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>draw miku
>only 100 likes
i thought you retards say drawing this blue bitch gets you popular
How many likes do you usually get?
Also TOO LATE to jump on the bandwagon
Butts aren't shaped like that so that's about the limit of likes that anatomy would get.
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skill issue
What numbers are you usually getting? I've never gotten close to 100 likes.
That's a humongous ass
You have to make her a, you know...
Post art and @
I lost chance of miku so I am drawing some big accounts OC
How many of those likes converted into followers
You should be grateful you got more than 20 likes for this MIDslop faggot. Rope and rope now.
this is the only thing that works
i get thousands of likes from drawing OCs of big accounts when they retweet it
FOTM like Makima, Miku, Tifa, Nikke girls, Bowsette etc never get that much likes
Just do that, this guy would constantly do this https://x.com/leedraw11?s=21 i see him everywhere and now has 17k+ followers.

https://x.com/allbeatnik?s=21 average 50 likes per post
That ass is not drawn well. It's pretty much one big circle. Asses don't look like that.
i got six but mine didnt have any ass on it
whats ur @
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>I am drawing some big accounts OC
I draw fanart of popular western webtoons and sometimes their artists retweet it.
FOTM fanart works but popular fanart is better because there's a bigger audience.
You're better off drawing Pokemon porn than Brazilian Miku porn if you want followers, patrons instead of just likes.

This is the least appealing ass shape I've ever seen. Git gud
I know, right? How can something be so big yet flat at the same time.
>retard fell for inorganic meme
When will you fags understand that if you're not in the right discords your effort are wasted?
give her a penis
there should be a dedicated general/thread to finding trending art memes for artists to draw
pyw retard
Mine performed slightly better and I have 1/10 of your followers,OP. Still, only maybe a 5% of those likes translate into followers so trend chassing is worthless in the long term.
The whole lower region is basically an inverted symmetrical tear drop.
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nta, but here is mine just to spit on OP for being a crybaby
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Is her mouth open or those are just lips?
>Use more then 2 tags
>mix sfw tags with nsfw tags
>double uploads
>like some rightie twitter
>not buyin that stupid ass bluecheckmark

Twitter is rigged you idiots
Be more careful at the coloring and inking stage. Looks unpolished and a glowy filter doesn't really mask it.
Actually appealing and looks good. Doesn’t look like some perma/beg/ slop like >>7301744 also what this anon said >>7301934
maybe if you didn't burn all those bridges complaining about not being retweeted you would have some interactions malaymike kek

also buy an ad already
>https://x.com/allbeatnik?s=21 average 50 likes per post
not terrible but the others are right. you need to put in some more work. miku in the OP looks very low effort compared to some of your other stuff and has little appeal.
>Just do that, this guy would constantly do this https://x.com/leedraw11?s=21 i see him everywhere and now has 17k+ followers
seeing people at this skill level with 17k followers is pretty much confirmation that WAGMI
Bro that ass looks bad
You getting 100 likes is more than nothing so stop bitching
>99% bots
Didn't know we set the bar this low.
true copium... the masses just love slop
>he doesn't know
>muh cope
Cope yourself with a loaded gun pointing at your face and pull the trigger, pornshitter.
keep coping, faggot. no like likes your garbage. if you can't even get 500 likes from this your scribbles are worse than slop.
looks like shit
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my art looks like this and I get 1k-2k likes on average and the miku drawing I done gotten close to 4k likes. the mental gymnastics you copers go through.
>waaah waaah u suck and u dont get likes cope cope cope
seethe more, pornshitter
i can do what you struggle to achieve without resorting to naked ladies, you soulless bug
>Cope yourself with a loaded gun pointing at your face and pull the trigger, pornshitter.
cope also stay mad
spoken like a true /beg
>cope cope cope ur mad beg
peak pornshitter malding
>seethe more, pornshitter
>i can do what you struggle to achieve without resorting to naked ladies, you soulless bug
>Cope yourself with a loaded gun pointing at your face and pull the trigger, pornshitter.
>Didn't know we set the bar this low.
>peak pornshitter malding
ceo of malding saying this lmao. if you could actually do better than OP or >>7301749 you wouldnt be in denial that they have twitter followers
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>twitter followers are bots
>if they're not bots they're just other f4f whores
>"noooooo ur supposed to be impressed because they have higher number than you ur mad ur mad ur mad and in denial!!!!!!"
I don't care about your schizophrenia numbers and i never will.
>Says this, but got assblasted from just 2.8k likes
The mental gymnastics you fags pull is funny as fuck.
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>it doesnt matter how many followers you have because theyre just bots and even if they are real people theyre just f4f!!!
you can be envious of other peoples success but to acheive this level of delusion, seething, and jealousy is truly impressive
You will never have real followers.
i alr have real followers due to culling bot follows and actually drawing instead of crying about other people doing better than me on the internet! its wonderful
>other pornshitters follow me to """network"""
>other artists follow me to leech off my clout and be friends with the epic big artist
>get followed by nothing but porn addicts who follow 5000 other accounts
>get followed by bots who have phishing links in bio
>"Guys, i am le epic artist with big followers and i am epic!"
>one random guy on the internet just says the forbidden word
No amount of fictional numbers will ever make me respect you.
With the amount of fake engagement, fake profiles, brand accounts flooding the internet to market their shit and generate fake hype and overall just sociopathic pursuits the average social media user indulges in to increase the chance of increasing some random numbers; how can anyone believe those numbers have any value?
Are you lives that miserable and pathetic that you project your self-worth and social value on fake numbers that you become hostile towards anyone not validating those numbers and call them a socialmediaphobic bigot?
You have to keep spamming whores like miku until the algo can 'label' you and knows who to curate your content to. If you keep uploading miku lewds algo will label you asthat. Anime artist and start randomly recommending u to people who browse that. Ik op is a joke but some of u really don't know how to use social media. You gotta be consistent in ur subject matter to grow then generalize and jerk urself off once ur big
Why should should people give a fuck about some respect from a retarded anon? You bring in no money, you don’t support or commission other artist, just some freeloading faggot. You act like you provide some value, but you don’t. You’re just some retarded delusional fuck that thinks they provide any value in the first place.
why are you still here?
Why should anyone give a fuck what you think? Your words merely parrot human speak, yet you do not comprehend what you say. Your imaginary numbers have no value nor authority over anyone but animals like you. You are so desperate to feel an ounce of superiority over others and the moment one doesn't submit to your mental illness, you try to enforce your numbers as a measurement of value.

