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To stop all the source threads deleting good content, a general source thread is required. /r/ doesn't do gay shit and mods ban/delete individual source threads.

How to obtain your source:
1) Post your picture or description
2) Post what you want (name, company, etc)
3) Post any information you have (where/when the picture is from, etc)
4) Wait for a mars/hm/allow to help you and then say thanks.

Together we can stop the 404ing of good porn.

Please use Yandex (highly recommended) or Google image search (fuck google image search though) before posting in this thread.

There is also a gay porn encyclopedia which can be found here:
It has a huge library of many different actors, studios, films and other information which you may find helpful.

Finally, please do not reply to users who ask for a source by creating their own thread. This removes porn from /hm/ and they should not be rewarded for their actions.

Previous Sauce Thread: >>2637930
Who are they?
that's young sean penn
Who this? All I'm getting is a link to a reddit post but he hasn't been identified in the comments from what I could see


who are the tops in these vids?
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I know it's Craig Marks, but which vid? A lot of his tops are too gentle
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Anyone know who this is?
Looking for a seancody promo shot/scene/the performers. Saw it recently but it was in passing and idk where it was.

2 guys on a bed, one in thee "back" on his knees but semi-upright, other guy was "in front" on all fours sucking first guy. First guy was sorta leaning to reach for the second guys ass.

Both are caucasian. Upright guy had short dark hair, solid build (abs in particular looked very built), had a boyish face but was handsome.
Didn't see much of the second guys features besides him being white and also had darkish hair - he was facing away due to sucking dick and all we really saw was his back but not much to define his features.
Roomed looked darkish colours; greys, deep blues, etc.

Pretty damn sure it was a seancody promo shot because I remember seeing the logo in the bottom right corner.
But I did a quick skim through the performers listing on their site and all of the ones that matched the upright guys description didn't appear to be in scenes matching either the partner or bed.
Who is he?
Amateur video.

Guy sucking other guys cock. Says:
You precum heaps
Jesus Christ don't say sorry
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Looking for a Treasure Island media gangbang filmed in Mexico. A tatted up guy with a huge cock I recently hooked up with told me he was in a scene like that but I haven't been able to find it.

Anyone know who they are?
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Anyone knows who this is?
shawn wolfe

bottom is alex roman
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This behemoth. Mainly looking for social media handles
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Who is he? The gay blog that posts these collages never includes the handles of the hot men.
Anyone got the HD version?
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does anyone know the bottoms name?
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Does anyone know the bottom?
you want a hd version of this 1452x1452 non porn image? you r3tard3d?
Let him cook, I'm feeling it too
Who’s the turkish daddy top?
go to https://onlyfans.com/dancerqueer and ask the bottom
Apparently this guy had an account on Reddit where he posted nudes. He had an account on insta: liftingwithseth.
Who is this man and is there a longer video?

Trying to find a video. I've only seen it on a single twitter/x account that has since been suspended; but I'm certain that account just found it and reposted it - it was a generic 'repost porn/lewds/nudes' account.

Video is of 3 guys lying on a bed, room has an overall purple lighting/look to it. Camera pov is from a guy lying down, camera pointing at his junk/legs, other 2 guys taking turns sucking him off. When one is sucking, the other is kissing/caressing the camera guys legs/nuts/taint, or caressing the guy sucking. They occasionally kiss between sucking.

All 3 are white, kinda twunk-y. Left sucker has short blondish hair styled in a sorta quiff/spiked up. Other guy has dark short hair naturally styled/down.
Not a very long video, maybe around 3 minutes long?

This is the tweet link if it helps at all, account wasn't archived on wayback machine from what I could see:
Top in the first vid is ThomasLongXXL
Well maybe I don’t use OF and didn’t want to bother the bottom with such a question
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Name of those guys/video? I cant find them


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who are they?
Timtale guys? They're fucking hot.
Source plus more gifs in this thread:

Sean Cody - Ashton (top) and Curtis bareback

Trying to find a twitter/x user. Pretty sure he was Brazillian, had some content with an alleged soldier - soldier was dark tanned so possible Brazillian aswell, had an insanely defined muscle gut/abs, and was hung. Was wearing camo clothing which really sold that he was a soldier.

Pretty sure the account user was a bottom. Unsurprisingly, the word 'soldier' brings up a lot of niche porn that doesn't help find this twitter account.
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Anyone know who this is?
Ryker Skye
jim bayless

Who is the cocksucker in these?
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Help a rice queen out plz
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Name of this guy? social accounts whatsoever. I'm sure I've seen his photo somewhere around the boards where he was resting at the pool deck.
1. https://www.artstation.com/marketplace/p/8NORe/a-male-act-reference-pack-for-artists-810-jpegs
2. https://www.artstation.com/marketplace/p/8gwRz/an-anatomy-of-a-man-photo-reference-pack-for-artists-950-jpegs
3. https://www.satinezillah.com/photoreferences/p/adonis
4. https://www.satinezillah.com/photoreferences/p/musclestudy
>jim bayless
tyvvvvm anon
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I just need the original video, please
Straight athlete showing off his erect penis in the lock room, then walking over to his straight teammate and whipping his cock at him. Anyone seen he vid on Twitter? Need to know who this man is
David Cihacek
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Does anyone have any info on the one?
It's from a website called Czech gay fantasy.

heres a few bits from the series.



thanks anon. I'm saving up my thirdy money to buy those collections btw. He's such a beautiful man. QwQ
good sub
tyty, now if i can only find the top for the 2nd vid :D
Back before Pornhub had the stricter filters, there was this amateur-looking video of a bald guy in jeans fucking a smaller guy. There was a point where the top choked the bottom out and he passes out, then regains consciousness and gets mad. The top convinces him it was an accident and gets him to keep going.

