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I want to impregnate her womb
That's a man and you are literally a homosexual gay man as is every single person that posts itt
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I want Hunter to impregnate my GF's womb.
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>as is every single person that posts itt
gayboy outs himself. now post some actual Hunter pics you massive homo
You know that ain't true because then you'd be gay too, and gay men don't go for women like Hunter.
What a strange man, thinking he's a girl.
I would kill all of you with my bare hands for a chance to suck her off
I would kill you for a chance to get cucked by Hunter
If you smelled him, you'd know the difference. Sure he looks feminine and does everything in his power to do so but he can't change pheromones.
What drives a man to do this? I mean, I like the idea of being able to play with boobs whenever I feel like it, but I'm not sure that outweighs the pitfalls actually bolting tits onto my chest.
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Lots of schizophrenia and autism among trannies.

Also, if you ask specifically about Hunter, picrel might help you understand.
>can't change pheromones
Does it tho? I hear a lot of AGPs saying that they get hardons constantly as their foreskin start smelling like vaginas after some time on HRT.
Is human pheromones even a thing? I always attribute it to dermal microbiome, males caring less about covering it with layers upon layers of aromatic cosmetics and garbage perfume/cologne being the reason they stink, or rater, why females don't (I live with a depressive female, she fucking stinks).
autism is a comorbidity of tranny delusions
its only gay if you're a bottom. It's Times New Roman motherfucker
burning question: which Hunter do you prefer? The hunter with a dick or the hunter with a festering wound pretending to be a vagina?
Ok, that's fine.
but... if you're gay, and the argument this mentally ill person is a lady, then why the attraction for you who is homosex? Are you a lady\ or mentally ill too?
only hunter with a dick can breed my girlfriend
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I'm attracted to Hunter and I don't really care what that makes me. Gay, straight, bi or whatever, I'm fine with it all.
This is the way.
Lots of debate about whether you're gay for looking at Hunter. I dont know. Me personally? I think she's pretty and I like looking at her. I think she looks like an attractive woman personally.
I agree and I really don't understand the point of people coming into Hunter threads and going " HAHA ur gay!" What do they think they're going to accomplish? Like people are suddenly going to go "Oh shit! I was attracted to Hunter, but this anonymous person on 4chan called me gay so I guess I'll stop."
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Just people trying to provoke insecurity and resentment. If you're attracted to someone you're attracted to them. And I think Hunter is really pretty.
bro is samefagging himself to look like a real conversation.
dude just write like a normie no one cares
Need Hunter deepfake trans porn.
I'd give anything to make her cum and moan
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Did her tits grow or something?
I don't know but she needs bigger melons.
I want to suck on trans nipples for a long time.
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what if she's like a professional tucker and hiding a 9 incher monster down there??? wouldn't that be something huh hahahah

lol no idiot hahahahhahaadasdsafadsf aergbhkv;
Growers are the best kind of people. My gf has a 7 and a half inch dick she can grow from her tiny 2inch softie. Meanwhile I can go from 3 to almost 7
This. I go from 1.5 to 6
imagine if she was still fertile hahaha, like you link up with her and think you're gonna have a hot threesome but it's just your gf screaming in pleasure as Hunter impregnates her
>My gender was so influenced by a need to be used by men.
Am hard.
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Can never get enough of trannies in lingerie.
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Imagine knocking her up every year by blowing massive loads in her 3D printed augmented pussy that can change into a giant futa cock on the go. Wish we had that kind of technology. Elon you fucking faggot, do something useful for humanity other than gobbling up government subsidies.
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Hunter Schafer destroyed my sexuality. I want to take the gock.
Jesus fuck. The last vestiges of my heterosexuality are crumbling before my very eyes. I wanna pull those pants down and partake of the delights revealed therein.
as beautiful as she is & as badly as I want to fuck her until she dissolves into a puddle of orgasms, I just can't see myself sucking a dick.

I'd eat her ass like it was the last meal on earth & worship her body like it was on the altar of eternity... but idk man. dicks just aren't attractive to me.

