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Tired of sharing a thread with beg scribblers?
Tired of seeing massive amount of useless links in the OP and a million basic questions?
Want to share and talk with fellow competent artists?
Then this is the thread for you.

As always: ignore crabs, nodraws and howies.
tired of having a thread that gets actual replies and isn't going to just die slowly?
lol fag
but what about us permaprebegs
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I suppose someone has to break the dirt. I really went to a dark place with this piece. It's a minimalist composition with a central focal point. The character design is inspired by the Joker. Thoughts? Critiques? I want to push this to the next level and finally break out of /int/
No, because I'm not full of myself.
How the hell does having someone who is newer to drawing than me being in the same thread hurt me in any way?
Even begs can still have useful input when it comes to appeal.
/beg/ only works because people are more comfortable critiquing beginner mistakes.
sorry newfag, this has been tried many times before and will never work
Anon, there ARE no Intermediates on here.
/begs/ don't know the terminology to critique an /int/. They may know something is off but they won't know how to express it.
I dunno, I'm not really seeing anyone post work. >>7306296 doesn't count.
Thread is literally getting invaded by beg crabs and nodrawers because they're seething over the OP, ignore (hide) them all.
They are in /alt/ and there’s another gen, but not telling which
Is that R. Crumb? He was pretty /beg/. Overly chaotic linework, exaggerated proportions and distortions, backgrounds too detailed compared to the main subjects, poor use of space, jarring color choices. It's always the begs that think they're good.
I think some other anon explained it well recently by saying "post your work" is basically just TITS OR GTFO.
I don't think many anons will want to openly label themselves as int+. The only way this thread would work is if there's some kind of consensus in the /beg/ threads about anons that are int and are told to go here.
Which would create a hierarchy system and no one wants that I'm pretty sure.
yeah, given the nature of this website and being anonymous. The only people who would even be in these threads have large egos and quite frankly I rather not be a part of that.
The way I always saw this board was that the beg/int thread was kinda like the lounge room where anyone and everyone can share and the more advanced or int people naturally go to the more specific threads and hang out in those. This thread feels redundant at best and egocentric at worst.
where's /pro/ and /adv/
a decent proportion of this board largely consider themselves ints but are fearful of being labeled as beg, often shouting PYW and crabbing, yet refusing to post their own work
The pedo one
That's how it used to work my lil newfag friend
>backgrounds too detailed compared to the main subjects
maybe he was inspired by manga
I'm guessing that's implied by the plus.
I kinda doubt R. Crumb was inspired by manga...
How would you know?
>if you don’t want to post with /beg/ scribblers and accurately evaluate your art as /int/, then you must have a big ego and want some sort of hierarchy
Pathetic. This is actual crabs in a bucket mentality.
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uh huh.
It's been mentioned before itt, begs don't know how to properly critique ints just on a technical level.
Alright then post.
rate threads
You mean the threads where the term /int/ is inflated to encompass everyone so they can all jerk themselves off?
that is exactly what im referring to
I think it has more to do with not wanting to paint a target on your back.

