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>get invited to empty lands
>make it productive
>get invited to random villages
>bring trades and skills to the people
their reward for building up Eastern Europe? Genocide.
Don’t declare war against ye rest of the world twice and lose if you really valued those people and towns
It's amazing how eastern "europeans" gaslit the world by using european to describe themselves
they never started a single world war
They are only European insofar they speak an Indo-European language and were Christian.
Blame Shitler.
>Germany dindu nothin mane!
>>get invited to empty lands
>>make it productive
>>get invited to random villages
>>bring trades and skills to the people
But enough about Zionist colonization of Palestine amirite?
>it's a jew can't help but seek attention post
My grandma and grandpa were literally from these regions (Oberlausitz and Danzig) and they were seemingly less butthurt about the loss of their birthlands than Latino Zoomer Rightoids who weren't even born in Germany lmao.
Are you autistic? He was obviously making fun of you for sounding just like Zionists with your excuses and incapacity to understand why the natives don't want you there
Holy shit I thought it was just memes but Asperger's Syndrome must genuinely run rampant with you people
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>My grandma and grandpa were literally from these regions
>the kvetching starts
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/his/ suffers from a plague of actual retards, I'm talking IQ so low they literally can't make sense of what they're reading.
You can type "I think Israel is bad and I used this comparison to Israel as a way of mocking you" and the retard will literally not possess the neurons required to understand the message conveyed here. Outstanding really, especially when they're often native English speakers too.
People who look like this are usually the ones bitching about the border change actually
To be fair, the Carpathian Germans unironically dindu nuffin
they weren't invited, they invaded militarily
>hire somebody to work in the garden
>they also steal a garage and try to kick you out from the house
>kick him out
>he cry
>some fatso behind the ocean defend him
don't you have niggers to defend at home?
I dont get why Gypsy Latinx bitch about these things. My grandfather’s family was from the Stettin area but he got over it. What’s done is done. People who are realistic know that the Polish will sperg out at somebody then lose their war and their country will be divided up again especially given that Anglo-American influence will decline in the next century which keeps the peace and the post 1945 borders in place. But by 1990 very few Germans really were willing to fight and die for some Pomeranian or Silesian land, let alone risking getting nuked just so we can fly a German tricolor over Königsberg.
Slavs didn’t kick them out, Stalin did with his fucked but mercilessly effective realpolitik.
I do think Stalin fumbled the ball here though and could’ve had an East Germany that could rival West Germany in legitimacy and power but couldn’t get that due to his characteristic shortsightedness.
Germans are like a more concentrated version of White people. English too. That is why the same antagonism exists towards them as White people in general, but from other lesser Whites too like Slavs.

The Eastern Germans already had the highest living standards in the Eastern bloc. Such a powerful Eastern Germany would delegitimize Communism.
I'd also add that Königsberg just straight up does not exist anymore, it's like Carthage or Sparta, whatever city exists over its ruins today is a totally different thing which just so happens to be located on the same spot.
The Oder-Neiße territories are as dead as a human being can be dead, nothing will truly "bring them back" because even if the lands became German again, the actual distinct German subcultures of those regions (be it Silesians or Easy Prussians and so on) have died along with the generations of people who were last raised there. If East Prussia came "back" it wouldn't be East Prussian, it would be settled by millions of Westerners who speak Hochdeutsch with Hanover accents.
Britain declared war against Germany, retard.
Sorry, I don't buy that history. Cultures and subcultures can form again.
Name a German political party that condemns Britain's declaration of war
>Cultures and subcultures can form again.
Lmao yeah right, how? A culture is like a human, it's formed by unique circumstances and experiences which cannot be replicated without a time machine.
East Prussians will never be THE East Prussians we knew of again, unless we also bring back the Baltic Prussi tribes and the Baltic crusades and the subsequent 500+ years of cultural development and events which influenced their thinking, speech, ideas, etc.
You cannot resurrect your grandpa by simply wearing his clothes and imitating his accent, you'll never be "him".
Don't make me repeat my request
East Prussians and others were first created out of German settlers from multiple regions. Sure, "New East Prussians" would be different albeit likely consisting of the descendents of many people who fled East Prussia. Arguably, Germany inherits Prussian culture anyway and the same could be said for the other lost regions. It is silly to argue about though, nothing can be done about this until Germany nuts up and deports all the brownoids/non-Germans it's let in the last 30 years.
Jews from 2000 years ago aren't also jews today, get over it.
True. Why did you think this was some sort of counterargument?
>>get invited to empty lands
Teutonic order was not invited by Prussians or other Balts.
>treats a brotherly people (slavs) as subhumans
>while at the same time being a muttified corpse filled with the most anti european people imaginable
i lost all empathy towards you,be it the ww2 rape at the hands of russians,the expulsions or what is happening now,for not learning anything from Cain and Abel or from Jacob and Esau,Germans and Germanics will suffer as they should
Except it's a shit argument since the "satire" point about Israel is actually correct. If you're trying to refute OP's point with a comparison, it should be with something false/unreasonable.
Britain declared war on Germany for no reason and then the whole world joined in to beat down Germany?! Sheeit. Das fucked upped. Germany dindu nothin.
Slavs aren’t brothers. They are asiatic mongrels. Barely European. Low impulse control just like niggers,
Some Slavs, specifically the Czechs, did not need any assistance in kicking out their German population.
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But anyways, enough about jews.
It's become literally fucking impossible to discuss anything on /his/ without some retard bringing up Jews
You could be talking about fucking Polynesian exploration and some twit will bring up the Jews. Worse yet are the nationalists from some shit joke country who'll be saying utterly absurd shit like "my glorious nation invented nuclear fusion in 1367 and anyone who disagrees is a Jew"
Yes that was also part of the joke here >>17098896
Which takes us back to this point here lmao >>17098915
>Jews from 2000 years ago aren't also jews today, get over it
So Jews didn't really kill Jesus? Since they didn't exist back then. You retard low IQ brown /Pol/fag mutt ape.
Germans and Kikes act the same. It's the same culture.
They are
>Pledge oath of loyalty
>Turn sides the moment your compatriots come in force

They got away with it too easily desu
They weren’t. They were invited by the neighboring Poles because they wanted help defending their land from raids by the Prussian tribes.
Another thread from some Polacks with deeply rooted inferiority complexes. Slavs weren't invited by europeans, they invaded. For centuries they robbed other people of their land to become the blight of Europe. "Trade and skills"? Laughable.
Get it, no one wants you as part of western Europe or sees you as such. You can demand money for all of eternity for all we care, just do it in your own lands and leave us alone. But your primitive mindset won't allow that. Maybe start with learning a decent language and not just speaking gibberish.
This thread is about Germans invading Slavic lands, but good effort Kevin, your butthurt level is spot on.
>chimps out and causes ww1
>commends attila the hun and had its people raped by and leaders like odoacer be huns
>chimps out and causes ww2
>manages to get an isolationist usa into a war against them because they simply had to ally japan
look into a mirror first,bitch
>their reward for building up Eastern Europe? Genocide.

you mean the reward of getting to commit genocide, right?

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