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Cain built the first city. He is responsible for civilization.
Why do White people believe in jewish cosmology from some backwater that existed 2000 years ago?
I'm not a Christian. The Bible is heavily distorted truth
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>I'm not a communist, Das Kapital is heavily distorted truth
YHWH is the gnostic demiurge
What I read was
>I don't have enough faith in Christianity being true to call myself a Christian while defending it
>I don't have enough faith in Christianity
I fundamentally disagree with Christianity. I believe God created me with complete foreknowledge of everything I would ever do and so "asking forgiveness" would be redundant. Free will doesn't exist in a universe with a supreme all knowing being.
I'll never understand this. Omniscience can coexist with free will. God knows every possible choice you can make and all eventualities that would bring you too, it doesn't mean he ordained a certain one to happen.

I always thought cain and Abel was an allegorical telling of agricultural societies triumph over traditional pastoralists, represented through two early descendants of Adam and eve
>The creator of civilization was a fratricidal murderer.
Really makes you think.
a lot of people don't know this but he was also the first Vampire and Enoch (the first city) was built so that he could have an easy source of blood or some such thing
>it doesn't mean he ordained a certain one to happen.
Yes it does. If he doesn't know which one will happen, he's not omniscient
>If he doesn't know which one will happen,
He does, He just didn't ordain it that way. Think of a coin.
>He does
If God knows which choice I will pick, then it is ordained. If I picked any other option, God would have been wrong about something. If I flip a coin and get heads, God ordained I get heads
>bro just cheat on your wife stop believing in jewish morality
>God knows every possible choice you can make
does he know the one I am actually going to make?
you don't need a city to have civilization, pastoral nomads are civilization
why stop exactly there? why not claim pedestrian nomadic hunter-gatherers living in the early stone age 'are civilization'?
actually, civilization equals cities. the very word means 'making people city dwellers'.
>pastoral nomads are civilization
No they aren't
Only the Most High Yah knows everything. The Holy Ones below him have been allowed to know almost everything by him. And the ones below those know and understand a bit less than them. And so on until you reach the common watchers of the skies above our head who know just a bit more than human prophets and that which has been written in the heavenly tablets that they have been allowed to read. Which is more than what we have in the earthly scriptures that the generous Most High has allowed us to have.
See this feels like some kind of IQ gap or something. Can you not envision the concept of going knowing infinitely possible timelines? And omniscient God knows every possible path you can take, before it's taken, when you choose it that isn't his choice, but it is within his foresight.. I don't see the logic behind "clairvoyance = Control".

If I was a psychic and knew exactly part for part your entire future does that mean I controlled every choice you made? No of course not, you made your own decisions of your own free will, I just knew which ones you would make.

The omniscient=/ free will argument is really baseless and makes no sense
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>See this feels like some kind of IQ gap or something.
You talk about IQ but you still believe in medieval judeo-christian fanfiction. He doesn't know everything. This is why he has to send some angels to survey Sodom before deciding to obliterate it, since he didn't actually know everything about everyone down there.
define "civilization"
it might blow your mind "pastoral nomads" simply lived in moving* cities.
>If I was a psychic
Why don't you make the analogy more apt, you're a psychic that knows everything, AND you also created everything
set all things in motion, chose to create this world instead of another world, etc
+has the knowledge and power to cause any outcome, should you chose to

Now it makes a lot more sense to point fingers at you
Fratricides are quite common in mythology. The obvious comparison here is Romulus and Remus. Like Abel, the older brother goes on to found a city after murdering the younger (some variants changed it so that one of his followers killed the brother, no doubt because it seemed too improper for Romulus to have bloody hands)
>like Abel
*like Cain, obviously
>christcucks think they invented monogamy

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