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Continued from >>2628261
Thumb: recent Grindr hookup, hung ginger college boy who loves getting blown.
Another of the ginger college boy
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Another college kid I blew recently
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Perfect man, great nuts
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Perfect big curved cock! Please share more
AI taint anon, sorry
this is a shit thread
i want a big cock i can suck off and drink the cum out of every day
especially one with a good bush that i can bury my nose into and take a big whiff while playing with the balls
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ginger guys with big dicks are the best
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OMG! More of this huge dick or sauce
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Hard in the hot tub
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I win.
i seriously hope you don't think that's a real photo.
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Penis Enlargement Goal :')
Does anyone here have experience on all day stretchers, high tension devices, vacuum pumps, cable clamps, jelqing, etc...?

Disgusting. Shave that nasty shit


That beard looks fucking retarded
Yes. They don't work.

Do not listen to people who claim otherwise. They will never, ever provide proof. At-best, you'll stretch your dick out slightly longer flaccid with no changes to girth or erect length. At-worst, you will give yourself erectile disfunction. Penis size cannot change. Accept it and move on.
Many guys are using the jelq technique for years and have successfully increased girth. We don't provide "picture evidence" because people can always declare the pictures as faked or Photoshop, or the pics can can come back to haunt the content creator and result in harassment.
I know how to increase girth with manual clamping and dry jelqing. And some claim to increase length with high tension suction cup devices. I haven't tried those *yet*.
There's a native tribe in South America that have monks undergo a process of numbing the tip of their penis by pulling it upwards towards their head all day long with a simple noose wrapped around the area behind the glands and the other end around the man's neck. This ultimately desensitizes the glands, so sexual function can't exist. But a suction cup doesn't cut off blood supply too the tip.
"we have no proof"
"trust me bro"
It's obvious who ISN'T making any gains ;)
Looks amazing! Nice and wet
e-z -- get as big n thick as u want with simple do-it-yourself silicone injections.
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rent boy. for 150 u get to suck him off a few times.
nice. would he perhaps be a rent boy?

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