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I hope she does more nude scenes
I wish she did more nude scenes 10 years ago.
she is still hot asf

fuckable yes, 10 years past prime, also yes
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back so soon? nice.
i thought it was over for another few months.
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back to posting mommy
I refuse to believe that she does not taste like honeyed cream naturally. And everywhere.
She tastes like vanilla pudding and marshmallows.
was literally about to post this >>4908692
When everything goes wrong
Sometimes it makes no sense
There once was a time
I should have known better then
Although you may try
It won't come your way again
Even better
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Emilia's feet
Your face
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I can't believe you've done this.
I saw the recent photo that was posted in the previous thread right before it fell off the board. She's so skinny now :(
Why did her tits change?
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Her weight was up and down like a tart's knickers over the course of the show, and she wasn't getting any younger.
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What's going on around her eyes and nose?
it's called aging.
she hit the wall
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think it's the lighting and makeup. see pic.
There's nothing wrong at all with her in those photos. She looks gorgeous. She should've not kept losing weight. I'd say 2016 was peak Emilia, but she still looked great at the end of 2019. 2020 was when the terrible thinning really started.
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>tfw I'll never marry this woman
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i knew someone was going to mention her nose before i posted those pics. it's very cute.

>but she still looked great at the end of 2019. 2020 was when the terrible thinning really started
Imagine coming home from a hard day at work to a smiling Milly wife and she gives a big kiss while she hands you a cold drink, the house abuzz with the faint aroma of chlli con wafting in from the kitchen.
late 2019
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i wish she wore this dress before she lost the weight
Just wear it yourself. Why do you need someone else to wear a dress for you? Are you an octopus?
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Something about the physiognomy of this woman drives me over the edge.
she still looks amazing here even though her face and tummy got waaay skinnier, but its also right before her thicc arms would shrink never to return
Where in the world are people still granted the convenience of disposable shopping bags??? w(°o°)w
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She's 1/16th "Asian", so the UK government affords her rights that have been stricken from native Britons. i.e. using plastic bags, wielding machetes, stabbing young girls, etc. They still need their TV loicence though.
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I think Elle, Vogue, and Maxim usually have the best photoshoots.
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that's esquire, not maxim.
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Thank you, I always thought it was Maxim.
>not posting the best one yet
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I want to watch them crawl about on a tiled floor on their hands and knees and lick up puddles of cum
Did she ever show her bare pussy in GoT?
Why is her nose white, sun screen lol?
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full res
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which event? year?
Natalie Dorner is wifey. Emilia was hot but is ageing bad and will probably die of an aneurysm within the next ten years.
I hope your mom dies of a anyrism
gotta be bait. dormer, especially in that pic, is spooktacular.
Post the emmys tits photos. I'll do it later if no one else does
It's a shame she's gone all flat. It made her look older. The bit of chubbiness she had before made her look younger. Tragic.
one of her worst looks, made especially bad with the lost weight. just an ugly silly dress or whatever it is. i kinda get second-hand embarrassment seeing her in that.
I mean she's also survived two brain aneurysms and lost lots of her brain matter so the fact she's still alive and somewhat working is crazy. I do miss chub khaleesi though no lie
The weight loss was almost 10 years after her aneurysms
>has aneurysms, gains weight
>people call her fat
>goes on meme diet, loses weight
>people call her skelly
She should have ignored the people calling her fat. She was perfect.
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I mean, it's bad that it happened, but she's very cute
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You would have to surgically remove my nose from her booty hole. It's gotta smell like candy
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I like candy.
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I'm glad we got to see this. I fucking adore my ayyy wife Tamzin Merchant, but I am glad we got to see this.
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> wife Tamzin Merchan
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I'll raise you a webm.
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Unquestionably, this was her peak. Exquisitely cute.
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Never watched this movie, I just know that it's legendary
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well damn the two couldn't be connected at all , since it's 10 years apart. the fuck you think your body would do, if a big portion of your brain went missing? surely things would change, even if not immediately.
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>the fuck you think your body would do, if a big portion of your brain went missing?
Robert F. Kennedy's desire to know more intensifies.
Hello Emilia Clarke. I'm CIA.

Many of those old school /ecg/ webms were so damn hilarious.
i would've married her, kept her fat and pregnant and her brain healthy
Considering she was dating seth I dont think there was much brain to keep healthy to begin with.
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It's fine to have a preference but Tamzin Merchant would've been a great Dany as well. You can see why they chose her back in c. 2010. She looked the part. Although I have to say Tamzin getting reamed out by Drogo would've been difficult for me to watch whereas I care little for Jeeta Clarke.

