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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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If you are a /beg/inner or /int/ermediate in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

>PYW and give your feedback
What can be improved?
Are there any resources videos or books you'd recommend to them?
Maybe a redline or a technique, be specific.
Try to reply to someone as you post your own work.

>Cool teachers
Glenn Vilppu
Michael Hampton
Steve Huston
Brent Eviston
Marco Bucci
Andrew Loomis
George Bridgman
Hikaru Hayashi

>Cool books
Keys To Drawing
Drawing With the Right Side of the Brain
How To Draw Comics the Marvel Way
The Art and Science of Drawing
Framed Perspective
Figure Drawing For All It's Worth
The Complete Guide to Drawing From Life

Previous thread: >>7305338
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I drew Cirno eating spaghetti in a synagogue, I think the anatomy might be slightly off though.
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Is it over?
Is what over
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how do i line and render this bitch if i can only draw circles

why? it looks pretty solid
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I drew a cat
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Is it over for me?
But I’m an incel Hikkikomori who still can’t draw after 3.7 years. And I have schizoid personality disorder
>if i can only draw circles
Glenn Vilppu's process for gesture/figure is all about building from spherical forms, so, it's possible. Figure it out.
I like your drawing btw, I’d elongate the torso a bit but the concept is good
You draw more and more until you find line confidence.

First drawing in a while
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Motorcycles are hard
every fucking thread dude

YOU decide if it's over or not.
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It's over when you quit you actual retard
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here we go again
looks awesome.
i hate to ask, but what is going on with her right arm?
i know i'm not seeing it correctly.
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>use ball and add ribcage details on top for construction
>torso is too wide
>use egg/oval
>torso is too thin
She's using it to stretch her leg. I thought it looked serviceable enough.
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i just thought it looked a little odd how it twisted around her leg with the hand's position.
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i finished

i should revisit vilppu, haven't seen his courses for a while, he's so good at fat

i'm poor incel hikkikimori in 3rd world shithole with debts and perspective to die in a week, just enjoy the moments of your life, draw and smile

i... i like your cat, anon, the pose is very good, i believe it
how can you "not draw"?
those look good.
not perfect but decent enough.
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It kinda looked like the breast was glued onto the chest, I think it looks better like this
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How to fix having too wet water colour? Is there a trick to compare the wetness of the paper and the paint? I mostly covered it up but the foreground is still blown out.
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My guy became a jew. Where did I fuck up?
I tried the pose myself and was kinda able to do it, although I can't raise my legs that high. I admit, the angle of her hand could maybe be adjusted to make it a bit more believable, but I'm already coloring it and it doesn't offensively catch my eye, so I'm going to leave it. Thanks for the critique nonetheless
>too wet
>blown out
The less water there is, the more saturated the pigment is. So your painting is actually less wet based on the saturation.

You can also lift water/pigment with a paper towel or something if you need to.

Anyway, put a layer down. Wait for it to dry. New layer. Dry. Rinse, repeat.
that's a strong roman nose, pablo
that's good too, anon!
you don't have to adjust every little thing.
just have fun!
Doesn't look Jewish at all.
Yeah but the nose on the right does look too big to me.
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Then make it smaller?
But how? I followed the same height as the drawing on the right but it still looks too long. I'll try to to bring the eyes and nasal root lower.
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Oww... not again...
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which expression and hairstyle should i go for... hm... difficult

i like her little dress and poofy sleeves
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I assumed that I used too much water because the centre of my brush stroke is opaque and a ring surrounding it is solid. Like at the bottom left.
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strongest ejaculation in my life
anon you might be retarded
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Alright. Did some changes. I think it looks better now.
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she is complete

a fun lil girly sketch to round off the night
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As been a while just lurking
it looks like shes sucking cock, you are welcome
reminds me of kelvin hiu
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posted this piece and got some helpful comments about composition and fundamental depth, but I'm still searching on how to fix the poses of the characters in this piece!
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they dont feel like they're itneracting in any way, they just feel like individual vinettes. Reminds me of pic realted in a bad way on that front
yakub checking out his creation always makes me lose my shit
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I can't do it I can't do it I can't do it I can't do it I can't do it I can't do it I can't do it I can't do it I can't do it I can't do it I can't do it I can't do it I can't do it I can't do it
Keked hard
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Here's some character sketches. I'll clean it up and shade it later tonight. Or tomorrow... or... some other time
After feeling pretty miserable for the first 10 hours i'm starting to kinda enjoy this
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sketchGODS, how we feeling tonight
ready to end it all
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It actually is over for me
why so many scribble lines

keep going brother, draw more
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Hello beg, making icons seems like easy doodle, but man it takes time nonetheless

this looks promising
she fat
i kneel. in one beg book i read you simply use sponge to suck extra water off the paper. or you simply take a break and wait for it to dry over time
i dont fear a man who practiced million kicks, i fear an anon who practiced drawing one anime thot million times
because im trash af wdym
well stop before you give yourself an RSI
warmup with boxes and circles for a week or 2 to help with line confidence
Is this a commissioned work? So we can't have any background details on the story behind this project?
so what u say is I should make longer, calculated lines instead? idk I always scratched like this while 'sketching', I just randomly put lines until it resembles sth I guess
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me too but drawing straight lines make it ebtter even ifits shit my friend
keep trying and do not chicken scratch it

and make the construction on the torso and use the loomis for the head okay.
Keep up the good work brother
thanks anon I will try
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I don't know man, the perspective is wide and weird, the composition doesn't make sense, who is fighting who? I would suggest to make it easier to make it obvious who is fighting who, if you look at battle paintings they are linear most of the time left vs right and the actors are grouped together and it makes placing things easier. Elizabeth Thompson was an artist who did battle paintings with a more contemporary cinematic feel.
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just my 2 cents, im not a teacher and I barely know what im doing
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Ok I’ll keep going. Life as an inkwell is rough but I will persevere and make a hentai game one day.
i sometimes come here to see yall's struggle wit the most basic shiet cuz it makes me kek and fills me wit confidence lel
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i feel like my noses are lacking
First thing I noticed was the smol ear, otherwise pretty good
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study fundies.
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calling it for tonight
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So I've been getting into the routine of drawing every day but my practice feels sorta aimless. I've been doing 1-2 hours of figure drawing and observational sketches from reference, also copying some anime style artwork, and while I've seen some improvements I still feel like I'm just doodling for the sake of it.

