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I know it probably seems like there's nothing to it, but I'm a complete retard and the beginner sort of loomis method tutorials I feel don't really apply to this. Like the eyes and nose and chin and everything are way off that way...

Any advice other than just tracing this style and getting used to it? Should I just ditch any sort of guidelines and learn to do this style freehand?
Mate you need to stick to loomis. Trying to figure out cartoons while you don't even have a grasp of loomis is like trying to learn how to install a turbocharger on an engine when you're still learning the names of each screwdriver. Cartoons are simplified, stylized interpretations. That means loomis isn't going to apply to it. Facial features are moved around not based on structural accuracy but by artistic, aesthetic choice. (It's one of the reasons you almost never see a front worm's eye view of an anime girl. the style just doesn't work well that way)

You need to be focusing on LOOMIS because he will give you KNOWLEDGE, which is what you need to warp reality. You will be able to look at the pic you posted and after a brief study, know how to do it, because you will see and understand the changes to the human head that the artist made.

Or you can go to /asg/ and spend an eternity with those clowns tracing and copying while ignoring fundamentals until you give up and start spamming the catalog about talent, the spark, etc.
Kek, you're doomed to stay permabeg. Another faggot that bites the dust
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Don't bother with Loomis just grind Preston Blair.
Miyazaki mentor used to copy blair booklet over and over, his say so in the doc Joy of Motion.
Is there more to loomis than it seems though? I feel like I understand it and have spent a couple weeks putting the reps in on it. Just not really sure what the best path is to end up at this style.

>You will be able to look at the pic you posted and after a brief study, know how to do it, because you will see and understand the changes to the human head that the artist made.
Am I correct to think that at that stage, there’s no more guidelines in play and it’s just freehand by then?
Thank you, I’ll check it out
Preston Blair is just heavily simplified loomis for 1940's type cartoon barn animals. Trading loomis for that is an utterly retarded suggestion, ignore him. (You can study blair tho just don't skip loomis)
>Is there more to loomis than it seems though? I feel like I understand it and have spent a couple weeks putting the reps in on it
Post your work, I sincerely doubt you have mastered loomis in 2 weeks.
>Am I correct to think that at that stage, there’s no more guidelines in play and it’s just freehand by then?
You seem to be misunderstood. Loomis is teaching you how to view 3d forms. He is teaching you how to express 3d forms on a 2d plane. Loomis is not a 1-2-3 guideline, it's a method to teach you those 2 things.
>don't really apply to this
Lol. The pic you posted is high level shit. Until you can hold 3d forms in your head you won't be drawing like that
>but it looks so loose and simple
It's basically the jazz improv of drawing. Looks/sounds easy, is actually elder god tier difficult
>elder god tier difficult
Mate what, if you practice fundies you can draw ghibli at an /int/ level within 1 year
I’m not claiming to have mastered loomis at all, just not exactly sure what the path is towards picrel. Do I just keep drilling loomis for a while?

And I understand that I’m learning how to keep a head consistent from different angles, I’m just curious about exactly how Miyazaki or Satoshi Kon do it.
If you don't post your loomis we have absolutely no clue what level you are at and you will only get generic advice such as "practice fundies" or "do loomis"
I’ve been drawing for like two weeks, I’m a complete beginner
Lots and lots of practice helped them internalize the proportions and shapes of the human figure, clothes, etc so they can simplify or straight up skip construction.
Did they practice tight guideline stuff like loomis do you think? Or just practice freeform?
theres no construction because there doesnt need to be. theres no real focus on accuracy or correct proportion - note that her features are floating in this image rather than tied to the cranium.

When they animate it they will 100% be using construction except for 1-2 draftsmen gods like the jp equivalent of Milt Kahl but you can ignore that because you aren't them.
preston blair shits on drawing the heads and hands especially for animation work, and everyone who has copied both books will attest to this. 'realistic' disney style is a natural progression of Preston that just dropped a few features mostly cheeks aren't as prominent.