No amount of numbers will make up for your nonexistent personality.
You are nothing.

Now be a good pornshitter and go do the current fotm i can jerk off to for a handful of likes from a bunch of bots, cattle.
you're fucking losing it man
These botted niggas still malding
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HOLY FUCK, OP is a bitch but you are an insufferable faggot.
>they can't stop malding
Kind of pathetic that the concept of randomly generated numbers have so much power over you
I can smell the desperate pandering through the screen
Man, telling artists that their followers are all bots, when in fact it is true, sure gets them mad.
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Just did another miku today and already gotten 1k likes and 200+ followers. Funny how perma/beg/ slop like op think they deserve views/likes.
thats more likes then me and im much better then you are so who cares.
Where did you buy those bots?
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Now let's view the engagements and who liked it, Anon.
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I posted it and the account didn't share
Either art was too garbage or doesn’t fit their niche, they are Brazilian and can’t use twitter, or they didn’t see it(happened to me before), but sill retweet it at a later date. I don’t draw others ocs like that, maybe once every couple of months or I like it enough.
I think because i have double digit followers my RT doesnt show up
gib link
OK I lied...
It's one digit follower account
I want to see your work. Now post a link.

I opened the account 2 days ago
>think because i have double digit followers my RT doesnt
No i mean the artist you drawn for will retweet it at a later date if they haven’t seen it. They get pinged/@ed at a daily basis so it makes it hard to see your post, also retweeting something like that yourself makes you look bad. Having double or single digits mean nothing
>Account doesn’t exist
>>Account doesn’t exist
Wtf?! Yes it does
Oh, bad timing considering he said he was going to be stepping away for a bit.
Not bad, could be better. Work on your lines and hands.
Yeah I made the drawing quickly in order to catch him not get away.
Unfortunately as I posted it, he reposted someone else who had drawn it
Well i dont see it, since you just made the account. Twitter is seeing if you’re a bot cause i can’t look you up, since you newly made the account, it was a semi recent change a year ago
I changed some stuff
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Forgive the mouse drawing.
Not really an indication of anything unfortunately, I've seen tumor sized asses bigger than the body and it still got a ton of attention.
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That requires the drawing to have some sort of appeal and not slop like op. Not only that, op burned brides with a huge chunk of twitter popular artist by being a schizoid faggot.
Not linking my account here because i don’t want to associate with this place and pissed off a couple of schizos already here(especially in this thread).
There are big name artists that post here. No one really cares
Lol I posted one and still got 70k likes and 30k followers. I thought the trend was dead, but nope. Thanks miku, you set me up for a lifelong career
Name them, ones that aren’t porn artist. Also i don’t want to be branded as an /ic/ shitter.
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>click hoping to find new artist to support
>"You’re blocked"
>check again with alt
>you have twice as many followers as i do, but your art regularly stays below 50 likes, like you said
Anon, wtf are you doing, I posted a new drawing a month after my last one, it's not even fanart just OC, and it got almost 800 likes in a day. The drawing before that hit 1k. Maybe stop blocking randoms and start following more than a mere 25 people and you'll get more support.
>he doesn't know who allbeatnik is
Is he the dude who says he blocks people who don't follow him back and repost his stuff? I don't remember, I only check on /ic/ now and then these days.
that drawing while not 100% to my liking, certainly deserves more than 1 like
>i can do what you struggle to achieve without resorting to naked ladies
>t.draws shitty memes
Bingo, there’s your answer. The fag was also having a melty during that time. A year later his engagement died
what a fucking retarded post
all those things you posted is what a fucking desperate motherfucker would do for clout
>mass following accounts
>not blocking retards that talk shit
>muh big follow faggots scary