Is it a good idea to just hard focus on a single textbook or learning material before I try to practice on my own? I'm slowly reading Keys to Drawing and doing the exercises, though I'm not sure I'm actually grasping the material.
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not sure what to do with the colors here
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I'm still trying to get used to digital painting, appreciate any advice
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explain yourselves
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they chilling
>getting this mad over someone's choice of vocabulary
it's ok little guy. you'll learn to get along with the other kids and share alphabet blocks in the playground soon enough
i would suggest making the background a different color, to help the figures stand out more.
LOL. how utterly pathetic to come here and look at beg drawings just to feel an ounce of confidence. And to even brag about that
>enter massa
"yarr get back to work ye niggers"
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Early stages of rendering black skin - portrait and rendering study.

Should i bother with fully rendering my studies since i won't draw realistic things anyway in the future? I can do realistic rendering already just fine, it's just that rendering every study that i do takes FOREVER. I feel like doing the overall correct values and blending some values looks just fine as is.
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If you know how to work traditionally just fine, it's all a matter of finding the good brushes and getting used to them. At least that's how it were for me, eventually i found a brush that looked and acted just right,
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feels like i'm in the awkward toyhou.se stage of /beg/
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Are you using some sort of underlying figure to draw this anon? because the anatomy looks really wonky. I tried messing with the proportions a bit, I mean, for a tall person she's sure got some really short legs.
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I don't have much of an idea of what I'm doing, but I thought it might be fun to try painting one of my figures. Is it a waste of time to make a very detailed sketch first? Is this probably too complex for a complete beginner?
I'm getting better at drawing what I see and fitting it to the page, how do I level up my coloring skills though?
I have pretty good color theory from starting with pixel art
Yes and her legs arent short
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Struggling with the shadows, any suggestions?
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Can I please get a redline to help make sure I get this right? I think this is just out of my skill level to pull off, so it's perfect practice I just need some guidance.
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any guides on learning digital this shit feels like starting from 0
i love your artstyle so much
you are indeed godlike
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finished w this 1 year old draft like holy shit
Oops i forgot to add the caption. The caption is "I heard someone say its a ngmi mole before. What does that even mean"
moles are a trigger for some austis, don't worry about it
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How do I deal with the fact that I'm ngmi?
looks very nice
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based and cute
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faputa wip
moggles are indeed based and cute
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i read loomis and thought it was gay and boring
that explains the linework
i just have difficulty with fine motor skills and hand eye coordination which is why i will never draw well
It doesn't look bad you're just applying loomis proportions to an aesthetic that exaggerates those proportions so it will look off. Loomis is to help you understand how the head is constructed. Now that you understand how the head works, you can take specific features of the head and change the proportions and placement, this would be called stylization, so if your goal is draw anime heads, you need to study that stylization and the specific proportions they use keeping loomis in mind for things like perspective.
don't forget to blame it on autism, adhd, tremors and whatever else
everyone but me is to blame for my lack of skill,training and discipline
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fuck it, ending it here
now to actually grind fundies
This but unironically. It's not my fault no one in the art world can teach worth a shit. Ain't nothing really clicking with me.
mercury is in retrograde currently, I hope you can understand
Seems enough for marker style rendering
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Wip for my favourite superhero
omg its the jikler
really cool looking
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I need your help anons
Which one of these 3 colours looks better
I will post one by one
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Or this one
I like this one the best.
This one feels more "true" to "real life"

This one has a more old school comic book feeling

>go and work out for a bit
>come back to drawing
>can't do line art because my muscles are fatigued
is it time to take the t-rex pill?
bros need help on outis's hair. how would her hair on the (our) left side be morphed by her hat?
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Am i actually colorblind or my eyedropper doesnt copy colors correctly? Its deffinetly not a layer problem and i tried different settings but it still gets same results for some damn reason(ignore image quality). It also happens with different images. I am using clip studio
It's called color theory buddy. Everything in that scene is a desaturated cool color. Add in the background and the shadow underneath and it should appear more like your image.
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how you perceive color depends a lot on what colors are surrounding it
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your brain uses context to perceive colors too, and theres also noise so not every pixel is going to be the same rgb this is why just using color pickers for painting is a really bad idea. the why to go is to train with a color spotter and learn how to mix. I like to use RGB sliders.
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color is hard, init?
I am so used to drawing images with no background that now i was totally lost with colors, thx guys. And i should deffinetly use better quality images as beginner because noise is a big pain in the ass, coloring truly is pain
i like this one most
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gaslight yourself that you're going to make it, anon. That's what i do.
Cute. Faputa is peak character design
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just for fun. Sadly its visually too heavy but I enjoyed making it
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I have really enjoyed making this.
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>Faputa is peak character design
My man. And thank you.
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I fucked up mr saturn's anatomy, do I have to start over or is this salvageable somehow
just last griliiig ijm
loolino through grass
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forgot something
nostrils seem a little small
i read somewhere they should be just under the width between the eyes, which seems like a bit much still to me but it might be a good starting point for generalization
just use the same line width you have now and carry them over a bit more
Thanks, I'm pretty bad at using liquify, it annoys me how the linework gets so blurry, but I'll give it a try. Compared to yours, makes it easier to see I lack confidence in my lines lmao bolder stuff looks so much better
Fuark, you color way better than me, I've been trying to pin down how to make slight hue changes in the coloring but I feel kinda lost and my drawings end up colored kinda flat.

