Ethnic makeup of the neapolitan court of Alfonso V "the Magnanimous". Notice the total absence of Italians.
Why don't South Italians speak Catalan/Aragonese or have any of the Iberoid R1b then? The Crown of Aragon was pretty much the southern version of the HRE. They still remained mostly autonomous.
>>17280459>Why don't South Italians speak Catalan/AragoneseThe elites don't always force their language on the plebs>have any of the Iberoid R1b thennor do they always mix with themthey just remained separate as a caste.
>>17280474The Moors sure did leave a lot of genetic and cultural impact on Iberia unlike Iberians in Italy though.
>>17280497What does that have to do with Aragonese rule over southern Italy?
>>17280506That it was the southern version of the HRE and it wasn't like what Spajeets did in the Americas.
>>17280497>The Moors sure did leave a lot of genetic and cultural impact on Iberiathey didn't stop coping>>17280538>That it was the southern version of the HREwhatever it was most of ruling elites in the kingdom of naples came from iberia