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Doesn't the existence of pedophiles alone disprove the existence of a benevolent, loving God? No normal person would ever consciously choose to be a pedophile if they weren't one, would you?

For the record I do believe the universe was created by a god. But thinking he/it loves us is wishful thinking at best
This. It is possible for God to create a world with no pedophiles (Less evil/better world), but instead, he chooses to create a world with pedophiles that rape children and get shot (More evil/worse world). This means that God is either non-benevolant and undeserving of worship, or non-existent and not a real being to worship.
You guys are genuinely idiots lmao every day this gets posted and everyday you get told that humanity is a shape like a triangle, by nature of our shape we our destined for nothingness and hell but god choosing to interact and create the shape will allow it to flourish into eternal existence. You are what you are and god says he loves you in spite of your limited state because of your capacity know eternal truth(god)
>No normal person would ever consciously choose to be a pedophile if they weren't one, would you?
Hollywood would like to have a word with you.
The stigmatization of pedophilia(what you are engaging in right now) and the belief in God(what you are also engaging in right now) are both cultural consequences
>THUG captcha
Hollywood people aren't pedophiles because they work in Hollywood, they work in Hollywood because they are pedophiles.

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