>Emilia dated Seth MacFarlane ten years ago
Well... That's something.
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Emilia has terrible taste in men. Just terrible. Right before she was cast in GOT, she broke up with a man who ended up getting married to a pretty lady and they had children. Emilia meanwhile has been used and tossed aside multiple times, and is now a skelly crone with no husband and no children, just a cute dog. Brutal. Yet another example to point to for the kind of thing young women should avoid.

It's a fucking shame. I could've saved her.
>she broke up with a man who ended up getting married
Literally who?
this is such a good look on her
> the devil from SouthPark...
Yeah... Ya like that don't cha bitch.
Sweaty Daenerys pussy as she wanders through the desert
The last ASoIaF book ends exactly like this. also she has a chunky period
>The last ASoIaF book ends exactly like this
>also she has a chunky period
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I didn't know how badly I needed some hot pink toenails today.
Wow, an Emilia thread. Are the same guys keeping the spirit of the old /ecg/ threads alive? Kind of a shame wikieat died, but the thread had kind of died before that anyway. I don't have my Emilia folder anymore.

Never forget Jaunty Black.
She is perfect
You know what.. FUCK YOU JON SNOW.. I see you .. I WILL END YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!
Sorry been holding that in lol.. She was perfect and he killed her because she killed some horrible common folk of kings landing? I dont give a shit.
You are genuinely retarded if you don't understand why Jon shanked her. She had gone full dictator and Jon's entire being could not deal with him and her being absolute dictators together like she said they would be in deciding what is good. If there's one thing the last season does well it's the thing that triggered all the YAAS SLAY queen Danyfags who didnt realize she was doomed to go Mad King mode and gradually shows this as she gains more power.
It happen because d&d wanted to subvert expectation and grrm told them that bran would be king, so they needed an excuse to remove her.
Don't try to excuse the bad writing.
No you fucking retard it was telegramed gradually that Dany was clearly not going to be a goodie hero that every fangirl desperately wanted her to be. You being triggered by the theory of subverting expectations doesnt mean it was wrong in this instance. It was obvious for most of the show Dany was doomed to tragedy. Do you really think having it end with Dant and Jon ruling is a good ending? That would be the laziest shit ever so shut the fuck up. Killing her is the one thing they did right.
What was the foreshadowing of her becoming the Mad Queen?
I don’t know how you can see something like this walking around and not want to do anything but breed with her every possible second.
Burning people to death
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This board isn't the place to talk about that, go on /tv/, but it's not a "theory". D&D said it themself that they wanted to subvert expectation and that they had 3 "holy shit" moment from martin: shireen gets burned, hodor hold the door, and a last one confirmed to the actor of bran that it was him on the throne in the end by grrm.
And i'm not a danyguy, more of a night king enjoyer, but nothing has seriously shown that dany will do that, you have plenty of people who already explained it for years now, from newspaper articles to mainstream media like youtube, pointing out all the problems in the season and in the whole series before, even d&d in an after the episode in s7 said that she's not crazy and other stuff, but I'm not going to do that explanation again, go look up for yourself, nothing they did made sense and it had already been disproven for years.

Now go back to emiliaposting.
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i have a strong desire to just shove my face in her ass and huff. after that, suck the milk from her titties.
This is an absolutely normal reaction to her.
disappointing tits
just like natalie dormer

not enough perk
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I want to eat out her cunny while she eggs me on in her thick British accent in an authoritative but loving manner. No sound at all in the rich highrise apartment other than the crackling fireplace, my sucking, and her affirmations.
Eh, it's all relative. I've seen worse, and none of them had a face as pretty as these two.
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fast cutie
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just admit your gay.
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First time many of us saw her beautiful face
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Beautiful face, perfect ass and tits
seth macfarlane is a colossal FAGGOT
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This ugly motherfucker is Henry VII, the historical figure Daenerys Targaryen is based on. Both Henry and Daenerys experienced the murder of their parents and the usurpation of their family thrones. Forced to flee for their safety, they later returned to reclaim their birthright and restore their rule.
Did anything ever come of these Esquire magazine outtakes? Pic related
>hfw she let herself go and fills your mouth with squirt
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All these screencaps in 1080p.... you always disappoint /hr/
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Gods, I wish she did that to me
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finally some hq screencaps. more of her in these outfits pls
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I posted them; I'm sorry, I am poor :-(

Thanks for these.
She waited too long to settle down. I wonder if she knew her condition meant death was too imminent for it.
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her kneepits are so tender and look extremely ticklish
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shut up you stupid nigger
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For me, it's Lou.
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Missing best Milly.
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We know her for her sweet smile but frowing Emilia is cute!
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>Trannerys Troongaryen
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You suck

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