youre a fucking braindead motherfucker that kneels to get attention, i spit on insects like you faggot
And where did that get you? 20 dollar coombux, faggot. Seethe more, kek
Tifa has been FOTM for 27 years
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This you? I remember when all those popular artists boiled you alive like the salty little crab you are.
bro doesn't know what fotm is evidently if he thinks tifa or miku count.
are crabs boiled alive? I thought that was just lobsters
>pure skill alone
Lmao, these perma/beg/s are funny
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>Back break
Posting your art on /ic/ for attention is way more desperate. You clearly care for clout, you just care for your nutty ego more.
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Should have used a reference.
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Ngl AI puss is pretty GOATd.
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>this guy jacks off to the holographic meatloaf
As opposed to your all organic free range pixels?
The art needs to be good too. This is rife with mistakes and even if it wasn't, it's so fast food that I'd feel ashamed caught even bookmarking this slop. Do you really want to build an audience of brainless coomers?
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nice schizo post, retard
you say the same stupid retarded shit to other artists who post their art here too?
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>1.3k likes on this post in just 8 hours
i only had like <10% of the numbers this guy have. i thought i make art better than this but now I'm doubting my skill
No, they're usually more honest about what they're up to. Nothing wrong with them wanting attention, it helps them improve, it motivates them to keep going, etc. All that is good. But the way you go about wanting attention, but then acting like you're above people who you imagine want "clout," makes you self-inconsistent.
Someone worse at art than you getting bigger reception isn't indicative of skill. Just interest.
People go for any shit, the mind of human beings is really very confusing
At that point your path forks into two ways, you could pander and draw slop or risk carving your own niche and be a sort of a lighthouse for others of similar interest to find you.
I don't know why people get so stressed about this, artistic styles are like musical styles, there are people with different personal tastes.
I thought that there was no way people are engaging with this fodder Miku picture and then I see this garbage conveniently bumping it. Unsubtle and an attention whore. Very good job OP, but you need to hit the Loomis books.
I'm not the OP, in fact I don't even like the shit he posted.
If it's any consolation, they both have grotesque styles.
No it's actually quite simple. If you start treating humans like cattle and throw away morality it becomes very clear how easy they are to manipulate. Just appeal to base pleasures. Entire industries are built on the fact that some humans are incapable of self governance and willing to consume as long as it feels good. How long do you think before Elon introduces the orgasm feature on Neuralink? lmfao. People are gonna be cooking their fucking brains.
Hey, for as long as I can remember, I have read and seen with my own eyes how human beings have setbacks in their personal interests, you see it in everyday life with simple things like a liking for certain foods or different hobbies, cattle are actually a tough beast to domesticate, you can sedate them or entertain them for a short time but they always break out in anger, the West for example is an example of that mental bipolarity of appearing docile and then exploding.
Elon Musk is pushing an anti-AI agenda of more humane ethics, the left on the other hand is seeking the use of AI for personal purposes and social control, you don't look much at China, right, or you see what suits you.
Pretty sure Elon is just salty that Sam Altman fucked him over and is being petty.
The left is obsessed with Elon Musk, it's amazing how they point him out just for being a Trump follower, there are a ton of AI companies and corporations like Microsoft itself and the Chinese government, Brazilians should look at their communist leader before blaming others.
>followers are mostly bots
>"yo wtf why does this guy have no likes?"
I mean, zoomers are becoming actually mentally deficient, but damn.
The thing is that X is not going to return to Brazil until the data-leaking communist dictator is removed.
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kill yourself beatnik.
everyone knows what you are.
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This looks like an amogus ass
lmao, 70 years after McCarthy and righwingers still can't come up with anything else than "communist"
Jesus fucking christ you politfags. I was making a comment about how almost everything in the modern world is built around exploiting human psychology. My elon comment was just a hypothetical about how neurolink could be abused, there are plenty of other REAL examples in the world. Ignore that I said anything about neurolink and pretend I was just talking about the gambling industry jfc.
Quit being a doomer over this, this should motivate you. Just do the samething he does.
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>Rightoids make up conspiracy theories that Bill Gates is trying to mind control them with brain chips.
>But now that Elon Musk is trying to do it, Rightoids wait in line for their brain chip willingly.
Great idea, let's get the same guy who can't even get his $100k Cybertrucks to be able to go through a car wash without frying the entire vehicle to start doing brain chips.
kill yourself for being this pathetic
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If it makes you feel any better, i fully understood what you said, but sadly, you're mostly surrounded by children and retards on this godforsaken board.
second one from the right has no left hand real cool
>kill yourself
>you are SO pathetic
Fuck off dude. Frankly it's you looking pathetic hyperfixating on one person who isn't even being particularly hostile to you, trying to be reasonable with you but critiquing your attitude. Learn to take some criticism of your personality just like you come here for criticism of your art.
Miku vagisune
That picture fills me with this combination of contempt and disgust. If that's real we are cooked.
>if that's real
das real

