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I have become much stronger, chuds.
Good for you.
The forshortening is poorly done, the right foot is malformed, her right shoulder is floating, and her neck looks broken.
it looks like a normal person wearing an anime mask
Haha, and it's slipping... can't unsee.
ok, retard.
He's still, right, retard. You couldn't reference well enough
I'm not tracing the reference.
I still have to fit her inside the compositional major points.
You're too much of a coombrain. I didn't think that was supposed to be a kid.
Except you drew her as an adult, which has different proportions.
That's not actually what using reference means.
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Just take off her mask and it's all good.
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>classical composition is an unknown topic to /beg/
Schizo thread, everybody go home.
>finally after shitposting enough I'll own the chuds and be able to return too making my game
>t.Cris Wongburger
>retard /beg/ doesn't know composition
omg is that sacred geometry?
sacred geometry is much more advanced topic in composition.
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Not really a fix, more like a suggestion
not the same composition.
That's not at all how it applies to figures. A figure is not a still life.
It's a static illustration, not an animation frame.
So? It's a 3D figure that can move around in 3D space with forshortening and stuff, not like 2D tiles.
A 2D representation of one, I mean.
It has to fit the composition.
It's like a person wearing sunglasses under sunglasses.
What "composition"? The composition is what you make it.
the photo reference pose has to fit the composition in the page.
I just fixed the distortion on the face, the fuck has composition has to do with it
the face follow the reference.
Still doesn't alter the composition.
looks traced
Stop replying to this literally retarded faggot, cris. He doesn't want to improve.
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>literally retarded
You’re just jealous of his muscles.
I think of myself as slightly muscular, but my biggest fear is one day realizing I actually look like that.
is this actually chris? and why is his house pink?
It doesn't have to do anything, and your insistence on composition voodoo over asking yourself if your drawing sucks is genuine idiocy.
you're asking someone that can't see why the drawing is wrong, why the drawing is wrong.
You got me there, I'll see myself out.
Quite the resemblance
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Today I learned how to ignore cris threads and not respond angrily in a way that's will make me guilty about possibly going too far and making him kill himself.
Now I need to study how to apply this pattern so I can ignore the 3d lizard thing autist as well. and maybe the AI shill threads :)
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Amerindian houses always look funny
>still doing this stupid geometry hoodoo bullshit
Hey faggot, did it ever occur to you that if despite literally using a reference, doing this autistic sacred geometry feng shui aligning the chakras and the ley lines and all that other woogity woo, and your drawing is still turning out completely broken and wonky- you ever stop and think, hmm, maybe I'm doing something completely wrong and retarded?
If you had the requisite constructive drawing and perspective skill you might be able to force the individual elements to align with your Sacred Geometry Autism Grid™ but you aren't, so what you're doing is sliding quasi-2D shapes around and the result is that she looks like her head has been shoved into her ribcage and her limbs are dislocated.
And the "composition" looks like complete ass by the way. She's off center, awkwardly crammed into the upper right with a ton of weird blank space at the bottom left and it feels completely wrong. Contrast with the photo where the camera is pointed near the focal point, the face, and the subject's body while near center is slightly weighted towards the right. The photo's composition is so much better and it's not even close.
Despite filling your head with all this complex nonsense you do not understand composition in the slightest.
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>fag puts his focal point on the center of the frame
>starts talking shit about my composition
You are devoid of any sense of appeal whatsoever. No amount of maths and studying compositions will fix this.
my goal is to make games, I only need my art to be functional and reliable.

Your art is neither functional nor reliable.
If you just wanted functional and reliable then you wouldn't be on a constant wild goose chase going after esoteric nonsense, you'd be learning technical skills.
I want to become better.