True anonymity isn't possible if you're posting work here and whether you have a big ego or not is irrelevant. Calling yourself int is enough for some people to assume you're egotistical and for others to be hostile just because you stuck your neck out. There's no point in this thread because there's too many downsides and they can all be avoided just by posting in a different general instead. It's telling OP hasn't posted their own work.
>It's telling OP hasn't posted their own work.
This. OP you didn’t post your work in the other thread, either.
i think there should be an int thread. it doesnt take very long to achieve an intermediate level. i think the main issue is people trying to raise the bar to int to make themselves feel better. this board dissuades people from claiming int, lest they get 15 replies saying NGMI. id have to imagine at this point that >50% of the board is at int or above.
more like >20%
The rest of the reasons for why this thread won't work don't matter -- what truly matters is that there just aren't enough people on /ic/ anymore, especially people who are /int/, /adv/, or /pro/. The thread would be slow as fuck and die. There's really only a handful of truly active threads that involve posting work on /ic/. Why slow it down even more? Besides, you faggots should be encouraging and guiding /begs/.
Its called drawpile thread
It's unpleasant in it's own way but I think /cgsg/ has a lot of int anons. The fujos do good work. /Draw/ often has good work in it too.
I’m /int/ myself but there is like 3 people in this board who I consider skilled enough to consider feedback from and they barely post here.
Havent been to /ic/ in like a decade. Op still not posting work lmao
So many beautiful /int/ pieces in this thread
whats the next level after pro and adv ?
whats the next level after nodraw ?
The next level after /int/ is leaving. Only reason a adv or pro would still be here is to mog people or pad their ego. While this board does offer a community, it also wouldn't offer you much in terms of peers, you'd move on to the discords that you have to network or be good enough to get into.
>i think the main issue is people trying to raise the bar to int to make themselves feel better.
As a nigga that doesn't draw at all, the line you retards call "int" is stupid high.
Why dont you post first op? At least set a standard for the thread, so we know where the bar is set?
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Fine, Ill post my work. The bar might be set too high though. Remember, dont respond to begs, crabs, or howies.
It’s really telling that only one person posted lol we are not one good artist in here
Lol im proud of you. Great hands btw!
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>They may know something is off but they won't know how to express it.
that should be enough for somebody who is supposedly "int" to look at their piece and figure it out themselves
Main problem with an "/int/ only" thread is all the /beg/s think they're /int/ and all the /int/s think they're /beg/, hence the merged thread. Even if you are /int/ having a big head about it is a surefire way to plateau.
Besides we already have plenty of /int/ generals - /draw/, /alt/, /rpg/, /studies/, /trad/, /fag/, /sex/, /nature/, /mg/, and the drawpile thread. Best part is some of those threads have some people who're beyond /int/ so you actually have a goal to work towards.
Bring back the rate threads imo, at least those gave a solid definition for the different levels
>Bring back the rate threads imo, at least those gave a solid definition for the different levels
The rates should be refined at least. They should define what’s missing besides X fundamental or mastery of Y. Those things don’t exist in a vacuum, like lacking form undermining line art and shading.
>Cleanest hatching/linework in the west
>Could do wacky proportions for cartoons as well as hyper-realistic studies
>Used simple characters against dense backgrounds to make the characters stand out
>Better composition than a majority of artists out there
>99% of his work was black and white aside from covers
Either you don't know what /beg/ means or this is bait.
IIRC it was pretty specific while remaining brief, something along the lines of
