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Post your favourite rap sluts. Nicki Minaj, Megan Thee Stallion, Cardi B, Doja Cat et al.
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Felt appropriate to start the thread with this
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Why are they always obese?
a true angel, would worship her for days
and never naked
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Queen Nicki for me, though I humbly request more Meg
Surprised I don't usually more Rubi Rose in these threads
I had never seen this in such high quality before, fuck. It's like the evolved version of that iconic Anaconda single. Impossible not to imagine all of that slamming down hard on a fat BWC
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thanks for the suggestion
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repugnant women all of them
t. dicklets
don't do that. I'm a dicklet and I love these women. when you bully people you don't like for things they can't control, you only succeed in alienating innocents who had nothing to do with it. these guys won't care that you called them little dicked losers, but us genuine little dicked losers will.

all sizes matter.
requesting Ice Spice. Preferably long hair. Not into the short fro thing she's been rocking lately.
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One of my fave thread subjects. Megan owns my dick

>Impossible not to imagine all of that slamming down hard on a fat BWC
My thoughts every time I see these ladies. I want them all.
I know they aren't friends anymore but I wish I could see Nicki and Meg kiss and make up over a white cock
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I want Megan to destroy my pathetic white dick
>Megan owns my dick
This made my dick twitch, what the fuck have you awakened in me

old guy' here
why they not friends no more ?
please elaborate
A commendable sentiment but that's just not how the world feels about this, unfortunately. Life isn't fair
it's not very substantive really and I feel like any way to explain it is going to sound biased but fuck it I'll do it anyway.

Megan Thee Stallion released a song called HISS earlier this year which had one (1) lyric referencing Megan's Law. Nicki Minaj, whose husband and brother are actual paedophiles, took this personally, thinking the title of the song was somehow a reference to her ('Anaconda' being one of her own most well known songs). Nicki spent the next two weeks after HISS' release going on twitter and instagram talking about how Megan is an evil backstabbing turncoat bitch and also revealing that one time Megan had an abortion, which is obviously some kind of depraved sin - the kind of rageposting rarely seen outside of this website. Nicki then released a diss track about Megan which was critically panned and had a very low listenership. Megan ignored pretty much all of these events and released her latest album shortly after, which was very well received.

There is one who is clearly in the right here but celebrity induces a sense of allegiance in some people that trumps reasoning. Nicki stans might read this and say I'm chatting shit but I promise these are just the facts - I'm not a fan of either of their music, I like punk rock :) I just think they're very beautiful and it's sad bc Nicki's star seems to be fading in a way that is unbecoming. It's made her seem really quite childish and frankly a little stupid; bull-headed, trying too hard to hard to do this aggressive 'beef' thing to be just like the boy rappers. It's a losing tactic, their audience is predominantly women and the numbers can tell you that the ones who are keener to support one-another appeal to them more than the ones who want to manufacture conflict. The two biggest lady rappers could be queens together but it seems Nicki's shot herself in the foot.
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based autistic whiteboi serving us the lore
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once friends now enemies, this is leading to an epic team up where they got to settle their differences for one last job
You're not a fan but somehow knows all of this, in detail. Kek okay anon
The last job? Draining a BWC together for a record contract
Thanks but I'm adhd. doctor says I have some autistic tendencies but not enough to be classified. I don't like being misunderstood and I prefer to give a lot of context and caveats

I like and follow music, I usually listen to new albums every day. I keep up with what is releasing and what's going on, this was a pretty big story this year about some major artists. I like art in general and I'm interested in how creatives' work develops, understanding the techniques and trends that go into making something is much more interesting to me than locking myself in as a fan of a handful of genres or artists - just because the end product of any piece of art might not be to your tastes doesn't mean there isn't enjoyment to be found in observing it
it's a job that must be done
This pic makes me want to cry. All white boys deserve a harem like that. I hope this is what we see when we go to heaven.
a harem of black kweens and don't even have to worry about stds
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My Meg look of choice, the tits look incredible
my size does not matter because I will never use it.