FDFAW is good but it's more of a curriculum to study rather than a textbook. Loomis tells you what to study each chapter and you go spend 1-2 months doing it.

Anyway the people who just shout >loomis are retarded because he wrote 7 fucking books all going over different stuff, but usually anons are just vaguely referencing his head construction and maybe his intro chapter on bloons.

you almost surely don't draw.
Masters can break the rules because they know what the rules are and what they are for. You're a child disregarding rules because you have no idea what you're doing.
nta The point of loomis is for you to understand how the forms of the face move in 3d space. After you've grinded it you should start trying to draw faces from different angles from imagination to challenge the part of you brain responsible for spatial reasoning. After enough training of your spatial reasoning you will intuitively know how the forms of the face should be drawn from any angle. Loomis is like your training wheels as you're learning how to ride your bike. Once you feel confident in your ability to draw the head you start freestyling it. When you're doing your own drawings and style you will know what a head should look like and where features should sit.
Lots of words, but no work posted

safe to say that this thread is worthless
I’m literally just asking what I’m supposed to be practicing…

Thank you, appreciate this
Pretty sure they’re talking about the thousands of frames he draws in various poses and perspective angles and settings, not just stiff ghibli characters standing there in 3/4 view with no background dunning kruger-kun
>what I’m supposed to be practicing

Not freeform. It's the way to getting a lot of bad habits and calling it your "style"
why don't you go suck off preston's rotting cock then buddy
I literally told you all this and you questioned every word I gave you
nta they just sounded like they aren't trusting the process and were looking for reassurance. I just reiterated what was already said and added that there's a tangible goal they should be working towards.
all you have is vague intimations because you don't actually draw retard.
you really didn’t
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>Trading loomis for that is an utterly retarded suggestion, ignore him
Nooooooooooooooooooo don't use what Miyazaki's master used you have to use what /ic/ use instead.
Just kys you fucking retard.
OP you want the full picture of how Miyazaki sensei learned to draw?
I watched the doc and he used a combination of Preston Blair's Advanced Animation + Picrel + Life Drawing.
He never used Loomis because back then Loomis books weren't used that much in Japan unlike nowadays, tho they prefer Morpho now.
Just ignore that projecting retard and do exactlyl what I just told, if you don't believe me then watch the documentary yourself, here's the torrent
>(Re-Upload) Yasuo Otsuka's Joy in Motion (neo1024)
>File size:2.0 GiB

Don't fall for that Loomis meme that retards like that anon keep talking about all the time.
Ok thanks bro, I'll check it out
fuck off idiot
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>Instead, check out (some guy who is doing exactly what Loomis does)
>TRUST ME I'm pretty much an EXPERT, I've been drawing for 2 months and thinking about drawing for 10 times as long!
why do cartoon animals make this board seethe so much
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why does fwap make you seethe so much
if it were the exact same thing you wouldn't be seething
youre the one who went into an autistic rage when someone mentioned blair not the other way around.
read the thread pajeet and don't forget to have fun with your pencil!
> Preston Blair is just heavily simplified loomis for 1940's type cartoon barn animals. Trading loomis for that is an utterly retarded suggestion, ignore him