>/prebeg/ - No knowledge/application of fundamentals
>/lowbeg/ - Attempting fundamentals, failing at all of them
>/midbeg/ - Mixed levels of knowledge/application
>/highbeg/ - Solid fundamental knowledge, lacking in execution/intention
>/lowint/ - Solid knowledge/execution, signs of intention
>/midint/ - Solid knowledge/execution/intention, some unique style
>/highint/ - Approaching limits of fundamentals, developing distinct style
>/adv/ - Fully capable in all fundamentals, distinct and recognisable visual style(s)
>/master/ - Beyond capable, able to render in a variety of styles, can push fundamentals to new limits without breaking, pioneering breakthroughs in visual language, medium, and methodology
plus the "side tier" that can apply to any level:
>/pro/ - secured steady ongoing employment from artwork
At this point the specific fundamentals of art are common knowledge, nothing a google search can't tell you. For your example if someone's decent at linework/shading but their form is bad enough to hold them back that just means they're /midbeg/ but not far from /higbeg/ or /lowint/, something a rate thread would hopefully point out.
True 100%
nice thread /int/ards lol I'll fart in it sure
60 post 1 pyw kek
>Bring back the rate threads
I don't really trust the people on this board to properly evaluate skill level desu. If it's anime or porn adjacent and vaguely competent it's /int/. Anything else is /beg/. Look at this very thread, you got some anon calling Crumb /beg/. I don't doubt that if he wasn't famous and posted on here, he'd get crabbed to hell. I even tested out the rate threads by posting sketches by some of my favorite artists and people were calling them /beg/ and giving condescending advice.
It’s just entitled dunning kruger low doing that, even anime artists aren’t safe people are calling murata and inoue unimpressive it’s a joke. Anyone who actually recognizes their skill level, whether it’s high or low, and wants to improve can recognize there’s good and usefulness in all western/anime/cartoon/realism whatever
i already did :
It takes some discernment, but it's pretty easy to see the difference between someone saying "/beg/ shit, ngmi, read Loomis" versus "/midbeg/, you're doing x right but need to focus on y". Crabs are incapable of even faking genuine feedback, e.g. that mfer crabbing Crumb, almost reads like legit feedback but all of his points are objectively wrong.
>it doesnt take very long to achieve an intermediate level
One person's int is another's beg. That's why we all post in beg.
For real. This place actually prevents you from becoming a good artist. If you actually wanted to learn past a certain level, you wouldn't hang around in a place with such a crab bucket mentality.
>>Cleanest hatching/linework in the west
That would be Alberto Breccia not fucking R. Crumb. Hell, I'd even take Frank Miller.
>It takes some discernment, but it's pretty easy to see the difference between someone saying "/beg/ shit, ngmi, read Loomis" versus "/midbeg/, you're doing x right but need to focus on y".
I agree. It's easy to spot the trolls but also a lot of people just genuinely think that art that doesn't align with their goals is /beg/. For example, I posted a drawing by Taiyo Matsumoto who has a non-traditional art style. People were unable to look past his style and tell that this guy is a professional with a solid understanding of drawing fundamentals. They weren't trolling, they just couldn't tell because his drawings are different from what they're used to seeing so they assumed he was a /beg/ and showered him with the usual loomis, bridgman, etc advice.
This honestly says something about the level of artists around here, for good or bad.
>Taiyo Matsumoto
The Tekkonkinkreet guy?
Yeh, has an interesting style that's clearly meant to look kinda simplistic. You have to know the rules in order to break them.
yes you are the 1 pyw, but i dont think you will get any valuable feedback unless you post a finished or almost finished work, because people dont know the stage you are at in your workflow, is this a second pass, the underpainting, etc. or the intent is this work for a project, commission or leisure?