Any tips on how to color more like that?
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As of lately I have been trying to copy the workflow and style of this artist https://www.youtube.com/@BoniDrawing/videos(Furfag)
His latest speedpaints are shorter and have explanations to what he's doing.
I also recorded my process up until this point(not finished). Maybe you can get some inspiration from this.
yeah the blurriness is annoying with luiquify but drawing darker lines over liquified corrections beats drawing things over completely from scratch.
and don't be too hard on yourself!
have fun : D
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Posting it here because it seems im too /beg/ for that other thread.
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This painting will be a bit out of my depth. Anything I should draw differently before I will ruin it?
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So you start w grayscale values, then flats, then those little color nuances? Thanks for the help, will try this out
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lil update, about ready to start going in and refining things like the hands and faces and adding textures. Tbh, this entire piece was impromptu af. Was just meant to be a way to see how much I remember from my anatomy studies so the perspective and composition is kinda scuffed, but I'm trying to make it work.
looks rad af.
soul! never stop : )
I absolutely appreciate the macro critique, and definitely agree! I think there's just something wrong with the micro of the individual poses, before even considering how they're interacting with others lol
fuckable thigh gap
Love u broski
You as well.
>fist bump
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ended up just drawing instead of grinding fundies (its over)

Bone-chilling CHVD gem. maybe move (his) left wing to the side and show the sun? I feel like that would look pretty rad
I think the eye should be a bit lower and bigger.
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colours are complicated (and relative, the orange-ish looking area in my painting here for example isn't actually orange but looks like it because I desaturated it and moved the colour a bit towards orange)
maybe this video will help you
also the bright white background isn't help you tone it down to something that resembles the background of your gay chinese cartoon reference
Thx dude. That sounds like a good idea, should be easy to change. Love the colors on your drawing, white is such a fun surface to play with, i like how you also did the subsurface scattering too. Also, drawing is a win in my book, always gotta make room for fun or you'll end up hating it haha
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Just a doodle I've been wanting to do. Should I color it?
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I thought I could just make a cool illustration with nice composition,colours, and do it all using painting method after practicing primarily drawing with no colours whatsoever. I had my ass handed to me.

Beak is too long. Be more mindful of negative space. Also what >>7308690 suggests. I dunno what you’re gonna do with it next but some value indication is useful for painting.
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Drew for over 6 hours today. Improved a bit, but my goal still lies far far away over the horizon
time for bed, the wagie cagie awaits me tomorrow
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Making a silly comic now. Did the lineart, gonna render it soon. It still feels like it’s over tho. I saw a thread on /tv/ making fun of inkwells like me :(
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Tried doing some value practice and blocking things in rather than getting stuck on line drawing. Not completely sure if I'm doing this right
Get rid of the white background.
Pretty good, actually. Keep going, fr fr ong.
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man, is there any easy way or a hack to add freckles or something, cuz holy shid
I just noticed I replied to the wrong guy my post was meant for >>7308446
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Making a VN about twelve identical sisters. I have like 15~ images of each character in various emotions. I'm debating about if each character displays enough personality by her poses, and if any of them are noticeably drawn worse than the others.
don't worry, they're all drawn equally poorly
you could try some speckle brush and then clean it up manually
Good idea, i used some textured brushes to do the eyebrows.
Kys crabbie
Your work is a little amateur, but it still has sovl unlike mine. Good luck anon. I’d probably mess around with the expressions and outfits a bit more since they do like kind of samey
12 identical is stupid desu. Just learn to draw varied faces.

I'd agree that this looks very amateur, but this is called /beg/ for a reason.
Beg here
Are u purposely working off reference?
Freckles is easy, you see, you just add dots n shapes. just try
thas coo
On some characters I cant really tell the personality unlike others but maybe your story highlights it. Like, what does the clothing of spidey girl and poor girl tell about them. It may be obvious to you but its not to me, first time viewer
That aint no proper clothing! someone call a police officer for public indecency
I dont do comics but why is bottom panel so big with showing so much of character? Also why not show us the text, to actualy understand whas goin on
Maybe this is some master's painting but I don't like it. Why did you choose this ref?
> Is this probably too complex for a complete beginner?
Never be afraid to try new challenges. That being said, you could post a drawing of yours so we see ya skill
different line qualities are not bad. this is just common beg misinformation. The worst line you can do is the perfect line. That is the most predictable least thoughtful line that most begs would default to and strive for as the "correct" way to draw.
Ye, just to get used to drawing semi-realistic / realistic portraits. This is my third study so far.
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I was like ''damn painting eyes are IMPOSSIBLE'', then i tried to paint the ears and already wanna kms
I mean, really you should just try adding dots as freckles and match the value. I think it would look good even if not all the freckle area is drawn
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Yeah, i'm thinking on skipping the freckles. I'll just do refinements and fix some proportions.

Though, i'll do spend 5 minutes or so trying to add it, take it or leave it.
oh and another thing. Are you trying to copy the reference? because then you shouldnt add the grey background which also complicates the process.
try using rectangular boxes for the chest and pelvis, with a sphere for the abdomen
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It's just a matter of practice, like learning to ride a bike. I don't know of any guide specifically for learning digital drawing. Ideally, you should get familiar with the basic tools of your program and find an artist you like, so you can imitate their workflowthe way they use the digital program, their color style, and how they organize their layers. One thing at a time.
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I'm working on a commission of April O'Neil from the 80s TMNT (Left sketch in the image. Stuff like the hands will be fixed on my own)

My art tends to be stylized and focuses more on streamlining and keeping things slick. A common comparison I'd get is comparing it to shows from the early 2000s or puzzle games if you need something quickly understandable. You can see finished examples on the right.

I know it's not everyone's cup of tea and there's stuff I'm working to improve on, but I figured it's important to let people know my intent.

I'm looking to get feedback/pointers on the posing and character detail, I guess.

I'm aiming for something cute than suggestive so I'm fine with the concept of the pose I have, but I feel it would be improved. I think the anatomy is slightly off. A big sticking point to me has been the chest and thighs.

I'm not really aiming to be realistic but I think if it got fixed, I'd be able to figure the rest of my problems out. I know I want to change her gesture on the left hand since I tend to default to the "hand on hip" pose often.

Another problem is working with the details of her outfit. I feel the anatomy being off is giving me trouble drawing in the chest pockets. I'm not super good at drawing baggy clothing either.