I'd rather go extinct than to get herpes.
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All of them need to do a mega collab album where they just twerk, get touchy with each other and sign about how hot they are.
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Does Queen B count?
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bimbo milf Beyonce>>> young cute beyonce
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God, I hope so.
What you've done there is said something that is true and wise. I like them both but I know which I prefer
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highly based of you as well
MILF bimbo Beyoncé is leagues hotter than young Beyoncé but she doesn't show off her body nearly as often as she should, sadly
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True. But when she does it's almost always really good shit
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she's been treating us well
>heart shaped symbolism
>nicknamed "Queen"
she's trying to tell us something...
more milf bey please
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AKA the only thing I would jack off to for the rest of my life.
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she's so fucking hot
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Something like Fergie's MILF $ but even more special guests and cameos. More sexualized too if we get old hoes against zoomer singers.
What would be your ideal line up, anon?
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Megan has so much sex appeal they literally have to export some of it to Japan just to cool the American market.
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That look on Nicki is so damn good
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>old hoes against zoomer singers.
not that anon but I'd have: 1950's picket-fence aesthetic, two houses across the street from one another. In one live the classy ladies, lipstick, heels, summer dresses, sheer nighties, elbow-length gloves, etc - Nicki Minaj, Megan Thee Stallion, Doja Cat and Cardi B.

In the other house live the young hoez. who invite the ire of the housewives by walking around in their bikinis and stripper heels, too-loud music and drunken lascivious behaviour. Ice Spice, Kaliii and Rubi Rose + their new nerdy housemate Princess Nokia (who they sluttify over the course of the video's B-plot).

Both sides clash when the new postman starts doing his rounds, a naive white guy who tried his best to ignore their advances. All the ladies try to one-up eachother in their seductive techniques but eventually realise that teamwork is the way to win and they can all share the reward. Final shot of the video is all of them cuddling up intimately and stroking eachother on the couch by the fireside together, the postman's twitching fingers and feet barely visable under the weight of 8 beautiful black asses
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Faggot alert.
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So beautiful it brings a tear to my eye
My personal picks would be: Nicki Minaj, Megan Thee Stallion, Ice Spice, Doja Cat, Cardi B, Snow tha Product, Rubi Rose, Iggy Azalea, Flo Milli, Lakeyah, Sexyy Red, Kaliii, Latto, Ayesha Erotica, Beyoncé, Asianae, Erica Banks to name a few.
Could use more white and latina hoes. Maybe some asians too.
And >>4934989 has the best idea for a music video.
Nicki is by far my favourite “rap hoe” but too me she’s more than that I’ve been gooning to her for sooo long i feel like she’s a a part of my life a little bit, i spent all of early school years and now im graduated and im still gooning to her, she helped me get through hard times, puberty, school etc and i cannot love her enough for that
You should tell her
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Aw that's actually really sweet. I've had pretty much the same experience with her
anyone got more HD unblurred pics from this set that doja did?

preferably/especially the one with her pretty ass up in the air?
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This whole set is pure gold. By far the best she's ever looked
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need more doja
Not a big fan of the hair but god damn her body is amazing
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need a 4k high-speed camera so I can spank that thang and watch it jiggle at 40000 frames per second. wonder if her big fat pussy would behave similarly...
Link to the set?
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Built for massive cut throbbing white cocks
Nicki starting a black supremacy cult where wh*tebois volunteer themselves to be snuffed under the asses of her acolytes
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Imagine still being a Nickifag.
>married to a pedo rapist
>cant twerk for shit
>bloated ego
>unshapely fake ass
>bolt on tits
>cringe fake barbie personality
>last good song was over a decade ago

Meanwhile Megchads thrive:
>young, not even 30
>all natural body
>bigger and more aesthetic ass
>can twerk like a real nubian kween
>fun down to earth personality
>single (meaning your chance with her is as good as anyone else)
All female rappers are glorified strippers that sucked and fucked their way into a music career Imagine being invested in anything about these hoes other than how hot you think they are and how hard they make you cum.
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Proud NickiFag
Nicki can still get that thang movin she just isn't as athletic as Megan
Peak Nicki from like 2012-2018 > Megan anyday tho
How is it possible to be this fucking retarded? Megan is an ugly ran through industry pass around whore and her ass isn't even big. Don't ever compare her to Goddess Nicki
All i’m going to say is Megan didn’t ruin a whole generation of boys with 1 music video, she had to get butt ass naked in her Mamushi video and it wasn’t even nearly as talked abt as Anaconda (still jerked to it though). Point being, Nicki and her big fat ass had power over all the boys cocks back in the day, and still today, Megan is living in her shadows
>her ass isn't even big
Her ass is natural and still mogs Nicki's ass >>4933310
The girls are fighting! (and not posting pics)
Nicki’s big fat saggy 41 year old ass >>>>> Megan Thee Horse whole existence
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can nicki and meg posters come to an agreement and be thankful that seemingly ice spice has completely fucked off
You can only rap about poop and farts so long before you get laughed off the stage
This, people don't understand that Goddess Nicki literally has supernatural power over cocks