I could say that the the bun cover lace and the laces on the shirt looks flat and monotonous, but I will assume that you will work on that later, because you already look competent, reasonable and post on /int/, so... I will say nothing.

Unlike /beg/, I'll just say things I like or don't like without a care.

At best, this is the kind of reply you will get >>7306641 and the fact that you didn't even reply shows that you didn't care either...

I don't know, I've seen great work here, but great work takes time, and that means you won't post here often.

If I really wanted above average advice/criticism, I would just schedule a crit session with Steve Huston, Richard Smitheman, or any other veteran who actually offers the service for relatively cheap.
I did say it could be for good as well. Really good artists usually don't want to randomly post work, especially not if they think it's going to single them out like some vague distinction between beg and int.
>the fact that you didn't even reply shows that you didn't care either...
nta but that was honestly somewhat mean.
So are those?
Subu? That french anon who only does lineart coom?Jona? lol we are so fucked as a board,,,
I'd have to disagree, Alberto Breccia's hatching is gorgeous but its appeal lies in its looseness and energy, at least from the examples I could find. Frank Miller uses hatching well as an accent, but in the examples I could find of extensive use the forms are a little flat.
I really love Crumb's hatching for how autisically precise it can be, you can really feel the intention in every stroke almost to the point of making his work look stiff but his forms are so fluid it ends up looking as smooth and textured as unfired clay, and you can't deny his mastery of value and depth.
Plus this is just semantics but when I said "west" I meant the states in particular, Europeans and Russians are on another level. Mobieus arguably mogs the shit outta all three of them, and the old masters mog the shit out of any hatching from the past century, but there's always bigger fish.
>replies: 76
>images: 5
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most /int/ artists are cunts because they think they are hot shit just because they are most skilled that 90% of this board, wich is a very low bar, but they have a long way to go yet. Fortunately I´m self aware enough to recognize this on myself so I refuse to listen to fellow /ints/ fags and just listen to people who absolutely mog me across the board.
show construction
thats racist
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More or less first draft. Changed legs midway
>most /int/ artists are cunts because they think they are hot shit
>I´m self aware enough to recognize this on myself
>I refuse to listen to fellow /ints/ fags
How does one even know if they're /int/?
self evaluation, how anons reply to you on here, how people react to you on social media
oh and if you can get an actual job (not those performance art type galleries, like in animation/comics/concept art/illustration) you are at least int, no matter what anons on here say
Why part of my post ironic humor don’t you understand?
>how people react to you on social media
Anon, I'm honestly not sure if that's a great way to tell. Seen decent artists not get many numbers and /beg/s with ugly faces or generally unappealing style all around make good rounds
that's why i listed 3 other criteria to consider, it isn't black and white. also i've seen several artists posted on here recently with ugly faces but they had better colors, shape language, and composition than the people complaining about them. there's multiple facets to getting popular on social media
Fair enough
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let's not act as if this board has enough ints to keep a thread like this going considering this board peaks with plateaued high begs with ngmi attitudes as regulars, while anyone else of higher skill or healthier mindsets quietly grab their resources as they need them and fuck off or post irregularly either in better generals or to dunk on pywtards
Not int
Why is her pectoral attached to almost halfway up her right arm? Your construction looked fine. So how did that happen? Did you references a mannequin? Because to me it'd seem common sense that with this position her pectoral would recede out of line of sight like in your constructed draft.
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Probably not int but might as well have a discussion about what int even means anyway
imo an /int/ should have a decent grasp of most of the fundies. You'd be able to try create fairly advanced or ambitious concepts, but with errors still present. It's supposed to be a step down from /adv/ or /pro/ which at that level you're supposed to have a mastery of all the fundamentals that allows you to approach more high level concepts and be able to create pretty much anything that is requested of you with little to no obvious errors. Some people might disagree, but I think /int/ is given out far too easily since I think the only difference between /adv/ and /pro/ is whether you're professionally employed. The problem is /adv/ and /pro/ very rarely post here which has brought the overall skill ceiling and expectations down for what an /int/ should be. That's just my opinion though, I like to keep standards for myself high.
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You say that this line should not visible? Is that what are you saying? I dunno, looks alright to me. I did reference a mannequin, but also used photos with similar poses for the armpits and is more less like this. Feel free to redline if im misunderstanding or just wrong.
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Maybe you just didn't define the shoulder well so the bicep insertion reads as the pec,but more specifically this is the error.
Oh I see. That part is not that well defined and the hair in the way doesnt help. I appreciate the redline.
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Sure thing boss man. I defined the insertions a little more if it helps.
>most /int/ artists are cunts because they think they are hot shit just because they are most skilled that 90% of this board
In my experience it's the begs that are cunts because they don't even know how much they still have to learn.
>how people react to you on social media
This is false. People will like a shitty picture just because it has booba.
>quietly grab their resources as they need them and fuck off
This for real. Whenever there's a thread on /adv/ asking how to draw, everyone always suggests the resources here but NOT to interact with the threads.
On that note, why did the sticky pretty much die?
I'm a beg but that line on the left seems too vertical. There's no curve to show the armpit.
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We need more art and less nodraws. I don't consider myself /int/, but better a /beg/ with art than a nodraw. We can attract the ints with our spirit.
How are my gestures from yesterday?
Don't focus so much on details at the gesture drawing stage.
I didn't touch the left side but it should be moved closer in yeah. The shoulders and pecs can be simplified to just one continuous form and the insertions on the left side are kind of disjointed if that's what you're talking about
is it even possible to escape whitevoicsketchceldom without having talent??
I probably should have specified, each was timed at 5 mins/300 seconds rather than the quick 1 min-30 second ones
Even so, there's more detail in there than there needs to be. Your desire to capture everything is making it look stiff.
Do you feel this is as a result of the shading or vague anatomical details? Or maybe both? Is there any specific one that stands out as being particularly stiffened by details? You can crop it or just say which one.

