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Happy Birthday 4chan!

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Amazing body that NEEDS to be pregnant.
My progeny
She's so fucking hot but it's kind of crazy how she arguably became the most relevant popstar in the world after Taylor Swift a little before the pandemic then her new album flopped early this year and all the hype around her immediately started dwindling. Brutal
Impossible until she decides to keep her lustful lipas shut to hide that irresistible, soft, warm, cumcatcher of a tongue she has
Built for Big Serbian Cocks
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>no popstar gf to gently sing me to sleep
i want a popstar gf to beat me up and spit in my mouth before cuddling
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yeah fair enough
Same desu
I am going to masturbate to her.
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we're allowed to do that? i've just been looking
umm... based
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good morning ,sir ! is tranny?
>hand prints on the glass
no palm no sex
I was just imagining Dua cutely drawing shapes with her fingers
i want to suck dua's COCK
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It's Dua's birthday, so i'm going to bump the thread with a few pics.
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Saved up a nice load for her that I'm going to splooge later.
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Happy Birthday, Dua!
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I'd give anything to lick every inch of her big feet
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Under the table, sucking on Dua's cute toes while she ignores you
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would suck her jacked up toes until they straightened out
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Yeah her toes definitely aren't her best feature but she's so fucking hot I don't even care, I just want them curled around my cock
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based and same
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How about Mona Lipa for a change?
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heres a few for the birthday girl
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The last thing you see before you’re suffocated between Dua’s sweaty asscheeks
Dua Lipa 100% pegs
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>suffocated between Dua’s sweaty asscheeks
>implying I won't open a way out using my tongue
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Her face is pure sex
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Unverified claim.
>Dua trying to figure out how to refill Elvis car's radiator with her piss
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>one for each nut
stand up in front of them and say "first one to stop sucking gets slapped repeatedly until they resume sucking"
she looks even hotter with a tan.
Ali Macofsky???
>Amazing body
damn, she's so tall. i wanna hump her leg like a chihuahua. pretty sure would cum all over that thigh after the second hump.
I want to suck that grease off her skin
Would she ignore a huge thick cumshot inside her shoes too?
no homo but i wouldn't mind if she had a dick
>if she had a dick
well then i have some good news for you!
>her new album flopped early this year and all the hype around her immediately started dwindling
She is beyond mediocre. Definitely a plant. She has no attractive qualities and is so mediocre it makes me want to puke
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Full on homo, I would love it if she was male. Not even trans, just a cute crossdressing boy with a dick.
aye, she'd be hotter with a bulge
>hotter with a bulge
Holy gay, I'd rather bury my face between those welcoming tighs and bask in her puffy lipas
Btw, is the girl laying in the background her sister? Her soles are similar to Dua's
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i knew it!
a shame she decided to transition tho, i'd be more partial to a flat femboy lipa
Take your meds wtfkohiah
>Same, tfw when you'll never have hot sweaty buttsex with sexy med femboy dua lipa. Pumping her well lubed, puffy asshole as she lies prone. The steady stream of pearly white cum dribbling from her pretty dua cock as she gives you a deep throaty moan. She looks back and your lips meet as you fill her sweet ass pussy with glob after glob of hot man milk.

It isn't gay bros...it isn't gay. .
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Femboy Dua is best Dua
would choke on his dick like the little bitch I am
"Every girl I can't fuck but want to is trans" is a creative cope, but having a complete and total lifelong mental collapse about it is kinda humiliating.
Trannies are the new fetish, like BBC.
Dua WOULD make a good femboy desu
i dunno she's kinda huge
And when you're empty she's going to need somewhere to deposit her own yoghurt, anon.
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>tfw femboy Dua will never ride your dick until he cums and collapses on top of you, softly whispering "I love you daddy." in your ear, and drift off to sleep while cum slowly leaks out of his flaccid little cock
Imagine the cream leaking from your quivering hole afterwards as you lay there used, your limp cocklet leaking its own slowly but steadily. Hng.
He's gay
Who else is tugging their little sperm worm rn?
you faggots talking about your dicks should download grindr already and fuck off here
i'm straight
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If you ignore the gay shit those scenarios about filling prone Dua are quite stimulating
Do you mean she's going to fart out cum in some naughty spot? Like urgently hovering on a flowerpot and *BRAAAAAAAPPPPRRRRPPP*, blasting a huge spraying cummy fart all over? Maybe even take a relieving piss while she's at it? Damn that's hot
This sexuality is bizarre. It is neither normal nor desirable. You're all degenerates on this thread, and I hope you all end up killing yourselves. Then the earth will be a more liveable place.
It's impossible that you don't imagine degenerate shit like that sometimes. Everyone has some kinky stuff in his head, but only a few can admit it to themselves
Implying my bussy didn't get wrecked by a guy off grindr a couple of days ago
Think about the children who read you
She singlehandedly gave me a pit fetish and I'm ashamed of it
It's not all 5' brats like in hentai
Many irl femboys are tall with sleek bodies and long toned legs
You have to be 18 if you're here
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>tfw you'll never get your first surprise rimjob from femboy Dua. Her long delicate fingers wrapped about the head of your cock in a chokehold as she eats your balls the way only a femboy knows how. That grammy winning tongue sneaking and slobbering down your taint. She takes your hole for all its worth. Her tongue spinning inside you like a record, she suckles at your ass so sweetly. Her smoldering brown eyes looking up to you, your balls resting on her face as she makes out with your asshole. Making you cry out and shoot hot love juice all over yourself as her tongue twitches inside you.