Apologize if this is a big ask, lol. I want to do a better job and give my customer their money's worth.
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Hello beg, back to the figgie grind. I did not get better after not drawing figgies 10 days in a row. Big surprise!

you have made that common drawing error where each surface of every object goes from 100-0 in value range. some forms must be in shade so they will be only 100-50 and so on. this type of lighting makes it very uncanny looking
the sooner you start making your own stuff the sooner you will get better at making your own stuff
check my blog, section projects for details
most of the colors are same value in your examples. try to make the backgrounds darker or less saturated. the rest it very good imho
thumbs up for having balls to work on your own big project like that. sadly that is the only positive thing i can say about your work
>value practice
>no whites and no blacks
are you racist or something?
they wouldnt be visible (hidden by head).
>you could post a drawing of yours so we see ya skill
I haven't done any sort of art since I was in school 8 years ago, and I never did much.
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I typically add the text last, but it’s basically just a silly lewd style comic so she needs to be on display, and I’m gonna maybe add some stuff in the background
>most of the colors are same value in your examples. try to make the backgrounds darker or less saturated. the rest it very good imho

I appreciate the feedback on those but I was more asking for feedback on the sketch on the left since I'm struggling with it, lol
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gonna try this
I'm tired of being prema /beg/
the only way to break a plateau is to grind and challenge yourself
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Lazy late night attempt at using value
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copy bridgman twice with me anon its the only way


were all going to make it

but in all seriousness if you want to drawl your own stuff from scratch look at ref and recreate ref from a different angle using construction

like lets say you want to drawl a cat get a picture of a cat and drawl it at 3/4 /1.5 and so fourth until you can drawl it from memory idk though im a perma beg retarded so take this advice with a grain of salt and cum
how did you get this good tell me your exact method in detail
dont start with clothed ref
use naked women (or men if your a faggot)
then learn to drawl clothing on top of them
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Tonight's trash. I am trying to be more conscious of my fundies and as you can see it is going really fucking wrong.
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I'd jack off to it. It has appeal

Now speaking seriously. Gigantic breasts won't let you practice anatomy well since a lot will be covered by the huge tits. What some artists do is draw a regular, normal sized girl in whatever poses they want, and then once she is posed, enhance her breasts until desired size. Their pieces also feel more coherent this way btw.

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flip your canvas horizontally and despair
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looks way way better. your art is super soulful
the eyes might be a bit too shinny imo.
try doing a simpler one or even just leave em as flat colors
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Still looking for some leather/latex shading help...

Does anyone have experience doing that?
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Your work is really good, I'm honestly surprised you're having a hard time with the proportions on your April drawing. Pose wise,i think it's nearly 100% there but I'd change her mic arm rather than the arm on the hip to open it up more. I think it suits her though, so I wouldn't change anything else.

I think trying to cram all the detail of her suit on is throwing you off because the proportions on your other work are really sleek. I think you only need enough for it to read as April, your drawings are already really appealing so I don't think not doing enough detail is a concern. I drew a version of the pose with proportions I think are good because it's easier than trying to describe stylised anatomy in text.

Honestly I think you're most of the way there it's just the scaling is off. The only thing I would critique is your hair doesn't have an 80's shape, it definitely looks more early 2000s.
Leather and latex both behave differently in light, they're both shiny but leather is textured since is essentially skin. Latex can have some variation in glossiness but it'll always be more shiny than leather because the surface is smoother. I guess what I'm asking is, how shiny do you imagine her suit to be?
latex, id say. it is way more female combatant ish.
I am thinking about leaving the internet Luke Smith-style so I can focus on drawing more. Im here fucking 0-24.
Thank you so much! This was way more than I expected, seriously.

I wasn't confident about posing because I think it's more that I wanted to convey the bagginess of her jumpsuit, which I find that you found a good middle ground on with her legs (I was seriously stuck on that, lol).

You're right about the suit detail throwing me off. I guess I should've mentioned that in the commission, the client wants me to include her chest pockets. Maybe after I revise the piece using your suggestion, I can talk to them about it since I like what you did for her upper body.

(Additionally, the commission is for a half-body so that's why she was boxed in, lol)

I just kind of bullshitted the hair, lol. I tend to skimp out on the hair for my stuff, so I do need to work on that. Seeing your piece though, I can figure out how to make it work.

But again, I appreciate your feedback and suggestions. I was kind of nervous posting because in some other thread, people were insulting my stuff and it's also partially why I second-guess myself, so thanks for your kindness.
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You single me out like I'm even a top 5 artist in this thread alone...

Only goon to things you draw. Want something hotter? Get better. Need to goon fast? Draw a quick female-bodysketch, enough detail to goon. If you can't goon - what are the flaws preventing you from loving your sweet lady? Fix them. A really important bit is to goon mainly JUST to what you draw, AND DO NOT GOON WHILE DRAWING this will make the drawing worse. Goon after you're done working on it for the time being. If you're trying to do Nofap or something, then just copy Conan the Barbarian and Shinobu Shinotsuki's artwork.
I didnt understand that, explain it to me like if you were explaining it to a pre-pre/beg/
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The drawing is finished (https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/122689895) but I wanted input on how to make it better next time:
My issues:
1. Clothes, I have a hard time figuring out clothes -where they should fall- what they should cover, and honestly how to draw them.
2. waist area location(had to pull out a reference pic). What is the correct distance(this later caused me issues when I had to draw the legs.
3. Head: I keep making them too large, and the body not large enough. I had to adjust the size of the head 4 times on this one.
4. Picture quality: My goal was to imitate the official artwork i could find as much as possible. However I am not satisfied with the fact that I had to lower the resolution to make my lineart appear better than it actually is.(and its still shit)
5. Water color: I don't know how to use watercolor and this was a first attempt. Any input is helpful.

Now I will admit I also deliberately did not think a lot about the lighting in this one. I wanted to have it finished yesterday because my hand already started hurting a lot and I want to draw other things today.

I will also post a lineart only version too
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lineart only.
oh yeah i forgot... boots, shoes etc.
I also want to know if anyone has tips on those.
Happy to help, wrangling commissioners is a skill in itself so I'm not surprised that's where the issue stems from. It's worth bringing it up though, if nothing else most people appreciate it when you're proactive about giving them something good. There's maybe a handful of anons on this board that are nasty for no good reason so you shouldn't let it trouble you, your work is really nice.