What would you suggest I try next time? Currently, in a 5 minute drawing, I first try to capture the gesture, then just follow up with details/shading afterward.
The guy on the bottom right seems to favor shading moreso than gesture but maybe that was your intention there or the lighting conditions were darker. Middle bottom is a good example of using the paper to indicate highlights and form by shading rather than line. Gesture drawing is all about the vague anatomical details and capturing the flow, or gesture of the pose.
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Is this the new beg thread? Because I don't see any ints posting just crabs bickering. If there is an int can I get some feedback on this? Here's what I have for the values, gonna start coloring after work today.

Serious question, is the girl on the right supposed to be doing a peace sign with her ring and pinky finger? Because that;s what it looks like but it looks strange.
The box on the left seems really fisheyed because you tried to squeeze it all in.
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How do I fix it? Her neck, face, crotch, arm, and hand are off besides many other things, how do I fix it?
I would light up a little the background a little just to distinguish more of the subjects from the rest of the piece. They seem to be on the same value range and that can mess with the overall readability,
Practice your hands more.
What would you recommend to fix it, widening the angle of perspective?

Oh def, good catch, thanks

And feet, and legs, and perspective, and values, and form, and heads
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Angles are off all over the place, titties not realistic once you fix said angles in the back/torso, etc.
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Am i allowed to be here or im still too /beg/.
not /int/
lead by example
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There are a lot of things that influence your value range. Though since this is a character focused and looks like it wants semi realism, the priority would be having a wide value range and focusing your largest ranges on your characters since that's where you would want the eye to gravitate towards. With your second most contrast being on what I think is a ship? Since you would want the eye to naturally move to the next highest are of contrast and tell the story of what I'm assuming are two guys who crash landed and then used a radio phone to call. You wouldn't want the ship to get lost among the rubble since that is a pretty big point of the illustration. This is just a sloppy overlay paint over but it should get my point across. Among other things, as someone else said, the perspective of that radio phone is scuffed.
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Here is after I squinted with some added pieces to better lead to the ship
>124 posts
>5 actual images
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Finally a thread for high ints like myself. Phew
Sorry, I was a bit busy.
>Bottom right
I remember doing that one. I did most of these on quick poses and one of them was clothed/I forgot to switch to nude models. Instead of skipping it, I decided to give it a try since I haven't really ever properly practiced drawing clothes, especially folds. That was the outcome. I definitely lost the gesture on that one.
The horizontal respective point needs to be lower, yeh. Maybe the back is ok but the front seems squished up. Maybe it's just the bottom line.
Understandable. Pretty decent for a first attempt at clothing.
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Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, anatomical knowledge isn't my strength, but I believe the left (our right) arm's a bit too thick and bulky, particularly around the shoulder area. And I think the arms are just a tad stubby. Maybe that's just what arms look like in this position though.
Is pic related an improvement?
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Op here,not bad, it makes the boobs look even bigger but im pretty sure armpits make your arms more wide at the base in that pose because of the back muscles. Also personally I think the neck is way too thin. I usually always connect the neck just at the bottom of the ears.
>Op here
Nice of you to let us know you're the OP, you egomaniac.
I meant orignal image poster
Anything i'm missing? i shrunk the hand on the thigh,
also i have to fix the jaw
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Himiko Agari
I wanted to check if she's too busty, not curvy enough etc. other criticism would be welcome
Or is it that her shoulders look too wide? (the bikini was slapped on very quickly just for the sake of context, I'll work on it later)
The armpits need some sort of definition.
I figured, but thought I would leave them for the shading and coloring stage
Should probably have some linework or your shading will be all over the place.
I'm not sure her belly would be as round as that. Seem more pregnant.
I'll see what I can do, but she's intended on being pudgy or a little chubby
Foreshortening on the right arm is wrong
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Her top and bottom are from two different perspectives.
not saying it doesn't look off but every part of the human body is in its own perspective in most cases
Do you have more of your art somewhere I can see?
dont get you hopes up, I barely do nsfw
>>Dunning-Kruger the thread