Could there be a greater love bros? I would divorce my wife for this.
She certainly has a very strong, almost masculine sex drive. She's averaging a new guy like every 8 months
I certainly didn't mean that.
Of course, because you're a fag
I'd clean my ass with her tongue as I smoke a cigar then kick her in head

girls like her stink bad
I'd rather have his dick in my bussy than his tongue
Absolutely, and?

This guy gets it.
Opinion discarded, that's it
>Drop the act anon,I know what you really like. These girl pants they made me wear for this shoot are too tight around my crotch. I need to let loose a little bit so get on your knees and open wide you little fairy! Quit acting tough for your friends online little bitch! Gimme one of those nice mouth massages you like to give my cock. Its been days since ive had a nice release so prepare to be savaged!

At this point you'd be gay NOT to blow the dua cock.
Good that you changed your mind!
>that pic
>not seeing Dua massaging her puffy Lipas
>imagining a cringe gay scenario instead
I think you have a problem
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You're funny anon, I like you and I want to give you something. Why don't you reach under my skirt and have a feel?
Such a cute femboy.
want him deep inside my bussy desu
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holy fuck why are all these faggots always infecting a good dua thread?
>nooooooo your alphabets on the screen are triggering me
don't read it then
Sorry my busssy’s just screaming rn I’ll try to calm down desu
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yall need help lol.
Dua Lipa and Charli XCX are the ultimate fag magnets
Sabrina Carpenter also makes my bussy tingle
>hfw her morning wood is bigger then yours..
who gets morning wood anymore
consult your doctor
but yeah i rarely do
>taytay doesn't get a mention
Morning wood right now, anon. It's actually quite uncomfortable to wake up throbbing.
for me it's pushing my rock hard pee boner into the mattress for half an hour only to get up and it disappears
I need to jerk off to get it to go down. Which is what I'll do right now.
god i wish i was young again
i'm down to 1 fap a day
Two a day and I'm not even that young anymore, high drive I guess.
i certainly could do 2+ a day if i wanted to but i've run out of things to jerk off to
Dua's a good one. Just have to find ones that drive your cock or heart (or both) wild, anon.
If you are not over 35, you are young when it comes to dick health.
Oh my!.webm
>taller than a fence
She completely mogged that fence. Imagine being that fence and thinking right now: "What's my purpose? Why do I even exist?"
reminds me of when i used to stroke and fondle all the big dick tranny hookers on my way home from work after late night shifts. good times.
Hot anon, did you tease them good? Did you delight in making those big girl cocks cum?
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Just imagine you run into Dua on the street. You say hi and she whispers in your ear with that deep, husky voice.

>" hey straight boi, wanna come back to my place and have some fun?"
yeah it was pretty fun. i didn't get to make them cum often because most would only let you do it to give you a taste of the merchandise, but it did happen a few times. i don't work near the place anymore so i haven't done it in years. i miss it a lot.
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I just want to fuck Dua right in the pussy. Y’all need Jesus.
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If you miss it then what's stopping you from just going out there to do it again?
Another gay schizo thread?
Please never change, /hr/
>doesn't join in
>doesn't post an image
perhaps the real schizo is you
There's a girl working at Sainsbury's who looks like a sister of Dua Lipa. She's very competent at her job, too. Which makes her a superhero in my eyes.
Mostly the distance, but also the fact I'd have to pay for it. These days, whenever I feel intense cocklust I just use Grindr
Hot but more importantly, is she packing? If yes will she give me a taste in the back alley?
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>tfw you've been frotting for hours and big dick dua is about to turn your cock into the banana in a hot cum sundae.
Sadly no. She looks like a feminine Dua. But similar in other regards: equally tall, similar hair, similar eyes, similar face.
Nice, you guys get much better looking migrants than here in the USA. Nothing but gross spics and jeets here.
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Prompt: Dua Lupa* very sad.
Negative prompt: none.