It's easier to bullshit latex a bit if there's a lot of folds and creases but her suit looks smooth so the first thing you'll want to do is mark out where the light sources are hitting her body, don't worry too much about the bright highlights until after. There's an abundance of tutorials on painting latex online if you want to have a look at those to get an idea of the shapes you want to use.
Pretty horrific study
mmm, got some of those tutos in mind? like, from any page in particular?

perhaps looking at some painting tutorials on youtube and just copy those will help.
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I pulled these off pinterest, you can see on the trousers that the more diffuse the highlights are, the less glossy it looks. Here is a video as well, I think it's the source of one of the trouser pic:

All these resources will just be variations on the same things though so I don't think you need to be fussy about which one you look at, you'd come to the same conclusions just looking at photo refs. I'll take a look at your picture now and see if I can give you more specific help.
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drew someones oc
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Anything to improve here?
Thank you man!
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nothing to do but to take what lessons you can from it and try to apply it to the next one. for starters, notice the contour of the head, the curves around the eye, and the line quality of the reference compared to your study (e.g. the soft black lines which aren't in the reference). also look at the angle of the features: the angle of the eyes, nose, and lips are much more drastic in the reference. there are various landmarks you can look at to compare the placement of the features and see how they square with the reference. e.g. the insides of the eyes and where they align with the ends of the lips and the nose; the height of the ear(s) and it's/their relationship with the eyes and brow line. idk your processes, and it's not like you can't work on multiple things simultaneously (like rendering and construction), but I'd recommend working more on construction without rendering, if you don't already.
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Well I gave it a shot, it was tough though.

The lighting in your picture is kind of confusing. On the figure it looks like it's coming from the front but it also looks like there's a full moon in the background. I think if you're trying to paint something like latex it would help a lot to have a really clear idea on the lighting in your picture and be thinking about it from the start. Working it in at this point in the picture will be difficult I think. I tried to paint it in such a way that the picture could still be finished but making it believable is difficult. Putting in another light source from behind is an option, but it looks like you didn't want to do that and I can certainly understand that. I wish I could help more but maybe my paint over will help you make some progress at least.

Best advice I could give you is to put some more time into studying lighting in a broader sense first, how it interacts with a material like latex is very much secondary.
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I know I know. I kinda try that but then fuck up and use the massive udders as a crutch to hide it and just try to be conscious of the torso length.
Look at this wip (artist is filename). I am very jealous of how perfectly constructed everything is. Everything is perfect. Anatomy is flawless and look at the figure how it has perspective, depth and volume and all kinds of shit.
My shit looks all flat and ugly, I evn tried the boxes with the first one and the perspective came out all wrong.
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Whenever I'm studying either someone else's art or a figure study, I do well replicating it. But when it comes to making a completely original drawing I feel like nothing comes out right. Am I just fucking retarded?
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This was my ref. I couldnt get the perspective and pov right even just badly plagiarizing.
I tried drawing the boxes going to the top. Its still bad.
I am told to grind fundies and grind cubes but then have a problem tranlating grinding cubes to making a figure worth a fucking damn
Copying is way easier, drawing original things is whole different thing. Vilppu said he doesn't even consider copying to be drawing. Drawing is very personal so you need to develop your own method of drawing. The first stages of a drawing are the most important so focus your attention there first. Mistakes you make early on will show up in the later stages of the drawing so you need to be on the look out for stuff before you waste time polishing a turd. You can do 10 or so quick gesture/thumbnail sketches and then try to finish the best one. Look up reference or tutorials when you get stuck with something. It's much easier to find answers when you have specific questions. Drawing something original is way harder than copying so naturally they come out worse.
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your rendering has improved, great job, there are 2 things that bother me, but I may be wrong (it wouldn't be the first time)
1. the perspective of the characters and the ground looks different to me, like 2 different camera angles
2. the direction of the cape and the skirt doesn't make sense to me, I think they should follow or drag the direction of the greatsword? also the feet placement doesn't feel stable and strong.

Your style would benefit from trying some manual VFX.

Cool illustration!

>I'm debating about if each character displays enough personality by her poses
Check the silluette from time to time, unlike the other anons I think this is the right style for a solo vn considering the layering mess it can be not to mention the outfit, expressions and poses you already have 12 characters very daunting. good luck anon!

I like it as is cheeky but friendly, I would focus more on the story, is she interviewing someone or is she just reporting? whats the event? and if its just half body I think it would fit a super there and frame it just like the news...

I saw the pixiv post and I think your biggest problem is the background, it completely distracted me from the subject, the cyan square on the top right and I can't focus on the face instead I focus on the bright greenish void above it.
I'm really enjoying these so I hope you keep posting.

I think this happens when you copy without properly absorbing the reasoning and decision making behind what you're copying.
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oooooh thanks a lot

but yeah, i mostly just gaussian blur it since i am too unconfident to do proper celshading.
and the moon and stuff in the background is just to do a background and complement the samurai shodown letters from the final version.
(pic related)
Regardless, thanks a lot for your comments.
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>I like it as is cheeky but friendly, I would focus more on the story, is she interviewing someone or is she just reporting? whats the event? and if its just half body I think it would fit a super there and frame it just like the news...

Thanks! I was thinking of playing with the live news concept.
Brief update but I did a mix of the art that the kind anon gave as an example and my own touch. I need to do some edits, but I'm feeling positive about it.
whats the floating box grinding equivalent to painting/learning colors?
mr satan Chin
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why should ibread loomis when i have this
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Is it right to practice this way? I can't observe, I can't get the gesture, I can't get the forms right. If i keep practicing like this will i get better? or is there any way to observe and draw things differently?
go flap your fat nigger lips somewhere else
Ic bros what's wrong with me

>Open social media account
>Post first piece i made today and one in past
> Get a follower in a day and one review
>See other artists that are better than me
>Get urge to draw that i cannot focus on things
>Everytime at work i think about drawing to the point where if i find any paper and pencil i must scribble
>Rush art faster and keep pushing through doing 3-4 versions of a thing until it clicks
>All i think about is how i NEED to be better
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Pic rel is my old work, this is my progress from 4 years and two weeks ago
I for one thing she had a big glow up since her old design
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Struggling with this pose. I realise in hindsight I probably should be using naked refs? And I really need to practice faces. I don't like loomi and it's hard to know if I should just grind it more or admit it's not for me. I'm also not sure how I want to draw eyes.
Clothing shouldn't matter that much if it's not too baggy and your construction and proportions are good.

Try and make a trace on the ref image of basic construction and see where you fucked up on your pose and learn from it.

For face, if you're going anime style, I would recommend trying with the box method as the loomis method is a lot harder and much more inaccurate.
Once you get a feel for the placement of the eyes and hair you can obviously use whatever you see fit but I would recommend just starting out with a lot of construction until things get faster.