Its okay, I just thought the other anon deserved some congratulations for actually posting their work, regardless of quality. I suppose it was fair if he didnt reply, as i didnt give what he was looking for.
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Thanks, update
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have a comic im working on, not super happy with it so I'm going to redo it and change the panel layout. The ink with pencil looks like ass so I'm just going to stick to graphite.

Also how do you set up a 3 point perspective, I was just winging it but I should properly set-up my vps for the next iteration.
is that a troon
You can't fix this drawing. Just start from the begining and practice anatomy regularly.
no shes a girl, a cis one
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Thanks a bunch anons, tried to incorporate all the feedback, the paint over was super helpful for comparison. Couldn't work on it last night but this is maybe an hour this evening. Probably going to actually try and move to the next step tomorrow since I never actually finish anything and want to start doing it more.
If anyone wants to start a proper thread, here's an OP pic for it. I'd post it myself but my IP is blocked from posting threads because of spam on another board.
Box is better but now it's making a tension point. Try putting more of it out of frame so it doesn't line up so well with the edge or ditch the black thing.
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traditionally inked fantasy piece, the tasteful hatching, oh my god, it even has a background...
At first I thought her cape was the sword hilt.
How many times are you going to repost that? How many times will you redraw it? Will you complete anything new this year?
>How many times are you going to repost that?
Probably going to retire it after this posting.
>How many times will you redraw it?
Well, I don't like the tangent that >>7309549 pointed out, but I'm happy with it, so I think I'll leave it.
>Will you complete anything new this year?
I'll get at least one more finished piece in by year end. It's about to get shelved for Inktober though
Why not dedicate october to making that piece? It's not like the hashtag brings any semblance of engagement these days.
I think you gained a lot from redrawing it, but maybe you’ve maxed that out. Don’t get too lost in perfectionism, and don’t be afraid to dive into new pieces. And maybe consider trying to be a touch looser in some regards when inking. To me, the outline of the flames make it appear that you went too slow and followed the pencil sketch too closely, giving rounded and stubby flames, so to speak.

The iteration below from I can see and recall, has better value ranges imo, and maybe even better line weight, though less carefully rendered.

Anyway, I’m a fan of trad fantasy work as well. Good stuff, I just think you should let yourself be more free with it and not limit yourself, start up 5-10 different pieces and work on them at the same time, you’ll learn through them more quickly than being held down by the desire to perfectly complete your current piece. But I may be wrong in my evaluation. Have a good day, mate.
>It's not like the hashtag brings any semblance of engagement these days.
I'm too slow in general to hope for any engagement. I liked the challenge and I saw some fairly decent gains coming out of it. But, there may be diminishing returns compared to what I get out of larger finished pieces.
>I just think you should let yourself be more free with it and not limit yourself, start up 5-10 different pieces and work on them at the same time, you’ll learn through them more quickly than being held down by the desire to perfectly complete your current piece
That's not a bad suggestion. The reason I didn't like the first one is because I rushed to get through it (then hated the result and redid it). If I had a few pieces going I could step away and work on another then come back with fresh eyes.
Stfu crabcel prebeglet
Quite funny than with 170 posts loterally 0 ints posted even once.
At most there were strong begs but damn its just lol
Wrong. I posted in this thread and I’m high int to mid pro.
yeah its lol
like I'm so much better than everyone else on /ic/
like why do i even spend time here? lol
bobo go back to >>>/biz/
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Bump. Color sketch
>That fishnet skindentation.
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i think i'm still beg but i want to hear some thoughts and advices from int+
your rendering and colors are good stop focusing on that for a while and work on forms/anatomy/perspective
Arm on the right looks too long. Elbow joint should be at waist level
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Cant Redline now. Nice rendering but perspective is all over the place, look at the top of the hair, the neck, waist, legs.
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How are my lines
Is this just the new beg + int thread since the other hit bump limit?
Yes, we all larping as ints here.
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I’m not larping I know im pro.
AI slop
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Is this bad? What would you fix?
>What would you fix?
its rotation
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I hate phone posting
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Maybe I should give up on rendering for now and just draw more…