Upscale prompt: Digital artwork of sleepy Dua Lipa with dark hair, wearing a white dress, sitting on a green leaf and holding her chin with her hand. Black eyes.
Upscale negative prompt: makeup, tiny lips, bright eyes, blue eyes, open eyes, alert gaze, raised eyebrows

Model: Flux.
Result cherrypicked.

*) misspelt
Go f..cK yourself whith your shitty AI.
obnoxious faggots
AI slop poster
>fuck off!

You have to check your priorities anon
I can show you high-quality AI. But it will be very painful.

Make no mistake, paid media shills don't care about quality. Proof: the majority of images.
Cry harder chuddy, I'm too busy actually contributing to the thread. Look at the tuckjob here, her sunkissed skin. Nothing like a truly feminine trap. Ohh to spend an afternoon gooning to BBC and making out by the pool with a beauty like this.
>Look at the tuckjob here
Yeah, you tucked your brain pretty hard my friend
Anon, why do you like reading/replying to "gay"posts? Hmm I bet you'd like if she let it flop out wouldn't you?
>why do you like reading
I don't, but you keep posting
Because when someone replies to me I feel like it would be faggy to leave the conversation
>Hmm I bet you'd like if she let it flop out wouldn't you?
If that makes you happy keep imagining that shit anon
fr she's so sexy, i think her legs are her best feature... paired with stockings the heavens open up.

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I know anon it really hurts, we all wish we could throat this backstage after a show. No need to get all bitchy about it.
Haha, imagine wanting to get whipped with a belt by Dua after she sees your fap folder of her. Couldn't be me.
She's struggling not to pop out of her bikini. Poor thing must get so hard looking all sexy for these shoots.
Not them but if she flopped it out I couldn't help myself and would need to offer it comfort in my mouth.
Oh my god just shut the bell up
What if she browse the folder and starts rubbing her pussy over the clothes until a wet patch appears on her crotch? All this while grabbing your dick and glancing at you from time to time? That would be strange ha-ha
literally looks like a gorilla
fuckin kike thinks this is the Lizzo thread
Lmao, based
Look whom I met at a bus stop a few days ago. Not AI!
at least the hobos have something to jerk off to
Have you pissed on it?
How is this not covered in semen?
lel, nice find
Have you shit on it?
Anon has probably found it right after they placed the ad. Give it a couple hours and the place will be an utter mess
That didn't take long. Which tools did you use?

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>that nylon going from hands to soles all wrinkled on her asscrack
HNNNNNGGGGG! No further elaboration needed
Yeah, that would be funny ha-ha... now post the outcome pic with smeared and drenched Lipa tho
being choked out between Dua's thighs
If you aren't an npc and can see an apple in your inner eye you can focus enough to feel the silky nylon snagging on your stubble while she close her soft yet powerful thighs around your neck, pushing your nose over her mouthwatering smelly crotch
Now that it has turned into a Mecca for the whole channel thanks to the anon who doxxed it, it's best to avoid. ;-(
Who else do you like belfast anon?
>has turned into a Mecca for the whole channel
What do you mean? That the bus stop became some sort of jack off shrine/ makeshift toilet for anons passers-by, releasing their sexual frustrations on Dua's face? Truly disgusting
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Ahhh, Belfast. I saw the o2 presale for the Dublin show and was wondering what the hell this was about. The brand o2 disappeared here (in the republic) years ago and became part of three mobile.
I was able to secure tickets for myself and daughter. Here's what will be under the Christmas tree (as a printed voucher.)
Holy fuck! Epic soles shot. Now that's a ticket I'd like to punch (using my dick)
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I'll be waiting here next year for you to post a selfie of you and your daughter at the show.
Look how our queen uses her purse to hide her raging shemale erection. It must be so hard for her being around Margot if only I could have given her a release that night.
I want to rub her cock through her dress and give her an erection and tease it until she can't take it anymore and drags me to the nearest bathroom and destroys my bussy with her thick hard cock desu
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Notice how she sits on the edge of that chair pushing her ass back to avoid stains. I'd fill that eager mouth with piss and make it overflow, dripping all over her cleavage and showering her stinky heeled feet. Making a total mess of Dua before shooting ropes across her face, being sure to hit her hair, eyes and mouth for a complete glazing. I mean, look at her again, she's literally asking for it
dude be careful not get any on the audio equipment
>giving a fuck about some multi billionaire record label equipment
>implying it's not part of the appeal to trash the whole office while being naughty with Miss Lipa
Fishnet stockings + sneakers = smelly sexo
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As her "head" boy I'd be quite upset at her behavior

