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newfag here, what draw?
Hehehe I got the referemce
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i love my chemical romance oooouuuuggghhhh T_T
I like it too, but other fans tend to be weird and not in a cool way.
Idk why
i saw them in 2022 during the reunion tour. the barricade brigade and nathan bakker were such a wild thing to witness in the modern age...
Fuck, I remember I watched the directs but couldn't be there.
Also, you are a newfag so a heads up would be to tell you that now that summer is here this place is going to become more of a shithole because of all the underaged posters.
Be careful with the trolls, avatarfags and weirdos, they tend to be very toxic and some even groom people.
So don't take anything personal
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.imagine getting to meet frank and the first thing you do is vent about internet drama to a man old enough to be your father lol

Oekaki Post (Time: 5m, Replay: View)
i come from other, much much MUCH more annoying boards lol, so you dont have to worry about lil ole me anon
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Ok then

Oekaki Post (Time: 5m, Replay: View)
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did eep ever get an official name, is will he forever just be referred to as eep
Eep is good
i love all of the little characters, some of y favorites are the patient, the draculoids, demolition man (bullets version, not revenge), the twin thieves fear and regret, and helena.
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slow threads round these parts... ill come back tomorrow but for today i think ill go watch the fireworks.
Draw blackfire giving a blowjob
Maybe late by the time you get it but a chick in an American flag bikini
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ugh, the fireworks are too loud for me to be productive, heres a humble scribble frend
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I've heard some rumors that it possibly could have been ai generated but to be honest I think ai would really struggle with recreating gerards screams
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damn, well if you're superstitious about links you can probably find it on twitter or reddit, but it the original upload was removed from youtube as it got a copyright strike.

I have work in a few but after work today I will come back and do more draws
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Will you be the one to finally draw Callie having sex? Please?
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here you go

Oekaki Post (Time: 47s, Replay: View)
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just got home, will draw
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Draw a cool skeleton skating
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np anon :D
You are cool anon, don't come to the thread tomorrow
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You are the most based person on the planet. Thank you so much, G.
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np anon! always good to draw some lewds
Draw her being fucked by the viewer, she's cute
like a pov or just by an anon (third person view)?
Like a pov
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sorry i took so long anon...
You can take all the time you like anon.
Great stuff, love how anon is green. Havent seen that in a while.
Got a blog?
And whats the character's name? I only requested art of her because she was cute
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ty! I do have a twitter account but it's mostly for mcr related stuff, not sure if you'd want mcr flooding your timeline haha. the character actually isn't mine, it belongs to gerard way. before doing mcr, gerard was an intern at cartoon network (as well as designing toys for marvel and dc) and he wanted to pitch his own cartoon, breakfast monkey. because internships weren't paid yet he already struggled to trying to afford it and struggled even more trying to put together a pilot episode for his cartoon. he instead created a slideshow almost, kind of just to get a point across, and although the showroom liked it it was dropped later in favor for aqua teen. you can watch the pilot as well as a mini documentary on youtube
Thanks anon, I'll check it out
This is very beautiful fellow patriot. Draw her riding a dick POV
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I've already put my computer away for tonight, but I'll definitely draw tomorrow!
In regards to the recent paper kingdom leak, I want to make a new mcr oc. should I go with a witch girl or a knight girl?
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Op here, had a busy day. Super exhausted, only completed one request from a different board.
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Here's a sketch, I'll color it in after work.
Knight witch
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I ended up going with a knight, since I feel like a witch would make her a villain. It's a little bit subtle, but since paper Kingdom would have been more closely related to The Black Parade I decided to add some references to the Black Parade (the handle of her sword is shaped like the bp 10th anniversary logo. I also included that same logo on the corner of her tunic)
Draw a big tiddy goth
based taste
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Only just now seeing this, here's an old draw to make up for that. Tomorrow's my day off, so I'll draw a new big tiddy goth.
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give me an elisocray for the cray cray gang
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Can you draw my wife Birdo, anon?
No idea what that means but have this!
Beautiful wife, will draw
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Damn how did I miss this? That’s pretty good.
Based? More like super based.
off topic, is that jimmy fucking urine?????
got a problem with mr. urine
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yes, to both of these.
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Anon, If you can draw the pic related
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Anon can you draw Casandra giving an Armpit Job
I'm making a run to 7 eleven, but yes I will get to these in a bit.
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Can't find the pen for my tablet, so have a trad doodle.
Based. Thanks anon
Hot and intimidating. Thank you anon.
more of that cat.
something more tame like being petted, be it the base of the tail, ears or chin.
give her a detachable head
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so just to clarify for future refence, what exactly crosses the lewd line around here <_<
draw Raven Team Leader
It's a red board so not much, read the site rules
What >>789210 said. Just avoid drawing lollipops and sodas on anything other than /b/. If you’re asking for lewds in general, that’s more of your call.
Like these guys said, read the rules, I’m pretty sure what happened was you posted Furry stuff outside of /b/ and got banned.
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Sorry for the extended leave. Had some life stuff happen, decided to focus more on those. And thank you for the advice, will get to drawing again soon hopefully.
No need to apologize for life. She’s cute!
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Oekaki Post (Time: 1m, Replay: View)
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Thank you! She's based on the album "heartbreak in stereo" by pencey prep
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com bak op

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