Trying drawing a hundred mannequins using references and see the difference between number 1 and 100 if you don't believe me
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why do my eyes look lopsided no matter what i do?
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eyes are okay as with all other features, i just traced 'em, the problem is the chin i guess.
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I think it probably looks something like this under the clothes.

Do you draw the eyes one by one? It's easier to draw them if you do them both in tandem.

This kind of practice is fine if you're lost on where to start, but you should look at it as a way to find your feet before advancing.
>I saw the pixiv post and I think your biggest problem is the background, it completely distracted me from the subject, the cyan square on the top right and I can't focus on the face instead I focus on the bright greenish void above it.
Eh, I can't say I care for the background,
I just wanted something I can do in a few seconds.
The drawing on its own has enough issues already.
It got its likes, it got its retweets, but that stuff is superficial, I want to improve more than anything otherwise its shameful.
oh cool. thanks. i wasn't really focused on the chin because i was practicing trying to draw eyes.
i draw eyes before anything else and draw each part one by one on both. like i draw each top lid first then each iris, etc.
What about drawing the head in first before placing the eyes?
oh i do draw the head first. i mean before any other facial feature. i draw the head, draw guides, and then the eyes.
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I think that other anon is mostly right, I changed very little about the placement of the features and the issue seems to be small imbalances all over the face and not specifically the eyes. If you can find a good way to mirror your drawing and correct yourself that way I think you'll see improvements quickly.
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How's this looking for the lineart?
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any tips?
No. This is kino already
she looks like her face is a mask and her neck is connected to a head behind it, move the neck forward or something
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How to draw hands at least with easy anatomy?
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Are the eyes fine?
they look fine to me
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I've been drawing up an emaciated soldier from a bygone time, which is why I used armor from Age of Bronze. I'm aiming to just get the general feel of the soldier for now, but I'm struggling to depict the "emaciated" features outside of the face. Any suggestions?

Oh also any help at all would be great of course.
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Wagie cagie is done
time to draw
cute nasa, keep going
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not feeling it today
fuck mondays
Slavs can't anime
call the transform tool my wife the way im abusing it
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fuck it doodle time
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What's the name of this type of technique? I want to study it
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testing different brushes, having fun (we're so back)
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Oh, i tried this one, but gave up. Rendering black skin will be a separate study for me.


It's just measuring. Essential skillset to observe proportions accurately
Done another pic of Asuka, this time a full figure one. Took me a little long due to life issues but regardless she's done.

I couldn't decide on a facial expression so I decided to just do two.

I am pretty pleased with it and feel it's one of my highlights so far, though I will admit the hand could have looked better and I did struggle with her left foot (originally it was flat on the ground, before I realised her leg being bent like that would mean she would be on her tip toes with that one, so I had to change it but I think it came out well, even used a reference to make sure it would look decent), and maybe her eyes could look more anime but regardless, I am pretty happy I captured her anatomy well enough but again, still /beg/ and I have a long way to go, but she was fun to draw (since she's my waifu so that's no surprise) and I hope I can draw her even better next year (not that I'll wait until next year to draw her).

Despite that, critique away,
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everyone's favorite polysexual druid
I forgot to take the happy pills and now I can't draw, what do
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Center of gravity is incorrect, so shes tilting. Proportions are incorrect, so shee doesnt look like a teenager or anime character. Hands are a little demented looking, use ref for them next time. Her neck is also really weird, thinning and then widening to the head. You forgot to give her trapezius muscles too, which makes the shoulders look off/bulging.

Her eyes are bulging out of her socket, like a bug. There should be space inbetween the edge of the face and the eyes. Id also thicken the brows and reduce the size of the inner eyes personally, but thats minor. I did a quick drawover to show what id change without trying to change your stylistic choices too much. Im too lazy to drawover the entire thing.

Keep up the hard work anon! I hope the critique wasnt too harsh
i saw this on reddit
Nah I appreciate it.

I didn't use a reference for the hand you're right, though I think the fact I was able to even get them looking like a hand (even if "demented" looking as you said) is something. I'll try to use more references here on out.

Her neck was originally longer so I shortened it, but I guess I should have thickened it more as well...lesson learned.

I will admit also I felt her eye bulging out a tad looked off, but I wanted her eyes to have a sense of form so I guess I made the wrong call doing them that way. And the eye brows yeah I didn't really put any effort into them it's something I also need to work on.

I appreciate the redraw also it helps a lot. Thanks for the critique (and I'll be sure to screencap and save it).

Actually there is one critique you didn't elaborate enough on...where did her proportions look off?
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some animals
A lot better than before, good job! I would look into construction books for bodies. I'd also suggest construction for heads but later, it's a lot harder to follow the guidelines vs learning body construction and a lot easier to fuck up and get discouraged.
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>Actually there is one critique you didn't elaborate enough on...where did her proportions look off?

Most manga/anime usually does around 5.5-6 heads tall, but it will vary from author to author and the intended age of the characters. That can be a quick cheat for you in the future if you're just sketching in anime style :)

I measured asukas proportions from promotional material, shes 7 heads total (3 to groin). Another general rule, things look fine if the legs are a little long, but not the opposite. realistically id still draw her at six and just junt out the feet a little if i was measuring but im lazy lol.

In your drawing, it's 8 heads tall (4 to groin), so evenly proportioned but incorrect to the character still.
Ah right! I am familiar with head measuring but I wasn't really trying to be 100% accurate...I was more preoccupied with getting her slender/skinny torso shape down more.

But thanks, I'll try to get a handle on the head thing in the future.

Will do!
i forgot to say too, but 8 heads tall is an 'idealised figure height', meaning a gigachad of a human. 8.5 and above is for superheroes etc, which will come from largening the chest and legs etc.

Realistically, most people in life are roughly 7.5 heads tall. It varies with height, age, sex, etc
100% accurate doesnt matter, but 8 heads is too heroic proportioned. See my previous post above as to why.>>7309562
Anime bros
How's my first attempt at anime girl looking like
Still wip
Right, yeah that is an issue and I guess yeah she would be too tall in that case.