Same, if that means a fag for Nicki
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Nicki's huge fake heavy shitter clears every other ass in the world
Fuck off to the Nicki thread if you're gonna start with this cringe femdom shit
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Rico nasty is underrated
I love her & her feet. shame we don't have more pics of them to ogle over.
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while we're on the topic of Rico:
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>im still gooning to her, she helped me get through hard times, puberty, school etc and i cannot love her enough for that
Kek but I agree with you unironically.
probably the 1st time I've gotten the doja love
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cute feet
Wow, can female rappers just make their music without you creeps objectifying them? I don't see any of you talking about jayzs luscious DSLs or kanyes big juicy ass. The sexist double standard is obvious, Just fuck off already.
Obvious b8, genuinely a 1/10
Well most people here are straight males so it'd be kind of weird if we were lusting over males. Mildly amusing bait though.

Related to Jay-Z: I would cum like a volcano in Beyonce.
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Based we respect women here
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Her recent Levi's commercial is amazing.
>most people here are straight males
None of them are hot tbhon. If there are any femboy rappers, direct them to me.
fuck her feet
SZA needs to step her game up, her competition is non-existent she needs to clutch
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>>Nicki Minaj got her tits reduced, went insane and lost the last bit of relevance she still had after being publicly embarassed during her beef with Megan; never releases jerk off-worthy content anymore
The coomer in me felt extremely betrayed when this happened. Legitimately don't know why she did it, her tits were amazing post pregnancy, and she didn't even get any kind of feminist praise or career boost from it, the only people that knew about it were coomers like me. Sad she'll never drop another trollz tier coom bait video.
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apologies for the shit photo
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A kween for halloween
who is this? lol
i would agree but that bitch is more Silicone then a woman at this point
>If there are any femboy rappers
Lil Nas X?
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Meg the Stallion, she does it every Halloween apparently
Do you guys remember when Megan Thee Stallion showed up at the Anime Awards in Japan? those nerds must’ve leaked so much boy goo out their tiny little dicks when she was on stage lmfaoo
Megan is a huge weeb I bet she has tons of hentai material
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Albert Einstein invented time travel specifically so he can goon to Nicki’s Pink Friday 2 tour
Nicki Minaj
Megan Thee Stallion
Cardi B
Doja Cat

Why don't you just type "ugliest niggers in the industry"
can we get some more webms?
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not enough SZA in this thread
That surprised me too. She's always seemed to enjoy having big tits and teasing with them. The TROLLZ music video is basically just a Nicki titty showcase, but then she does that. It was the beginning of the end, in hindsight
Not usually an enjoyer of that kind of thing but incredibly hot to imagine hundreds of nerds all instantly blowing their loads the instant Megan steps on stage.
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There's not really much of her that can be posted here
He's flamboyant but that stache ain't cutting it.
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doja used to be the best in the game mane what happened
>>Megan Thee Stallion's label has been trying hard to mold her into a more conventional and widely appealing pop artist, so she's slimmed down and has dramatically reduced the coombaiting
The patriarchy is trying to keep a hard working girl down. Shame!
I'm still in love with her
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her ass still phat
>"Bitches spend a lifetime tryna get this hot"
This woman's confidence is almost as hot as her body
does this mean we'll never see her pre-reduction tits barechested? I've never seen any such leaks from her, and it feels like a part of history forever lost to us
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nice. need some bleached / queen of hearts edits for all these ladies
Too based
Based on what?
is there a higher-resolution version of the non-shopped version of this around somewhere??

god I love her & her ass so much. it makes cartoon hearts pop up around my head just thinking about it.
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higher quality
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Same, she's just a beautiful woman

Exactly. As much as I like her pre weight loss body I can understand why she did it. Before she was pretty over weight but she just has god tier fat distribution. If you see her live shows she does a lot of moving and dancing while also singing so it'd be hard to keep that up at her previous weight. But like she said, she never lost a tushy.

looks like a Vixen photoshoot. guess it was the intention
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I'm addicted to her
your addicted to silicone not her
that one of her from a head-on angle with that heavenly ass crack of hers up in the air damaged me so, so good. I'm a better man because of it.
I think I'm as close to Nickisexual as humanly possible. I've jerked almost exclusively to her almost every day for 10+ years.
so beautiful, makes me want to spoil her rotten with worship
Her wish is my command!

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