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In the Battle of Mogadishu (according to the end credits in Black Hawk Down), over 1000 Somalis were killed. On the American side, 18 died and they each got honoured in a blockbuster Hollywood movie.

One of, if not the most one sided battles in history. Almost a massacre more than a "battle". What do you think?
Sounds good to me
Pyrrhic victory for the Somalis
Sorry Yanks
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> The battle took place in the midst of a famine sweeping across Somalia. Soldiers in the film can be heard calling the Somalis “Skinnies,” but the moniker actually has nothing to do with their physical appearance or the country’s dangerous lack of food. The name comes from Robert Heinlein’s Starship Troopers. In it, members of an alien race that threaten to wipe out humanity are known as Skinnies. At the time of the battle, the book was popular among members of Task Force Ranger, who transferred the nickname to Somalis.
not a battle, just 19th century gunboat diplomacy with helicopters
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For me it's the Battle of Khasham.


There's not a single Somali actor in the entire movie. I just couldn't suspend by disbelief and accept that random West Africans and African American actors are "Somalis". They look nothing like them.
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As if anyone cares about which niggas are the correct ones
A good example of why the UN needs more muscle and balls. And a very good starting point to explain why the United States began to feel the need to be the World Police.
Why do we still even bother with Somalia? They hate us. We're better off recognizing Somaliland and building them up as the only stable state in the Horn of Africa.
>What do you think?
i prefer the Pasta battle
200 somali were killed

Gli altri sono rimasti solo feriti
>One of, if not the most one sided battles in history. Almost a massacre more than a "battle". What do you think?
there's a good account of this action in

The Night Stalkers: Top Secret Missions of the U.S. Army's Special Operations Aviation Regiment
The Operations Room on YT
>there's a good account of this action in The Elite Shadow Operators: The World's Most Secret Badasses and Their Greatest Missions
Doubt it. Idk why anyone who isn't a boomer falls for this level of pop history writing on military and intelligence. Even calling it pop history is being generous.
>A good example of why the UN needs more muscle and balls. And a very good starting point to explain why the United States began to feel the need to be the World Police.
Your approach to the matter is all wrong. The whole point of the UN is that the UNSC PM (US, UK, France, Russia, China) can control the world in the post-WW2 order.

You don't weaken any of these states by putting more power behind the UN. Where does the UN gets its resources from? From them. Where is it located? In the US. Who the hell made the UN the government of the world?

this. its funny how the "africa is the most diverse continent in the world" are okay with a congolid portraying an ethiopid. or a nilotid portraying a bantuid.
Based Americans
It's like wanting to portray someone from Tonga, but you get actors from Papua New Guinea and aboriginal Australia. The physiognomy is completely off.
I like how it appears the university of southern Denmark took casualties
(It's the institution estimating casualties)
US interventionism during the 20th century was actually based and if you disagree, you're a global south faggot, a pajeet, a serb, or a PLA simp.
US interventionism during the 20th century was actually bad and if you disagree you're Jewish
Russia turned off their air defenses so US could carry out this air strike. If S-400 was active American jets would be falling like flies.
The Somalis objectively won; the United States cares more about casualties than they do, and abandoned the mission and country.
The Black Hawk Down movie is a weird case of the United States glorifying one of it's own defeats; like Lone Survivor, but less insidious and inaccurate, and actually a good film.
I'm from New England.
US interventions during the 20th century was cringe and if you disagree, you're an uncivilized troglodyte or underage edgelord.
I'm sure they would've hit a few, but we see in Ukraine that the S-400 is less than 50% accurate.
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>Almost a massacre more than a "battle".

The reason for the huge number of casualties was

1. The SNA resorting to largely infantry-based attacks in a confined space

2. Large numbers of civilians who were angry with the UN presence in Somalia spontaneously grabbing weapons (this is a country where damn near every male owns an AK) and becoming combatants

3. Increasingly panicked US forces opening fire on literally any crowd they encountered


Lone Survivor is basically the US Navy attempting to save face in what was a shitshow that was entirely of their own making.

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