I'll have to try and be more careful then in the future, and aim for around 6.5 heads for a character like Asuka.
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Looks like he's horrified to see the woman of his dreams (a latina)
That would be a qt3.14 japanese waifu
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what is the best approach to painting hard surfaces with hard edges without things becoming a mess of layers? is there any particular method out there?
lasso tool
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I like how the thumbnail says "stop measuring like this" and then the video is him going on to tell you how to measure like that.
Hot. She deserves a pussy in there
Bridgman chad checking in
soon I will ascend beyond beg and leave you pitiful fools in the dust
do you guys know where to find any digital art competitions? I want motivation to do my own work instead of just working through books and shit
Why don't you just pretend every piece you make is going to be sold for the big bucks to some really hot chick who will also fuck you if you manage to impress her with your elite skill. All that going into competitions you aren't prepared for will do is btfo your resolve.
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anatomy stuff
no it's just nice. making something original for a contest, learning a lot from trying to make it as good as you can, seeing what other people did and being invested even though you know you have no chance of winning. I entered some youtube 3d contest and dota short film contest and both were nice, I wouldn't have ever had that kind of motivation or inspiration to make those things otherwise and I wouldn't have anywhere to share it
I will give a single special (You) to the best original work in the next thread, is that enough for u anon?
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Messing with blending modes, it's some dark sorcery typa shit.
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Wow a few really minor adjustments to the lineart can do crazy stuff.
Should i start with Art and Science of Drawing?
I'm getting really frustrated at not even being able to draw cartoon bodies. I figured I'd simplify gesture drawing to cartoon like bodies and I just can't fucking seem to get it right, it's actually making me lose sleep.
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Why is it so difficult to attain "appeal"?
Would it be correct to say that this artstyle is unappealing?
Thanks a lot for the explanation, helps me to see a lot of my mistakes, not that i know now how to fix them but good to know.
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I'm too mentally retarded for this this. Do I need to place my finger on the paper or something before making the marks?
I've seen so many examples of this but this one is so extreme wtf
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>quadtrillion books on figures and anatomy and etc.
>No GOOD books about landscapes or cityscapes
They are all just, "um, here's the basics of perspective, draw a box 50 times and... I don't know here's a finished drawing figure it out loser"
Pic related is the best I can do by just copying, but I didn't learn anything
Do I just keep copying?
Is there really no book that will make it all click like the millions of figure drawing books helped?
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I Keep Thinking About Sanguine and Copper Rust in Old Master Drawings

>Not that I know how to fix it now, but good to know.
what i did on this ilustration was to draw a grid and then play around with the transform tool until i was happy. like on this vid. about the other stuff have fun, play with the filters, do the poses yourself and see how they feel, basically have fun.

you're not retarded but you're procrastinating, the end goal is to be as accurate as possible, that's the goal, how you get there doesn't matter, use a ruler, compass, grid, shapes, etc. just try and fail and then try again.

Nathan Fowkes is the best resource for this, also this banger from a few weeks ago.

Redo the feet

cool looks softer and with better line quality, great job.

keep going

nice rat
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Thoughts? It's a referenced pic but I feel like this is the best I've done so far
I'm a newfag to /ic/ and I think all other newfags need to see this and it should be in the sticky
Looks quite nice, especially the upper body
Personally I would make the legs a bit longer
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>Can draw reasonably detailed faces for hours on end when just mindlessly doodling
>Try to study Loomis, can barely focus for more than 15 minutes, drawing ability falls out the window, feel retarded and skin feels saggy

What the fuck is wrong with me
how do I know if I'm actually learning?
I've been doing right so far using references and using some boxes and construction to sketch it otu
is that fine?
I feel like I was stuck thinking I shouldn't use any references and that I should just use imagination with the boxes and shapes and go from there but it seems using them for a rough estimation and just drawing what you see on a reference is better
put the practice into your own work and see if the results are improving imo
where does it start to become my own work and just a copy of a reference with some adjustments?
I see thank you! If i practice this kind of drawing like 100~500 times, then what would i need to do?
based and cool looking!
what brushes are you using?
i'd say the faces look "off."
yes something about the eyes being so high up and the foreheads being short that makes it look weird
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started to draw a week ago, i hope i will make it guys
looks great!
and there's nothing wrong with referenced pictures looking better than those made without references
i'll add a criticism.
the guy on the left - his ear looks huge and it looks like he doesn't have sideburns. hair goes down a bit and curves along the head next to the ears.
unless that's just how the reference had the guy's hair? he could've just shaved that off i guess lol idk
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Thank you for your advice anon. I was considering the box method, I'll try that. I'm going to try doing at least one gesture/mannequin a day.
Oh anon you saved me. I think it's better now. How did you know what to do? Does stuff like this just come from intuition from practicing more?
how often do good artists erase lines?
quick freehand sketch. can never get eyes to look how i want.
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How can i draw more accurately and conveying better gesture? I can't do any of it now. Which should I focus first?
>the guy on the left
That's supposed to be a girl, her hair was supposed to be tucked behind her ear on the right... should I do anything to make it more obvious she's a girl? The reference was of a guy so I guess that's where the problem came from
Keep drawing. That's all
As time goes on you'll get faster and more accurate.
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it might help if the skin was slightly lighter to make her more feminine.
however, that might mess with the lighting effects in your picture
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not a very good rendering but whatever.
i'll keep trying
you could also just ignore me thinking she was a guy at first.
she is clearly wearing makeup so it's my fault.
I instantly clocked it as a woman, maybe the other anon was not paying enough attention.