> later that night, tg Dua is cuffed and gagged in our hotel bed. Her boner still raging from being around Margot. You can count the beads of sweat on her forehead as I pour more coconut oil on her pretty she-cock. Her lips pressed on a pretty red gag ball as she whimpers. "So you like to be a horny little whore in public huh?" I tease.
>It's been hours of non stop edging, tears of precum have dribbled from her tourtured phallus. The head is purple and swollen, so slick she just knows I can churn her butter all night. The thought makes poor Dua cry out wishing she had behaved herself earlier. All I tell her is big girls don't cry as I massage her tender,swollen pole. The delicious taste of her agony is still settled on the back of my throat from earlier. I decide im gonna milk her for all she's worth.
>Her eyes go wide with terror as she squeals when she sees what im upto. I pull out her favorite anal wand, a big, fat silicone hammer of ass tickling fun. She now knows its gonna be a long night..

Picrel is when she knew she fucked up...gotta train these he bitches right.
>ywn edge Dua's lubed up cock while (s)he watches her sister get bred
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And the Nobel prize for literature goes to...
If you swap all the faggy refrences with her clit/pussy this is actually a good read. What a waste of talent
sucking dua's big veiny COCK
go on
frotting with dua
Shemale Dua would be so hot
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Femboy Dua would be the hottest.
Biological woman Dua IS hotter than both your delusions
She's got a bigger cock than you have
That's true, she took a good amount of cock in her biological holes I bet, while I had none at all since I'm not a faggot like (you)
Owningest own of the week award for this anon
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>double entendre joke
Grow a sense of humour. Meanwhile I think it's time to go back for you faggot >>>/lgbt/
>that tongue
I bet she eats ass like a pro
i want to suck her tongue like a cock
I just want her tongue to polish my balls while she jerks me off and catches the cumshot right in her eye
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I know anon, isn't it just delicious? The best part by far is slobbering on it just right, watching her pretty face contort as she gets gooned out every time her gorgeous cock hits the back of your throat. Then once she's desperate you tickle her girl balls or play with that ass pussy until she just breaks and cums right down your throat.

Sucking her cock is hot but it's even hotter reminding her of what she really is. No matter how pretty and passing she becomes she's just a dirty he bitch who just loves having her cock played with.
alright gayboy, back to the closet with you
I imagined Dua's face contorting while I suck on her puffy shaven lipas. Thanks anon for your lewd faggotry easily turned into normal lewdness
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I wish I could suck those armpits like it were a soaking wet popsicle
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only if she were flatter, she has the ass of a goddess
sucking dua's cock for days on end
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Mm yeah anon, just like that...
Mmmm salty Dua nectar
the fact remains you read gay smut and found it lewd and arousing, welcome to the community anon
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I know that look, that's the look a he bitch gives you the night after you turned that ass pussy inside out. I can almost hear her backside making a big wet pfft sound as she turns to look at me like picerel.
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Yeah that's right, she loves how I play with her slutty fun hole.
>her backside making a big wet pfft sound
You don't have to be gay to appreciate Dua's asshole farting out your cum. We've found a common ground for faggots and normal people to cohexist peacefully. Halleluja!

Ps: I find this sequence more fitting for her cumfart blast, showing her relief too:
>uh oh, pressure building up down there!
>*Brapfssss* oooof, much better
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that boob gap my god
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nothing beats that ass
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I wish I could like the sweat off of her and snort her femboy penis
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She can peg my ass with strap-on anytime she wants
dua doesn't need a stap on, she has a 10 inch veiny girthy cock
big if true
i'm not gay but i'd suck dua's cock no questions asked
Sabrina isn't in the same league as Dua when it comes to sex appeal
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>Dua squatting to piss, stretching her skirt to cover her pussy
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