(emphasis on *to meeeee*. to each their own, obviously. we're all in this thread to venerate her as the angel she is, after all.)

Zero depth Vaginoplasty?
What if she requested it from you?
Hmm, what about handjobs and frotting?
>takes a whiff so cartoonishly big and strong my chest and head swell up like bubblegum
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what a faggot bro, i would suck her dick like theres no tomorrow, i could literally just survive by eating her cum all over my cheerios, that, some cantaloupe and sprite zero, it would be literally my perfect life
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chuds don't even think about him. we think about real women. you're the one who seethes because we aren't thinking about him.
Can't speak for other chuds, but I love her.
This is a man with deeply rooted mental health issues being enabled by selfish virtue-signalling retards who don't realise they are doing more harm by enabling his delusions than making him face reality and get over whatever trauma he has refused to come to terms with.
Cool story bro.
It is cruel.
Listening to homosexuals who regretted transitioning and realizing they can never get back to being simply a gay woman or man, is disheartening. Being an homosexual is hard enough as it is.
>detransitioner neocon nigger babble

there are more men that regret their hair transplants (as well as getting on HRT) than trans people that regret their transition surgeries.

there are more women that regret their boob jobs than trans people that regret their transition surgeries.

both of the aforementioned procedures are gender affirmation procedures, whether you like it or not.

kill yourself nigger.
she triggers their insecurities, they are angry they are attracted to her because they think it makes them gay
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Imagine believing this.
Imagine destroying your whole life only to live a small window of 10 years TOPS of being a sexual doll for the gratification of men.
Imagine realizing you will never be a woman, imagine realizing you cannot go back.

Imagine believing one will regret getting hair plugs more than chopping his dick off, or getting fake boobs...

LOL the cope is unreal.
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the numbers are there.

I don't get it. is this supposed to make the rest of us in this thread not attracted to her, or something?

please kill yourself, namefag.
Not at all.
He is hot.
I am bisexual in theory but am disgusted by manly men and the smell of other men.
He is hot and I think I could maybe enjoy a homosexual encounter with him, but to pretend being my sexual toy is the whole reason of his existence, to pretend that his autogynephilia is his whole personality, is cruel. I think it is sad he is being enabled by perverts and virtue signalers, in order to turn him into a sex doll that will be good for a decade, and then forgotten and tossed away like rubbish, which will further break his psyche, not longer being desired as a "woman".

Be attracted to whatever you want dude, I could not give a flying fuck about your sex life, honestly.
I am just commenting on mental health and stunt psychic development in enabled individuals.
not cool, ma'am
Sweet non-reply
>Surgery is a defacto good thing
The modern mind is baffling. Also, chopping something off or forcibly attaching something does not a man/woman make. This is just expensive, anti-human cope.
He* him*
The only people routinely killing themselves are the degenerates and the numbers are there too, deviant.
You're all sick in the head and aren't told that enough because enabling is essentially conflict avoidance which most modern people are prone to. Not me though, seek rope.
Watched it like a week ago or so, was actually a pretty decent movie. Deff good if you like Hunter specifically. Also dan stevens was pretty top tier.
creepy, cute and funny
pretty good
like the fags her jerk off to him
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I have. The movie is shit but Hunter is nice
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God I want to come all over his tits so bad.
>go in hoping for waifubait
>get cryptidkino and remember Hunter can actually act
>remember Hunter can actually act
how can you forget that? he's been playing a woman 24/7
just chekin in on ya, still delusional? still pretending not to be gay?
Still bumping threads you pretend to not care about?
Imagine your gf joining you two
>That's a man
and hes not fooling anyone.
who you talking about? no hers in this thread, sir
It's like Dante's Inferno in this fucking thread. Just a perpetual loop of >HER????. Profoundly boring.
That's why you ignore the text and just save the images, it's the only way. And nothing of value is lost. Trolls trolling trolls.
i know it's bad for the head and hair but i need to facefuck a pulled back hair hunty
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Fucking same
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I want to kiss her neck so bad
*His. And get in line...
i just realized yourina/yourinacalls is a cis version of Hunter & i've never been this hard ever in my life.
she's a fucking angel.
I want to eat her butthole
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seconded. thirded, for good measure
which one (yes)
I liked Death Stranding but it doesn't feel like it needs a sequel, I'm still interested in another one though.
OD I'm hype for. qt Hunter + Sophia. and Jordan Peele is the co-writer so maybe it'll be have be less... Kojima. I like his ideas a lot but the man has no idea what tone is.
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read this >>4941692 as 'kojima's new game' and answered for both, I know Hunty isn't in DS2, I wish she was though. why have one cake when you can have two?
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>I don't trust Jordan Peele desu
nah man J-Peeps is sick, love his films. I can see not liking Us, but Get Out and Nope are beasts.