I don't want to simply have crappy art.
But I am also not an illustrator.
Then why are you going down the illustrator rabbit hole then, retard?! You're wasting your time with this.
You aren't even doing it right, you're just slapping down a geometric pattern and forcing things to align with completely arbitrary points on the grid. You're like some retard who puts the same arbitrary 1-2-3 point perspective grid down that they learned from a tutorial once and making everything they draw align with them, and then claiming that they understand and are a master of perspective. That's not how it works. You're putting the cart before the horse and making yourself align to rules that you don't really understand instead of USING the rules. You're rotely aping the external appearance of understanding, you do not actually understand it yourself.
I've read more books on composition than you.
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And he’s more stronger than you
Considering how effective public schools are at teaching children and how many highly educated fools there are who went to college and are still as stupid and self aware as the average rock, I think that pretty thoroughly demonstrates that reading and regurgitating are not the same as understanding. People who manage to fill their head with big smart sounding words and concepts, but lack the ability to understand and apply basic logic, are what those of us in the business call "midwits".
then how come you haven't provided better compositions of you?
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>cris barely discovery anything old/new
>gets called a retard
>chimps out like pic
I swear someone should edit the monkey from space Odyssey with your face anytime you "discovery" a new tool to add
Everything you write cements that you don't have a clue what you're talking about, and it is always delivered with a cocksure tone of someone who has no clue. You can hardly answer any point without making a red herring. You are a walking illustration of the Dunning-Kruger effect.
post your compositions then.
impressive, my dear black cock enjoyer.

Don't waste your time with the crab. He's been doing his shit for years across different threads in /ic/.
>post your compositions then.
For what purpose? Presuming anyone were to actually respond in good faith, what would that change? If the replies consisted of a thousand masterful compositions, or a thousand amateurish ones, your drawing would still look wonky and awkward.
because fags are quickly to dodge their claims that cris art is awfull when those fags can't even post their art.
Let's assume all their art is awful. What relevance does it have to the fact that his is?
you can't make claims someone art is bad when you can't draw better.

It's not the same to read a normie talking shit about a drawing when he can't draw better than when a better artist do a critique.
>9000+ threads and counting of shitposting
>more than 10+ years of no progress
>"I'm gonna own the chuds"
>any honest advice given is just used to shitpost for more useless threads
>Dunning Kruger and pretends they're smarter than people
>"sacred geometry"
>same fags and says to post work
unless it's just something to shit on you Cris why should others bother showing a retard their stuff
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I have become stronger than you at my goal.

What's your cope?
>outside of shit posts on 4chan has no following
>has not gotten any better in 10 years
>"stronger than you" wipes away tears
>hasn't finished their game shitposting here is more important
If I started a thread just with my stuff I wouldn't need to turn it into a bait thread 24/7 nigga and I wouldn't need to take up space in the catalogue of 7 different boards to watch for replys like an indian call center
>Or do you need another thread elsewhere to confirm your better
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>nigga needs to be e-famous to learn about drawing fundamentals and draw for fun
>nigga needs to draw according to the perception of /ic/ fags

literally an npc mindset.
Why would I have to cope? I'm being honest when I say your art is not good. But that's to be expected for your average 4chan user.
What baffles me are your Dunning Kruger manerisms. You seem completely devoid of any selfawareness.
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nobody gives a shit about loomis autismo IRL.
>is here to learn fundamentals they say
>shit talks others anons 24/7 and on other boards
>"draws for fun" must make another thread to shitpost and not use dedicated ones
>can't you see I'm learning...Chu, chu, Chud
I have my own style, chud.
The problem is that you have no self awareness and apparently a very tiny brain.
art is not longer who can copy reality like a machine since vangogh.
Why are you replying with something completely unrelated?
I thought you were justa dunning kruger without self awareness, but by your incoherent rambling it looks like you are also a schizo.
Grats on the jackpot or something.
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I'm literally a schizo, dumbfuck retard.
I swear the name Chris and it's adjacents seems cursed to raging retards on this site
holy chicken scratch
chris chan will be on history books.

you're a loser that will die alone and nobody will give a shit.
Well done, Christopher. I'm proud of you. I was always proud of you.
Fuck off Cris
>you are a retard because you are right and saw right through me
You are a schizo, alrtight.
Also, you are too mentally deficient to ever make it in any business, let alone something so difficult as self taught game dev/illustrator.
Sorry buddy.
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His face looks like he suffered from fetal alcohol syndrome which would explain why he turned out retarded.
Not Chad.
based op making crabs go insane
same fagging as always
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Take the samefagging pill.
Amazing how this man should have been destined to a lifetime of farming coffee beans but the intervention of the internet has uplifted this humble colombian man to stardom, his game will shatter the earth much in the same way the old testament changed the course of human history for millennia, when the world knows Cris and his works thereof the accomplishments of man will seem so insignificant in comparison that the world would be born anew in a way not even revelations could prophesize, when it comes it will have seemed so obvious yet so clever the pinnacle of literature brought by the mestizo dating sim

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