by the US and USSR was a tragedy without being a mongoloid fucking retard incapable of grasping nuance.

>all Jews or married to Jews

Wow... So deep man... No-one's said this before... Seriously, try reading some actual history instead of just Wikipedia articles. You're embarrassing yourself.
>all Jews or married to Jews

You fool, you know nothing. You are yet to disprove the conspiracy
Yeah, Jews were resentful cunts who flocked to communism until it became clear that anti-Semitism and nationalism were prevailing in the USSR and came to resent Stalin for "stabbing them in the back", thus choosing to pursue neoconservatism. Your point?

Jews didn't like Germany. Okay? What does that have to do with your lying about Oppenheimer?

What does American Jews in America handing over atomic secrets to the Soviets have to do with Germany?
>jews didn't like germany, yet that's where they all lived

baka, fucking retard, are you a jew?
You tell me, anon. You're the one not making sense.
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It is just a list of notable atomic spies. I expected Judenspiel to involve complex logical fallacies but it seems you just keep talking even when everyone in the room knows you're wrong, including yourself.

100% of all Jews are indoctrinated from infancy to support the genocide of the Amelek (ethnic white europeans), this includes Oppenheimer. Oppenheimer's work involved astronomy and was only incidentally related with nuclear physics, but as soon as the FDR administration accepted the potential of nuclear weapons they assigned several jews positions of authority to watch over it. Oppenheimer supported the Spanish Republicans, his brother was a communist, he associated with many communists, he was a jew, he was a dyed in the wool ideologue in synch with FDR and his clique, because of this he was given an administrative role, choosing a site which was wholly unsuited to the scale of project due to his management inexperience. This incompetence and nepotism held back the project, but to your people I guess it is important that you remain in control whatever the cost.

It should come as no surprise then that Oppenheimer and all the other Jews like Morris Cohen, Harry Gold, David Greenglass, Theodore Hall, George Koval, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Saville Sax, Oscar Seborer and Morton Sobell immediately sold nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union. It did not matter to them that 19 year old gentiles died screaming on the beaches of Normandy to liberate fellow jews from the "death camps" or that they found prosperity they could not find elsewhere in the US and the FDR administration entrusted them with critical research for national defense. They always believed since they were little that they are not American but God's chosen and that gentiles are beasts.
Yes, most atomic spies were Jewish communists. Oppenheimer though? He wasn't a communist by the time of the Manhattan Project and indeed was highly skeptical of the USSR. Roosevelt's personal ideology was highly idiosyncratic and close to nonsensical -- there were probably no more than about half a dozen people who fully ideologically aligned with Roosevelt, with virtually 99.99% of his administration being clueless about his vision and intent. And Oppenheimer was able to win the trust and respect of many conservatives whom he associated with.

So are you gonna post any evidence that Oppenheimer passed secrets along to the Soviets, or are you just going to make generalizations based on other Jews, you fucking retard?
chuddies haven't shot this much flak since 1945
they carpet bombed catholic strongholds. Literally everything bad in the world is bc of Martin Luther. Anglo Protestants and Jews are responsible for this nuclear weapon lie and propagating "destruction at the press of a button" ffs imagine believing this shit.

If nukes are real, it would take Russias entire GDP, their entire government budget, just to maintain nuclear warheads. And that's not even broaching advancing weaponry. Face it, the world has been had, there is literally no nuclear weapons. Or you can believe the theory that detonating nuclear weapons, has been lost. Regardless, nukes are fake and gay. And the world would be better off if you didn't suck off occult kaballahists
What the fuck are you talking about?

Free Palestine.
From what and why? Why do you take the side of brown people over Whites?
Ashkenazi jews arent white people
Whiter than you Muhammed.
So Hitler was just a jewish puppet all along? Interesting
Balfour declaration 1917, was enforced by the USA. Hitler was the last line of defense in Europe from the Anglo Jewish dissolution of Russia, France and Germany. Any attempts at conflating Hitler as a jewish agent is well poisoning
That's actually a great hypothesis: Oppenheimer was actually a schizo radical jew who just wanted to destroy the western civilization, and became resentful when the japs got the short end of the stick instead (not because he pitied them, but because they weren't the right target), and then gave the nuclear plans to the soviets so they could finish the job (or perhaps just as a revenge against the americans).
He was owned by the tribe like a dirty kippah ever since the age of 4, but you are already aware of that, aren't you, moishe
>me bomb
The bomb was never his.

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