if the average pleb would be aware of how businesses openly talk about consumers on seminars without getting confused by the biz jargon, they would start rioting and burning shit down like the easily influenced monkeys they are.
I wanna make fun of you op for drawing shitty miku but since i never drew anime girl in my whole life i will go and try and draw miku myself before my critique may be valid
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Ok i somehow made a sketch so i will either ink this or digitally ink so it can be better viewed.
Excuse my poor lighting.
is a shit
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Holy shit, OP got absolutely destroyed even by a $2 pencil on line paper.
now all you need to do is get more likes than retarded op and you mogged him completely.
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That's weird.
I have 3% of your followers number and also got 100 likes.

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>If that's real we are cooked
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Holy shit what the hell is that?
Oh come on
Peruvian Miku
still gets more likes than op, that tells you something.
were definitely wagmi bros...
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I lost faith in humanity years ago and this supports my position.
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Flava a the month ain't gon save ya when ya cookin's bland, son
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I thought about drawing a Peruvian Miku too, before Ben even drew his actually, but I tend to avoid trends and I was busy anyway. Last Miku I drew was back in March but it did well (hit 500). Maybe I should draw another Miku after all...
Has soul, but it's in sketchy form, where anything can feel like it has soul, so I'm not sure what to say until you fully render it. I like it though.
>still gets more likes than op
OP pic got 330 like tho
Do it, it might get more than >>7302474
>>7301749. Then again doing it at its peak(3 weeks ago)was the best option easily reached 10k+ likes 1000+ followers on average, but meh
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>Draws Birch
why are the retards here shitting on the OP pic but praise the art of the shitters in this thread >>7304316
you dont need to be good to get huge amounts of likes
Thanks, buddy.
Birch is the cutest
which part
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>complains about only getting 100 likes
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Skynet knows all our weak points and that scares us
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the ass i drew is better use a reference next time retard
There isn't a single post in that thread praising the OP or any of the other people who posted in there. And even if there was, who cares? Are you jealous?
>almost everything in the modern world is built around exploiting human psychology
Everything that is built is human psychology exploiting the real world so the reverse of this is more true than it itself and you're an idiot for contorting your perception of reality to fit preconceived ideological metaphysics.
Inca Cola is a more recognizable peruvian brand, also that dried corn is missing (chachita)
Yeah, but they keep drawing Peruvian Miku with an Inca Kola. I wanted to spice things up, you know what I mean?

Veneno para olvidar.
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It is made with llama urine and boiled guanaco saliva, the average Peruvian accompanies this "drink" with roasted pigeon.
Is this that Singapore fag?
made to be sniffed + worshipped
>Try to do digital version on phone with fingers
>Looks worse

Aw fuck
Yo i forgot the files lol
lol kys venusianrapper won
It's looking pretty good for a sketch base. If you fully finish it it might look really great. Hope you finish it anon
Cute, also dat high rise thong HNNNGG!
pretty sure this is bait, no way this nigga complained about having 100 likes on twitter when drawing like that
Working on it
Pretty good, however the gaussian blur on the lineart is a bit jarring.
Am I crazy or do all his tutorials look like ai slop? I found d him the other day and felt like u was going crazy the more I scrolled through his thumbnails. His shit looks like ai
Dont feel too bad, most of the people who got big cheated by buying pre botted accounts from back when those websites existed, others just were tumblerino refugges who got apprived by the algorythm and then is the fact that they made their accounts BEFORE 2018 when the sjws that worked before at the company made the algorythm to decide who gets pushed and who gets silenced.
Its not interest, its LOL, ALGORYTHM.
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Its not jist the Left, the problem is that righties are being bamboozled by him i to thinking he is the saviour pf free speech when in reality he is a fraudulent poser who is only using them for his own gain and doesnt give a fuck about fixing the algorythm and bot problem of twitter because he is also an eccentric manchild who literally goes "How do you do fellow twitterinos".
Nope, its not gonna work, the algorythm will fuck him, and then its gonna get worse. Its not pessimism /doomerism. Its being blunt.
Everything he said.
thats 100% how allbeatnik operates.
he's a flagrant narcissistic lolcow

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