I remember you from a rate thread. I kneel… How long did it take?

Is this finished? Seems hard to read in tumbnail. You might have better luck on the /trad/ general
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How does this look with color? to me, not quite right but I don't know how, any comments?
It’s supposed to be kinda unfinished looking hmm as you the wings are sort of vanishing,… maybe I can replicate the effect on the hind legs to make it look deliberate
How did you make this? Almost looks like stone, pretty cool stuff.
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I dunno.
Hey, that looks pretty good. Perhaps it’s the jaw I did wrong
will try my best to do that
it is supposed to be in the waist level. i think the folds makes the illusion of elbow looking too low. i'll do something about it.
redline would be a big help. i knew it looks wrong but i can't see exactly how will i change it
the hair especially gives it away. nice try, though.
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I tried to respect your pose as far as I could. At this point you could try to reposition the arm and tilt the hips if you dont want to redo all the lower part
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Meant to post the cleaner one.>>7310966
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there's no trace of AI in this artwork from sketch to render so sorry to disappoint you.
thanks! i wanna try to tilt the hips but can i make her thighs a bit forward or straight? i just thought it would make the character look more balanced that way (or maybe it's just in my eyes)
2nd look promising, but listen to your heart.
>there's no trace of AI in this artwork from sketch to render so sorry to disappoint you.
thanks <3
what is the barrier between beg and intermediate?
at what point does art become intermediate?
better ask /pro/
>bunch of dunnig krueger /begs/ with their dead coom art and their figures in empty space and their pillow shading, barely grasping the anatomy fundamental

You think everyone in /ic/ is a dunning krueger considering how shit you truly are especially when you're the type to still be struggling to draw cartoons.
>How long did it take?
The whole project took a little over a month (I'm a hobbyist, so I have to fit it in around waging, etc.) I fucked up the perspective when penciling and had to go back and fix that (originally, the angle made it seem like the viewer was laying on the ground and it just looked odd)
Go ahead, make the *real* int+ thread and post your work there :^)
i think it looks pretty good.
going by what someone ride said about knowing fundamentals to be int, i think you pass.
your lineart on the object to the right is shaky though. keep that in mind!
your character looks great. i think you have a solid understanding of anatomy.
although i'm not personally fond of your style for her face.

but overall, good job!
keep it up!
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Go back to facebook, permabeg
Most of the people on this thread, int or not actually have the balls to post their work meanwhile you on the other hand would never risk that because even you know that you're absolute dogshit.
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Me on the left, you on the right calling everyone dunning kruegers.
Can I be /int/ if I only draw cartoons?
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I tried my best to represent the armpits in render

Np, sorry it could not be more polished, I was sleepy
some cartoons can be drawn with a great deal of skill. most is not, but that's true of art in general. you can appreciate the most technical fine artists but draw stick figures.
No that's me on the left calling you incompetent and you on the right crying about it
>responding hours later
nah, other anon won, you lost. gotta respect meme rules. game over.
Damn. I was this close...

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