I'm still cut up about the loss of Silent Hills. Not just Koj and Del Toro, but they were gonna get in Junji Ito too. Tragic.
>nah man J-Peeps is sick, love his films. I can see not liking Us, but Get Out and Nope are beasts
try that again, but in english
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No my friend. Jordan Peele is very appealing, I enjoy his motion picture work. It is a reasonable standpoint to dislike his second piece: which can be validly critiqued in a number of areas. His debut picture, however, is seminal and showed a tremendous unique style for a first-time director, and his latest picture was subversive and exciting and visually striking.*

Redditoid go home.
I conducted a small survey and discovered that I’m not gay for Hunter but my wife is.
you asked cunt
I like his games, but if it ends up sucking, at least we will have 3D model rip to smash with Elle's and the preggo lady.
No I didn’t you absolute faggot. Be better. Start with being heterosexual.
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I would suck his dick so much he'd be shooting out dust for the next week
why is she such a tease
She cute
Have I got news for you
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I want to sniff Hunter’s soles
Is it a dolphin in a bathtub?
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I want to EXPLODE BALLS DEEP in her boipussy
why is she so perfect, bros?
I love her
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humanity will eventually discover boipregnancy with the advancement of bioengineering, would you sacrifice yourself to science by filling hunter's boiwomb whenever possible?
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>ywn be literally sacrificed by Hunter in an occult pregnancy ritual

Does anyone else feel like Cuckoo went for the wrong director? Not in terms of competence but style. It needed that dreamlike vibe where cults and fairytale creatures could be real, like say True Detective, but instead we got brutal realism. Doesn't help that every shot was in a modernist building, is the guy allergic to nature?
She needs bigger tits
I just told my gf that my free celeb pass would be Hunter Schafer........
more pics please
Somewhere in this world is Hunter Schafer's butthole. I wish I could see and taste it.
Can’t I just fuck her in the ass? No need to get weird about it.
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I want to eat her ass while she just lays there and nonchalantly reads her book
same, anon. same...
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>ywn read together with her in this pose and you lying between her legs
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I want her to scold me for wanting to buy the new color kindle and convince me I should favor physical books.

We can argue about it before I agree with her and we have passionate make-up sex involving both out cocks shooting spunk into each others holes.
Kindlebros are like vegans, they cannot go for long without mentioning they have a Kindle
Several actually and an Onyx. But I was more interested in the idea of taking hunters cock into my mouth and feeling her warm precum on my tongue as her sexy feminine penis grows to full hardness.
tempting but I think I'll stick to her mouth, its not gay that way
its gay to fuck her in the ass but not fuck her mouth? you have some weird insecurities
>lying between her legs, face down with my mouth nestled so deep inbetween her butt cheeks only my eyes are visible, book propped up lightly on her lower back
>thinking it's gay to fuck one of the most beautiful girls walking the planet right now
What do you think she is wearing for halloween?
he's probably dressed up like a woman
A Black cock addict OH WAIT
The Jew even fears the white tranny. Jewish women and troons taking black cock and now you project that onto her. Enjoy the upcoming holocaust.
Like Shrodingers Faggot, if you can't see the dick... it isn't gay
every day is Halloween when you're a tranny
lordosis neuron activation
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Wish this was real. I'd suck her for long.
Do more of these edits. I want more explicit Hunter pics even if they aren't real.
this, we need it

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