>it might help if the skin was slightly lighter to make her more feminine
Maybe you should go outside more often
but it's so comfy inside...
Landscapes are 90% composition, the actual contents barely matter
That's a sixhead.
that looks good though
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do I just need to adjust the hip area?
Thanks, I'll keep working on it
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Of course
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Started drawing late today because exhausted from work and distracted, not good.
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can't draw shit can't paint shit either today , am fraud or feeling burn out from doing a big study yesterday . am feelin frustrated :<
calm down proko
stop drawing gayshit
women are gay cuz vagina and only gay wanna have vagina true
take it back, proko is a ********** ******* ****
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>proko is a ********** ******* ****
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I feel like I already overworked this with just wrong colours. Fixable or finish sad
Finish it or ur gay
Ofourse I will finish it, so not gay just sad
Is proko aphantasiac? Is that why literally anything he makes from imagination is ass?
I wouldn't be surprised, he's not a creative type really, he's an ambitious businessman
or it's just that he never draws from imagination.
i think drawing that way is harder and needs more practice
I mean it is a trained skill and he's more of an academic artist, but come on, that has to translate in some capacity. The shit he produces is literally beg tier. It's such a dramatic juxtaposition it's downright hilarious.
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It's like some kind of homonculus formed from the depths of his study rotted mind. Lmfao. I'm actually laughing my ass off right now.
I'm actually in shambles right now. I've heard it was bad, but I didn't know it was this bad. Take this as a warning observation fags, you need to draw from imagination lest you succumb to this untimely fate.
if only he had grinded 3000 floating loomis heads
The video is great >>7309920
Holy. Fucking. Shit. And here I was feeling terrible about my drawings from imagination. HOW THE FUCK DOES THIS MASSIVE DISCONNECT IN SKILL HAPPEN? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK.
And yet he's more successful (financially) than about 99.99% of artists.
This is what happens when you only focus on grinding fundamentals and drawing academically, instead of developing your shape language and imagination
he forgot about putting the FUN in fundies
He got lost in the sauce man. That concluding statement are the words of a man resigned to his poor choices. Kinda sad desu.
I've come to the conclusion that I'm a very lazy artist in some sense. Sure, I can draw for hours a day, but the pieces I'm shitting out are low effort.
I just don't understand how someone can spend days, or god forbid, weeks on a single piece.
Is there any use in following the sticky? Who made the sticky, just a random anon?
Does anyone here also post on reddit, like r/ArtCrit? Do you find it helpful?
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sometimes i just like to scribble low effort stuff and sometimes i get the urge to attempt a high quality piece.
i've spent several hours on a drawing before to try to get it to look right.
i've spent several hours also failing to get something to look good only for it look really bad.
something like picrel usually takes me 30 minutes.
whereas something like >>7310454 takes hours. that one took 4 ish hours specifically.

idk if there's necessarily anything wrong with being a lazy artist.
just have fun.
i don't like to spend too much time on a drawing if i don't feel like i'm getting anywhere.
we got meowed at
I like it. looks old school
No. Because as much begs as there are here, over there you can't be honest. Everybody is too worried about being nice. You rarely get good constructive criticism and there's this weird angst in the air about grinding fundamentals. Like I get that people here are the same, but over there you can't call someone a lazy faggot that's asking how to get good without putting in the effort or study. There also just faggots that use it to farm karma for their social media by posting the same picture 3 times with retarded hue variations. Like they literally just moved the slider over +10 and -10. Don't even get me started on the faggots that ask "What does my art taste like?"
the goal is to be lazy with good execution. That's why I really fuck with impressionism haha, but it requires some legwork to get to that point. Like with anything you just gotta push a little harder than you did the time before and over time you'll look back and see you've covered some distance.
What's going on in the third picture
>goal to be lazy with good execution
i guess so.
it does feel good to see progress.
hope you get where you want to be, anon!

he's naked
he's getting meowed at
Looks like a dick entering his boipussi
Is that good or bad?
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i guess my leaf does look shitty but, oh well.
maybe i'll try making these shitty scribbles into high effort pieces eventually.
just felt like scribbling some dumb stuff lol.
I don't think this one's as bad as the kangaroos 2bh
Yeah it's pretty good, it's just funny that's what his imagination comes up with. Some ugly brown troll guy
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And I fall flat on my face. Idk how to render and it not look "cheap" for lack of a better term. I still think it's my best drawing yet, I am quite pleased with my lineart, I just need to render more and figure out how it's done.

I was like 80% done, but I think so too. I'll just do better on my next drawing.
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Some sketches trying to apply what I’m learning with bridgeman
How about some blush for the face?
it looks amazing
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anyone else knead with their non dominant beans while drawing with their right?
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Been a while since i did one minute poses, kinda relaxing for when you can't draw or paint shit for being burnt out.
her vagina looks weird ew
All vagenes looks wierd, desu...
not mine
nuh uh you poopy head
prove it
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How do I make the artstyle actually look good?
How do I watercolor.
This is almost good, just make your lines more consistent
anyone else using clip studio paint experiences pen pressure bugs when alt tabbing a lot?
every now and then my pen pressure randomly completely stops registering for 10-20 seconds, then spontaneously returns to normal
you mean like that?
cintiq 16?
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I don't know how to fix it either
best advice I can give you is update drivers, reconnect your pen in the settings by clicking the minus and then tapping the screen with the pen again
maybe turn off windows ink in the calibrate tab
New Thread!
Dude it's lowkey a cintiq driver bug. I had to download lazy nezumi to stop it from doing weird shit on photoshop.
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what are you getting
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still deciding between those two, i'll have to look into it a lil bit more
Trust, you won't regret. I owned xp pen before returning that trash and going with Kamvas before I upgraded to wacom.
This one if you can.
ooh, thanks for the link, it'll be helpful. i was seeing some wacom tablets, but they are kinda expensive, so i think i'll just go with kamvas, really
really? i assumed xpen was better
sounds less chinese
I WANNA AX A QUESTION! what are reasons to upgrade a drawing tablet? I feel like my first one I got two years ago for 80 dollars has a comfortable size and I think I would prefer screenless anyway. Would it even make sense to upgrade to another sceenless for a couple hundred dollars? Lately I have been feeling the urge to buy a new one. Don't know why
if you like the size and its screenless theres no reason to "upgrade"
Some professionals use pen tablets to this day and do just fine, some use tables with a display, it's mostly preference and needs. In my case, i can do paintings just fine with my actual pen table, but i feel like with a screen i'd have less trouble with some aspects.
I like the process of physically drawing on the screen. Nothing wrong with a screenless tablet, it's definitely better for your back, only thing is you need a good color accurate monitor to go along with it.
imo only go with wacom if it's cintiq otherwise you're better off going with Huion or Gaomon.
I have a 2nd gen artist 16. It is great.
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how to draw better breasts and nipples on CSP
what is that weird ass symbol. give her a swastika and I'm in
commissioner's axis inspired evil group.
the brainwashed girl squad is called "valkyries".
also how to properly shade skin and if you guys got any tips as to not make the lineart painting not as harsh looking.
Still jobless, but I got into a school to study motion graphics with a great trainee program. One day! Keep grinding fellow artists. :)

And just to note: I literally get paid to study there. Not the american type school system. Plus it's cool to learn new programs now that I'm semi decent at drawing. And I want to learn proper 2D animation.

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