you dont draw.
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Why did this thread cause so much seething?
>"noooo i don't want to learn loomis, gesture, anatomy, and perspective, i don't want to do actual drawing i just want to do a rough sketch like this in under 3 months, it looks so rough it looks like even my 6 year-old brother can do it, there must be a method to do it instead of practicing."
>there must be a method to do it instead of practicing
I'm literally asking what specifically to practice
very good saar
>retarded op with poor reading comp
>punjeet immediately triggered by the mention of loomis
>no job, friends, life or drawing to be done so he sits itt for hours in order to defend his internet argument within moments of someone posting
at least 5 fuckin people gave you satisfactory fuckin advice and here you are not taking any of it, draw you stupid motherfucker, get the fuck out of here already, what are you waiting for? some dude to come walking in here and give you the super secret totally unknown tips that will put you at miyazaki level in 2 days?
Steelman my argument. Also post your art lol
What if I tell you you have to learn the actual anime drawing like /asg/ to achieve this rough sketch?
I bet the first thing that comes to your mind is that it's over-practiced and a waste of time because you don't need that skill, you just want a good-looking doodle that costs very little effort but still can convey to people that you can "draw".
Otherwise I can't find a reason why you don't want to go /asg/ and learn actual anime drawing.
Post art
you mean like the muh loomis autist?
Does the yellow entail shadow or light?
>"herpa durr hows do i draws anime????"
>12 good answers
>"noooo pyw crab!!!"
you will never make it, don't even bother
>learn actual anime drawing
So you can’t draw either lol
o i am laffin m8
>t-this is good advice!
>can I see the results?
why the fuck would I share my personal art with you when you've been nothing but a fuckwit AND refused to post your loomis at the beginning of the thread
So, what loomis method will teach you is how to break down the head into a reliably simple way into simpler forms.
To really maximize and understand the loomis method more, it helps to understand the basic anatomy of the head.
Put two and two together, and you will learn the value of loomis.

Picrel is stylized, obviously. Once you've practiced a reasonable amount with the loomis method upon a variety of heads, you'll gain a better understanding of how heads work overall.

You could also copy it I guess, if you specifically want to draw a few things and don't care for general drawing ability, however, your decisions will end up more flawed overall(for instance, if you did not properly study heads, you may end up with anatomical issues and be unable to do anything more 'original', so to speak).
i'm literally agreeing with YOUR ADVICE and you're mad at ME? why didn't you take your meds today?
I improved by using the links from /asg/, permabegtachi.
I’ve literally said I don’t know how to draw this whole time. You’re the one acting like an authority on it
>help me
>ok here's help
>wooooahhhhh buddy who made you drawing king?
You literally haven’t been remotely helpful, you’ve just been a bitter cunt.
learn to read, retardo
you are looking at the sketch of a dude has been drawing and visualizing in this style for literally over half a century and completely missing what he's trying to do and why he's able to do it

it's like if you were in a resturaunt and saw a math professor jotting down an equation on a napkin and suddenly thought that the way to be a math whiz is to start getting napkins and solving basic multiplication problems on them

if you see this and try to go do any 'shortcut' shit like /asg/ tracing, you are retarded.
Love how these threads are always chock full of time-waster advice.
>Any advice other than just tracing this style and getting used to it? Should I just ditch any sort of guidelines and learn to do this style freehand?
The goal of tracing should be to make this sort of look innate down to lines. Beyond this, any cartooning textbook would do, and most of Loomis is a waste of time if this is what you want to draw.
>completely missing what he’s trying to do and why he’s able to do it
Yes, that is admitted in the OP and the point of the thread. Thanks for giving absolutely zero insight.
> been on here since 2017 seeing begs ask how to draw anime instead of loomis, them not knowing all the anime guys started with loomis
>they're still asking
you'll be able to do that when you know the subject like the back of your hand

you think they're 2 different things and they equal different results, typical beginner line of thinking. they all teach the same thing, construction & gesture, loomis, hampton, vilpu, bammes, houston, all the same ass concepts. Preston Blair won't make you miyazaki nor does everyone that sketches with that type of style in op all learned from him, you can draw like this when you know the subject like the back of your hand.
>they all teach the same thing
>but you HAVE to use this one and not the other
lol retard
I agree with this guy. I have an easier time copying anime style if I copy what I see instead of trying to construct it from scratch. Construction is needed for complex things but with anime heads, its about proportions. Construction is different than proportions I think because you need to find appealing proportions so the "right" construction.
>they all teach the same thing
>but you HAVE to use this one and not the other
the irony

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