Other than that, all I can remember is the shitty lighting. It looked amateur, but it could have been Treasure Island Media for all I know
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am searching for him for ages now, anybody know him?
dumbass retard didnt even bother to look at the link on the first pic, none of the links give any source. learn how to reasearch properly brainlet kek
anyone know who these two are?
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I think thats Ed Hunter and some other guy in Bad Seed. Bottom shot up meth or something in the uncensored scene.

gif related
sauce of that pic, dunno bout his name tho
looking for a video/performer. 2 guys performing for a webcam, basically just sitting on separate chairs facing each other. Both are white, one is a beefy slightly pudgy guy with a fairly big dick (think he was capable of licking/sucking his tip) with shory brown hair. Other is a tan guy with an athletic build, average looking cock, possibly dark blonde or light brown hair.

Seen 2 videos of them, one they are sitting in a room with a piano behind them iirc. They lean across and kiss towards the end. Think one of them sucks the other for a bit.
The other video I vaguely recall them being in a different room. One gets up and walks out, and when he comes back he kisses the other guy from behind. Again vague memory because I didn't see that video as much as the first one I described.

These were uploaded on sites like xhamster, xvideo, etc. But I haven't been able to find them for years now.

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I need to know who the guys in this video are, mostly the top: https://x.com/PiroKdasAvulsas/status/1640164228999921669
Looking for a porn scene in which two brown-haired younger white guys fuck on white bedding, and the bottom just keeps on repeating "thank you! thank you!" while being fucked. I really want to find it.
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Anyone have this video or a link to it? His name is Logan Wall and the fucker who first uploaded this one just privated it for some reason.
Omg, that's a huge cock. So yummy.
alex roman
top is Ethan metz
idk if I'm tripping but he looks exactly like the guy in this link

Goes by 'southernguyx' or 'southernjay'
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who is he?
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Any ID on the first guy in this video?:

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Duncan Saint

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Who is he?
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reposting, anyone got the full vid / who's the top
Anyone know who this is or where i can find the full video or any info on this? https://x.com/brosbejackinn/status/1835904567654945237?s=46
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Anybody know the name of the scene, movie, actors, anything...?
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This one please
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source or OF etc?
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Anybody know who he is?
Seconded. I tried reverse searching and all I found was a Russian site with a broken link
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Who's this bottom slut?
Why would you even propose that ?
We can clearly see an asian guy being pounded hard by a white male on the webm, and you suggest this very disappointing latino instead ?
Bit vague but anyone know the video where austin wolf is fucking a hot muscled guy in a crop top?
Looking for a video/content creator. Definitely was on pornhub, xvideos, xhamster - one of those sites or similar. Remember going into his channel and seeing other uploads.

Video is of him fisting a guy who is standing on a bed. Fister is on the floor with his arm going between the guys legs. It's very light fisting, pretty much to the wrist but we don't see any close up action. Bottom is sorta twunk, tanned skin but face isn't shown so don't know ethnicity. Bottom was wearing a cap, might have been wearing a jockstrap. Top is lean, white, face not shown but I think he was bald based on other videos.

There's another video with the same bottom where he's on his back, both videos seem to indicate he is new to fisting.
Looking for a specific porn video that I watched a while ago but don't have a clip of. It's vaguely around 60 minutes, and at least from the 2000s. In the video you can only see the bottom fully, he's got short dark hair, a beard and a l muscular build. What I particularly remember is the bottom having a bratty / condescending tone, like asking "Does it feel bad? Should I stop?! No, right?" while giving a blowjob in a POV like scene. He also gets a handjob before getting fucked
Anybody know the movie this is from?https://www.xvideos.com/video.idlvtdvdd08/japanese

Name of the guy getting sucked or movie?
anyone know the name of the top or bottom in these vids? it's same video, split into parts: https://thisvid.com/male/?q=twunk+gets+bred+raw+by+beefy+stud
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Asking again in case anyone has the vids or knows where to find them. Looking for Sir Scott / ITSALLGOOD5 videos that used to be up on xtube. When the site went down he also unfortunately seemed to get off the internet and I can't find the videos anywhere.
need to know names, at least the top
Mateo Tomas in the top
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who is this?
Alec Nysten
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desperately need sauce
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lmfao wrong pic
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Anyone know who the unit doing the sucking is?

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Does anyone have the original video for this guy? It's from Mike18, I have found tons of videos of him, but I am looking for this specific video. I found a photo album of it, but no video, any leads?
Who is this guy?
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I NEED to know the original vid of this.
Please I beg you
who is this guy
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Possibly altered picture but sauce anyway?
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pls omg
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Please tell me somebody knows the sauce

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